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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15019071 No.15019071 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman, I feel like I eat too much in a day even though I never eat until im completely full.
muffin banana small iced coffee
mini chocolates, ice cream cone
taco salad, spinach
banana, small iced coffee
(bread)-soup, smoothie

What do you think?

>> No.15019084

what is this supposed to tell anyone

>> No.15019085

>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman
You definitely eat too much, anon. You're at least 50 pounds overweight relative to your height.

>> No.15019086

try eating food that contains nutrients

>> No.15019096

This is an awful thread, but biting: this information is useless because you aren't giving amounts at all. Since most of that food is sugary junk yeah, it's too much.

>> No.15019098
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>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman

>> No.15019103

5’6 woman here
Nothing (coffee and cigarettes)
Poke; salmon, brown rice, mango, edamame, seaweed, avocado, masago, wonton crunch

Am I fat /ck/?

>> No.15019106

>snacks in between every meal
Yes you’re fat

>> No.15019108

>5'9 180lbs woman
You're a fucking fatass and I think you're severely misunderestimating just how much you actually eat, like every fat woman I've ever known

>t. 5'11 210lbs male
I eat like garbage and I love it

>> No.15019110

I dont like to count calories, and these portions are all small. I like to eat 5 times a day instead of filling myself 3 times a day. I was just wondering if all this was normal or too much to eat between 11am-9pm

>> No.15019113

Is 155 lbs a good weight for a 5'8" male? I'm built-fat but since I stopped working out - fuck China - I have lost muscle and been told I look skinnier than ever even though I feel like a fatass due to loose skin and a poor fat distribution.

>> No.15019116

You are lying to yourself and us.
Here is what i ate yesterday:
8 am-3 cans of coors beer
9 am- 10 chicken nuggets
3 pm- 3 drumsticks: air fryed, cup of cheezits
5 pm-1.5 cups of instant potatoes and 1 multi vitamin
10 pm-4 cans of beer and cup of cheezits.
I am 6’4 200 lbs.
You are clearly lying to us

>> No.15019119

I understand the not eating breaklast thing, but only coffee and cigarettes for lunch and then you pig out at dinner? werid.

>> No.15019125

This doesn't sound healthy but as long as you feel good. At least the dinner sounds like it covers most ground with the food groups as long as it's all quality stuff

>> No.15019129

you have a bmi of 26.6 which says you are overweight
so yes, you eat too much or don't exercise enough

>> No.15019130

It was a joke that women are anorexics.

>> No.15019144

The iced coffees should have no milk or sugar. Get rid of all snacks. Get rid of the smoothie.

>> No.15019147

how many hours a week do i need to exercise?
I usually only do 40-60 minuets of walking a week sadly. i have non diabetic hypoglycemia which gives me extreme fatigue so most of the time im just sitting down.

>> No.15019156

You have a BMI of 26 which is overweight, unless you're a weight lifter.
This diet is pretty poor. There are too many sugar-laden drinks and treats. Muffins are also considered a sweet. Limit yourself to 1 sweet per day and if you need to drink coffee then limit the amount of sugar to 2 packets.
Eat more veggies and protein, you'll feel fuller and have better nutrients. There's also no dairy which I personally feel makes me feel more nourished but others may have preferences or even intolerance.
As others mentioned you don't even note the portions, I'm guessing that you haven't given any thought to caloric intake either. Lots of people with diet anxiety will try to minimize the calories, but your body needs a full days worth and eating a balanced diet will help maintain that. If you're only eating 600 calories of normal food and then trying to restrict yourself then your brain will short circuit and make up the difference by causing you to crave sweets. It's best to just eat a normal diet and exercise, limit sweets and sweetened beverages, and not try to "bargain" with your body by restricting diet so that you can indulge later.

>> No.15019162

Yes. You eat too much sugar. Stop eating so much sugar and you calories will drop significantly and you will lose weight.

>> No.15019164

Thank you anon, but as you know in this country, eating healthy is not cheap. Me being poor and uncultured I usually cant snack on healthy things.
I have lost 20 pounds in a month once. and even with everyday activity I seemed to going it back. I'm afraid of checking my weight alot and calorie intake because I have symptoms of eating disorder, like as you mention, bargaining with my body.

>> No.15019174

Where the fuck is your meat?
Where the fuck is your eggs?
4'11 here
2 eggs for breakfast and black tea 212
an apple and a low cal soup with duck meat for lunch (total 266 cal)
Dinner varies. Today it was almond and coconut flour crust quiche with garden veg, onion, and duck meat at 417
78g vanilla Ice cream with 1/2 serving chocolate sauce 170 cal

I'm 115 lbs, looking to lose 10-20.

