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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14977262 No.14977262 [Reply] [Original]

>join vegan fb group
>it's all white girls preaching blm, trump, blue thingy etc
I'm just here for recipes, pic related
Anyway, what's for dinner?

>> No.14977271
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Beef and gizzard chili

>> No.14977295
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You the guy who was culling the ducks the other day?

>> No.14977306
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Aww come on that was unnecessary

>> No.14977311
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There are 2 duck anon.
I don't make posts about slaughtering my ducks. My ducks are on rotating pasture. I am a perfectionist about plucking ducks.

I also use a real killing cone.

>> No.14977313
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>vegan thread
>already mentioned trump and BLM
>in a board full of argumentative sub 80 IQ tards
Why wouldn't you just post what you had for dinner and skip the shitfight provocation? Unless, you're only here for the shitfight?

>> No.14977316
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Yes it was, I had to cull the males otherwise they would rape the females to death.

>> No.14977339
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Honestly m8 just ranting because there's no good place to discuss vegetarian food
Here's yesterday dinner for the hell of it, mushroom and pastry

>> No.14977344

Why don't you eat animal foods? Don't you know that anything you buy at the supermarket involves animal suffering?

>> No.14977391

200 iq appeal to futility

>> No.14977407

Honestly, i'm in it more for skin health tho discouraging land for livestock farms is a plus i guess

>> No.14977408

Most of my electronics were produced in Chinese factories with terrible working conditions but that doesn't mean it's ethical for me to go out and heat a Chinese guy to a pulp. Being unable to be perfect shouldn't stop you from trying to be better.

>> No.14977429

you could actually go back to redd1t. they love vegtards there

>> No.14977446

Is it futile to grow your own food?
You're vegetarian, there still is livestock farming.
What the fuck is this retarded shit supposed to mean?

>> No.14977473

So i've been reading Kant, he's got this whole idea about how an action is ethical if everyone acted in that way, how would it effect the world. If everyone went out and beat a chinaman, there wouldn't be any more chinese. So would that be an ethical thing to do?

>> No.14977484
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If it decrease growth of land usage, i still call it discouraging
>not one guy other than me have posted their dinner

>> No.14977496
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>you're actually surprised the lowest common denominator of people couldn't stick to an appropriate topic and instead bloviate their basic bitch opinions

>> No.14977502
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>> No.14977527

If farms stop becoming consolidated to high shit then less land will be used. You can grow so much shit on such a tiny piece of land its not even funny. If faggots used their lawns for growing food instead of just.... being lawns.... We wouldnt need giant crop monocultures.
If people with a couple acres had a couple milk cows or goats and some chicken we wouldn't need cafos.

You either start producing or accept that you are part of the problem.

>> No.14977531

gonna have bbq pork ribs and some potato salad in a few hours

>> No.14977537

nice looking plate but wtf is with the radioactive symbols?

>> No.14977554


>> No.14977565

is he sleeping?

>> No.14977591

yes. big sleep

>> No.14977739
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ecofascism is the final redpill

>> No.14978655


>> No.14978749

Weeks menu:
Black mean salad with wheat tortillas yellow rice and vegetables. Can be done with sour cream.
Fallafel, Lebanese style with hummus/حُمُّص and pickles, green salad.
Indian dahl, rice and flatbread, palaak paneer made with firm tofu and seasonal wild spinach
Vietnamese rolled rice noodles (gahn cuon) with mushroom and tofu filling, green herbs
Korean rice bowl with kimchi, wild greens, mushrooms and sesame/goujiang sauce
Japenese miso ramen W. shitake mushrooms, tofu, (I use egg noodles but you can use wheat noodles), side terikaki grilled tofu and pickles
Tonight is mixed vegetable and legume soup, really just to clear up leftovers.
Tomorow will me Nepalese vegetable dumplings (momo) and clear soup

I never understood why meat eaters are so buthurt about vegetarians.
Seconded, some AnCap tourist got on his high horse at the local NatSoc group meeting because I suggested we had some bean salads for catering options and he got laughed out.
Many people have a very entrenched cultural view that all meals must include meat, and really aren't aware of how little (if any) is required in ones diet- we live in an age of consumerist gluttony.
I think the reason they are upset is because they bought into the idea that they personally are sime kind of hulk beast who must eat meat to sustain their massive energy expenditure; really they are just mildly obese and work a semi-active job.

