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File: 357 KB, 1600x1245, Beyond_Sausage_Retail_Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15036473 No.15036473 [Reply] [Original]

Pizza Hut to offer pizzas with Beyond Meat sausages in U.S., UK


Pizza Hut on Tuesday launched two pizzas with plant-based meat maker Beyond Meat's BYND.O sausage in the United States and the United Kingdom for a limited time, taking advantage of the consumer craze for plant-based meat options during the COVID-19 pandemic.

>> No.15036475


>> No.15036489

Good, no meat for the slaves

>> No.15036501

That doesn't make sense, the pizza contains cheese which is an animal product. The only people that buy beyond meme are vegans.

>> No.15036515

You think people in the vegan death cult are rational?

>> No.15036533

vegetarian erasure hits hard

>> No.15036556

The last line here seems to imply covid caused a meat shortage which made people buy fake meat. Is that actually true anywhere? It's not true in North Texas, we have plenty of all kinds of meat.

>> No.15036569

It's funny because some people will genuinely get riled up by this.

>> No.15036575
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>only people that buy beyond meat are vegans
99% of sales for these products are non- vegans/vegetarians. Rather, it's consumers who choose the healthier and more ethical option now that it's highly available.
I usually buy a few plant meats and a few regular meata when I go grocery shopping now. I've even had a few cute girls comment on my choice to eat better.
The level of cope from incels on this board is hilarious.

>> No.15036577

I pray by god you don't actually see that implied. You'd be a terror by your reading talent.

>> No.15036583

Only a vegan could think something so stupid

>> No.15036598
File: 22 KB, 326x326, monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans sure make you foam at the mouth, huh buddy?

>> No.15036602

vegans >its healthy its better for you less processed food save the planet
beyond meats >we use so many complicated processes and chemicals to produce our product it makes petroleum refineries look like a child's playdough set
culinary normal omnivore >80-20 ground beef, pinch of salt, dash of pepper, sear on both sides cook until safe temperature, "processed foods, hahahahaha"

>> No.15036604

Worse ideas for pizza toppings tbf

>> No.15036639

>taking advantage of the consumer craze for plant-based meat options during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is the point of this statement then? If there is a 'craze' for beyond what is the reason?

>> No.15036650

Why do people buy pet rocks my guy. The statement is remarking that there is a huge consumer demand for plant based meat options. How does that imply a meat shortage?

>> No.15036658

Why bring up covid at all then?

>> No.15036677

I'd rather they use a plant based cheese and take out the milk powder in their crusts than this.

>> No.15036682

Because the current time has been described as the "covid-19 pandemic".
Jesus I'm not saying you're wrong about a theory - I remember there was a pork shortage last year wasn't there?
You've just projected an honestly good question onto something, and I'm honestly terrified of how you even read the news.

>> No.15036713

Why don't boomers know what vegetarians are? Oh, it's because they only encounter plant-based diets in the Russian agitprop they slurp up from Facebook news

>> No.15036730

Because vegetarians eat meat when they are alone with themselves

>> No.15036735

>and I'm honestly terrified of how you even read the news.
By assuming everything written has ulterior motivation. I thought Reuters and AP were above putting extraneous bullshit in their articles and I guess I'm at least half mistaken.

>> No.15036748

your life is a roleplay

>> No.15036885

I actually don't like most of the meat substitutes when they pretend to be meat. Just give me a veggie patty so I can get some flavor and not some weird off-brand meat taste.

>> No.15036978

Have you actually tried impossible or beyond meat? Are you aware that the ENTIRE POINT of these products are that there far more accurate than any which have come before, enough that you might exclaim, say, "That's impossible!"
Or are you paid by the word to make the same banal generic fucking comment in every thread?

>> No.15037028
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>> No.15037619

i've been slowly converting a lot of my ground beef/ground turkey consumption to ground meat substitutes over the past few months, i'd say that there's nothing wrong with most of them although i do try to get non-soy meat substitutes over soy-based ones. i'm honestly surprised with how far they've come since a few years ago everyone thought that you'd have to stick to tofu exclusively if you went vegan/vegetarian. i'd welcome more chains and restaurants offering plant-based meats as an option

>> No.15037648
File: 91 KB, 501x501, 1387234350610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the healthier and more ethical option
Ummm... Okay, Anon. You keep thinking that.