>> No.15019190

>duck meat
you had me there

>> No.15019192

>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman

You're obese.

>> No.15019198
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>1 multi vitamin
gotta get those nutrients

>> No.15019209


>> No.15019217

I think you're a sugar and caffeine addict with no self control.

>> No.15019218

post body

>> No.15019220

>I dont like to count calories
Hope you don't like being skinny, then.

>> No.15019234

You better be /fit/ as fuck, with tight delts, and sick striations. Otherwise, honestly, you're pretty fat.

>> No.15019244

OP here does anyone know if taking shots of apple cidar vinegar helps with weight loss and decreases appetite? how many teaspoons do i need in a day?

>> No.15019245
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>small iced coffee
>only 2500 calories

>> No.15019258

Yes I usually pour myself a very small glass of black iced coffee with a teaspoon of vanilla syrup.

>> No.15019269

You're going about this all wrong. In the mindset you're looking for, exercise is a chore. You'll fall off the wagon quick as shit like that, trust me. Pick up a physically active hobby like hiking or something. Enjoy being out and about.

>> No.15019369

I personally know people with ED, so I did get that vibe from your post. I've been in group therapy sessions with some of them so I know what you're going through. This also isn't a diagnose either because I'm not a professional and disorders are complicated, but heres my thoughts as an outsider who has spent some time around it.
Eating disorders can be pretty serious, if you have insurance you should try to get into treatment. They'll help you feel comfortable with portioning and reduce anxiety around the foods you're having issue with. I know that it sounds like a lot but nobody else is going to know how to help you. The minor issues that you're having about being overweight, etc should autocorrect after the root of tthe cause is treated.
If you can't get into treatment there's still resources available (books on treatment, regular therapists, even youtube series although there's a lot of YouTube "experts" that won't help you at all with your tendencies). It's not a weekend project though and is going to take a lot of hard work, but no matter what path you take towards treatment you're going to have to do all the hard work anyway.
At this point checking your weight and counting calories may be counterproductive for you so I wouldn't advise that. Intuitive eating involves measuring portions based on something not alarming and relatable, such as the size of your fist. Two fists of cooked rice and a fist of meat is a normal meal that normal people eat, usually along with other sides, condiments, or dressings to provide additional nutrients, flavor, and variety.
Healthy food being expensive is sometimes just your brain playing tricks on you. There are indeed a lot of "healthy" foods that are expensive but normal people don't eat these routinely as part of their diet. They typically choose cheap staples such as a grain (rice, bread, pasta, etc) and a protein (chicken, legumes) and balance their diet with servinngss of inexpensive fruits and vegetables.

>> No.15019371

>iced coffee
>chocolate and ice cream
>taco """""salad""""""
>iced coffee
>snacking twice in between meals

>> No.15019381

You eat nothing but carbs and plain sugar, which are shit. No wonder you are never full. top eing rtarded.

>> No.15019394

stop eating the baked goods and sweets you fatty

>> No.15019395

based copypasta

>> No.15019397

try this, it should set you on the path of slimming down and fixing the damage you've done to your gut flora

>> No.15019493

Sounds like 3k calories a day. Stop snacking. I personally find meats/fats help me feel fuller longer, but to each their own.
If you really care, actually spend the 15m per day to record the calorie count of what you're eating.

>> No.15019496

yes. 5'9 180 is overweight, especially for a woman.three meals a day is also far too many, not even including snacks in between. you should only really be eating when you are hungry and there is no way you are hungry five times a day. if you are, then you are far too used to your eating schedule, but that can be adjusted

>> No.15019502

Post ur belly slampig

>> No.15019531

Please be white.

>> No.15019724

Nah, women have to be thicc

>> No.15019919

I eat one huge meal a day. I'm way too lazy to cook more often. Don't have the money right now for fast food. I'll snack on cheap stuff like bananas or yogurt, but only if I have bought them because they were on discount.
I imagine I'll put on some weight after I graduate and get a job.

>> No.15019926
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I'm bad at wake-ups. So my breakfast is usually just a cup of coffee or tea with a decent amount of milk. That's it.

>> No.15019927

>Do I eat too much in a day?
>5,9 180lbs woman
yep, you certainly do

>> No.15019929

It's fine if you've got muscle, but since you've stopped working out then you're in skinnyfat territory

>> No.15019933

Yes. OMAD fattie mcfat fat.

