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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 344 KB, 1200x628, cashew-nut-nuts-bowl-1200x628-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15007037 No.15007037 [Reply] [Original]

the worst nut

>> No.15007067

agreed. end of thread

>> No.15007087

squirrels fucking love that shit though.

>> No.15007090
File: 445 KB, 921x1121, me feeding fx squrrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They prefer walnuts and pecans

>> No.15007093

Cashews are actually the best nut. Not surprised to see such shit taste on /ck/ though.

>> No.15007100

that isnt the hazelnut/the brazil nut

>> No.15007282
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Cashews are based. Fuck you.

>> No.15007287

Wrong, cashews rule, they taste great and have a great bite. The worst nut for snacking purposes is the pecan. Pecans can be great in certain desserts complimented by other ingredients, but they're the worst ones to grab out of a container of mixed nuts.

>> No.15007300

agreed. that astringent flavor is really annoying when you eat pecans on their own

>> No.15007320

Awful taste, roasted salted pecans are delicious. Of course c*shew faggots would take umbrage with this fact.
Dumb faggot predictably doesn't know what this word means, shocker.

>> No.15007323

Brazil nut? What's a Brazil nut? I've never heard of anything called a Brazil nut.

>> No.15007327


>> No.15007328

Look here, it's a retarded loser! Lmfao how amazing.

>> No.15007339

No it's one of the best. Walnuts are the worst

>> No.15007371

Cashew's aren't even a nut so they can't be the worst nut

>> No.15007379

Friendly reminder to not eat too many cashews unless you want your asshole to itch from the poisonous oils on them.

>> No.15007381

You may know them by a different name.....

>> No.15007385

>objectively high tier nut
this is bait when the pine nut exists

>> No.15007432
File: 30 KB, 488x488, shewb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shews are the young man's nut. the nut of a healthy, strong youth. boomers can keep their pecans, their walnuts. i enjoy the finer things, like roasted salted shews, or shew butter

>> No.15007464


>> No.15007603

Brazil nut is easily the worst. They're so bad that they ruin the rest of the bag of mixed nuts. Macadamia are the king of nuts, they have a Macadamia castle here in Australia where they do every flavour you can think of.

>> No.15007646

Thats not a picture of peanuts though

>> No.15007654

I like the flavor of peanuts but they always seem to get stuck in my throat no matter how much I chew them. Guess it's because they're not true nuts and have to be deep fried to get that crunchy texture.

>> No.15007676

>always seem to get stuck in my throat
how do you eat peanuts and suck BBC at the same time?

>> No.15007701

Very carefully.

>> No.15007708

Brazil nuts taste like actual cum because they're so packed with zinc

>> No.15007855


>> No.15007861

this, but the opposite.

>> No.15007862

boiled chestnuts are the worst. They look like moldy toenails and probably taste the same too.

>> No.15007865


>> No.15007869

not even nuts but they're based

>> No.15007891

paranut is the worst nut

>> No.15007899

Fun fact tastelets: Did you know if you don't shell the nut yourself and eat it immediately you are eating rancid nuts?

Cashews HAVE to be shelled because the shell contains caustic oils that will cause burns similar to poison ivy.... because, cashews are in the same family as poison ivy

>> No.15008123

The worst nut is the one I don't have, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.15008137
File: 214 KB, 650x650, _MG_5989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the people who hate Brazil nuts, here is the reason:
They are perishable and yours were rancid. People think nuts last for years, but its just not true, especially Brazil nuts. They are lovely when fresh, and taste like absolute shit when rancid. Since grandma's nut bowl is leftover from Christmas 2015, they taste like shit, hence your bad memories.
Its not the nut's fault, any food that is spoiled tastes like shit.

>> No.15008147

I hate them because I'm allergic to them desu, but they also don't taste great

>> No.15008206

so cute

are squirrel's chill buddies or are they not big on human contactc

>> No.15008242

That's not very fun at all.

>> No.15008268
File: 116 KB, 736x608, 1582562939371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody itt naming all the greatest nuts just to stir shit up. Meanwhile the objectively worst nut hasn't even been mentioned. Untoasted pine nuts shouldn't be considered fit for human consumption.

>> No.15008276

you have bad taste

>> No.15008285
File: 13 KB, 717x162, 1577413340044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes everything you eat for weeks taste like shit
By all means though, enjoy your pinecones.

>> No.15008290

they are basically rats that live in trees
fancy rats can be nice pets if properly socialized, but wild rats and squirrels don't want anything to do with you and can give you hantavirus and lung worms

>> No.15008294

The worst nut is without a doubt nigger toes

>> No.15008304
File: 134 KB, 618x979, Pinjekerner-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Pine nuts
2. Pistachios
3. Pecans
4. Almonds
5. Walnuts
--- POWER GAP ---
69. Macadamias
70. Brazil nuts
71. Peanuts (because you gotta have a pea sized brain to rate them lol)
9001^9001. Cashews

>> No.15008321

hazelnuts are definitely in the top five, ole

>> No.15008335

Ranking pisstashios and almounds that high means you are a basic bitch.
Post tits to prove otherwise.