>> No.15037654

The problem with your meat soybstitute is the people who make that shit all eat meat, the chemicals used to make it are all made by people who eat meat. You kill more animals eating your soy than someone who eats steak three times a day. Its like solar and wind power do 10 times more damage than coal or oil. Vegans are animal slaughtering monsters

>> No.15037661

They don't seem healthier. They might have comparable protein levels but that's about it, there's more to meat than just protein. I can understand the ethical argument though, and sometimes I like to eat that stuff just because I like the taste but I don't see it as a replacement for meat.

>> No.15037692
File: 102 KB, 814x578, mister-gotcha-4-9faefa-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare people use a process in the interim to transition away from a process

>> No.15037703


>> No.15037706

>I've even had a few cute girls comment on my choice to eat better.
>The level of cope from incels on this board is hilarious.

>> No.15037712

Wait is this deep of an advertisements even allowed??

>> No.15037729

These are usually more troll threads than advertising. It's guaranteed replies and the perfect set up for arguments.

>> No.15037740
File: 621 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20201110-160056_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple way to compare the environmental/animal slaughter of vegans is to look at price. These fake meat burgers cost 4 times as much as ground beef so that means 4 times as many animals were killed. Now add in the new factory they built, paving over miles of virgin land. Add in all the Mexicans they import to make this poison. Vegans are worse than Hitler who was in fact a vegan

>> No.15037770
File: 72 KB, 736x736, 7cbfdb4663b904ab8356c980f439d9d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price =/= Raw materials you fucking retard. Take a supply chain/economics class. You know, the one that you take in high school.
Animal products are also subsidized heavily by the government.
I can't imagine being so fucking stupid, please kill yourself.

>> No.15037789

People get pizza without cheese dumb dumb

>> No.15037796

All the world is a stage and we are merely players.

>> No.15037804

vegetarians are fucking retarded. what the fuck do you think they do with the cows once they are no longer useful for milk? why would it be wrong to eat it but not wrong to use it for milk and then throw away the body? they don't put them out to pasture, they slaughter them. I'm proud to admit that I eat vegetarian's industrial waste. waste not want not

>> No.15037808

Its okay im sure you want to maintain the illusion that you are a good person but everytime you spend money you finance the slaughter of animals. Until the day you die you will be slaughtering animals even after you die if you have a funeral or leave any money. It sucks to be you. Lmao at the animal killer

>> No.15037815

oh look another brand that is going to offer fake meat and then quietly remove it from the menu after a short while

>> No.15037848

>No soy in Beyond Meat
>Written literally on the package in the OP
>Anon is guzzling too much cum to even read right now
Luckily for you cum has protein and very little carbs.

>> No.15037854

Beef cattle & dairy cattle are entirely different breeds, you moron.


>> No.15037860

Wouldn't the cheese on the pizza make it not vegan?

>> No.15037861

Yup. Vegans are neo-nazis.

>> No.15037864

Considering the quality of pizza huts food it's not surprising they want to try making it worse.

>> No.15037909

there's thousands of breeds dude. they don't just throw away dairy cows. there are males. they are eaten.

>> No.15037952

People who are paying 12+ quid for a take away pizza aren't healthy.

>> No.15037975

You probably don't eat vegetarian industrial waste unless you eat pet food.

Well idk though maybe mickey ds uses them. I tried to look up what happens to spent dairy cows and google treats me like a retard and is like "DUR THEY ARE KILLED" No shit google, but where does the meat go?

Unrelated but my boyfriends dad raised a jersey bull until the bull was about 9 months old and he said it was the best beef he ever ate.

>> No.15038036

one of my search results earlier stated that in france the dairy industry produces 30% of the meat

>> No.15038322

Once tasted a seitan based wiener and it was pretty good. Better than the usual cheap hotdogs at least

>> No.15039518

One stick of that horse shit has more estrogen than a month's worth of HRT tranner pills.