>> No.15020264

You sound like my wife. you did not give an age so calculating your bmi and calories per day is not going to be accurate but just giving you an age of 30 you should not be eating anymore that 1500 calories a day just to maintain your weight.

to drop weight and get down to the ridiculous bmi for your height would mean not eating any more than 1200 calories a day to get to 115 pounds. a more reasonable weight of 125 or 130 would be 1300 calories.

I can tell you my wife tried that and getting by on 1300 calories a day is hell. so you would need to do quite a bit of exercise.

The easiest thing to do is stop eating candy, chocolate, and ice cream. That is what I am doing.

Smoothies are a lie.
your dinner is shit. eat something more substantial.

>> No.15020272

BMI is bullshit and unobtainable for all but athletes. if you can get within 10 points of you "proper" BMI that is good enough.

>> No.15020283

stop eating that. full of fat and sugar.
>chocolate, ice cream
stop eating that. full of fat and sugar,
>taco salad
stop eating that. full of fat.

abstain from fat, eat starches, like breads, potato, oatmeal,

>> No.15020291

>stop eating that. full of fat.
fat is not bad. fuck off. women especially need fat in their diets.

>> No.15020293

>eat starches, like breads, potato, oatmeal,
yes if you want to fatten a pig for slaughter this is the perfect diet.

>> No.15020315

>Starting the day with beer

>> No.15020322

fat is pretty bad. you can eat the equivalent of a small handful of nuts, per day, if you want fat in your diet. Any more than that is probably not healthy.

>> No.15020327

hormone enhanced tits or gtfo, overcompensating tranny.

>> No.15020341

>abstain from fat
Hi 1990's

>> No.15020351

I'm thin and in shape and healthy and I never feel hungry
My strategy works great.

>> No.15020352

>sugar, sugar, carbs and more sugar

How can you knowingly eat like this and be okay about it? Drop the sugar and start eating healthier. Who the fuck eats an ice cream cone after breakfast? Are you diabetic?

>> No.15020421

>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman
Man the harpoons!

>> No.15020537

is 140lbs too skinny for a 5'10 male?

>> No.15020544


Post your fat, saggy tits

>> No.15020550

I bet you sit on your ass all day. Do 30 minutes of real exercise (if you aren't sweating and panting at the end then you didn't exercise) at least 4 times a week and watch the fat go away.

>> No.15020551
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>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman

>> No.15020569

probably not
I'm 5f11 (~181cm) @ 134lbs (61kg) but not feeling skinny
people say I'm skellington, and I kinda see that when I look at myself in full body mirror (calves are visible) but I'm just not feeling it you know

>> No.15020621

>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman, I feel like I eat too much in a day
You do.
stop snacking you fat retard

>> No.15020628
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>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman

>> No.15020639

Maybe you’re skinny fat

>> No.15020640

what is that

>> No.15020654

that's a man

>> No.15020657
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not enough carbs

>> No.15020660

>Do I eat too much in a day?
>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman
Yes, you do.

>> No.15020670

Eat more, I was 135 at 5'11" for a few years, I'm at 165 now. People comment how much better I look now, they said I was too skinny

>> No.15020673

C'mon OP, I lift 3 and do muay thai 4x a week at pretty high intensity and maintain at 5'0 115 at around 2.3k-ish calories. Either be honest with yourself about your intake or get off your ass or both. You probably don't feel full because you eat like shit. At the very least, you should probably take a multi with that kind of diet.

If it's that bad, are you seeing a doc regularly for treatment/advice? I have/had a ton of hormonal and ovary problems that were fucking me over in terms of energy and almost literally everything but seeing a doc regularly helps keep me in check. Exercise and diet was also important in my case but obviously I don't know how much itd affect LBS/hypoglycemia specifically.

>> No.15020954

I do this too. But I'm a man(male) and 220lbs. I was looking at myself in front of the mirror after my shower today and it felt bad

>> No.15020970

you should eat breakfast and lunch and no dinner.

>> No.15020984

I’m a 6”1 man and i weight about ten pounds less than you.

>> No.15020992

not that anon but can i ask what your treatment is like? i need to see a doc and start getting my issues under control but i'm worried about just being put on hormonal birth control and feeling like shit

>> No.15021055

Well muffin, chocolate, ice-cream and smoothie isor sounds like very high calorie foods.

Banana, taco salad and spinach is healthy.

Me and my gf try to eat 2 vegs, 1-2 chicken and 1-2 fish a week, 1-3 meat a week and a lot of cool types of salads.

Works fine, you feel full and have lots of energy. Aso gymming with the gf 2-3 times a week.

