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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 600x600, tripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15029403 No.15029403 [Reply] [Original]

Now that I have boiled this, how do I prepare it? I'm literally just eating it with malt vinegar

>> No.15029411

You fucking fag, through it in a garbage can and leave it for stray cats.

>> No.15029418

Mother of Pearl that looks fucking gross pitch it

>> No.15029423

Just braise it with tomato sauce, beef stock, onions, celery, and carrots. Maybe add red wine for that fancy French feel. Serve with your favorite starchy side dish.

>> No.15029424

I'm sorry, this is not a board for picky eaters. Please leave.

>> No.15029425

In my country, we cook that in peanut sauce with slice eggplants and long beans
It's really fucking good

>> No.15029431

look up tablier de sapeur recipes, my dad loves it

>> No.15029440

braise in tomato sauce and at the end add chicpeas.

>> No.15029443

grill the shit out of it
Slightly burnt is delicious

>> No.15029470

cook it in a curry/"satay" sauce like at yum cha places. it's great.

>> No.15029538

What country?

>> No.15029601
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I fucking love that stuff
Look for "dobradinha recipe", pic related

>> No.15029608


>> No.15029620

you can follow the mexican menudo recipe

>> No.15029626

what does tripe taste like? if it's salty or acidic i'll definitely try it

>> No.15029633


>> No.15029658

I like the texture, its a bit chewy and sponge like. The taste reminds collagen

>> No.15029666

polish tripe soup is really good.

>> No.15029670
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Try like this, on a stew:>>15029608
Make the way you want, but the best way to eat it is with stew

>> No.15029675
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make a small cut in the side
place a stick of butter In the slit
microwave for 28 seconds at 100%
then fuck it.

>> No.15029677

is it like squid? if it's too soft the texture sounds absolutely dreadful to be honest. I like squid because it's more rubbery

>> No.15029678

I had it a few times as a kid. I don't remember it tasting bad but it's the thought of it.

>> No.15029679

It's truly godawful both in texture and flavour.
I've tried it prepared in several ways and it was disgusting every single time.
The worst was tripe in steamed dumplings, it tasted like how a wet dog smells.

>> No.15029681

Yeah, its more rubbery
Just don't boil it too much, because I think it can go too soft if you do, just like any other meat

>> No.15029686

It literally takes on the taste of most of the items it was cooked with; if prepared before hand and properly. If it's not boiled than it will taste pretty bad, either from bleach or just shitty texture.

>> No.15029687

honestly doesn't sound too bad then. sounds like it would be nice in some vinegary sauce

>> No.15029724

Go eat some of the milk out of your mother's tit since she clearly never fed you properly

>> No.15029728

Thanks for the suggestion, anon. Shit like this is why I still come to this board.

>> No.15029855
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pretend I'm retarded and don't know how to braise something with tomato sauce, beef stock, onions, celery, and carrots. Are you saying just fry them all for a bit and then leave to cook for an hour or something?

>> No.15029874

> I'm literally just eating it with malt vinegar
> he's a bong
and these western euros wanted to ban our tripe soup
absolutely disgusting m8

>> No.15030125

braising meat means you brown the meat, so just meat and any fat that you need in a pan. you wanna rotate the meat like once per each side to get it browned on all 2/4/6 side. And then you start braising. To braise means cooking something slow and low in liquid. You gotta brown it first cuz browning gives a lot of flavor, but it won't happen while you got liquid in the pan.

To braise that stuff you would want to brown the meat (and/or veggies, either way on those guys), then add the beef stock before the tomato sauce. Cuz... when beef stock hits the pan, it's liquidy, so you can "deglaze" the pan with it. That means hitting the hot pan with liquid so that you can scrape the crusted browned bits off the bottom of the pan. You'll ideally want to do this with a wooden spoon but metal is fine too. Once you've deglazed, you can add the tomato sauce.

I don't remember what thread this is so I'm not sure what the actual topic is. So maybe some of this doesn't apply. But just keep in mind tho that if you are browning a piece of meat and then braising it, you'll want to salt twice. Use kosher salt on the meat a while *before* cooking in order to get some salt to seep into the meat. And then basically salt the braising liquid well into the cooking period. You always want to do most of your salting near the end of the cooking process. Anyway good luck anon whatver you are cooking. I'm a bit drunk so I don't recall and don't want to scroll up or I'll forget to reply probs.

