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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14989148 No.14989148 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube recommended me this pretentious fuck. Is he /ck/?

Seems like he's one of those pseudo intellectual "we need to deconstruct the language around cooking" types.

Bitches seem to like him though, so maybe he's a really great guy and I just don't see it.

>> No.14989201

Stop asking "is [insert youtube faggot here] is [insertboard here]???" 4chan isn't some kind of hivemind, fuck off and stop shilling this cancer.

>> No.14989225

i like his videos

>> No.14989226

I like him.

>4chan isn't some kind of hivemind

>> No.14989232

He honestly really good. He gets straight to the point and doesn't waste time trying to flex or be funny.

>> No.14989256

Fucking go back to reedit retard.

>> No.14989281

I don't know man, if you want to suck this guy's dick maybe reddit's your jam.

You understand irony right?

>> No.14989529

I like him.

He gives good advice.

>> No.14989532

Why on a cooking board are there so many discussions about Youtube homos?

>> No.14989545

he's based and doesn't fuck around with drawn out intros and branding please subscribe shit. He had a phase where he was just jacking off his new sous-vide machine but he got over it

>> No.14989561

4chan is anonymous.

Therefore every faggot that shows his face on video is NOT 4chan.

The ONLY 4chan/ck/ approved cook is chef John.

>> No.14989622

He's based for prioritizing his actual job over being a meme youtuber.

>> No.14989628

Not totally anonymous. NSA knows exactly who each one of us is.

>> No.14989632

OP clearing doesn't know the meaning of the word

>> No.14989636
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dangerously based

>> No.14989709

Why are you seeking approval from a website?

>> No.14990014

For sure,like the NSA would care about some faggots who could very well not be from the USA

>> No.14990033

They definitely do. Information is traded with foreign governnent agencies.

>> No.14991268

What type of shitskin is he

>> No.14991318

Well shit, that actually makes sense

>> No.14991632

>Bitches seem to like him though
Of course, he is latinx

>> No.14991644

He makes good videos with little fluff and an entertaining personality. Puts him head and shoulders above most youtubers.

>> No.14991664

Reddit is the hive mind, and it’s time for you to go back. We have REAL discussion here.

>> No.14991672

Dubs of truth. Short, simple, sweet, impactful knowledge, decent production, doesn’t follow YouTube’s suggested uploading guidelines. Undeniably based

>> No.14992221

I dont dislike him. He aint that bad

>> No.14992768

Bc their channels are about cooking, you invalid

>> No.14992883

If this guy is bad, then literally no good cooking content exists on YouTube then.

>> No.14992892

He is a lawyer and hates Ragusea (actually called him out in the comments for not knowing jack shit). Cool dude.

>> No.14992905

Chef John has faggot livestreams on his YouTube for shekels with his face all the time.

>> No.14993149

oh no shaq is a lawyer?

>> No.14993185

shit, i want to see that. do you remember the video?

>> No.14993236

act like a faggot
looks like a faggot
but the video and cooking isn't that bad

>> No.14993238

Why is Ragusea expected to know trivia about Jack? Jack is kind of shit desu

>> No.14993242

>act like a faggot
>looks like a faggot

have you seen his fiance/gf/wife

>> No.14993275

yeah, she's hot
but he really act like a huge faggot

>> No.14993278
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>> No.14993308

I think I clicked "Don't recommend channel" on this guy's Youtube channel. I don't see his videos being recommended to me. Same with that Joshua Weissman faggot, and Faggam Fagusea.

>> No.14993313

Ragusea is Reddit incarnate but he does have some good advice when he isn't pretentiously asking a university professor why their specific scientific study proves his autism right. Internet Shaquille (aka Victor56) has solid production values, a good sense of humor and always gets straight to the point with zero fluff. His fiancé is also a qt3.14 and it's nice to see two people completely in love with each other on occasion.

>> No.14993316

he brings pride to us chicanos

>> No.14993319

I prefer based ragusea.

100% pretentious and annoying to watch.

>> No.14993321
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Adam is making me pull out a meme I haven't used in a long time.

>> No.14993322

he's pretty good, has a real job, and is a lot better than whatever vapid bon appetit cooks you guys used to obsess over

>> No.14993326

He's less insufferable than Ragusea or Babish at least. Saw his burrito video and I don't hate him.

