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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 303 KB, 1100x1460, 61591_1l_edge_vanille_bio_de_nl_fr_left_lowres-1100x1460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14986125 No.14986125 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best milk I've ever tasted

>> No.14986131

it's not milk, it's really thin oatmeal

>> No.14986135
File: 57 KB, 680x960, love_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no dogs in hot dogs. No horses in horseradish. No cream in cream of tartar, nor cream of coconut, nor cream of wheat, nor in cream soda. No milk in milk of magnesia.
Cocoa butter. Shea butter. Apple butter. Creme de menthe. Creme de violette. Creamed corn. Milkweed.
Of note, technically, American cheese isn't cheese. The cream/creme in oreos contains no cream. Butterfingers contain no butter.

Nice try cuck

>> No.14986173

As much as I hate to admit it the chocolate one is quite nice

>> No.14986261


>> No.14986266

That's oat water, dude.

>> No.14986276

It's chemical water with fake vitamins squirted into it at a factory that's all.
it is you sir are the ultimate cuckold a cuckold to your feeble taste buds.

>> No.14986284

>In some places in the U.S. where it is made on location, especially in cafes, cream soda consists of soda water, vanilla syrup, and cream

>> No.14986292

It’s the best meme milk but the low-fat one is atrocious. I had to buy it because the others were sold out, never again. The original is my favorite.

>> No.14986309

Imagine getting triggered over oat milk, lmao go back to your containment board

>> No.14986311


>> No.14986320

Why not just drink water at that point. That shit tastes fucked and doesn't even go well with coffee.

>> No.14986327

i'm triggered because people are replacing healthy milk with unhealthy chemical water that's marketed as being a healthy alternative to milk.
Call it what it is you snake
chemical water it's chemical water.

>> No.14986340


>> No.14986349

That packaging is absolutely repulsive, young man. Have some class.

>> No.14986375

>Language development
In other words, changing the meaning of already used and recognised words.
The Lefties are a law unto themselves. And it will be their downfall.

>> No.14986385

that you would make this thread is proof enough

>> No.14986394

Based, dairyshitters prolapsing as usual

>> No.14986396
File: 23 KB, 595x290, bowl-of-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abour to tear into this salad

>> No.14986438

Dairy isn't healthy. Oat milk is healthier.

>> No.14986441

Almond milk is from the 12th century. The literal definition of language is something you should google, drumpftard.

>> No.14986446
File: 103 KB, 1564x1060, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have no proof?

>> No.14986489

The chocolate oatly milk

>> No.14986524

if you vegans fags want this shit to catch on you need to make it taste good and be the same price as milk. Right now that shit costs more than a whole gallon of real milk and its total shit.

>> No.14986550

It' s okay to be white.

>> No.14986652

"It's possible that the first Aurochs were milked 8,000 to 10,000 years ago in two different parts of the world, since domestication is attributed to cow-milking, but it's likely that European farmers were the first. As such, humans have been drinking cow's milk for about 6,000–8,000 years."
Milk comes from a mammal's teat. Almonds don't have nipples. At least not the last time I ate them.

>> No.14986658

They also need to change the name from "milk".

>> No.14986726

Learn the definition of language and come back, retard.

>> No.14986735

>real milk
You mean bovine/dairy milk?

>> No.14986738

"Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid food produced in the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for infant mammals (including humans who are breastfed) before they are able to digest other types of food."
Learn what the fuck milk is. Cloudy water is not milk.

>> No.14986740

Not milk

>> No.14986743

No. Milk.

>> No.14986746

Anglos were a mistake

>> No.14986769

No. Leftie homos were/are a mistake.

>> No.14986779

I didn’t realize it was so contentious.
>other day, be me
>drinking milk out of glass mason jar in front of ymca
>chad walks by with his gf
>they both give me dirty look and I hear Stacy say something about milk drinking

>be me
>working as TA in university science lab
>drinking milk out of coffee mug
>students regularly see the milk and ask “are you drinking MILK?”
>always sheepishly answer yes but don’t know why they care so much

Anons, why does it be this way?

>> No.14986788

>>drinking milk out of glass mason jar
I stopped reading.

>> No.14986789
File: 461 KB, 2048x2048, 1602902301633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calcium, proteins, healthy fats and vitamin d
>some unholy mixtures of water and empty squished plant fiber thought up in a lab and finally produced in a highly advanced cancer kike factory, sold at 5x the price to fucking retards

terrible bait

>> No.14986805

>calcium, proteins, healthy fats and vitamin d
>also blood, piss, illegal mexican shit, jizz, abortion cells, mostly water anyway, terrible source of vitamin d

>> No.14986829
File: 44 KB, 640x395, milkshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, don't forget the torture they put the cows through to get it aswell.
we're better off drinking soy and nut milks they are clean and healthy. good for the environment too.

