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15015897 No.15015897 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to get over my phobia. Do any of you guys have food poisoning stories and / or bad hygiene stories ? Thanks.

>> No.15015901

I got food poisoning from Arby's when I was like 6, it was the first time I ever had Arby's and it took me a few years to be able to enjoy their sandwiches again without feeling immediately sick psychologically

>> No.15015907

Poppy's a little sloppy

>> No.15015910

The two worst experiences I've had were a super white bread mexican restaurant and at Noodles.

Both meals tasted just slightly off, but nothing super alarming. Biggest red flags were the timing. The mexican restaurant was new and the noodles&co was at the end of a day and it seemed dead.

Both these places blew out my asshole and made it painful to eat for about 2 weeks. Since then I never eat at restaurants open less than 3 months, and I never have fast food near the closing time.

I ate tons of things that I thought would get me sick, but nothing happened. Sketchy restaurants and stuff I ate in 3rd world countries. Slightly undercooked stuff I made myself. It seems like you really have to fuck up or just get bad luck to get it bad.

I will say consistently whenever I have thai food or taco bell I always have a weird poop the day after, but nothing egregious.

>> No.15015915

Lol this happened to my friend at Wendy's. We don't know if it was just a coincidence cuz no one else got sick, but he got it real bad.

To this day I don't think he would agree to go to wendy's. He's 29 now and this happened when we were like 12.

>> No.15015944

Got some kind of gut bug in Portugal.

>hungry so go to a restaurant in Porto with good reviews
>baked chicken, fries, salad
>36 hours later wake up in the middle of the night
>cramping, pain, pressure
>run to toilet
>somehow pressurized liquid shit manages to skip the line of solid turds that had already been in there that were supposed to exit first
>solid turds follow flow of hot lava shortly after then more liquid
>intermittent diarrhea for 3 days after
>constant nausea the whole time
>dehydrated from the all the diarrhea
>heat exhaustion within minutes of trying to walk around Lisbon due to lack of fluid/electrolytes

My wife was fine but she didn't eat the salad. Raw food while traveling is always a gamble weather it's meat or veggies/fruit. There's no promise that they were washed well and with no heat/cooking they can't be sterilized when prepared. My tip is to always eat cooked food when traveling. I learned the hard way.

>> No.15015952

>36 hours later
Too much for food poisoning

>> No.15015966

I've only every vomited once and then been perfectly fine from food poisoning

>> No.15015967


Depending on the foodborne illness the onset of symptoms can be delayed for days.

>> No.15015981

While true this sounds more like norovirus. I've had it and it was pure hell. Came out of no where. I have never gotten sicker faster. I assumed it was food poisoning.

But then I gave it to my wife when I got back from my work trip. Coulda been the food in your case, but you never know.

>> No.15017224

I work back of house at an Indian restaurant in the USA. The cooks here sometimes double dip ladles to taste the curries in their pots.

>> No.15017256
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If you eat food prepared by Indians you deserve to die of anthrax. Have you SEEN what they do to public toilets? It's unspeakable.

My God. Have a bath and use soap.

>> No.15017283

Indian food does not taste good enough to warrant eating food made by Indians.

>> No.15017327

True that. I'm in hotel management, and whenever we have industry conferences, the Indian franchise owners always give off an odor. People who are millionaires, still reeking of shit.

>> No.15017334

when your diet consists of smelly ass spices like asafoetida and fenugreek along with chili powder and cumin, its a surprise that people don't reek of indian food more

>> No.15017428

You know what disturbs me?
At home I'm lazy about hand washing, I take chances with expired food, I eat things much rarer than recommended, etc etc, every unsanitary thing imaginable that normal people I've cooked with would have a panic attack over, and I don't think I've ever given myself food poisoning.
But random restaurants food poison me once every year or two. (I'm usually sure of the blame because I mostly eat out while travelling.)
Worse than that, the immune system is pretty damn good at its job and most bacteria isn't the poisoning kind. So if I get sick even one time in twenty, I'm probably getting served some kind of spoiled filthy shit at least 50% of the time.
So what the FUCK are they doing to that food?
Do restaurants just routinely let food sit under heaters for 30 hours over the course of 2 days before they serve it or something?

>> No.15017466

>So what the FUCK are they doing to that food?
Unironically it's usually restaurant staff slacking on handwashing after shitting, or perhaps cross-contaminating. Also possible that you're being served food that's well past it's expiration, and not the 'eh it's only a day it'll be fine' sort, whether it's prepared food that's reheated or raw ingredients, which stems from the bottom line.

At home, you toss obviously bad food, unless it's 'close', and likely don't mix your raw veggies with cookware that's been used on raw meat. Any issues usually get cooked out since you aren't keeping leftovers for a week.