>> No.15008350

Name one use for hazelnuts other than nutella

>> No.15008392

Lately whenever I eat cashew nuts I've been feeling a soapy aftertaste. Is this something similar to cilantro tasting weird to whites?

>> No.15008431

ferrero rocher

>> No.15008539


is this even a nut? I means it's just some apple's hard penis

>> No.15008586

good bait

>> No.15008742


>> No.15008788

1. Pistachios
2. Cashews
3. Everything else

>> No.15008828

nuts are all bad because of omega 6
enjoy your cancer

>> No.15009067

Try these nuts

>> No.15009194

Must have taken a long time to masturbate cashews.

>> No.15009204

There is a lot of them.

>> No.15009965

Nigger toes

>> No.15009974


>> No.15010008

worst nuts = macadamia nuts

>> No.15010199

Brazil nuts

can't deny it

>> No.15010201

>look guys i'm getting mad about arbitrary things online haha i'm a true channer just like the rest of you!

>> No.15010213

Peanuts aren't nuts; they're legumes.

>> No.15010254

Most nuts are bad. Pistachios and almonds are the best nuts, and even almonds are just OK. Peanut butter is good, but I'm not gonna sit around eating peanuts

Pistachios are cool though

>> No.15010506

what a dumb thread.
eat whatever fucking shit you want who cares
how pathetic do you have to be to argue over it
also best nut is that from a bbc :-)

>> No.15010617

Let them be, they only ate dried up cashew that some diseased mexican swept up from the bottle of the ship.

>> No.15010884

fry them in a pan without oil and a bit of grated coconut

>> No.15011033

what a dumb fucking autist
you care and you are here to argue about it
and you are a faggot because you love bbc

>> No.15011040

Coconut is worst nut. The water is good though

>> No.15011043

those look like ticks

>> No.15011071

by your logic responding autistically to an autist on the international network makes you the bigger autist and also a faggot

>> No.15011088

Wtf, cashews are amazing.

Best nuts:
Brazil nut

Worst nut is hazel and peanuts.

>> No.15011103

worst nut is the one that birthed you you absolute tastelet subhuman

>> No.15011104

I raised a couple, they're little demons. They tear up absolutely everything. One was surprisingly cuddly but would still scratch and bite, but only women specifically for some reason.

>> No.15011109

look who responded

>international network
it explained itself who is the bigger autist and also a faggot

>> No.15011118

I’m black and cilantro tastes like a dish sponge. It’s not a white thing.

>> No.15011579

macademia nuts my dude

>> No.15011605

they have really sharp claws so it's always unpleasant when they walk on you or touch you. sugar gliders also have sharp claws but weigh less than squirrels so it's not so bad. I've known a couple of people who had squirrels over the years. One was kept in a big wire cage and when it got excited it would run up the wall of the cage, across the ceiling and back down the other wall over and over like it was running on a wheel or something. it was a really loud animal to have in the house. I have squirrels that have tried nesting in my house and had to put up wire and clean up their mess. they're annoying animals and you don't ever want them to freely wander your house because they can bit through just about anything

>> No.15011628

I had brushed my teeth the other night already but decided to grab a few cashews and forgot I had already bushed after I had taken them out of the container so I tried swallowing them like pills. let me tell you, it was really unpleasant

>> No.15011632


>> No.15011638

Pistachios and Walnuts are so much better than everything else it's not even close.

>> No.15011650

>knowing this little about nutrition
aww sweetie, your ignorance is adorably childish`

>> No.15011717

being a fat piece of shit increases your risk of cancer

>> No.15011736

The best nut I had was in ur mum m8.

>> No.15011970

Macadamia nuts or nigger toes

>> No.15011997

lol i bet u use seed oil too

>> No.15012004

Nigger toes are the wurst

>> No.15012005

lol i bet ur still fucking retarded too

>> No.15012056

>why are seed oils/PUFAs bad for you?
[YouTube] Nina Teicholz - 'Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story' (embed)
[YouTube] Controversial Thoughts: Linoleic acid makes you fat and dead faster! (embed)
[YouTube] Chris A. Knobbe - Omega-6 Apocalypse: From Heart Disease to Cancer and Macular Degeneration - AHS19 (embed)
[YouTube] Dr. Chris Knobbe - 'Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?' (embed)

The inclusion, and increase in consumption of seed oils (which are very high in o-6 PUFAs) is the only dietary change in the last centuary or so that correlates almost perfectly with the rise in obesity, cancer, diabetes, CVD, macular degeneration and every other modern disease. They do this by causing mitochondrial dysfunction and making your adipocytes more insulin sensitivie than they should be

>what foods contain seed oils
unless specificed otherwise...
>cooking oils that come from vegetables or seeds (canola oil, sunflower oil, basedbean oil, walnut oil etc...)
>anything fried
>anything served in a resturant that's cooked
>all processed snacks foods
>salad dressings
and many more that I'm probably forgetting

>is olive oil/coconut oil/avocado oil a seed oil?
No, those are fruit oils, although beware of oilve oil as some brands are high in PUFAs and beware of avocado oil as many brands use part seed oil part avocado oil

>what should I cook with instead?
Butter, beef tallow, coconut oil, ghee
Lard and poultry fats often contain high amounts of o-6 PUFAs as they're fed shitty diets high in seed oils (such as basedbean based feed) and as such their fats should be consumed with caution
>how much PUFA should I limit myself too

>How much PUFAs should I limit myself too
Preferably no more than 4% of your TDEE.

