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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 1080x608, Liquor store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15032382 No.15032382 [Reply] [Original]

Stop buying liquor on Mondays
Stop demanding Blanton's when you're literally five days late for the truck
Stop being surprised we don't have Don Julio 1942 when nobody in the state has had it for six months
Stop not reading the giant Cash-Only signs and then being surprised we're cash only
Stop trying to buy shit for restaurants over the counter
Stop asking for the cashier to risk their job by selling to you without an ID
Stop imagining the liquor store down the road will magically grant you any of this shit either you come back here every week so I fucking know they don't

>> No.15032383

what kind of liquor store is cash only you faggot?

>> No.15032386


>> No.15032389

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays.
What if I'm out of liquor?

>> No.15032390
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Ragie wagie stomps his feet.

>> No.15032405

The kind in a state that's so degenerate people try to charge back for liquor

>> No.15032410
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yall got any Blantons?

>> No.15032426

Fuck you, if you ask for Crown Peach too I'm going for the gun safe

>> No.15032438

What about Don Julio 1942? You better put some respeck on it or Ima go down the road again.

>> No.15032448
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I tried to be reasonable pardner

>> No.15032455

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
Fuck you, Monday Night Football is on
>Stop not reading the giant Cash-Only signs and then being surprised we're cash only
Fuck you, stop being cash only, carrying cash is nothing but a liability and I want my airline miles

>> No.15032465

Then tell card companies to stop charging literally more than our profit margin for swiping a card.

>> No.15032466

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
Fuck you, I will restock on any day of the week I please.

>> No.15032471
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take yer shot

>> No.15032473

Then stop whining we don't have the allocated shit because you waited for days after the truck to come looking for it

>> No.15032485

Fuck you, learn to anticipate customer needs, that's business101!

>> No.15032488

Just put up a fucking sign that says there's an additional fee for that shit. I'll pay a couple of extra bucks so I don't lose my ass on cash if someone swipes my wallet.

>> No.15032502

That's stupid, the best time to buy liquor is on a Monday before lunch or after lunch but before 5pm. The worst time to buy liquor is Friday after work fyi.
Stocking in demand products is your problem, work it out.
Cash only is for tax evasion. You're literally turning away people with money, which is a retarded decision otherwise.
I thought you were supposed to encourage buying by the box, and even offer discounts for doing so.
The law (here) is if you look over 25 no ID is needed. It doesn't help that you can't get an ID outside of work hours during these troubling times. So shove the ID literally everyone bullshit.

>> No.15032514

You sound really unhappy in your job. This isn't the customer's fault, this is your fault. People drink more on the weekends, it makes sense they run out and need more booze on monday. Retail is relentless, find something you like about working there or find a new job. If you own the business, then sell your share of it and take up a more appropriate profession. Being this angry all the time and bent at basic customer service issues is going to make you sick.

>> No.15032545

Nope, you can't anticipate shit here. We get what the state sends us. You put in orders for what you need but the state decides if you get it and how much. They also schedule the trucks and you have no control over when they arrive. They're cocks.
>I thought you were supposed to encourage buying by the box, and even offer discounts for doing so.
Haha fuck no. State sets the prices on all hard liquor and closes you down without a second thought if you tweak it for any sort of "discount".
>The law (here) is if you look over 25 no ID is needed. It doesn't help that you can't get an ID outside of work hours during these troubling times.
Same here. The problem is the dumb fresh 21 year olds that refused to pay attention when getting a new ID that you needed to keep the old one with the paper until a new one arrives.

>> No.15032561

You're retarded. Customers are absolutely to blame. 99% of them are sub-human retards that should have been shot down the toilet. the only thing OP is to blame for is not quitting

>> No.15032568

I've worked in lots of fields. Running this store (it's not mine but I'm set to take over in several years) has overall been the most satisfying, but fuck does it rub me the wrong way how fucking stupid people get when they walk in here. If you saw it from my side of the counter I'd bet money you'd be genuinely shocked how stupid people behave.

>> No.15032569

An invalid ID is worth less than no ID.