>> No.14986832

You are all fucking retards. LOOK for the word 'milk' on Oatlys packaging. Look all day. You won't find it. Christ. But also there are plenty of things called milk that don't come from mammaries. But obviously the programming tells you to hate anything that's not cows milk, right? Why is that? What led you to feel that way? What led YOU PERSONALLY to come to the conclusion that you need to defend the word 'milk'? It's a bit weird
Anon I.... I don't quite know how to tell you. You might need to sit down for what I'm about to tell you. Anon, you are made of chemicals! Not quite sure what a 'fake' vitamin is either.
Fwiw, I drink cows and goats milk everyday (I actually own a goat, her name is Pam). But for coffee I tend to use oat milk cause I prefer the taste.

>> No.14986857

Lame bait.

>> No.14986875

>ur made of chemicals
>so just inhale DDT
Dude go back to your plebbit science healthcare heros blog you ducking normie

>> No.14986898

there is a difference between real food nutrients and synthetic (factory made) vitamins such as in supplement pills and the shit they "enrich" things like those """""""milks"""""""with to trick dumb fucks into thinking its healthy when its the exact opposite of everything it claims to be.

>> No.14986902
File: 221 KB, 500x500, b6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm, cheesed to meet you?

>> No.14986910

No one gives a fuck about the environment, faggot.

>> No.14986915

Based vegan bro.

Shitface meatcucks obliterated

>> No.14986932

Mate I'm not the one using 'muh chemicals' as an excuse for anything
And what are those differences?

>> No.14986935

Thats right we niggers dont care about no hippy shit yo wheres da bacon

>> No.14986938

it's really easy to make if you like money

>> No.14986946
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>uhm, cheesed to meet you?

>> No.14986948

one is good for you and real and the other is made in environment destroying factories and make vegans and nu-males who buy them sick

>> No.14986974

Sorry, I think I was unclear. What are the actual differences? I didn't ask for you to start spouting buzzwords.

>> No.14986986
File: 433 KB, 768x512, 66375-Unsweetened-Non-Dairy-Hemp-Beverage-WN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried oatmilk and it was disgusting. Then tried this stuff, and found it's the best substitute, even better than almond. Keep a box in the pantry for when I run out of milk.

>> No.14986989

IT taste very good with cold soak oats and protein shakes.

I had the barista edition, higher fat content, that was whipped in a milk foamer and put onto a latte.
Not going to lie, the creamyness was deceiving. IT does have an oaty vibe to it, but its welcome. I personally prefer matcha latte with oat milk rather than whole milk/soy/coconut.

>> No.14986999
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>> No.14987007

le its natural boogymen

>> No.14987042

I'm afraid you need to do a little better than 'it's natural' Vs 'it's chemicals made in a factory somewhere'.

>> No.14987047

Imagine a morbidly obese guy with moobs writing the 'muh phytoestrogen' comment, no further questions needed

>> No.14987059

>This is the best milk I've ever tasted
Of course it is, it's highly sweetened.

>> No.14987065

no i really don't, its not my fault you are retarded and unable to understand that they don't have the same molecular structure and these types of things are unregulated, synthetic vitamins are mostly placebo and can be downright dangerous, synthetic and natural nutrients are by definition not the same thing.
i beg you, go replace all your food with pills you dumb fuck.

>> No.14987077

>it's not real it's le evil jooz selling you fake poison!
>me? science? the only thing I believe in is god, guns and women

>> No.14987078

It seems like that would be pretty big news, nice! Do you have a link to the paper with these findings?

>> No.14987105

Yes, it's my.ass/imretarded

>> No.14987107

Yeah, TOILET paper because it's all coming out of his ASS.

>> No.14987140

It's just fucking starchy water.

>> No.14987235

I added starch to my water but it wasn't even close to this product. What went wrong?

>> No.14987236

Nice b8, m8, 10/10.

>> No.14987274

It's alright. I use it instead of cows milk nowadays, but I only consumed cows milk for my oatmeal or cooking / baking anyway plus almond milk is almost as cheap as cows milk in my country.

Also, people who seethe because it is called milk are fucking retards.

>> No.14987276

More starch till it resembles milk.

>> No.14987279

based britfag faggot

>> No.14987283

Can you please post a webm of you milking almonds or oats? I'm intrigued.

>> No.14987286

I think you mean bummed.

>> No.14987314

>hurrdurr it's not real milk because it doesn't come from cows and shouldn't be called milk
If semantics are the hill you want to die on, go on. But I believe that even your brainlet brain won't confuse almond milk for cows milk in the supermarket.