>> No.15030128

most tripe dish usually mix it with other meat or offal. As a rule of thumb, you can add it in any other meat stew you can cook, it will had some texture without adding fat.

>> No.15030271

It looks like cancer

>> No.15030290

It looks like tripe.

If you don't know what tripe is... you are on the wrong board.

>> No.15030324


1 lb (450 grams) tripe
1.5 Cup Sunflower Oil
3 Cups fresh milk
2 Tablespoon salt
3 Teaspoon Paprika
2 Tablespoon Black Pepper
2 Tablespoon spicy pepper (or chilli) powder
3 Garlic cloves, diced into tiny pieces
1/2 Cup Wine Vinegar (red)

1. Clean the tripe.

2. Boil the tripe for 4-5 minutes and clean it from both sites until all marks and fat layers are completely gone.

3. Rinse the tripe and keep it in cold water.

4. Simmer for 4-5 hours and keep periodically adding water to make sure the trip is submerged.

5. Take the cooked tripe out and cut it into chunks or mince it, depending on your preference.

6. Add the tripe back in the same water (this is very important)

7. Add some oil, milk, salt, black pepper, spicy pepper powder, and diced garlic.

8. Leave it on low flame for another 20 minutes.

9. Before you serve, add some red wine vinegar into the soup.

>> No.15030334

If you cunts actually justify eating shit that looks like cancer then I think I actually am on the wrong board.

>> No.15030341

You don't even know what cancerous tissue looks like you memespewing fuck.

>> No.15030352

Dice the vegetables and cook them in some oil with a big pinch of salt added. Then, you can either add tomato paste or plain tomato sauce and some broth. If you use tomato paste you can caramelize it with the vegetables for a more intense flavor. Then, you just cook it at a slow simmer. Usually you would cook it until tender, but I guess in this case you just cook it until the tripe has absorbed the flavor of the braising liquid. You can add other stuff like chili flakes, garlic, etc.

This isn't a real recipe. It's just a basic technique that I think would work.

>> No.15030354

I don't think that you failed to see the irony in calling me memespewing while you eat shit that looks like cancer.

>> No.15030356

Nice double negative, retard.

>> No.15030364

English isn't my first language. Also its not a mistake.

>I think that you saw the irony in calling....

There, I dumbed it down to you. The cancer must have spread to your 5 braincells.

>> No.15030368

>I made a mistake because I'm a dumb ESL, but I did it on purpose


>> No.15030379


Yeah, it's the cancer. That or the 5 fucking braincells that you inherited

>> No.15030495
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Lel, go outside bud, smell the flowers. Unironically

>> No.15031021

make menudo

>> No.15031038

I second this. Make some menudo. Use extra spices and onions if it’s your first time trying tripe.

>> No.15031084

American I see

>> No.15031250
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try to do something like dis

>> No.15031260
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>> No.15031550

baseado e tugapilled

>> No.15031559
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>> No.15031577

I'm no tastelet. I have eaten many things in my life (even cow brain), but tripe is beyond me. Everytime I try to eat it, be in a stew or some other preparation, my body rejects it and forces me to vomit it out. There is no amount of good flavor that can adjust for its terrible texture: slimy with the budding of a cat's tongue.
Throw it OUT. Its not worth it at all.

>> No.15031626

I find tripe way more enjoyable than brain desu. I had some scrambled lamb brain once and it tasted like eggs and rancid fat

>> No.15031667

imagine not liking tripe

>> No.15031691

I cut theseaway from the cow stomach for a job once. Its still moving and wriggling around long after the cow dies, it has a geometrical pattern that freaks you out when you see it fold and move around. Definitely something only chinese would eat

>> No.15031714
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Its not bad in ramen desu. I'd make up a stock with the water you boiled it in if you still have it.

Other than that I ground some up and just put it in some sausage a friend was making as filler. Turned out ok

>> No.15031913

either it's been cooked wrong or your nerves are fucked. i'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt.