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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15030023 No.15030023 [Reply] [Original]

wish me luck boys

>> No.15030026

It's easy bro. If it has skin (& it should if you're not a tastelet) it should spend most of the cooking time skin side down.

>> No.15030028

Don't over cook it. Fattier the piece the better.

>> No.15030034

salmon is easy af to cook

>> No.15030057


>> No.15030059

This is my favorite way to cook salmon.

>Season with lemon, black pepper, cayenne, and a little bit of salt
>in a non-stick oven-safe pan pour a bit of oil
>cook salmon skin side down until the bottom 1/5 is starting to turn opaque
>turn on your oven's broiler
>top salmon with butter, more lemon, and more pepper if needed
>put in broiler to finish

It makes perfect salmon every time, the bottom skin gets super crispy, and it looks very neat since it basically doesn't get touched during the entire cooking process. So basically instead of flipping the salmon, you just change the side the heat is coming from.

>> No.15030060

You're going to fuck this up, I guarantee it

>> No.15030063
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If it's frozen give it time to thaw.
Pat it dry.
Heat should be medium to high.
Don't drown it in oil, just a drizzle in the pan.

Good luck!

>> No.15030107
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eh, I guess it'll do for a first try. tastes kinda dry though. probably shouldn't have basted so late cause it looked like roofing tar. I guess practice makes perfect

>> No.15030108

It's a ppretty easy one to cook. Good luck fish anon.

>> No.15030110

i just put it in the air fryer and let that shit do its job

>> No.15030115

preheat oven to 400
Pan preheating on high heat, pour in oil and wait until it smokes.
Drop in fish and as its cooking shake the pan underneath so its moving and cant stick.
Brown both sides then toss in the preaheted oven, 6 mins for a thin piece, 8 for a thick piece.

>> No.15030157

OP is not going to deliver, isn't he?

>> No.15030163

W-what happened??

>> No.15030164

I prefer to smoke my salmon.

>> No.15030175

hot oven fan forced, salt, six minutes later its good.

>> No.15030313

tried pan-searing it for 3 1/2 minutes on each side

>> No.15030328

Do you eat the skin?

>> No.15030333

The skin is the best part.

>> No.15030360

Make it crispy. There are restaurants in Japan specializing on Salmon skin alone. Weird concept, but it seems to work.

>> No.15030428

Okay but even if you pan sear it, it should still be pink on the inside.

>> No.15030478

If the issue is parasites, would freezing it first for 24 hours kill the parasites? I'm wondering if it could be eaten raw.

>> No.15030485

Medium-high heat, skin side down first. The trick is to not go by time, but to keep your eye on the side of the filet. Do not let the pink line move past the center line before you flip and do the other side. The middle should still have a little orange. If the heat is too low, you never crisp up the skin or get a sear on the flesh side before it's overcooked. It's like cooking a medium-rare steak, but faster. Worst case scenario is it is slightly undercooked. This is not an issue. Put it back on the pan, skin side down on very low heat, and tent it with foil or a pot lid to steam it a little.

>> No.15030565
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