>> No.15039523

This is exactly what they're implying, which is funny because it's not true.

>> No.15039698

Plants don't contain estrogen, unlike animal products. Nice try though retard.

>> No.15039719

they won't get vegans with this

and vegetarians just ate cheese anyway

what is the point?

>> No.15039722
File: 1009 KB, 213x255, 1586296951752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan death cult
>death cult
you're the one with body parts in your mouth guy

>> No.15039982

We’ve been over this. Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year. These animals are not instantly killed with a captive bolt gun, but they are crushed to death in their shallow burrows or ripped to shreds by whirling blades. Their atomized gore ends up permeating every single pulse, grain, bit of rice you eat. Unless you believe that somehow a cow’s life is worth more than a vole’s or a rat’s, which is totally stupid thinking as I’m sure you agree, you’re causing more suffering and animal death than if you exclusively ate beef, where you could easily kill only one cow per person per year.

It’s not the meat industry that kills the most animals per year. It’s big grain and soy.

No, only a sick freak of a vegan would eat grains and pulses and beans. It’s absolutely cruel! This is why, as an actually ethical vegan and not just a slave to big grain, you shouldn’t eat mechanically harvested crops of any kind. Imagine this little animals getting crushed, mangled, their guts spurting out in wormlike coils as they are crushed, entire families of them! Tiny little baby bunnies and voles, their eyes just opened for the first time, and the only thing they EVER saw was their poor mommy’s skull getting smashed and her brains coming out, right before that soy harvester kills them too.

Vegan people are sick freaks and they’re in a Satanic death cult - lying and saying they’re saving the planet when their soybean hunger is deforesting the Amazon and they deal much more death than a strict carnivore. All the while lying to themselves and everybody else.

Veganism is positively Satanic unless you do it like the Jain.

>> No.15040670

you can't start a thread on /ck/ that contains the word vegan or vegetarian and not be flooded by angry carnists.

>> No.15040692

The animals killed by farming equipment were free. They took the risk of feeding on human farmlands where they have access to nearly unlimited food, but they do so at the risk of getting killed by machinery.
The livestock that was born, raised and killed in a slaughterhouse never had the freedom to choose.

>> No.15040703

>Literally a thread for people who care about food
>Surprised when they get a negative response for trying to reject the most important/tasty/nutritious food

>> No.15040720

This thread is about pizza hut offering a new option, don't be so fucking intimidated by the sight of a couple of vegetarians being happy about it. Nobody's gonna take away your real meat toppings, I promise.

>> No.15040775

>dying company jumps on hysterical leftist bandwagon furthering death spiral
Why is this a universal thing?

>> No.15040778

>vegetarians being happy

I will take things that never happened for $1000 alex

>> No.15040786

have sex

>> No.15040793

I would but your dad's been a little bitch lately.

>> No.15041202

>attempting to flag beyond meat as leftist
/pol/cucks really are the worst thing on this website

>> No.15041557

>Amy the vegan
Why do people feel the need to advertise themselves like this?

>> No.15041572

people have lost the ability to see life as anything other than a zero-sum game

>> No.15041683

Carnist is a fake word.

>> No.15041724

Cmon, do you think there is anything else going on in her life? Without veganism she is a souless husk.

>> No.15041911

You know a pizza can have no meat toppings if you want to, you can even have no toppings at all if you want.

>> No.15042758

Language, by definition, changes constantly. Whatever words people who speak the language give meaning, in turn gives the words their meaning. Try googling something before spewing retardation, retard.

>> No.15042763


>> No.15042796

So is like carnist a way for vegans to use derogatory words like nigger and faggot?

>> No.15042813


>> No.15043443

pretty based if you ask me

>> No.15043456

beyond meat sausage is fucking delicious and i want it on a pizza, I'd rather have that than a boring cheese or veggie pizza

>> No.15043504

Strangely, the carnophobes think blacks and homersexuals are good things