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15015123 No.15015123 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15015147

that looks sad as fuck

>> No.15015148

I think I'd rather just buy a steak and potato separately and save myself from the piss water

>> No.15015150
File: 53 KB, 541x500, 1604493358011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6/10, great potential. Will fall if no follow up posts, but could go up with good responses. noko'd and monitored my memer mate.

>> No.15015153

hah it's like those pre made sandwiches with a bag of chips and cookie.

>> No.15015158

I'd buy it.
looks like the perfect backyard snack after a long day of yard work.
man I still want a mini bbq grill.

>> No.15015296

I think they should include a spice packet with the meat maby also a small folded square of tinfoil for the potato, this is intended for bbqing right?

>> No.15015315

that steak looks hideous

>> No.15015324

15 dollars???

>> No.15015325
File: 164 KB, 371x314, Screenshot_20201106-043345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me but that is a chairman's reserve steak, it's flavor is too complex for poor lil plebs such as yourself

>> No.15015331

in which dakota or 'oming do they sell this

>> No.15015332

yeah seems a bit pricey but that's business. looks like a 3 dollar steak I'd say the beers are worth 50 to 75 cents each the potato is 10cents.

>> No.15015351
File: 119 KB, 496x427, Screenshot_20201106-044729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the boomer snack pack

>> No.15015366

You shouldn't need to be 21 to have a bud light (retardedly high American drinking age aside). It doesn't even have alcohol or flavour in it. As Monty Python said, Yank beer is making love in a canoe.

>> No.15015382

What wrong with the normal sized ones?

>> No.15015384

idk it's something I've wanted since I was a young kid.

>> No.15015456

chairman of what? lol

>> No.15015504

Would your childhood self he disappointed in his adult self for the lack of mini bbq grill?

>> No.15015523

but whenever I see someone with a mini bbq on their porch I've got a urge to get one but then I forget about it in a few minutes.

>> No.15015529


>> No.15015536

Americans don’t season steaks. Salt and pepper only.

>> No.15015554

>3 dollar steak
You’re a retard. The cheapest you could possibly get a 12 oz Strip steak for in the US would be around $8. Most places it’s upwards of $15 a lb but can easily be $20 or more.

>> No.15015572
File: 93 KB, 496x391, Screenshot_20201106-061255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey now we all can't afford to live In newyork

>> No.15015789

>only 2 beers
youre not gonna make it

>> No.15015969

would be 30 dollars in B.C canada

>> No.15016008

Texas here, I've found strips at $2.33/lb, and regular price is in the $5-7/lb range. Maybe $10/lb if you want USDA Prime.

>> No.15016046

/b/ tier post, try harder kid

>> No.15016371

>grey steak
>chilled potato where starches have converted to sugar so it'll be pungently sweet smelling
>soulless piss beer
>for the low low price of only 15 shekels

>> No.15016482

I could buy a small semi good steak for 5$ a sack of potatoes for 2$ two tall cans of decent beer for 4$dollars
and blow the rest on losing scratcher tickets

>> No.15016884


>> No.15016888

Chairman's Reserve? More like CHADman's Reserve.

>> No.15016951
File: 88 KB, 308x281, abby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking what? Yes, we absolutely do season steaks.

>> No.15016962
File: 694 KB, 689x597, 1591141203053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't even have alcohol

It's 4.2%. A Guinness is also 4.2%. Most normal macro beers here in the states will be 5-5.5%.

>> No.15016976

>it's 4.2%
that's not beer that's nearbeer

>> No.15016983

nearbeer is 0,5% or less.