>> No.14993742


>> No.14993763
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>> No.14993774

shaqqy is the best.

>> No.14993887

He's a slow burn. He gives off gay vibes not pretentious vibes but his missus is hot as fuck.

Really good recipes and generally be a good dude. I had the same opinion originally.

He did a video recently about how he's refusing to quit his day job to check to advertising. 11/10

>> No.14994243

As someone who knows him personally IRL, I can say that he is 100% Grass-Fed, Organic certified, free-range based. Before COVID, I came over to his house one night and we Eiffel Towered his girl. Afterward he made us delicious burritos and we all snuggled on the couch together, watching Netflix. Shit was pretty cash money, NGL

>> No.14994250

Sounds like a good time!

- Sent from my iPhone

>> No.14994835

Shaq is totally unlike that unwashed space-cadet Weissman and the insecure Ragusea (whose vids I've never seen because I can't get over his face, idiotic titles, and temper-tantrums). The worst you could say about Shaq is that you've probably gotten his tips/recipes before (like from SE or something).

>> No.14994846

I asked him on his twitch channel what his opinion on cultural appropriation on the foodshpere and he pussyfooted around a solid answer.

He's not a lawyer, his banging girl is.

Fine content maker, but Jack is and will always be the king

>> No.14994853

I think he's in industrial design and YouTube is his side hustle.

>> No.14994862

>He's not a lawyer, his banging girl is.
sometimes i wonder what its like to get everything you could ever want in life

>> No.14994869
File: 142 KB, 900x900, AgnryFrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post a picture of apparently hot girlfriend already!

>> No.14994923

Do it then. What's stopping you?

>> No.14994948

Have sex

>> No.14994965

This, fuck

>> No.14994971

look it up yourselves, you lazy queefs (queeves?)

>> No.14995015

Amazing, so they're BOTH in on it

>> No.14995016

just search internet shaquille date night on google she will be in a video

>> No.14995038

Bit disappointed honestly. But yeah she’s hot

>> No.14995336

Holy shit he's insufferable. If that (very politely worded) comment somehow pissed him off, he could've simply ignored or even deleted it. Instead he went completely off the rails and exposed himself as a fucking asshole.

>> No.14995389


>> No.14996066

She's very cute. She seems to toe the line between playful and conservative too which makes her even hotter.

>> No.14996124

*you’re invalid

>> No.14996136

All you need is Chef John and Townsend.

>> No.14996257

The only 4chan /ck/ approved chef is DinoTendies you fucking newfags.

>> No.14996795

>le go back 2 reddit maymay
what an original thought

>> No.14996807

>We have REAL discussion here.

>> No.14996816

I like him because he doesn't just say contrarian shit to sound wise like Ragusea and doesn't spend half the video jerking off to himself like Babish or Weissman. Dude is straight to the point and avoids dumb trends for the sake of trends.

>> No.14998193


>> No.14998450

>proving them right
kek. keep at it.

>> No.14998458

I don't think the board that is half fat fucks talking about their favorite fast food and terrible eating habits has room to judge trendy cooking youtubers.

>> No.14998491

cope harder retard

>> No.14999133
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>> No.14999166

>bitches seem to like him
Bc he's not ugly, unlike the goblin faced Adam ragusea and the tranny looking Joshua weisman(though the main reason I hate them is how insufferable they talk) . Maangchi is ugly but can get away with it bc she's ugly in an amusing way

>> No.14999190

>incel confuses someone who talks confidently with someone whos pretentious

>> No.14999194

so based shaqqy killed the adam hog

>> No.14999242
File: 353 KB, 750x995, 1580581844525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the faggot himself is here

shaq if you're reading this, can I fuck your fiance
pretty please

>> No.14999244


>> No.14999605

fucking based holy shit

>> No.14999612

I can understand shaq's tone might rub people up the wrong way, but he's the opposite of pretentious. Just watch his recent video about making coffee, he just wants to get the best results without autistic levels of effort or time, and his videos are densely packed to avoid filler.

>> No.15000749

Stay mad, ESL.

>> No.15001093

Jesus, that wasn't even that mean a comment. It barely qualifies as playful banter and he went off the rails that badly? Kek, what a tool.

>> No.15001300

hmmm almost as if he is a massive pussy bitch