>> No.15032575

That's what I'm saying but these dumb fucks try to cause a scene when you tell them that because they still haven't figured out the world isn't out to suit their convenience.

>> No.15032581

>We get what the state sends us
What communist hellhole do you live in?

>> No.15032589

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
Can't tell if your shaming people for alcoholism or you want the day off. In my experience more interesting customers come in on the slower days and it's fun to sell them more interesting bottles.

>Stop not reading the giant Cash-Only signs and then being surprised we're cash only
This but for card.

>Stop trying to buy shit for restaurants over the counter
If you're implying that people ask for a discount, it's never happened to me.

>> No.15032595


>> No.15032607

My condolences.

>> No.15032608

no, I have worked retail. I know how dumb they are. It just doesn't bother me as much as it bothers you. It's that part that is my concern. It is going to prematurely age you, you are going to be sick from this job.

>> No.15032617

he probably means trying to buy in bulk at a local shop instead of through a distributor
i used to get that when i did produce for a grocery store. people wanting to buy whole cases of lettuce, peppers, tomatoes

like yeah, i have them here, but theyre for other customers. if you want that many you have to order them ahead of time

>> No.15032657 [DELETED] 

>We get what the state sends us.
Hahahahaha sucks to suck.
I go to a nice family-owned chain with employees who like talking about their favorite wines or tastings they've recently done.

>> No.15032660

What is mean is wholesale accounts trying to buy shit for the restaurant over the counter because they were too lazy to place an order, so they're breaking the law and putting me in this shit position where I have to pick between knowingly allowing them to break the law and potentially land my ass in trouble, or call them out and get my clients pissed with me.

>> No.15032666
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>We get what the state sends us.
Hahahahaha sucks to suck in an ABC state.
I go to a nice family-owned chain with employees who like talking about their favorite wines or tastings they've recently done.

>> No.15032667

>What is mean
What I mean*
Sounds nice but those don't exist here. If you sell hard liquor you need a state license and answer to their retarded whims

>> No.15033035 [DELETED] 
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I'm going to do what the fuck I want because I am a customer with money, and you are an employee without money

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
I run out on the weekends
>Stop demanding Blanton's when you're literally five days late for the truck
Don't advertise it if you don't have it, stockpiling is your responsibility
>Stop being surprised we don't have Don Julio 1942 when nobody in the state has had it for six months
Sometimes you just have to ask
>Stop not reading the giant Cash-Only signs and then being surprised we're cash only
Is this 2020 or 1820? People don't carry cash because of niggers.
>Stop trying to buy shit for restaurants over the counter
If you run a promotion that is cheaper than my regular supplier, I am totally going to come in during office hours, buy you out and ask your staff to load by truck- that's capitalism baby.
>Stop asking for the cashier to risk their job by selling to you without an ID
If someone wants to be a law abiding cuck of the state I'm going to hang shit on them
>Stop imagining the liquor store down the road will magically grant you any of this shit either
If you won't shit I'm going to try

I am the person you hate OP, and I drink your tears

>> No.15033053 [DELETED] 

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
make me niggerbitch

>> No.15033242

>Don't advertise it if you don't have it, stockpiling is your responsibility
It's unironically out of our control when the state handles distribution. We openly advertise when we get Blanton's and even stagger it to give people a better shot throughout the day but it's your own fault if you come by half a week later and get pissy there's none magically left over.

>> No.15033398

>TL;DR: Shit rolls downhill
That's the service industry- you take complaints on behalf of the company.
People don't think your low paid ass is personally responsible, you are paid by the boss the handle complaints directed at him.

If I have supplier problems I wear that too, and then I bitch at my supplier.
I started stockpiling a month deep until the board flipped at the liquid asset balance, fucking Jews want to invest and be able to cut and run at a weeks notice.

Anyway in my country there are strict laws about promotions and availability of products, basically to stop retailers advertising things at loss price, but only having 1 in stock to get people into the store.
As a result supplier problems can halt whole promotional campaigns and we levy a performance fee against them if they can't meet their supply quotas- we pay them to deliver shit and if they can't it's them who have to wear that.
In the free market you get import/liscence cartels constricting the import market to force exclusive supply contracts onto retailers eg. if you don't want to run out of X, you must buy Y from us as well.
It's illegal but try stopping them.