Going alone to the gym is boring but going with the gf we have lots of fun :D

>> No.15021086

Count your calories

>> No.15021104

Let me level with you here assuming this isn't blatant bait
I weigh as much as you do at 6,3 male and i am still about 20 pounds to go in my cut.

You are eating way too much junk way to often and it will not fill you up and it is too many calories despite the small feeling portions.

This is an assumption but you likely put suger and cream in each of you coffees, considering black or milk only. Black has alll the caffeine and no calories and w/ milk will help you feel full and make the coffee a but more palatable if you cant tolerate black ( i can't myself)

Bananas are great, keep eating them. In fact eat more of them and other fruit and reduce or cut out the muffin entirely if you can. The muffin is empty calories unless you intend yo burn those carbs with excercise.

Chocolates and ice cream are garbage but you don't need me to tell you that. Reduce to one or the other and then cut that portion in half. I enjoy a fun sized kitkat with my coffee in the AM so i get that sweet tooth craving.

Your lunch is probably fine so long as its mostly vegetables, then mostly proteins, and finally taco shell or whatever sauce for texture/taste and not as substance.

See above for other snack

Your dinner sounds ok depending on what is in your soup and smoothy (put in ice cream and its obviously shit for you vs greek yogurt), though some more variety and protein (read well seasoned meat) in your diet wouldn't hurt unless you want to veggie overdrive, up to you.

Also >>>/fit/ and read the fucking sticky

>> No.15021139
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>eating healthy isn't cheap
FUCK YOU yes it fucking is stop lying to yourself. A big ass bag of carrots, potatoes, and finding in-season produce is always cheap and better for you. Meat is really the only thing that gets expensive, but chickens will always be cheap. You can even cut down a whole chicken to save some money if you wanted.
It isn't cheap to you because you'd rather spend money on ready to eat meals and prepackaged garbage. In all honesty, you shouldn't be snacking. Maybe ONE snack and/or tea time period is allowed, your timing just depends on what you decide to eat. Didn't eat a good enough breakfast? Snack in between lunch but then be sure to have a balanced and filling lunch.
Your breakfast is fucking stupid, where's the protein? Of course you go hungry before lunch, because your body literally went through what you ate in a span of maybe two hours. Sugar, whether it's in chocolate or fruit, is also known to make you feel hungrier. It definitely makes me feel that way.
Your lunch and dinners are fine but holy fuck I hope you're at least eating some sort of protein in your diet. Spinach is good but it doesn't really give you nutrients unless blanched and/or cooked so keep that in mind.
Exercising would probably help a bit too, just moving around in general. From one femanon to another.

>> No.15021158

Depends if you hold your weight well. I think its possible for a girl to be your size and hot, but only if blessed with good genes.

>> No.15021160

Doesn't really matter if you exercise often and are on your feet all day. Are you OP?

>> No.15021162

post tits and pussy or gtfo, roastie whore

you know the fucking rules

>> No.15021178

Money wise? Almost certainly yes. Health-wise? Harder to say without knowing what you're day to day is like

>> No.15021273

I wouldn't say i have an extreme eating disorder but I realize i have alot of symptoms:
>Feeling like i need to workout right after eating pizza, pancakes, muffin, and foods related
>Feeling happy when I forget to eat/ dont get hungry
>scared to check weight because it makes me feel like i need to fast again

>> No.15021280

Lol you have a point anon, desu since i dont have work or school anymore i didnt stop and realize "hey, not everyone eats this much", until i decided to list what i ate in a day.

>> No.15021289

I know, its a bad habit, I was not even aware of it until yesterday, people usually just eat when their bored.

>> No.15021300

I thought you were bullshitting me with the 3k calorie thing, but after actually counting I find this to be almost true. Never realized how much I eat yikes

>> No.15021344

I'm turning 19 this year
He means trans fats which no one should be consuming.
What about healthy fats.
Honestly probably, but as long as you can lift more than 25 pounds youre ok in my opinion.
I'm %100 sure I have some ovary cysts but I dont want to take birth control or hormones ever
I put frozen mixed berries, coconut milk, banana, and a tablespoon of honey.
Kek It is true i dont eat alot of proteins sadly. i ate yesterday night when i posted this, and then after 12 hours of nothing i had 2 cooked eggs with whole wheat pita naan and black iced coffee

>> No.15021492

>What about healthy fats.
fat is a nutrient but there is so much of it so you really should limit your intact for your health.

