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14986304 No.14986304 [Reply] [Original]

How do you personally choose which bottle to buy? Are you a creature of habit sticking to one type or do you research different offerings beforehand? Or just look at the labels and pick one?

>> No.14987118

I like French, Chilean and Australian wines, mostly Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Shiraz. I pick what’s on sale.

Or if I want a fancier one, I go to a wine shop and get something recommended- I tasted some good Portugese cuvée, Italian (Primitivo, Sangiovese). Or when I’ve been traveling- Greece has good ones as well.

Also, there’s an app Vivino - you just scan the bottle and it’ll find reviews.

>> No.14988037

Dark, higher alcohol content, and picture. In that order. Imperial stouts over all.

>> No.14988075


>> No.14988110

I've learned what I like through trial and error, but sometimes I'm just out for something new. If the idea comes to me at home, I'll look it up see what sounds like the best place to start. If I'm at the store and something shiny catches my eye though, it's a cursory glance at the label and the price tag followed by a trip to the cashier.

>> No.14988187

In wine I go for whatever they're almost sold out of. Someone must like it in that case. Wine is cheaper in Oz than USA though so it's less of an investment.

>> No.14988215

If I'm at a good shop, I ask for staff advice based on what I'm feeling like. Best way to shop. I'll drink any style of wine or beer.

If I'm at a bulk place like the OP pic I'll probably be going there for something predetermined.

>> No.14988267

When I buy wine I go in with a price in mind and I buy whatever has a cool name or label

>> No.14989842

For beer, I figure out how many standard drinks I want that night and buy a 6-pack around the ABV I calculated.

<standard drinks> * 5 / 6 = ABV of a 6-pack
So if you want to have 7 drinks you'd get one around 5.8% ABV. For bombers it's <standard drinks> * 5 / 1.6, then you add up the bombers you want to buy to get the number you calculated.

>> No.14989853

I go for whatever's cheapest, unless the cashier is cute enough that I want to pretend I have standards.

>> No.14989861

I usually buy locally made beer. I also have preferred styles so I'll try new things that I think I might like.

With wine, it's a crapshoot. I like cabernet, pinot grigios, and merlots. I'll get whatever is $12-18 and doesn't have an overly silly name. I really think most alcohol is sold based on marketing rather than taste.

>> No.14989988

I buy vodka and fruit juice.

>> No.14991684

Use soda water instead of juice to lose weight

>> No.14991696

I usually have a few workhorse brands that I buy regularly, but every once in a while I'll try something new. Sometimes I research it and sometimes I just say "fuck it" and grab something.

>> No.14991708

>I really think most alcohol is sold based on marketing rather than taste.
ofcoarse it is. alcohol tastes disgusting

>> No.14991721

Alcohol is POISON

>> No.14992651
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Well the one with the best price/performance
You have to be careful to not get a volmit reflex with the 21volt stuff i drink

>> No.14992843

If I see something I have had before and liked, 75% chance I will buy that. 25% chance I will pick something randomly to see if I can find something new that I like.

For random picks:

1. Price - I only buy cheap wine, but normally not the cheapest. In Canada that means less than $25/bottle, although usually it means less than $16/bottle. I rarely will buy
2. Grape - I only buy single grape wines, and for myself I like red. Mostly Pinot Noir, Shiraz, Malbec, Cab. Sauvignon, or Carmenere, depending on availability.
3. I prefer organic to non-organic, but will buy either.
4. Country - I favour Canada (since I am in Canada), Chile, and France, but will buy anything for variety/experimentation.
5. Year - I prefer single year bottles, ideally at least 2 years old (2018 or earlier in 2020), but will buy anything for variety/experimentation.

I often buy semi-randomly based on those criteria, but if I find a particular bottle I like I will re-buy it.

Mostly based on type preference:
Wheat beer >> Fruit beer (esp. raspberry) > Lager > Amber > IPA > Brown > Porter > Stout

In that over time having bought many different beers, I liked more wheat beers than any other, more lager than amber, etc. If I randomly pick a wheat beer, I have the highest odds of actually enjoying it. If I randomly pick a stout, I have the worst odds of actually enjoying it. I very rarely buy stout anymore because I have rarely liked them. I will buy local over imports until I run out of local beers to try.

>> No.14993186

Most wine tastes the same so it doesn't really matter

>> No.14993259 [DELETED] 

I have a staple of beer brands that I like so if there's something new from them Ill get that or if its seasonal that just came out and I had it last year I'll get that. If I cant find anything new and its the same old shit I see then Ill just nothing and leave or pick up a beer im very familiar with randomly.

>> No.14993264

I have a staple of beer brands that I like so if there's something new from them out that I see I'll get that or if its seasonal that just came out and I had it last year I'll get that. If I cant find anything new and its the same old shit I see then Ill just get nothing and leave or pick up a beer im very familiar with randomly. I very rarely take a chance on a beer that I never heard of and know nothing about it.

>> No.14993394


>> No.14993395

I drink red from the Cotes du Rhone region only.

>> No.14993580

I’m from Jersey, and I only drink local wine, for local people.

>> No.14993583
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>try something
>"that was pretty good"
>buy it again

>> No.14993674
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Somewhat of a creature of habit but I'm a middle aged man and I know what I like. When I was a kid I wanted to try the whole store. Nowadays when I go for a bottle I have a general idea of what I want, and I might try a new producer but if I came for a barbaresco or a loire cab franc or a mosel kabinett or something, that's what I'm leaving the store with, even if it's a label I've never tried.

There are some wide generalizations on stuff I simply won't bother with anymore: the entirety of New Zealand and South Africa (sloppy artificial punch flavors); most of Argentina (insipid jam); Napa Valley (might as well set your money on fire); Columbia Valley (pretty labels, no substance). Santa Barbara is increasingly headed in that direction too. This always causes butthurt because OH YOU HAVEN'T TRIED _______, yeah no, I don't want it, it's shit. How do I know? Experience. You're no different than the screeching mormon or randroid who wants me to read the book of lies, I looked at it once and it was shit, no I'm not reading it again just because you're unhappy with the outcome, you will not change my mind, I am not obligated to listen to your bullshit so fuck off. Pic related it's my face when a shitwine huckster tries to tell me I'm a jerk for not trying it again.