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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14980903 No.14980903 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a good chef?

>> No.14981045

No lol

>> No.14981069

Maybe he when he was in his 20s

But he's a rich Beverly Hills "tv star" now

>> No.14981070
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'Beat Bobby Flay'? As in beat him to death? Count me in.

>> No.14981148

Yeah he's great

Fatties hate him because he cooks great food and stays in good shape and is an all around nice guy who banged that hot big tit food network girl

>> No.14981162

He's a new york faggot, just his voice is an embarrasment to other new yorkers. He also always flails is arms around like a faggot, what's the appeal of that?

>> No.14981170

I grew up in NYC and never met anyone with a voice as stupid as his, it's pathetic.

>> No.14981173

This. He attracts the opposite crowd of the Gordon ramsie fanboys
Aka supreme chads

>> No.14981203

No, more like british morons that are worthless and nothing.

>> No.14981208

Gordon, another asshole the runs around hollaring at people like a chicken with its head chopped off, yet another useless sack of hollywood crap.

>> No.14981211

Who watches these idiots and to what end?

>> No.14981236

I do when I stay in hotels

>> No.14981240

What big tit food network girl?

>> No.14981241

That's horrible, if in a hotel at least order up a hooker and have some fun.

>> No.14981246

He's got range, which is why he was one of the most challenged in Iron Chef and why he made his spinoffs (besides him being money hungry.) But are his dishes the best? Nah, which is why he was also challenged a lot. He was maybe second weakest Iron Chef.

>> No.14981251

Dude, do you realize that you're a fag?

>> No.14981270

love how mad he makes the obese lmao

>> No.14981286

The range thing is impressive. I dont know how legit Beat Bobby Flay is, but if its real, that guy is good

>> No.14981327

Him and Giada had sex

>> No.14981332
File: 155 KB, 1080x1076, 98050509_938822643205599_7193611551104175321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his daughter is a cute

>> No.14981346

Really. Did you know Giadda was molested by her dad for years? Its hard to find the info, but you can read about it if you google his name Alex De Benedenti. I probably mispelled his name

>> No.14981767
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>> No.14981843


>> No.14981859

Bobby is great, but of course /ck/ doesn't know anything about cooking that's not a youtube video or reddit thread, so they will say he sucks.

>> No.14983325

With her perky tatas and massive forehead!

>> No.14985374

Pretty lame though that she's got nothing going for her except being on camera on sucking up to niggers.

>> No.14985376

He's not great at anything, he's a bitch talking new york faggot with a stupid accent.

>> No.14985394

Truly he's an embaressment to fellow new yorkers, I've never met any new yorker in tons of years thats speaks or acts like that useless faggot. He exists only for tv and and commercials and that's boring useless bullshit.

>> No.14985427

He's a disgusting faggot, and that's that.

>> No.14985429

>ny fags hate him
guess he really is great

>> No.14985435

This is why I got out of NYC, to avoid being around disgusting arm flailing faggots like that.

>> No.14985943

Is that his daughter with Giada?

>> No.14986064

What the fuck is a giada and why should I or anyone care? These people are pathetic hollywood types.

>> No.14986073

Do you really spend time wondering about that hollywood useless chef bullshit and who their kids are?

>> No.14986080

He doesn't even actually do that outside of American TV shows, the producers make him funny scream because it makes burgers clap.

>> No.14986082

Why do you spend time caring about twats like that?

>> No.14986086

We're not all monkies in the USA and that faggot is a brit.

>> No.14986094

New York is an embarrassment in and of itself. So if he’s an embarrassment to New Yorkers, he must be doing something right.

>> No.14986098

If you think all he does is yell like a lunatic you're only watching the burger versions of his shows. Go watch one of the brit shows, he acts like a completely different person.

>> No.14986099

no, and that's why anyone that grew up there has gotten out. Only morons and homosexuals and niggers are still there.

>> No.14986105

"acts" so is a fucking cunt either way.
There's no way I want to watch that shit from that asshole cunt, there's simply nothing to learn from that british bitch.

>> No.14988031

looks like he had a daughter with Rachel Ray

>> No.14988204

Holy moly the cattiness in the replies to this lol

>> No.14988223

He's better than 99% of this board but he's not in the top 10% of the 1%

>> No.14988240

Where did Giada touch you anon? And why was that the best day of your life?