>> No.15033679

>if you don't want to run out of X, you must buy Y
This has it's place. A bunch of small time couriers in my country tried to undercut the big companies by only delivering to cities and not doing deliveries to the middle of nowhere. The big companies just said if you want deliveries to the middle of nowhere, all your freight comes through us.

>> No.15033794

Well in many economies this is seen as an anti-competitive practice that only results in entrenching poorly performing companies.

I used to have a major issue where I wanted to stock a generic product that undercut a major producer who had a local monopoly, basically bring an identical product in from out of town.
First the supplier threatened to not sell me their other products, I told him if he matched the price on the out of town products I would just save the freight cost and not care.
But no, he couldn't match the price and didn't want everyone to start asking a lower price.
So me being a capitalist CHAD just decided to bring my whole inventory from the out of towns supplier, who was more than happy to break up the regional cartel.
Then I get the call, none of the freight companies will carry the shit because they are getting threats.
So being foolhardy I get the out of town supplier to send his own trucks- and at that point we hired a mafia to safeguard the products, the coach gun isn't a meme and the "bandits" of the wild west were always taking orders.
So then I have corrupt officials threatening to cancel my whole operations license, and the politicians are in the pocket of said regional cartel.
I only very narrowly got out of this, the end result being I still sleep with a gun and the cartel apparently lost millions of dollars trying to stop me when I only lost a few grand.

It's endemic withing transport and it's entrenched by a state license cartel that stops competition with trucking companies, and the backstop is a huge guy with a pistol.

Small people think the capitalist system is shit, let me tell you you've got the easy end.
I started in high school sneaking in boxes of sweets and undercutting the school canteen, no joke.

>> No.15033810

Man, where do you live? Ancapistan?

>> No.15033864

ancapistan knows no borders, the exact same thing happens anywhere where the market isn't regulated.
In highly regulated systems, in relatively unregulated systems, in neiche markets, in rural areas, even on the high seas.
Without a system of regulation and political opposition ANCAP wins and really the public good looses.
It's more closely tied to regional protectionism, ethnic autonomy and religious groups than many people realize either- minority interests are quicker than most to entrench themselves in the supply chain and game the market at the expense of consumers.

I play the game and I'm ahead at the moment, but I've been through the mill.
I've had physical premises shut down, union action, lawsuits by the fistful, even VISA came down on me at one point.

if you want to see how the system works, buy something from a store re-list it online for a dollar less and stand outside the store with a shirt saying "buy this for a dollar less on ebay"
For a dollar plus postage you can learn how the system really works

>> No.15033871

>minority interests are quicker than most to entrench themselves in the supply chain and game the market at the expense of consumers.
You're telling me, I quit the liquor business because a literal crime family of Pajeets locked down the majority of distribution in the state I used to work in.

>> No.15033893

yep, we've got 30 cases of it in the back
spend enough money here that my manager recognizes you and he'll let you buy one
otherwise fuck off

>> No.15033953
File: 59 KB, 780x439, research.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I say it's always worth asking.
I even keep sundry products in reserve in case VIP's or old customers come in.

Advice for business owners, keep a table in the loading area with an unreasonable number of water bottles, never question what happened to them and never mention them.
Workers will understand that you intend for them to steal them and give them to other drivers and shit, nobody will grumble about the thousand other petty issues you don't have time to fix, and enfranchising them in theft makes them fear the water bottles will all go and everyone will blame them if they steal other things.

I cop it from the safety inspector every six months for having obstructions in the loading zone, and by boss accuses me of misappropriating stock (which I totally do)- but they accept that I can me trusted with blind eye jobs and this breaks the ice.
>mfw we stopped getting thousand dollar losses in delivery delays and thefts
>get deliveries first because drivers just assume they can get water here and don't bring their own to work
>for an annual cost of like 300$

>> No.15033972

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
Why? This is the only one I just don't get. If you don't want people to buy on mondays, then close on mondays. Or are you one of those faggots that think it's only acceptable to drink on the weekends? If you're working at a liquor store, you should know that a huge percentage of the population doesn't have a weekend any more. I went to the liquor store on Monday because I have Tuesday off. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15033983

That's illegal in 11 states. Call your senator if you've got a problem with it.

