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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 460x460, 999999-KD Original Crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14983810 No.14983810 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans call this Mac & Cheese

>> No.14983823

I bet you wish wherever you live was important enough that people cared what you call things.

>> No.14983831

Canadian here. We also call it mac and cheese. Saying "Kraft Dinner" is just faster and has that sort of gestalt hold on us like saying "kleenex" instead of "tissue".

>> No.14983835
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>kraft dinner
>want to eat it for lunch

>> No.14983840

It's actually pretty good if you just shake the powder over the dry noodles and eat it like a snack.

>> No.14983842

Jesus, we need to stop letting you guys into the country.

>> No.14983849
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>> No.14983867

Anyone any recipes for the cheese sauce?

>> No.14983876


>> No.14983882

No this is KD from Canada

>> No.14983891

We call it din-din my nig-nig

>> No.14983898

Canadians are Americans, North Americans. So are Mexicans

>> No.14983915

Mexican here
There is nothing wrong with Mac & cheese, I like it with tendies or fried fish and smashed potatoes

>> No.14983941

They are completely different. If you'd like an in-depth review of the two side by side check out my youtube series, BoxMac!


>> No.14983951

I guess. You follow that logic and you'll end up saying that Argentinians are Americans despite being white as fuck.

>> No.14983952

We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner
well we would eat Kraft Dinner we'd just eat more of it

>> No.14983973

I remember seeing those guys when they played at the 2010 olympics. They did that song and riffed about the opening ceremony's mechanical fuck-up where that speed-skater wasn't allowed to light the torch alongside Wayne Gretzky and Steve Nash.

>> No.14983984

That's retarded. Everyone who isn't a violent autist will know what you mean if you say: "come by for dinner".

>> No.14983989

I visit Canada often. No one has ever been confused by me calling it mac and cheese.

>> No.14984001
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Most store brands call it that. "Kraft Dinner" is just one of those brand names people treat as a a generic term.

>> No.14984331


>> No.14984389

Yes, we do. There's macaroni. There's cheese. What more could you ask for?
Cheese powder is made with real cheese. Look at the ingredients.
The noodles are just regular pasta.

In conclusion, yes, we call mac and cheese mac and cheese because it's macaroni and fucking cheese. Next time, on OP Is A Huge Fucking Retard, we discuss why Americans call cereal and milk "cereal and milk". Could it be that it's a dish names after its ingredients? Tune in next week to find out.

>> No.14984404

why the f does kraft never sell just the powder?

>> No.14984414

It's regional.

>> No.14984443
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>> No.14984447

it's a controlled substance

>> No.14984448

Ass = blasted

>> No.14984450


>Canadians pay $2.00+ a box for this.


>> No.14984454

I was watching a video the other day where they kept calling it kraft dinner. Really threw me off until I realized what they meant.

>> No.14984494

Anon, it's just boxed mac n cheese, you use it when you're feeling lazy. Anyone calling it kraft dinner sounds weird and autistic.

>> No.14984535

>Anyone calling it kraft dinner sounds weird and autistic
Are you calling everyone in Canada autistic?

>> No.14984539


>> No.14984554

we aren't in 1842 you fucking retard

>> No.14984557

Why is overyone in every single board, so obsessed with the united states?

>> No.14984558

Maybe we should be because back then they beheaded gays like you.

>> No.14984559

Based and maplepilled

>> No.14984561

My parents are newfies so I grew up with them using that. Makes since though because that whole island is in the dark ages.

>> No.14984569

Third worlders in general are just salty that them and everyone they know are basically pointless and worthless on the global stage

>> No.14984578

You could have made that argument even a decade ago but you let niggers ruin your country so you are just as fucked as everyone else now

>> No.14984581

Except we're still more important then you're brown ass and will remain so, lmao.
Plus the fact that you think anything has been 'ruined' is pretty funny.

>> No.14984597

Is everyone in your house retarded?

>> No.14984603

Dude open your eyes lol
The entire fucking world is on the verge of collapse.

>> No.14984624

This is a real shame, when you can make decent macaroni and cheese with a nice roux sauce and any amount of cheeses you like, at home, with a nice crust of breadcrumbs on the top.
Yet, this bottom-feeder trash always seems to turn up on /ck/.

