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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 858x525, butter-vs-margarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14982376 No.14982376 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a butter kind of girl, or a margarine kind of girl? What are the pros and cons of each?

>> No.14982405

Is there literally anyone outside the boomer generation that thinks margarine is ever close? If so, from which uneducated backwater?

>> No.14982408

I'm a gheek

>> No.14982416

i like my butter how i like my women
without ants on them

>> No.14982417

I’m not a girl

>> No.14982421

Guess I'll be eating margarine since the other is covered in ants.

>> No.14982424

I like my butter how a like my women
a 'salted

>> No.14982425



>> No.14982428

i usually use a thing that is a mix of both, like a soy and milk spread, it tend to keep longer and spread better than butter but taste better than pure margarine.

>> No.14982430

Most poor people eat block margarine. It's cheaper and above all, it keeps well on the counter.

I'm glad I'm not impoverished. Margarine is absolute garbage.

>> No.14982432
File: 227 KB, 1106x1500, red_lobster_butter_bib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use my red lobster bib to protect myself from either and both.

>> No.14982450

Dunno why, but whenever I eat bread or a roll with butter I get the shits. It's not the lactose either, since I can eat and drink milk products like nobody's business.

>> No.14982452

Maybe you just have a guilt complex?

>> No.14982455

I had margarine all growing up. Now I use butter exclusivelyand normally keep 2-3 tbsp on a dish at room temperature.

I'm also a man, but I smell what you're stepping in.

>> No.14982520
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 1598043473773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dad: bring me the butter
>hands him a stick of butter
dad: i mean the real butter

by real butter he means utterly butterly or any other oil spread we might have in

>> No.14982523

butter tastes funny. like off milk. margarine tastes fresher

>> No.14982543

for me, it's ghee

>> No.14982578

Beef tallow

>> No.14982614

good god man that shit is gold

>> No.14982661


>> No.14983291

>pros: everything
>cons: nothing
>pros: nothing
>cons: everything

>> No.14983334
File: 925 KB, 601x597, calf nursing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until I get my own pasture raised dairy cow my favorite fat is the fat I get from my ducks. You havent lived until you tried potatoes fried in duck fat.

>> No.14983792

this is the real answer

>> No.14983856

Margarine is literally the lowest quality oil you can buy, extracted at high temperatures where partial hydrogenation starts to take place, then emulgated, with milk aromas, colorings and bunch of other shit. Butter is made from one ingredient and that's milk and you can get it from a local farm.

I'm in med school and they still teach us that margarine is better than butter. I am generally very sceptic of anything that goes against mainstream science, but I just refuse to believe this. People really need to return to monke for a bit and stop eating this garbage.

>> No.14983859

Based Joe Rogan listener

>> No.14983875

Nutritional science is a shit tier field, full of low quality industry sponsored journals and pleb tier undergrads and grads

>> No.14984059

I use butter for baking and margarine in the pan because it spreads easy and I'm too lazy to maintain a softened butter on the counter

>> No.14984110


Butter > Brummel and Brown > Earth Balance > Margarine

>> No.14984267

Ok I chuckled

>> No.14985833

Why no love for garlic bread in this thread?

>> No.14985844

I prefer my tendies on garlic bread.

>> No.14985851

Boomers don't even think margarine is close.
They eat it because there was a health scare about the fat content in butter.

>> No.14985855

Indochad detected

Murrifat detected

>> No.14985857

100% real butter
I like the flavor and I don't eat it everyday.
I love real butter on sourdough toast with orange marmalade. If sourdough toast with orange marmalade was a man, I'd ruin my life and leave my husband for him.

>> No.14985860

Wasn't that some old WW II thing where margarine was some kind of petroleum knock off.

>> No.14985880
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>> No.14985885
File: 119 KB, 720x431, FCC Case File.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it was a 1970s thing.
Margarine companies were using rigged studies and misleading graphs to promote margarine as an effective way to cut cholesterol.

>> No.14985889

I only very occasionally use margarine in some pastries because of the milk solids in butter

>> No.14985891
File: 25 KB, 513x612, butter-wont-melt-in-her-mouth-picture-id508272239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14985912

I love a hot peice of bread soaked in margarine and there isn't a god damn thing you can do about it

>> No.14985963

duck fat is top tier

>> No.14985971
File: 1.38 MB, 272x300, yung cat nigga dacning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this picture, thanks for making me kek anon.