>> No.15033996

Then buy any other day you impulsive faggot

>> No.15034002

What's wrong with Monday?

>> No.15034007

who tf drinks on a monday lmao

>> No.15034012

see >>15033972
If you work in a liquor store, you are retail and you either have no room to pull rank on anyone or you're too retarded to understand that concept.

>> No.15034014
File: 105 KB, 720x960, 1826C22D-D4EF-4D32-92B3-96050F19C677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of communist shit hole do you live in?

>> No.15034020

I worked at specs, most of the people working there are retards. Company is crumbling from the inside because total wine shits on their prices
but the commission is nice

>> No.15034035


>> No.15034039

Imagine being worried about losing your cashier-cuck retail job.

>> No.15034054

I've learned from experience anyone on 4chan that uses the word "cuck" is a bigger loser than whomever they're insulting by a distance measured in AU

>> No.15034189

>Or are you one of those faggots that think it's only acceptable to drink on the weekends?
Yea, nah, I buy before I run out.
Actually I maintain a cache so I only have to buy on sale.

>> No.15034200

Okay, chud

>> No.15034242

Y'all got any uh dat crown royale peach?

>> No.15034243

give a discount for cash payment then. it's a fun loophole that works here in oklahoma.

>> No.15034248

MEGA illegal in my state. You tweak hard liquor prices even a cent you get shut down without a second thought.

>> No.15034260

lmao an entitled racist boomer, can't wait to deny you service for "smelling alcohol" on you and you've been "slurring your words"

>> No.15034275

your state sucks bro

>> No.15034278

I keep telling you my state is Ohio. How have you not pieced together that it's a place of nightmares?

>> No.15034282

i am sorry.

>> No.15034288

>Stop not reading the giant Cash-Only signs
Any place that's cash only doesn't deserve my business.

>> No.15034292

Literally every other store in existence doesn't have this problem.

>> No.15034370

Fucking try homo boi

>> No.15034383

I'll have your manager know I'm Jewish and it's just my accent

>> No.15034421

what the fuck does that have to do with anything garfield

>> No.15034985 [DELETED] 

Look bro, just getting a bottle of ice cream and a bottle of go fix yourself and do your job lazzy nigger

>> No.15035019

Need it on Monday to get over the first day of work.
Need it on Tuesday because it already feels like the week will never end.
Need it on Wednesday to get over the hump.
Need it on Thursday to prepare for the weekend.
Need it on Friday to wind down after a hard week.
Need it on Saturday to celebrate the weekend.
Need it on Sunday to avoid thinking about work tomorrow.

>> No.15035033

>woks in a liquor store
>expect his clients to not be complete brainlets
Come on now.

>> No.15035060

>they don't sell booze in a normal grocery store

>> No.15035075


Most grocery stores only carry beer and wine, no spirits.

>> No.15035186
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lol gay

>> No.15035772
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>> No.15036068

Oh see the power of the liquor store clerk! He smelleth the booze! He hearest the slurred words! Hilarious.

>> No.15036073

Stop working a liquor store in a shithole state

>> No.15036220


>cash only

What kind of fucking hick town do you live in? Even the bullshit bodega down the street has Apple Pay.

>> No.15036633

I don't buy at places that card.
Why would it.
I saw 3 70 year olds trying to read the numbers on a card once.
I will just drop a hundred on the floor and walk out.
If you ever thought you had the right to card me, you would be wrong.
Violating the spirit of the law is a violation of law.

>> No.15036667

I can't imagine being such a drunkard as to know what day the truck delivers to the liquor store.

>> No.15036681

You never lived in Ohio

>> No.15036695

The ones that want their faggot OP cashiers to be robbed at gunpoint, frequently.

