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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14990125 No.14990125 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, it's me, the phoney chef from the seafood restaurant.

Tomorrow is my first day. Really nervous. Any tips for how to get away with it?

>> No.14990128

Roll your eyes when other people talk, and flick your hand in the face of anybody who directly challenges you.

>> No.14990142

I wish I could come to the restaurant and order the house specialty. You are going to do great.

>> No.14990144

take some pics for us before you get fired.

>> No.14990168

Did you learn anything about how to cook to prepare for this?

>> No.14990172

Over-sauce everything. Most people won't even be able to tell if you fucked up. They use shrimp and oysters as sauce shovels and fried seafood is just an excuse to eat a mountain of french fries.

>> No.14990174

can you even actually fillet a fish?

>> No.14990175

This is like a sitcom plot. I hope it all works out in the end though. And op just falls into a new profession...

>> No.14990177
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>Tfw you'll come back in 3 years and this nigga will have like a Michelin star or some shit.
God speed OP

>> No.14990179

Find the hottest waitress and flirt with her. Maintain you enjoy making salads and deserts and do that for like three months.

>> No.14990183

hopefully you've used the last week to look shit up on YouTube and work on knife skills. there's only so much faking you can do

>> No.14990189

He said chef, not cook.

>> No.14990203

Anyone got a link to the original thread/archive link?

>> No.14990211


>> No.14990212

you're going to do about as well as my boomer mom's friend did in '63 when she lied about being competent with teletype.
In other words: you're fucked

>> No.14990229

>dude just use the search function even though you don't know any of the words used in the original thread
i despise your kind

>> No.14990230

Put your hands down your pants when ever possible shows confidence.

>> No.14990245

Not hard to figure out. You're not web savvy and the internet has existed all your life. It's more Google's fault than yours, but now that you're aware of the problem it is up to you to fix it.

>> No.14990256

Not really.

I've bought a lot of Xanax, so at least I won't panic in these situations. If I survive the first day, it's smooth sailing afterwards.

>> No.14990269

Sorry guys I didn't mean to start an argument :( I guess I can search the archive but I thought maybe someone had a quick link or could have helped me out

>> No.14990289

>If I survive the first day, it's smooth sailing afterwards.
Best of luck anon. Be sure to post another update afterwards.

>> No.14990295

desu most times i ask for a link i'm just drunk and can't remember the name of warosu

>> No.14990296

if you are going to help someone, help them all the way

here anon

>> No.14990310

Bless you and your family anon

>> No.14990317

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for life.

>> No.14990323

damn you make me feel guilty but its true

>> No.14990352

Don't overcook anything or it becomes rubber, just flip shit in the pan for a minute and serve it up. Keep checking your first fillet until it's seared so you can get an idea and throw it out, say you were just testing the range.

>> No.14990393

I do. Will I give you the link? No.

>> No.14990397

Good luck fren, here waiting for updates

>> No.14990429
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get some pics at all cost

this is the most important thing, we need the content and this is golden

good luck I'm sure you will do fine zoned out on xanax with no cooking skills you'll be runnin the place within a year

>> No.14990434

he's trying to dox you to expose you to your deceived employers. do not photograph anything either than your dick and balls.

>> No.14990452

this poster is a homosexual who is trying to expose you to deceive your family and friends. Do not photograph anything except your plated food.

>> No.14990453

Take pictures of the stuff u cook

>> No.14990500

This. And you are working in a sunday. They are going to test you op.

>> No.14990504


>> No.14990506

Run the blade along the spine.

>> No.14990507

You're going to give someone food poison.

>> No.14990554

quick rundown on how much you have to tip for this in america?

>> No.14990701

dumb fucking nigger faggot

>> No.14990704

Bring a canvas bag, shove some ice into it, and stuff as much lobster and oyster as you can into it. Hide it in the freezer. Retrieve upon firing.

>> No.14990759
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>> No.14991179

There's a difference between teaching a man and yelling "learn to fish".

>> No.14991295

It's not obligatory to tip for food poisoning but %15 is acceptable

>> No.14991358

drop the nervous feeling become the lion and act as though you own that kitchen.

>> No.14991393

this anon is a CIA member who is trying to slam you for trying serve poisoned food to the president. Do not photograph anything except your bare asshole