>> No.15021607
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You’re way too thin. Borderline anorexic. 220 extra pounds are needed for you

>> No.15021641
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5'2” woman here
My weight fluctuates between 105-115
Coffee with half&half, no sugar
Sometimes something like oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese or half of a pastry, or nothing at all depending on how early/late I get up before work
Peanut butter sandwich/sometimes I skip lunch, especially if I ate breakfast
I generally snack on "healthy" lower-fat chips like Popchips, sometimes nuts, a piece of chocolate, pretzels, etc.
Dishes with fish/chicken, rice, legumes, veggies, sweet potatoes, sometimes beef
Sometimes I'll pick up some Taco Bell or other cheap fast food if I'm too tired to cook. Take-out once a week as a treat, usually on my only day off. Allso drink a few beers like 1-2x a week.
Still feel like a fatass that needs to lose weight though.

>> No.15021695

first of all you should never eat until you're completely full you fat fucking cow. maybe once a week in a cheat meal you eat that much.

a banana and coffee is a enough. coffee. not your 800 calorie sugary starbucks bullshit. zero calories, maybe add a spoonful of cream.

no. drink water. you're dehydrated anyway.

if you can't hold it with one hand it's too much food. a sandwich is a filling lunch. an apple and a yogurt is a filling lunch. it's fuel to get through the day.

no. fat fucking cow. drink some water.

eat your fill but only if it's healthy. broccoli rice and baked chicken for example. otherwise, if you HAVE to snack, skip dinner and snack. soup OR smoothie, not both.

you're meant to eat the least possible amount, not the most. this is why you turned into a landwhale. it's not about shoving as much into your face as possible you braindead pig.

>> No.15021714
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>180lb woman

>> No.15021724

>being fat at 19

Disgusting. Go outside for once in your life.

>> No.15021768


Its literally nothing of substance. That salad you have probably has a lot of sugar in term of dressing, instead you should just focus on eating CLIFF bars instead of muffins and water instead of any of the smoothies/coffee

>> No.15021857

thank you for the honest tips anon!
I heard granola bars can have as much sugar as a chocolate bar, and also i only use sour cream and tomato sauce

>> No.15022155

Holy fuck you’re fat, stop eating so much and start walking three miles daily. You should weigh 130 max.

>> No.15022189

look for protein bars or better yet, keep boiled eggs in the fridge. An egg is pretty perfect for breakfast with some grapes and a hot tea or coffee (not a latte)

>> No.15022312

Post belly

>> No.15022330

5'9 and 180lbs sounds like the perfect weight for a woman, I bet you're thicc and chunky in all the right places, don't listen to the virgins here, sex deprivation and fapping to AAA pornstars non stop for 15 years will do that to a person.

>> No.15022534
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Here's a pic of me btw. Again, don't listen to these virgins OP. You're beautiful just the way you are.

>> No.15023150

>breads, potato, oatmeal
a guide on how to become another part of the diabetes statistic

>> No.15023169

>5'0 115
literal dwarf wtf

>> No.15023483
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>> No.15023662

seeing that one average weight woman in the front and dudes in the middle just emphasizes how fat the biggest ones are by comparison

>> No.15023674

>Do I eat too much in a day?
>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman
Could have stopped right there.

>> No.15023705

>Am I fat /ck/?
I dont know, how much do you weigh?

>> No.15023770

>1.3 serves of oats in skim milk
>Sandwitch. Wholemeal bread, cheese and two chicken strips
>2 scrambled eggs, two pieces shortcut bacon, two serves veggies
>Half hour exercise, snack of cheese and plain crackers with incense for personal enjoyment
Feels good to be repairing my health

>> No.15023788

>that one average weight woman
But her dog is fat. She transferred her eating disorder to her dog. A lot of thin women do this to pets and attempt to do it to men.

>> No.15024007
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>only normal looking woman has a dog (sterile)

>> No.15024029

muffin banana small iced coffee
mini chocolates, ice cream cone
taco salad, spinach
banana, small iced coffee
(bread)-soup, smoothie

So this is a simple one... Just cut out the EXCESS. It's very clear. Eat everything on that menu except:

Iced coffee gotta go SUGAR FREE. You get used to the discusting taste of splenda real quick.

mini chocolates, ice cream cone

NO. No fucking mini fucking chocolates.. who even has time for this shit? No. Absolutely not. That's some real weird shit to eat candy randomly in the middle of the day. Only reason you having the crash in the first place is from your 5 spoons of sugar in your morning coffee.

Smoothie - cut this out, unless you're replacing a meal with it. Smoothies are fucking TERRIBLE FOR YOU. They are nothing but straight sugar. Fruit sugar is bad for you.