>> No.15012060
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>posts youtube links as proof
oh honey

>> No.15012155

i love that based mad lad. He should wear the a crown because he is a king among men.

>> No.15012165

I've busted worse

>> No.15012213

lol i love the casual racism boys. Keep it up.

>> No.15012216

@op fuck you

>> No.15012218

This is the worst opinion I've seen on this board in a long time.

>> No.15012916


>> No.15012945

Over 9000 to the power of over 9000 for the godly Cashew doesn't seem quite fair tbqh but to each his own.

For me it looks pretty decent if you just move the Cashews and Peanuts to the top

>> No.15013065

Are you all out of your fucking minds? Cashews are more expensive because they taste so goddamn good. What the hell are you retards buying that you're eating cashews and say ew gross? I have the palette of a child and I still eat cashews. They're not like olives where you have to get accustomed to them, they're just tasty snacks. I'm so baffled right now

>> No.15013525

For you

>> No.15014017

the worst nut is when you spy on your mom in the shower or in her room getting undressed/dressed and you feel guilty about it later and become full of regret at being such a bad son for masturbating over your own sexy mother

>> No.15014469

I suspect the cilantro thing might be an acquirable taste. I thought I was genetically predisposed to hate it because I used to immediately detect and hate it. But then I had it a little more and more in dishes I otherwise liked (Pakistani food, Mexican food), and now I genuinely like it. I actually prefer it to parsley now, which I was exposed to earlier.

>> No.15014552

Cashew are great

>> No.15014628

>eat jar of peanuts on their own
>eat peanuts in a jar of mixed nuts
>taste like ass
what's going on

>> No.15014637

>Cashews are more expensive because they taste so goddamn good
Actually it's because there's only one "nut" per fruit and the fruit itself can't be shipped out since it spoils quickly
They're incredibly wasteful to grow

>> No.15014665

It's not that they are so terrible, it's just that they certainly aren't the best.

>> No.15014671

>I have the palette of a child
Well you just answered your own question right there.

>> No.15015091

Grind them up or finely chop thrm and put them in pancake batter.

>> No.15015094

>so I tried swallowing them like pills. let me tell you, it was really unpleasant
i believe you

>> No.15015116

I like them in a mix but on their own they're kinda rich.

>> No.15015662

Burger kang

>> No.15015689

fuck tree rats

>> No.15016139

Your mum.

I can't believe nobody has said this yet. What happened to moots website?

>> No.15016165

>[YouTube] Nina Teicholz
Stopped reading there. I’m not giving you clicks, shill

>> No.15017406


>> No.15017630

my local park was known to have squirrels who would take nuts right out of your palm, but our population has increased drastically over the past 10 years and they're all probably scared half to death of these fucking creeps.
as to picking them up and trying to play with them? you need to step outside of your room more often.

>> No.15017641

i like their texture but cashews are probably best. I finished a bag of pistachios today and feel like a fat ass now.

>> No.15018054

based squirrel

>> No.15018060

if they're fed from the hand a lot they lose thier fear. my university campus had essentially domesticated squirrels that had absolutely lost their fear of people

>> No.15018135

the worst nut is the one a random stranger put into your mom that lead to you

>> No.15018247

Almond is objectively the worst nut. Takes like fucking wood. Ironically it makes the best nut butter.

>> No.15018374

Love these. Also they give me crazy shits.

>> No.15018772

You can't even properly copy and paste your own shitty sources.

>> No.15018885

I'll fucking kill you

>> No.15018907

cashew shill

>> No.15018912

They're actually the best but my gut malfunctioned and now they give me steatorrhea

>> No.15019233

Cashews are a great nut. You are trolling or crazy.

>> No.15019240

No, that was the one I gave your mom.

>> No.15019642

>be me
>chilling snacking doing other things
>randomly decide to find out what my bros think of cashews
>head over to /ck/ and find this thread
wtf bros I thought you were supposed to have good tatse?

>> No.15019676
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Cashews are definitely better than almonds. They have almost a sweet flavor to them, light. Not an intense flavor, and that's good a thing. I do like pistachios more, walnuts are also quite good in baked things, as are pecans. Cashew butter is a good nut butter, as is hazelnut butter.

Peanuts not mentioned because they are a legume.