>> No.15036705

shut the fuck up booze bitch sell the junkies their poison and accept half the people your judging make 3x more than you so

>> No.15036763

Imagine not carrying cash, enjoy having every single purchase be tracked. Imagine also not presenting your legal ID, so then you can't even buy the alcohol! Sam and Nick were right, boomers are hop-men.

>> No.15036769

So the takeaway from this thread is, don't go to Ohio, ever. Right?

>> No.15036775

t. 14 year old

>> No.15036857
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>he lives in a "dry" county
>he can't buy alky at 8am at walmart because the local guberment forbids it
Ahahaha faggots. I don't even drink alcohol and haven't in years, but I couldn't imagine being treated like a child like that. Even worse if the laws had some religious basis.

>> No.15036936

Stop being such a faggot.
Stop bitching about what you chose in life as your vocation.
Stop being such a bitch.
Stop talking and give me my fucking liquor.

>> No.15036959

Acting like a cunt gives me discretion to deny you service :^)

>> No.15036971

I don't go to faggot stores anyway. Wisconsin has more liquor stores than grocery stores, since all of our grocery stores are also liquor stores, so I'm good senpai :3

>> No.15037309

>selling liquid poison to addicts
Your job should be illegal.

>> No.15037361

fuck off

>> No.15037486

what you need is jesus

>> No.15037566

Shame that's not skyline

>> No.15037569

>t. Ohioan

>> No.15037576
File: 48 KB, 1125x687, ohio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run if you like, but you can never escape.

>> No.15037590
File: 243 KB, 1246x2472, 562788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something about Blanton's I don't know about? Because I think I've seen it on shelves once and the liquor store I go to is massive.

>> No.15037611

trendy hipsters have caught on to it in recent years, its really not all that special. Not bad, but certainly not worth hunting it down and paying a 100% markup.

>> No.15037622

>owned by buffalo trace, who own the rights Pappy Van Winkle, even though all pappy products sold after 2014 are no longer from Stizel-weller
>Anthony Bourdain proclaimed the PVW 20 year the best bourbon ever made
>some other big food writer does the same thing
>people start losing their shit, bourbon markets surge in 2010 following re-emergence of cocktail culture
>PVW, which could be found on shelves everywhere in the mid-2000's, now the single hottest commodity for conspicuous richfags
>people discover weller 12 is the exact same mashbill as PVW, and likely pulled from the same stocks
>hype boils over to the regular weller and weller 107, which both shot up in price
>Blanton's gets a spot on Madmen, 95 point review one year in the early 2010's, and people also realize it's a buffalo trace product
>gets additional meme points for the cool bottle and collectable tops (which you can buy a full set of from the BT website for 40 bucks, fyi)
>fast-forward to today, bourbon prices have skyrocketed, there's an active reseller market for pretty much every buffalo trace product, and a bunch of other mid- to high-end items that are limited release

tl;dr idiots and entry-tier drinkers flocking to what's been promoted
Blanton's is a single-barrel, so quality varies quite a bit. I've had some great ones that I'd gladly pay reseller's price for, and I've had others that underperformed Maker's 47

>> No.15037697

I dont quite get this post. Like do u work at a liquor store or something.

>> No.15037715

Just the Sunday drink then?

>> No.15037794

>not all that special
It's fantastic value (in Australia).
It's honestly the only non bottom shelf American whisky worth the price (~$70, $10 more than a Speyside, $10 less than an islay).
Full abv, super buttery taste.

A lot of the other well reputed American whiskys (Eagle Rare, Buffalo Trace, Maker's Mark, Angel's Envy, Long Branch, Russel's 10) are garbage. Either they're gimped by a lower abv, are flat out bad, or just can't compete in a taxed environment.