>> No.14978764

Meat eaters probably hate you because you think you are superior to them and think what they eat is unnecessary.

You really think the whole world doesnt need meat? You live in a god damn bubble. Maybe you dont need meat but you dont speak for others.

>> No.14978800

We are not superior, but they are uneducated.
Lots of people are uneducated for a range of reasons, I don't pass judgement; however it's frustrating when the uneducated revel in their ignorance and persist repeating the lies they were told unthinkingly.
I have traveled across half the world and understand the sociological imperative of consuming meat in some regions (typically alpine or tundra areas), but this cannot be extended beyond those contexts.

It's like people immediately dismiss the benefits of vegetarianism, and thus see it as a personal imposition on their lives even though it's them who call us.
Vegetarianism is important because of population densities in industrialized countries, as a quick fix for obesity and over-consumption, to make better use of land and to improve health through the increased consumption of vegetables and legumes.
That's too hard for most people to even read, so they just call you a faggot.

Most serious vegetarians understand the impacts of vegetarianism are relative and are happy to see two people eat half as much meat instead of one abstaining entirely; in the same way if I should consume meat I'm not going to fucking sook about it and I do eat rennet because of it's contextual importance in small farming.
I debate consuming the discards of mass meat farming like bones or liver which typically just go to animal feed, is this scavenging or is it supporting the industry?

>> No.14979292

>Kant says beating chinks to death with a bat is the right thing to do
How can one man be so based?

>> No.14979304

Vegetarians are great, means i can eat their share of meat without increasing the suffering in the world

thanks veggiebros!

>> No.14980078

You want to eat meat or you'll end up like that

>> No.14980083
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absolutely Chad-tier post
God bless

>> No.14980117

>to make better use of land
Mixed use agriculture (aka animals and crops) is key to sustainable farms. The animals process inedible parts of the landscape and produce inputs for the crops. Plant only agriculture depletes soils and requires either more human time for pest control or pesticides and fugacides.

>> No.14980126

What were you expecting? Just Google top whatever number vegan blogs and bookmark the ones you find have quality recipes.

>> No.14980297

When you say "they" are uneducated, who are you referring to? If you sre talking about your everyday mcdonalds eating joe then yeah, he has no clue what he is eating. But if youre talking to me, someone who regeneratively raises livestock and uses said livestock to add fertility to my no-till, chemical free crops, then i would argue that not all meat eaters are uneducated. And i dont come from the steppes either, but i do live somehwere without a year round growing season.

I know alot about farming, all kinds of farming, conventional, regenerative, and veganic.
In my eyes, and you should agree, my style of farming is enviornmentally superior to our current conventional norm as it keeps the welfare of soil, plants, and animals prioritized.

You say vegetarianism is really great, but i have found the more grains a society eats the less control they seem to have over their population. Im not sure why this is, but its something ive noticed.

And its weird that you would assume all meat eaters dont eat nose to tail. Many in the united states dont, thats true, but their food culture is messed up in general. Not only do i eat the whole animal except the stomach contents (excellent compost though!) But i also use the inedible parts as well, whether thats for textiles or fertilizer. The same cannot be said for plants. Much of a plant HAS to go to become greens for compost. Not that its a bad thing, compost is important.

But eating meat is crucial. I need animal flesh almost every day. This has helped my love for my livestock grow. I love them because i need them. And not just for food. For so much more.

And i still get shit from the animal abstinence community, to them, im just as back as a cafo operator even though my animals live outside and i only slaughter who needs to be slaughtered for the health of my flock. I dont grind up baby male chicks and i have no interest in slaughtering any healthy calves or kids, even if it means little to no cheese.

>> No.14980333
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>mashed plantains with a little of the water they were boiled in. As mushy as you can without it becoming liquid. Salt, pepper, vinegar, olive oil
>picked onions
Vegetarian version
>add deez (in olive oil) (Pescatarian)
>fried eggs
>fried cheese
Non-vegetarian version
>add dominican fried salami (called dominican longaniza)

Pic related.

>> No.14980382

for me, it's the raw whole food diet, with a splash of deenz, salmon, and tuna on the side

>> No.14980785

Based regenerative farm bro

>> No.14980817

Reminder that veganism is an eating disorder.

It's a sign of lower self-esteem and sociopathy.

If you think a chicken has the same right to freedom as you, you are literally mentally ill.

Seek help.