>> No.15018366

went to a wendies to get food on the way to a hotel during a road trip
woke up in the middle of the night shitting out deep brown diarrhea with the consistency of crude oil, then throwing up into the bath tub right next to me at the same time
then eventually breaking out into hives because my body was rejecting the food so badly
was fucking miserable

>> No.15019423

>be me 29
>Getting married to my Balkan gf
>Stop at mcD in the middle of preparations 2 days before wedding
>See that they have the mcWrap
>It was discontinued 5 years ago at home but I really liked it
Later that night.
>Puke up everything I ate that day. High pressure spraying from mouth and nose
>Liquid shit pouring from my inflamed rectum
>Continuously spray concentrated stomach acid from both ends the entire next day
>Completely fine on my actual wedding
>The suit did not fit as well anymore though

What really fucks me up about this is that this has never happened before or since with 10+ years of eating Balkan food even though I on the regular buy cevap from the seedy guy in the harbour who grill them in an old oil drum that he practically never wash.

>> No.15019443
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I worked in gastronomy, our boss regularly made us use up spoiled shit. Stuff like mayonnaise he bought shortly before expiration day to save money which sat at room temp the whole day, for multiple days. Meat that was dropped, was just scrapped off and put on a burger, etc.He also made us clean everything with glass cleaner, which should never be used on any food affiliated stuff. Microwaving old beef patties for 30 seconds to kill germs, just throwing them onto the plte naked, cleaning it only once daily. Rotten tomato? Just cut of the moldy bits.

I haven't eaten out since I started there, I even cooked for my own weeding to not have it made by some filthskins.

>> No.15019489

panda express shrimp fucked me up bad a couple years back. other than that, anytime I eat something sort of out of the ordinary my poop skews a tad off into irregular territory but nothing as bad as poisoning.

>> No.15019503

I had a job where I was on the road traveling pretty much 24/7. Had probably almost 1000 meals at different restaurants. Only got food poisoning twice so about 0.2%
I'd recommend just avoiding restaurants that look like they're barely scraping by if you're concerned. Most places try their best to adhere to health codes because they're fucked if they don't.

Story time
>In buttfuck Ohio eating at buttfuck restaurants all week
>Decide to try mexican place for a change. Ordered taco salad because a diet of grease/ fat/ salt will make you crave vegetables (buttfuck places are notorious for only having greasy spoon establishments)
>didn't notice anything off tasting
>but food poisoning takes about a day for the bacteria to make it into your digestive system and start to multiply
>eating lunch with coworker, we're having shepherds pie
>everything still going good
>around 5 PM start feeling it
>nauseous, tired, can't see straight
>barely able to make it back to hotel even with coworker driving
>pass out on the bathroom floor for about an hour
>wake up ready to let hell lose
>begin vomiting in toilet
>starts coming out other end
>begin shitting in toilet while vomiting in tub
>hope I put the "do not disturb" sign on the hotel door, this isn't going to be pretty in the morning if the maid comes in
>pass out again on the bathroom floor
>several hours pass, severely dehydrated
>put on underwear that isn't covered in shit crawl to vending machine (thank god it takes credit cards)
>get a lemonade, go back and sip it while laying on the bathroom floor
>eventually crawl into bed after torrent has stopped
>several hours later awake to texts from coworker
>want to call a sick day but I'm literally this coworkers lifeline out here, he didn't even have a corporate card at this point
>go into work at 11, literally just a body in a chair dead to the world while coworker does all the work
>have to drink soda to get calories nothing else will stay down

>> No.15019516

Part 2

>tried eating crackers, threw them up undigested.
>Tried drinking milk, came up curdled like nasty ricotta cheese
>Only here for 2 more days, I can tough it out
>Eventually body starts returning to normal and can eat gentle foods by the end of the trip
>find out on the news that romaine lettuce had been recalled literally everywhere the day after mexican place due to salmonella infecting virtually all the lettuce in the USA

>> No.15019669

I eat anything and have never gotten food poisoning
this thread makes me think salad is the most dangerous food to eat out, but fuck you for paying for a salad

>> No.15019677

I ate storebought preprepared guacamole once. Tasted fine going down, and then was super fucked for like 36 hours. Whole body hurt really fucking bad, could hardly move, and mostly slept on and off. Probably should have gone to the doctor but I waited it out. Never again.

>> No.15019735

>new thai place opens near me
>get tom yum soup w/prawns
>is excellent soup
>jerk off, 18 hrs after eating
>spunk is bright red in the kleenex
>freak out, thinking it's blood, I'm dying, my body is liquifying my testicles!
>no pain, no sickness, still have balls
>24 hrs later conclude everything is fine
fucking food coloring to make the soup red was concentrated in my ejaculate?
never going back to 'gai barn', I'll get my soup from thai basil thank you very much.

>> No.15019758

>8 years old or so
>severely food poisoned by Chinese food
>throw up once and hate it, afraid of it
>think throwing up is bad
>spend several days avoiding liquids
>horribly dehydrated, dreaming of water
>cave in and drink a bunch of water out of the showerhead
>puke my guts out
>still just as sick, still just as dehydrated
>finally recover on day 4 after drinking pedialyte

To this day Asian takeout of any kind is as appetizing to me as chugging pints of hydrogen peroxide .I think I would handle it better today, but I'll never get over how badly they fucked me up back as a kid. Teriyaki chicken might as well be chicken with antifreeze to my palette, even decades later.