>> No.15024058

>Ovarian cysts

Enjoy your future cancer, you useless sack of fat. Stop being such an angsty retard and take some pride in yourself. While you could definitely be eating worse foods, you obviously have no grasp on the fact that you're overeating every day. Start counting calories and start exercising because you're on track to being gigantic by the time you reach 30.

>> No.15024085
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There is zero protein in her diet. Nothing listed here, maybe with the exception of spinach, should be eaten by a fat fuck.
Splenda is also discusting and has been found to not prevent diabetus due to metabolical fuckery with insulin reception. Just make a latte, which has naturally sweetnes in the milk - if you go full fat.

Nothing, fat fucks should fast.

Non, fat your ghrelin levels will adopt within a couple days.

Fatty fish or some kind of fresh unprocessed meat, saisonal vegetables not boiled to death, small portion of starchy sides

Omelett with ham, tomatoes and feta with some buttered whole grain bread
Or plain greek yoghurt with some oatmeal and max 1-2TS of fresh frozen fruits. No added sugar, fat fuck.

More protein and fat makes you feel satisfied longer. Carbs spike insulin higher, the easier digestible the worse. Skip rice for that very same reason. Potatoes in small portions. Ideally stuff like buckwheat, turnips or whole grain.

>> No.15024190
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>tfw 6'0 and 142 lbs
How do people get fat? No matter how much I eat, it just doesn't happen. Ever since I got this job where I'm on my feet all day, I can't hold pounds. I was 180 lbs just a year ago.
How much olive oil will I need to add to my food to gain back pounds?

>> No.15024211

Mental illness/trauma leading to poor self control and coping with food. Usually compounded with inactivity.

>> No.15024219

you fat fuck, you're not a woman

>> No.15024222


>peanut butter sandwich

What are you, like 6 years old? Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.15024232

My wife was a slim and slender 107 pounds when we met. She was always attractive, but she put on a few pounds over the first few years and was probably about 130 by the time we married. Then she started stuffing her face like you. 140 then 150. Then pregnancy #1. 160, 170, 180. After the birth she returned down to about 165 but got pregnant again 3 months later. 175, 185, 195, 205 this time. Again, back down to maybe 190 afterwards.

Turns out I liked her fatter. Turned into an architect. Third pregnancy she was up to 230. This time she lost nothing afterwards, in fact she gained another 15. I love fucking my fat hog wife and her sloppy fat fuck body. Gonna pump another baby into her soon.

To answer your question, if your goal is not to end up like my wife then yes you're eating way too much.

>> No.15024450
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how do you expect someone to choose not to have ovarian cysts

>> No.15024492

Ovarian cysts usually come from hormornal inbalances. Being obese results in such problems. While not taking synthetic hormones is the right decision, eating shit like she posted on here wont make it any better. She would need to cut out shitty carbs and eat primarly fat and protein from animal sources to get back on track.

Most hormornal problems are self-inflicted through retarded deeds.

>> No.15024531

Gee bill, your mum lets you make all those medical claims without sources?

>> No.15024538

I'm not gonna waste my sunday looking up ncbi for sources of well known problems. If you want them, look them up yourself, I'm not spoonfeeding plebs.

>> No.15024551

cut out the snacks and the muffins and stop adding sugar or syrup to your coffee (yes, it makes a difference, starbucks-style sugary coffee is basically no better than soda)
it looks like half your daily calories come from sweets

I personally dropped a lot of weight by just dropping sweets and sweet drinks outright, after a month or two you'll stop craving them so much

>> No.15024581

most people with ovarian cysts had precocious puberty so by your logic they would have done it to themselves in early childhood. also everyone know that those hormonal changes affect metabolism and weight loss. it's a very well documented phenomena

>> No.15024585

also the cysts cause the hormonal changes retard, where do you think the hormones are coming from? at least have a basic understanding of female endocrinology lmao

>> No.15024590

Precocious puberty is in of itself a sign of hormornal inbalances, mostly started by lifestyle choices of the household (single mothers lead their daughters on average into a two years eralier puberty. As do envoiremental endocrine disruptors.

While she can't change the start of her puberty, she can cut of endocrine discrupting agents and lifestyle choices inted of acting like she can't do anything about it.

>> No.15024600

>she can cut of endocrine discrupting agents

you can't actually be this retarded can you? i mean, you ARE joking right?