>> No.14986003
File: 2.84 MB, 640x360, Easy Homemade Vegan Butter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14986005

>on the counter

Butter/margerine goes in the fridge homey

>> No.14986018

bugs love it!

>> No.14986020
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, Ghee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14986022

funny is good. :)

>> No.14986028

I don't understand why margarine makes so many people seethe. Yes it doesn't taste exactly like butter (I prefer the flavor of butter), and it has different melting point than butter hindering it from melting in your mouth the way butter does, but it's a nice product that can be made far cheaper and has less of an effect on the environment. It's also superior to butter in some baking scenarios.

>> No.14986046
File: 60 KB, 702x426, there's that fag talk we talked about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has less of an effect on the environment

>> No.14986057

If two products are the same (not margarine and butter of course) and one has less effect on the environment, wouldn't you choose that product?

>> No.14986063

Yeah but that's not the point man. You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

>> No.14986067

Just use clarified butter instead of disgusting magarine.

>> No.14986070

>that's not the point man
Make a point then, dumbass.

>> No.14986074


>> No.14986083

margarine for some cakes
ghee for frying
butter for the rest of the cakes and sandwiches

>> No.14986089

No, I would choose the product which is healthier and more natural, which is butter. Margarine is a health hazard made of industrial waste, butter comes from dairy cows 5km behind my house, I even got my own butter churn and mold. Lat but not least it's not more envoirementally better, because those whole calculation is biased i calcullating how much american cows get feed on CORN which they shouldnt eat in the first place. Once calculate with grass, a cows proper diet, and consider the envoiremental, as in biodiversity, benefits of a large grassing animal, a cos becomes a net benefit.

Don't fall for propaganda.

>> No.14986844


They say that real physicians aren't taught nutrition, but I've never met a "nutritionist" who wasn't a woman (of course) using a fancy degree to embellish new-age nonsense and Facebook-tier superstitions disguised as "science". Why would I take "scientific" nuritional advice from someone who didn't even pass OChem?

>> No.14986860


>> No.14986892

Worse than that it’s full of pajeets who shill vegetarianism for religious reasons. Half the articles on the un healthiness of meat are written by vegetarian pejeets that own health supplement companies to provide vegans with the essential nutrients they are no longer getting(because they don’t eat meat)

>> No.14986908

>has less of an effect on the environment.
Just kys. That will have a bigger impact on the environment

>> No.14986944
File: 758 KB, 900x900, 1491925499667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one retard ant on the reduced fat butter
haha nature

>> No.14987032

my wife has a dairy allergy, its all margarine and "butter alternatives"

>> No.14987049

Don't bully him the queen put him on a diet

>> No.14987093

isn't that a good thing that ants only like natural butter? if an animal that's not a pig or anything won't eat it it must be fucked up

>> No.14987119

y nut?

>> No.14987928

How I miss the old times when 1.5 billion Indians didn't have internet access. They ruined the internet forever. Thank God at least the Chinese state firewall is keeping them off most websites.

>> No.14988111


>> No.14988117

Yeah but now those billion yellow-niggers are allowed to shit up my internet

>> No.14988672

Women are through their baby making capalities more inclined for such interests. While most nutritionalists are trash (muh food pyramid), you can look for relevant studies yourself and if you're not retarded you will understand that different populations have different needs. But you really need to ut in effort and know how those studies work and what their weeknesses are (eg self-report trash and correlations).

>> No.14988697

I'm a lard gal myself.

>> No.14988757
File: 50 KB, 608x640, pol face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are europoids obsessed with eating food with bugs on it?
do they have a bug fetish? why not just eat the bugs themselves? why does it have to be normal food with bugs on it?

>> No.14988790

Yeast is a bacteria, therefore alive. Every cup of vegan butter is the same as a thousand holocausts.

>> No.14988799

They will eat the bugs soon enough. Brussels will put them on a low test diet.

>> No.14988807

Lard from conventionally raised pork is bad due to the pufa rich diet pigs are fed.

>> No.14988812

Yet you don’t drop out even though they’re teaching glaring errors

>> No.14989176

>Yeast is a bacteria
No it's not