>> No.15037810
File: 62 KB, 1925x790, logo_OHLQ_2colorR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
Stop buying liquor on Tuesdays
Stop trying to come in two minutes to close asking to buy lottery
Stop asking if the truck's come in when I literally told you last night it comes Thursday
Stop using your expired passport as an ID when you've got a valid state ID that would have avoided this headache entirely
Stop smashing all the bottles in the Everfresh cooler
Stop talking on your phones and being so distracted you order the wrong thing, then get mad I didn't read your mind to know that wasn't what you wanted
Stop pronouncing names of wines so obscenely wrong I can't tell what you're asking for "piton yorn" is not a thing
Stop asking for swishers

>> No.15037817

>Violating the spirit of the law is a violation of law.
It's not, and the letter of the law often contradicts the spirit of the law.

>> No.15037833

No, no, nope, no, sorry but no, no, 'nae', and hell no.

>> No.15037896

Just ring it up, fag. Do my bidding.

>> No.15037916

buy booze online

>> No.15037928

Why don't you get a real job instead of whining about the people who keep you in that one?

>> No.15037982

Why don't you behave like something resembling a human in public?

>> No.15038038

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
No. If you don't want customers on Monday then you need close your damn store, retard. Monday through Saturday means Monday through Saturday, go eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.15038082


literally everything is like this now lol

i saw a mid 40s mom learning to skate in the snake run the other day and talking about buying her family lessons

>> No.15038103

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
Is this some sort of unspoken faux pas I should know about? All the liquor stores here are open Mondays.

>> No.15038104

Illegal in my state :(

>> No.15038111

Going to a store on a slightly unusual day of the week is behaving like a subhuman now? You've got some strange standards, man.

>> No.15038128
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Wagie, wagie, get in cagie!

>> No.15038139

>Only reads the first sentence of a post
Gg no re

>> No.15038147

It's the slowest day and the day we process most of our wholesale orders so it's the day the fewest people are working and the day least prepared to handle sudden rushes.

>> No.15038154

>"need" booze
>private business has to cater to your demands
your alcoholic asses will come crying and crawling back for more booze anyway, based liquor store honors have just as much of a right to complain as you degens

>> No.15038163

>Person "needs" product
>Private business "needs" money
>Private business has to cater to your demands
Yes, this is how it works.

>> No.15038183

literally just assumption after assumption.
>asks why
>tirades about what an alcoholic he is
dont bother asking if you are just going to bait people into reading your retarded rant. OP had no pretenses, right into the meat.

>> No.15038208

Nope. Dont need to cater to your demands because they offer the product you want. Of course, theres context to consider, but in this context businessman doesn't have to cater to the demand of not complaining about braindead customer addicts because they are going to come buy liquor no matter how much the owner hates them.

>> No.15038214

I'm turning 19 soon, goin to college in cinci. Can you hook me up with some booze?

>> No.15038260

The faggot is using a washington state liquor store stock photo

>> No.15038319

That has no bearing on anything whatsoever and he already said Ohio like four times

>> No.15038326

Maybe monday's my only day off to go to the store, you nigger

>> No.15038368

Well, ya miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

>> No.15038415

Okay, I'll try again. Why can't I buy alcohol on Monday?

>> No.15038421


Which is why I quit hunting for bourbon and got into tequila. Never looked back.

>> No.15038424

>Can't anticipate shit
>We get what the state sends us... the state decides if you get it and how much.

That's too bad, comrade

>> No.15038426

Maybe stop being such a drama queen and make a clearer point, then.

>> No.15038446
File: 30 KB, 500x375, Drive Through Liquor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living somewhere that doesn't have drive through liquor stores with basically no regulation.

>> No.15038465
File: 161 KB, 2047x489, Eyestop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did make a clear point. You were just so retarded you couldn't read it.

>> No.15038478

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
I work Wed-Sun, get off my ass
>Stop not reading the giant Cash-Only signs and then being surprised we're cash only
>In a fucking pandemic

>> No.15038495

Your "clear point" began with "I don't want to work on mondays" and then you called others subhuman for not enabling you. And then you call someone retarded for not being a mind reader that knew you meant "No, I was talking about everything except that one part." Sounds like all you want to do is bitch and not have an actual discussion.

>> No.15038506

>Stop asking for the cashier to risk their job by selling to you without an ID
I don't even need my ID anymore at the liquor store because the 3 people I always see there know my name.