>> No.15024604

>5,9 180lbs woman

>> No.15024615
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I'm a 6'1/185lbs male and I'm close to overweight
You should diet

>> No.15024763

6'1 male here, I have GERD so eating makes me feel like shit.
Today I ate:
Porridge (oats, sultanas, water)
A banana and a small amount of low fat yoghurt
Two pieces of wholemeal bread with half an avocado and some tuna
An apple
More porridge

Am I gonna starve /ck/? Feelshungryman

>> No.15024871

u wot m8

>> No.15024874

Cut the snacks!

>small iced coffee
why do you need a ton of sugar in your coffee?

You don't need dessert.

>> No.15025031

he already answered your question. Yes it is, it doesnt matter portion size if all you put in your body is shit

hurr durr also youre obviously not working out so why do you care

just love your dumb body and eating habits and get concerned if you hit 190 which you probably are

>> No.15025042

you just eat till youre overwhelmingly full enough that you get used to stop eating when it sickens you

the problem is doing this many times makes your stomavh stretch and your capacity increase so nsturaly as you consume more to get full you get fatter

also being a depressed lazy fuck with an appetite will do that to you

>> No.15025050
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I'm 5'11 and 375

I go to the local gas station buy a 25 box of dark meat chicken and a large box of fries and I throw it back with 2 or 3 arizonas.

pic related what I eat in a day

Suicide by overeating is the best way to go

>> No.15025053

Gallon of water a day, no other drinks

>> No.15025072

True that, when I was 250lbs I used to be able to put down huge meals. Now that I'm 150lbs, my tumtum fills up with modest meals

>> No.15025081

What's your bmi.
Eat less snacks, eat a more fulfilling meal.
Work out on your off time.
That's basically it.

>> No.15025092

>you just eat till youre overwhelmingly full enough that you get used to stop eating when it sickens you
not really
people get fat by eating lots of fat.

>> No.15025119
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>What's your bmi.
Dumb question, she's told you her height and weight

>> No.15025162

depends on how you hold onto weight or how active you are

>> No.15025193

stop drinking smoothies, eat fruits and drink water
also if you put sugar into your coffee, stop it
also cut down on the chocolate ice cream cones

>> No.15025342

China is not at fault for you overeating and your country's leadership being incompetent.

>> No.15025345
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>> No.15025395

Fine if you workout. I'm 150lbs/6'1" which is lean and I'm a cardiofag

>> No.15025418

5 or 6 and you’ll be shedding pounds in no time

>> No.15025428

you’re a retard. Fat is not bad for you as long as you’re not overeating

>> No.15025489

Not my experience. Also be careful to rinse with water and wait a while before you brush your teeth.

>> No.15025516
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Hey guys OP here with good news!
When i made this thread 2 days ago i weighed a good 192 pounds, woke up the next morning skipped breakfast, hit the treadmill for 30 min with incline, ate only eggs with pita whole wheat naan and butter chicken, black iced coffee.
And guess what? Check again today and im at 190. Thank you for all the replies.

>> No.15025522

This better be bait.

>> No.15025540

What I'm saying is ovarian cysts can't be left unchecked and ignored. They're not necessarily always harmful, but without medical monitoring or intervention they can grow and potentially become cancerous - among a bunch of other problems they can lead to. OP obviously doesn't even give enough of a fuck to even get them checked out.

>> No.15025565

Should have taken a picture from that night. Want me to update with pictures?

>> No.15025568
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>> No.15025636

I'd rather you didn't.

>> No.15025638


Whaddya think sweety

>> No.15025639

With boobs preferably, yes.

Seriously though. The body constantly loses and gains weight in water, 2 pounds is basically normal fluctuation. Stored glycogen (which you use up when you suddenly start eating less) binds water, so a crash diet will usually see you lose a bit of weight in water, but very little in fat. You'll regain that weight right quick if you eat a bit more. It's totally meaningless.

>> No.15025686

You do love a banana don’t you

>> No.15025744

2 pounds is not weight loss, it's just water weight
but keep it up for a month and you'll see some actual results

>> No.15025750

>people get fat by eating lots of fat.
woah, looks like we got a time traveler from the 1950s here anons cause this has been disproven half a century ago

>> No.15025752

>5'11" female here, weighs 140lb
breakfast: 2 tallboys
lunch: 2 tallboys
dinner: slice of za from work i ate in increments when i was able to run to the back to get bottles, 3 shots of tequila, 4 tallboys
snack: cigarettes
is this healthy?

>> No.15025871

Wife material right here, my god

>> No.15025903

sounds like you really enjoy carbs, which is typical for women. they eat copious amounts of carbohydrates to make their asses bigger, like a buck eats minerals to grow his antlers

>> No.15025925

I think you’re a lying fat bitch.

