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File: 37 KB, 425x565, venison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14989128 No.14989128 [Reply] [Original]

So I got this piece of deer today.
Give me some good ways to cook venison before I ruin it.

>> No.14989133

Steam it

>> No.14989135

>Doesn't tell what cut it is
>Picture not good enough to be able to read it
It's like you don't really want help.

>> No.14989143
File: 65 KB, 913x683, herten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all the info I could get
I dont know the language so I can only guess

>> No.14989185

This should be tender cut that can be though of as steak. I'm guessing you don't have venison stock. My suggestion is to fry them on high heat in oil or lard and cook them no more than medium. They seem thin so to avoid overcooking, take them straight out of refrigerator.

For sauce you can make cream sauce with or without mushroom or red wine sauce.

After frying the steaks, let them rest. In the pan you used, add fine cut shallots, butter and optionally mushroom if you make cream sauce. Add wine or cream, and a little maggi beef stock pot (if you don't have venison, it's fine) or similar, salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with potatos to your liking and some vegetable like roasted brussel sprouts, broccoli or peas. Mushrooms are great on the side, if you didn't add to the cream sauce.

A côtes du rhône is a safe choice for wine.

>> No.14989208

Thanks anon, that's a recipe I can get behind, I will try it out. I will go with the wine sauce then.

Should I put the steak in the oven (for like 10 min) after I fry it?

>> No.14989228
File: 24 KB, 285x445, 81SQwRTCg+L._AC_SY445_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look so thin that that would probably overcook them. It's very lean meat so be very carefull. Oven on 50 degrees until the rest is done, would keep it hot without risk.

Also you can thicken the sauce with some thickener if you like, i recommend something like pic related.

Hope it turns out great.

>> No.14989836
File: 74 KB, 526x451, bueno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother from another mother

>> No.14989886

16 euros per kilo of durr meat? Sheeiit nigga.

Also, I'm illiterate in multiple languages, so I have no idea what the cooking instructions say, along the lines of browning it in butter, then something about putting it into a pre-heated oven. Something about 7 minutes medium, 10 minutes no idea (doorbakken? something bake? low bake?).

>> No.14989935

post results OP, good luck

>> No.14989945

OP here: I need to buy some ingredients so I will only start cooking later the day (or tomorrow morning) will update
>16 euros per kilo of durr meat? Sheeiit nigga.
Is this much? In that shop there was no other option for vension. There was only Roe which was like 40 € per kg, why is it so?

>> No.14989958

>Roe which was like 40 € per kg
Tha fuck. Those are some crazy prices. Roe deer are farmed in some countries ffs.

>> No.14989994

I think it says to fry 7 minutes for medium and 10 minutes for well.

>> No.14990050

Dont mean to be a dick, but I live in deer country and I have been served it a million ways and it is always gross. The only way I have ever liked it is jerky

>> No.14990399

Maybe it's because you get served it every time you might get bored out of it. Eating something new once in a while makes it taste (for you) much better than if you eat it every day even if its prepared perfectly.

>> No.14990424

Deer is great tho, reindeer not so much

>> No.14990472

I dont know man. I live in the midwest and the deer here taste pretty gross. Has a funky smell too

>> No.14990519

Even though many americans mock and ridicule the concept of terroir, taste of venison varies a lot between regions. Some taste mild with no gamey taste at all, other have heavy gamey taste.

>> No.14990542

Terrior huh? Im of the opinion that if deer tasted good, we would have farmed them like cattle

>> No.14990608

They are being farmed "like cattle" (free range cattle). The farmed deer have a very mild flavour, not gamey at all. Do not taste gross or have a funky smell, unless one thinks beef taste gross and have funky smell.

>> No.14990660

I used to have venison quite alot as a kid as I lived on a deer farm for a long time. It really quite a gamey and filling meat. I cant remember the cut but my mum used to cook strips and just have it with whatever you would have steak with. Proper gravy or mash potatos (sweet potato and onion is delish).
Just treat it like any other meat. Fry it would be your best bet, medium rare ofc. Asparagus will never fail. Dont spice or do shit to it, eat it without any shit.
Venison is great and sadly such a rare meat.
Treat it like a grand torino. No pissy flames, just cook it how it is.

>> No.14991883

>sadly such a rare meat.
Why is it even rare? Why are there cow and pig farms but no deer farms?

>> No.14991920

>buys an ingredient
>doesn't know how to use it
fuck you, I hope you fuck it up you retarded faggot

>> No.14991923

I deer-ly hope you're voting Trump.

Those preteen girls Joe Biden sexually abused on camera could have been your sister.

>> No.14991960

it's going to be delicious watching you redneck fucks sobbing and crying about how shit is unfair in a few days.

>> No.14992916
File: 1018 KB, 400x286, 1393810421352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some. But the rather obvious point is that they are not a domesticated animal, as a result they do not have many of the desirable traits in a livestock animal.

>> No.14993673

Make deer teddies
>cut into strips crosswise to the grain
>dredge in (seasoned) flour, egg, then flour again
>fry till golden brown

>> No.14993784

Agreed. Steam the meat for about 8 hours to steam out the gamey flavor and break down those tough muscle fibers.

>> No.14994040

Op here, so in the end I did the following
>The meat
I cooked it in olive oil and then butter, then I put it in the oven for like 7 min at 200 C
>The sauce
I have chosen red wine sauce. For broth I used some Knorr beef broth, lots of scallops, garlic, red wine, Thymian, balsamico and at the end I added some dark chocolate
So for some reason the meat was only a little bit red in the middle, I think I overcooked it at some point because it was pretty thin
Overall the meat was a bit tender
The sauce tastes pretty sour but I think it's intended because of wine
I assume it would even taste better if I cook it for less time next time

>> No.14994062
File: 87 KB, 877x669, meat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the meat just before i removed it from the pan, still reddish in between cracks (and on the inside)

>> No.14994065
File: 93 KB, 900x680, wine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red wine sauce

>> No.14994068
File: 62 KB, 893x673, meat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And final product with some mashed potatoes

>> No.14994073

well down here sometimes we make berky, cerky, derky, ferky, gerky, herky, and sometimes even jerky

>> No.14994219

Next time I recommend you sear it on much higher heat, to actually get a sear. after that it would only need like 1 minute on each side to reach medium.

If the sauce tasted sour, it could have been because of the qualities of the wine you used. You could have added a tiny bit og sugar.

Thanks for posting result.

>> No.14994241

Thanks anon, I will try as you said with searing it at max heat for a minute (but is it a good idea with olive oil?)
About wine, I just didn't want to buy expensive wine for a wine sauce, I will add some sugar right away then.

>> No.14994910

I feel like the seven minutes at 200° was perhaps a bit overkill.
Five at 160° might have been better.

>> No.14994946

I'm Dutch, it just says Deer Steak.
Nothing about cut, but it has recommended ways of preparation:
>Frying pan: Heat butter, cook the steak goldenbrown on both sides for about 7 minutes for medium and 10 for well done.

>> No.14995111

thanks for the translation anon

>> No.14995251

>well done
do clogniggers really?

>> No.14995285

how'd the meat taste? i've never tried deer. thanks for the update

>> No.14996403

I guess slightly like liver