>> No.14987408

human breast milk, goats milk, yak milk doesn't come from cows either. But the milk comes from mammals.
Why keep naming vegan and veggie shit after non-vegan and non-veggie things? Are vegans and veggies that devoid of intelligence, imagination and marketing/advertising nous?

>> No.14987433

>Why keep naming vegan and veggie shit after non-vegan and non-veggie things?
Why not? Why the fuck even care? Which difference does it make to you if it's called almond milk or almond drink (or whatever)? How did almond milk hurt your feelings?

>> No.14987467

Dumb leftie vegans and veggies unable to think. Can't even make up names for their products which don't refer to meat or animal products. This is just telling the world that you are lacking intellect. You rely on adding the meat name or animal product name hoping that people buy it by mistake.

>> No.14987483

But never will be the best cheese you ever tasted.

>> No.14987496

Cheese made from oats won't ever be cheese, period.

>> No.14987529

>Dumb leftie vegans and veggies unable to think. Can't even make up names for their products which don't refer to meat or animal products. This is just telling the world that you are lacking intellect.
Pic related is literally you right now.

>You rely on adding the meat name or animal product name hoping that people buy it by mistake.
It should be pretty clear that VEGAN meat actually doesn't contain any meat and ALMOND milk doesn't contain any milk from mammals. Even in the supermarket they are on different shelves. If you buy vegan products by accident because you think they are actually animal products or contain real meat, then you yourself are the problem and perhaps should not have dropped out of special school.

>> No.14987533
File: 9 KB, 232x217, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot the pic.

>> No.14987537

There's a thread on /b/ at the moment called Big Milkies. Not one picture of oats, almonds or soy beans. Do you dumb fucks get the message yet?

>> No.14987543

No pic. See what I mean about intelligence?

>> No.14987555

seethe harder my man

>> No.14987571

I'm still gonna call it almond milk. What do you wanna do? Call the milk police?

>> No.14987573 [DELETED] 

That vegan meat is blatantly obvious when it is colored to look like meat or covered in breadcrumbs or whatever.
If you buy vegan products by accident because you think they are actually animal products or contain real meat, then you yourself are the problem and perhaps should not have dropped out of special school.
People have jobs and kids. Shopping is done in a hurry. What you are saying is the vegan/veggie marketing ploy is to con people who see the word milk, or chicken, or burger, or sausage, or whatever because their time is limited.

>> No.14987584

I would seethe, but I'm too busy laughing my head off at you. Fool.

>> No.14987585

With those udders? Don't you have bigger nuts than almonds?

>> No.14987592

Call it what you want. It's still carb loaded cloudy water.

>> No.14987601

it isn't milk though.

>> No.14987610

>People have jobs and kids. Shopping is done in a hurry. What you are saying is the vegan/veggie marketing ploy is to con people who see the word milk, or chicken, or burger, or sausage, or whatever because their time is limited.
No, those people are only retarded. Even the people I know who are constantly rambling about vegans or vegetarians aren't that braindead that they would confuse vegan meat where a big fucking label is printed on saying VEGAN for real meat which is in a completely different shelf.

>> No.14987617
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until your next schizoid rambling on vegan products

>> No.14987633

I would seethe, but I'm too busy laughing at you. Fool.
>If you buy vegan products by accident because you think they are actually animal products or contain real meat, then you yourself are the problem and perhaps should not have dropped out of special school.
Why add the name milk, chicken, beef, burger, sausage, or whatever? Most people are in a rush when they shop. Relying on people not reading the full title of the product is dark arts.
Why do you dye the vegan burgers to look like meat? Why call vegan chicken products chicken? Why call vegan milk products milk? You even have vegan meatballs called meatballs.

>> No.14987666

Schizoid? Wow. I'm surprised. Usually with you lot, if someone doesn't agree with them, they are a racist or facist. Have you learned a new word this week?

>> No.14987678

>constant, daily threads shilling for vegayn shit
>haha le schizo

Kill yourself tranny. Oh wait, you'll do it eventually, no point in telling you to lmfao

>inb4 this fag thinks I'm the same person he was talking to prev.

>> No.14987715
File: 1.62 MB, 300x265, 1580315914809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you slurp down canola oil """Impossible""" burgers too.

When you say language development you're trying to conjure the image of society undergoing a transformation of thought and emerging from it more nuanced, when in reality it's just a childless leftoid woman with a Master's degree stealth editing an online dictionary.


>> No.14987726

Schizoid? How many times did I change my opinion? Don't use words if you don't know what they mean. Just makes you look dumb.