>> No.15038514

>Whining at him for not wanting to have a conversation
>By needling in on one thing and ignoring the rest
Sounds like he pegged you on something and you're butthurt.

>> No.15038517

stop making threads faggot. everyone hates you

>> No.15038537

Yes. Why is it unreasonable to be butthurt that someone called me a subhuman for no reason and then gets all pissy when I try and get him to elaborate?

>> No.15038552

That's a post to make before there's already 100+ posts, now you just look asspained.

>> No.15038560

Sorry for being so rude. I wonder why OP doesn't want people buying liquor on mondays either. But OP should answer.

>> No.15038566

I mean he didn't call you a subhuman for no reason, he called you one because you attacked him for having a particular job, despite that job being essential for fulfilling your vice.

>> No.15038567

>muh demic
die, obese/addict/decrepit dreg of humanity.

>> No.15038573

subhuman nigger. Welcome to 4chan(nel)

>> No.15038577

I just want people to stop coming in on Mondays because there's too much shit to do on a Monday and it attracts the highest concentration of freaks that have no business buying alcohol or being seen above the sewers.

If you don't match the descriptions I have laid out then clearly you aren't the sort of customer I'm talking about. Just understand the company you keep when you walk into a liquor store on a Monday, because they're the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.15038581

I feel like OP started it by making the thread attacking people in the first place, but okay.

>> No.15038613

Im the 19 year old who wanted liquor. Twas just curious. You could still hook me up. Not for free, of course.

>> No.15038631

>attacking people
telling people to stop being retards is attackingg people? kek
Someone report his man for his verbal assault on the alcoholic community.

>> No.15038659

This is how it is at pubs, but here the big liquor stores have a card everybody every time rule. Even my 67 year old dad.

>> No.15038669

>there's too much shit to do on a Monday
really? because there's fuck all customers on a Monday. That's why it's the best time to shop.

>> No.15038701

That's also why it's the time we try to get the most work done stocking, cleaning, arguing with our reps to send us more shit, getting wholesale orders ready, so on and so forth.

>> No.15039010

>stocking, cleaning
Shouldn't this be done before and after closing times as well as during the day as shelves empty?

>> No.15039040

>Shouldn't this be done before and after closing times as well as during the day as shelves empty?
Ha, fuck no. Boss doesn't pay them to do that shit. I'm salaried, but most of the workers are paid hourly and the guy in charge refuses to pay them to stick around and clean, so I don't make them stick around and clean. Anything like that has to get done during the day, or occasionally early before we open if I or the owner come in early.

And yeah of course it's something that gets worked on during the day, but it's a constant job and it can easily get bogged down if our normally slow hours see a lot of foot traffic.

>> No.15039066

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
Fuck off, faggot.
Mon and Tues are my days off.
Now go unload the fucking truck so I can buy Japanese scotch, you cunt.

>> No.15039090

You need to quit your shitty job and get a comfy, chill one instead.
I get paid $19/h to watch YouTube and sip coffee/beer and fucking love going to work.

>> No.15039109

>can easily get bogged down if our normally slow hours see a lot of foot traffic
Sounds like the problem is that there are times when you aren't restocking or cleaning at all due to high traffic, and it would actually be better for you if customers arrived at less busy times to stagger out their drain on your time.

>> No.15039170

yeah 100+ posts of everyone telling OP how much of a faggot he is

>> No.15039443
File: 179 KB, 1200x666, i do shop small businesses whe i need more regular stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like your state is a shithole. We can get anything, anytime over here. Sure feels good to be a flyover.

>> No.15039513

Jesus and to think I almost moved there this year
Dodged a hell of a bullet it seems

>> No.15039519

for what it's worth, tequila is the fastest-growing segment of the liquor market in terms of price
don't be surprised when everything is 50 bucks in the next few months/years

>> No.15039561

>bourbon markets surge in 2010
I got a case of jeffersons reserve presidential select 16y for $74 a bottle in 2011 it goes for around 300 a bottle now

>> No.15039608

As an Illinois native, I appreciate that IL is the only state not directly bordering OH yet still included in 'invasion at any time'.
It just feels right.