>> No.14984638

Yeah, we are just lusting after your trash food.
Believe me, we fucking hate the shit that America eats and laugh at every post you clowns make, trying to justify it's existence.
Deal with it fatty.....

>> No.14984982

I do, and it's fucking awesome. Instead of milk use heavy cream and grate in real chedder while mixing.

>> No.14985246

>what are continents?

>> No.14985272

Because its fucking macaroni and cheese you faggy leaf

>> No.14985296

This graphic contradicts itself. If dinner is the main meal of the day and not time-specific, surely the "huge lunch" you had would be dinner, and the evening snack you have would be better referred to as supper. It only makes sense to say "I had a big lunch, therefore I'll have a small dinner" if "dinner" refers specifically to the evening meal.

>> No.14985306

>Canadians actually culturally identify with calling macaroni and cheese by a brand name

>> No.14985315

My family eats Sunday dinner for lunch

>> No.14985345

I wish we called it kraft dinner. I hate the phrase "mac and cheese" with a passion. Maybe it's my autism, maybe fuck you. Either say macaroni and cheese, or shove a fist up your asshole.

>> No.14985351
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>> No.14985352
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they do though

>> No.14985355

What about second breakfast?

>> No.14985368
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Where this ship's going, we won't need second breakfast.

>> No.14985383
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>> No.14985420


>> No.14985447

>doesn't have an argument
>can only post pictures

>> No.14985451
File: 107 KB, 1018x1024, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, we are just lusting after your trash food.
>Believe me, we fucking hate the shit that America eats and laugh at every post you clowns make, trying to justify it's existence.
>Deal with it fatty.....

>> No.14985942

And so your evening meal then is not dinner it's supper, according to the rules of this graphic, but then that bullet point contradicts it

>> No.14985994
File: 349 KB, 500x499, 555-COME-ON-NOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, fuck off with this nonsense. When someone says "America/Americans" literally everyone knows exactly what you mean. I'll never understand why beaners pick this one specific thing to get all butthurt over.
America is not a continent. There's a North America and a South America, sure. Maybe you just got confused there for a minute.

>> No.14986068

>what are continents?
this is the plural form of the word indicating more than one, in this case 2. Maybe you had trouble reading there for a minute

>> No.14986110

Because only in America where consumer laws are so shit that companies are allowed advertise crap like this as "mac and cheese"

>> No.14986187
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>roast gosling

>> No.14986270

>Canadians call everything by brand name
its not driving, its Ford™ gofast time
its not showering, its Dial™ scrubbadub
its not shitposting, its Apple™ Bell™ faggotry time

>> No.14986289

>driving a Ford
Anyone who drives Ford post-90s is a level 5 gay

>> No.14986290

so a canadian?

>> No.14986570

you guys happen to refer yourselves after the name of the continent like the fat retard mutts you are

>> No.14986580

So if Americans aren't Americans what do they call themselves? United Statesians?

>> No.14986599

Our boxes literally say Kraft Mac & cheese.
Do you have a point? Macaroni noodles and dried cheese flavoring.

>> No.14986628

Some Mexicans tried pushing that, but it really hasn't caught on internationally.

>> No.14987005
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I'm gonna make a box of Annie's tonight. And then I'm gonna add some chopped broccoli, a few crumbled bacon strips, some cheddar cheese and oven bake it.

>> No.14987325

Freedumbs, Amerisharts, Amerifats, Mutts

>> No.14987333

just letting you know you're based

>> No.14987466

that stuff is tasty

>> No.14987481
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>> No.14987492
File: 2.24 MB, 3692x2506, _20201030_200013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was delicious, but I barely had any broccoli so I used spinach instead.

>> No.14987497

Did you even stir the ingredients around?

>> No.14987508

No, that's all of them right at the top. Every single bit of spinach and bacon is right there in that image.

>> No.14987513
File: 60 KB, 614x518, 1597459755332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but you don't have an argument...

>> No.14987557

Thats what happens when you try to be fancy and add extra cheese with no milk. Looks and tastes dry as shit.

>> No.14987638

The funny thing is that both definitions of "dinner" in English, as either the midday or evening meal, both contradict the original Latin term, which meant "breakfast".

>> No.14987691

I understand that following a whole thread might be difficult for someone with reading comprehension difficulties

>> No.14987770


>> No.14987785
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>> No.14987819

Anything consumed after 5pm is supper unless its Thanksgiving dinner (October) or Christmas dinner