>> No.14987734
File: 18 KB, 579x329, orangu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you realized you forgot to attach the pic to the post kek

>> No.14987910
File: 801 KB, 787x442, 1598148841412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based twinkfucker

>> No.14988465
File: 90 KB, 1139x452, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn 15th-century libTARDs naming their plant water after our manly American MILK!!!

>> No.14988491

Yeah, the meaning of words and phrases has literally never changed in the history of human language, that's an excellent point you've made

>> No.14988531

>there's no butter in peanut butter
In my country, peanut butter is called peanut paste, because our word for oil and butter is the same, and there's peanut oil. Not that we ever use either of those.

>> No.14988533

what country is that

>> No.14988576

Most alt-milks are just chemically thickened water with a sprinkling of oat/milk/cashew/whatever. It's the food equivalent of shaving coins.

>> No.14988676

>Technically American cheese isn't cheese
/Ck/ showing it doesn't understand food. Everything except Kraft (which isn't American cheese it's just "American") is literally just cheese extra cream and sodium citrate or another salt.

It's a remarkably easy process

>> No.14988682

>tfw Almond Milk has less calories

>> No.14988737

All of this is true, but you're missing the main issue: regarding these plant-based "milks", the presence of the word "milk" is meant to imply "equal substitute". "Use oat/soy/almond/pea/hemp milk in your coffee/tea/smoothie/baked goods, because it tastes exactly the same, is SUPER healthy, and functions in the same manner." is the intended effect.
When people say "peanut butter", "apple butter", etc., the "butter" is intended to imply that it's something that can be spread in the same manner as softened butter; nobody ever claimed that you could use shea butter in place of butter and make a puff pastry. Cream of coconut or coconut milk gets a pass because it predates all of the "vegan milk" craze and the words "cream" and "milk", here, was meant to mean that these were cream-like in texture and not that they were appropriate substitutes for cream or milk in regards to flavor, function, or nutrients.
The "horse" in "horseradish" was never meant to imply that horseradish tastes like or contains horse meat. The word "horse", in this context is meant to mean "strong", so it's saying that this food has a strong radish flavor. The "dog" in "hotdog" is a reference to dachshunds, because German immigrants brought over frankfurters and dachshunds and Americans laughed at the resemblance between the two.
American cheese IS cheese and can, usually, be found at the deli counter. The individually wrapped slices of Kraft, you'll find, aren't labeled as "American Cheese", but, instead, and a "pasteurized cheese food" (which people assume means "the rest is plastic", when, in truth, it's less than 51% cheese, but the remaining part is, still, almost entirely dairy).
Your whole argument is based on only a rudimentary understanding of how language functions.

>> No.14988756

But, anon. You've literally summed up the entire argument in that anon's post and image better than they both did. Are you being ironic?

>> No.14989419

>Falling for bait

Did I just?

>> No.14989597

Pretty sure there is apple in apple butter buddy

>> No.14989649

i dont know where this idea that american cheese isnt real cheese came from. it literally is, its just shitty. it fits very definition

>> No.14990250

It's definitely not
>The FDA calls it “pasteurized processed American cheese product.” In order for a food product to be a true “cheese,” it has to be more than half cheese, which is technically pressed curds of milk. Each slice of American contains less than 51% curds, which means it doesn’t meet the FDA’s standard.

>> No.14990307

No can do my boyfriend can't have hemp seeds they make his throat close.

Not worth 7 bucks and a trip to the hospital.

>> No.14990335

I prefer regular whole milk over anything non-dairy, but oatmilk is probably the best fake milk I’ve ever had.

Makes my coffee taste like a oatmeal cookie.

For cooking purposes, oatmilk is probably best for baking with. I wouldn’t use it for stews or pasta dishes.

>> No.14990355

Fuck almond milk. It always curdles in my coffee and it makes it taste like a burnt nut shell

>> No.14990412

Your mother makes better milk. Everytime I drink an Earl Grey, she already hands me s bit sugar snd one of her milk bags.

Taste it next time!

>> No.14990665

see >>14988465
"Milk" or "Mylk" has been used to refer to plant-based milks for hundreds of years

>> No.14990679

Nut milk is shit for the environment

>> No.14990886

>Comparing the stuff labeled American cheese ptoduct with the stuff labeled American cheese
Not him but he's still technically correct. American cheese is still cheese and Kraft is just a "cheese product"

You can make American cheese yourself in your own kitchen.

>> No.14990945

I've got some nut milk for you. Open wide big boi.

>> No.14990954

How so?

>> No.14990984

It is honestly. Too bad it is funded by Republicans

>> No.14990991

Don't dip your cock in it then.