>> No.15025971

pick one

>> No.15025983

You sound fun

>> No.15026017
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stop being short bitch :)

>> No.15026205

you a line cook?

>> No.15027206

Why would i lie about something that is considered embarrassing

>> No.15027235

It's less that you shouldn't eat until you're completely full, and more that you shouldn't eat if you're not actually hungry, but fat people tend to not know the difference and on the very rare occasion that they're reminded what hunger feels like they think they're starving and go devour two pizzas

>> No.15027247

phoneposters need to die. you first faggot.

>> No.15027254

no i'm a try too hard faggot. why?

>> No.15027553

nice back-pedaling you scientific illiterate lmao

>> No.15027594

5'6" 140lb woman and I have a slight tummy and fat thighs. You're definitely overweight for someone hardly taller than me.

>> No.15027613

Post tummy and I’ll give you accurate results

>> No.15027768


>> No.15028042
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No clue but wouldnt the case change beyond just height and weight? I'm 5'3 and weigh about 112lbs and eat way more than you especially in regards to meat.
Pancakes, Breakfast Sausages x2, scrambled eggs, toast and chocolate milk
Anything from tacos, burgers, sandwiches and chicken. If im eating out a large meal and maybe 2 things by themselves
Steaks, ribs, pastas, enchiladas, etc and generally a good serving usually meant for 2-3 people.
Chips, bamboo shoots, pudding and gummy sharks.

I think im pretty fat in spirit and im sure /ck/ would agree

>> No.15028121

>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman
In awe at the size of this lass. Absolute unit.

>> No.15028125

Post feet

>> No.15028289
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Cigarette girl, question still stands

>> No.15028338

>killed the thread of tummy post

I guess you got your answer.

>> No.15028419

youre six foot . most of your mass is height

>> No.15028425

Doesn’t answer my q

>> No.15028445

No, you're not fat. You're actively thin. If you're not a tranny (40% chance) or a larper (55% chance) then you also have a very hot tummy. No blemishes. Bet your face looks like it's been hit with a pickaxe tho

>> No.15028774


>> No.15028785

>only coffee and cigarettes for lunch
Both caffeine and nicotine are stimulants, so they suppress your appetite.

>> No.15028828

A few tips anon: protein and fiber are more filling (fats too, but they are super calorie dense) and salt and sugar triggers cravings. Number one tip though is that it is always easiest to say no to junk food at the cash register.

>> No.15028836

>eat something filling for breakfast like a turkey and cheese sandwich or some pan fried beans with frozen mixed vegetables tossed in
>don't eat lunch
>end up eating like a fucking land whale for dinner, shit like eating almost an entire delivery pizza, or eating three baked potatoes, or an entire pan of frozen carbs like pizza rolls or tater tots
>snack as lightly as I can getting a small handful of pretzel nuggets or some shit
>be incredibly unhealthy but still not overweight like every fucking woman I see

Feels good to be high test. 5'9 175lbs with an absolutely fucking trash diet filled almost entirely with carbs, beer and liquor. Maybe I offset all the wasted calories with all the masturbating because I sure as fuck don't work out or even leave the house.

>> No.15028929

>I'm a 5,9 180lbs woman
didnt read the rest

>> No.15028939

Why is it that most small people I've met are black holes like this? Where the fuck does your food go?

>> No.15028963

High metabolism and they are likely more active than they think.

When I was in middle school I was like 5'4 and 90lbs and I would get home from school and eat 4 corn dogs, then nothing but junk food and fast food for the rest of the day, sleep, repeat.

It just happened I also used to be awake 18-48 hours straight and fairly active.

Now that I'm 30 and I sleep 12 hours a fucking day I gain weight fairly easily and shit sucks. Miss being able to eat whatever I want without stressing about getting fat.

>> No.15028970
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>snacking throughout the day
>eating more than 2 meals unless heavy exercise

>> No.15028974

Like >>15028963 i'm naturally active as I naturally can't stay still. I need to constantly be moving or it feels like my blood is burning up from the boredom of staying in one place. Downside is im constantly hungry. I'll eat and then not even 15-20mins later i'll be hungry again.

>> No.15029194

I'm sorry that you have the reading comprehension of a helmet-wearing 3 year old, anon. You and OP would make a cute couple.

>> No.15029221

imagine dating the quarterback

>> No.15029237

>im fat
>do I eat too much
Mostly likely yes.

>> No.15029255

My wife is 5' 9" and weighs 135 lb. You are fat and have a terrible diet
>cut carbs
>eat more protein
>take a cardio class
send us a pic