>> No.15039614

get me some pappy van winkle slave

>> No.15039839

Indiana is just a glorified borderline between Ohio and Illinois

>> No.15040179

nice tumblr post you fuckin twink

>> No.15040189
File: 22 KB, 184x184, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being so regular that the clerks recognize you and don't ask for ID

>> No.15040302

Calm the fuck down Bitch I just get my German wheat beer and I’m
On my way out

>> No.15040612
File: 83 KB, 395x281, 100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays
>Stop demanding Blanton's when you're literally five days late for the truck
>>Why didn't you buy Blanton's on Mondays
Shits retarded

>> No.15040889

A-a-are you m-m-me?

>> No.15040896

I'll do whatever the fuck I want, bitch boy. I'm a free American and I can be a dumbass and do dumbshit and you cannot lift a finger against me. Eat my shit.

>> No.15040905

>Stop buying liquor on Mondays

>> No.15041050

>stop buying liquor on Mondays

Then do not open on Mondays you stupid orangutan wageslave.
I buy liquor when I want and you will thank me with a smile you low wage ape.

>> No.15042838

just offer cash discount and raise the price for cardies

>> No.15043374
File: 1014 KB, 2500x1680, AR-190628560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop buying liquor on Wednesdays
Stop holding up the line for forty fucking minutes paying lotto without buying any booze, you could have done this at the gas station
Stop asking for Crown Peach precisely three months after it came and went it's such a predictable fucking pattern for some reason
Stop standing at the unused registers and staring at me while I've got a giant ass line at my register, I'm not gonna cut them off to go handle you. Get in line
Stop using the "I have a medical condition and can't use a mask" bullshit, we know you're bullshitting and it just puts you on the shitlist for lying like a retard
Stop asking for a "medium size" bottle nobody knows if you mean a fifth or a liter or a pint or fucking whatever. In fact just stop using slang altogether, I had a cunt ask me for a shorty and leave with a handle.
Stop asking for military discount, we're a state agency. Even we don't get a discount.

>> No.15043403

>not buying your liquor on Sundays at 9am when all of the losers are in church

>Stop using the "I have a medical condition and can't use a mask" bullshit, we know you're bullshitting and it just puts you on the shitlist for lying like a retard
I know you know, and I know you can't do shit about it faggot. When every single business in an area has the same policy, it is no longer optional and there is no longer a choice. I'll lie through my exposed teeth for any bullshit loophole when I am left with no other option. Several places with the policy don't care to enforce it anymore regardless as many customers now refuse to wear masks. Now ring me up.

>> No.15043480

>Now ring me up.
There's five or six people we now deny service to explicitly because they were such cunts about masks. Protip: don't choose an excuse that would leave you at potential health risk if we knowingly sold you alcohol.

>> No.15043496

who the fuck drinks everything they buy the exact same day

>> No.15043509

I'm sorry, I'm not a degenerate who regularly buys alcohol enough to get recognized at any store. And I can just go somewhere else to spend my money. Many stores don't care if you have a mask or not by the time you get up to the register - it's easier to just ring the person up instead of having to put all of their shit back that might go bad off refrigeration. A lot of wagies don't personally care about the mask policies either.

>> No.15043532

It's not just about being recognized, we keep cameras running. We also don't take chances anymore because the last guy who threw a bitchfit over masks was trying to distract us while his buddy lifted shit.

Wear your mask and be a good little consumie or get out.

>> No.15043544

I worked at a liquor store for a year. Learned a lot about alcoholism. Never had anyone underage ask me to sell them stuff but I was threatened with a knife when a guy was short on his total. For the most part, the people buying booze were lovely. the real assholes were the lottery bums. Fuck those people. get help. You'll never win paying the stupidity tax.

>> No.15043562

I agree on that. Most of our regulars are great. But when you serve this many people in a day you're gonna run into idiots. And lottofags tend to be cream of the crop as it were.

>> No.15045086


>> No.15045592

The ones that are money laundering