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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 179 KB, 750x461, 00703000[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14963362 No.14963362 [Reply] [Original]

What's your weirdest restaurant experience?

>Driving through Nashville
>Go to a place called Mission BBQ
>Full of firefighter, police, and military memorabilia on the wall
>Get my BBQ and sit down to eat
>As I'm eating the owner comes over to me
>"Let me tell you the story of this place."
>"We opened this restaurant on 9/11/2011 for a reason..."
>Noon rolls around and a voice comes on the loud speaker
>"Everyone please rise for the singing of our National Anthem."
>Look around, is everyone serious with this shit?
>They are
>Awkwardly rise and just stare blankly at the TV screens showing stock footage of the American flag waving
>Food wasn't even that great

>> No.14963369

You can be glad you're not black or they would've lynched you out of tradition.

>> No.14963380

you seem like a jerk.

>> No.14963392

Should have written on the toilet walls with feces

>> No.14963402

Mission BBQ Is some good eating. I've been to their location in Chantilly VA and their kielbasa and fried okra was amazing.

>> No.14963476

All based. Great thread.

>> No.14963563

Telling random strangers about your boner for 9/11 and how it relates to BBQ then forcing everyone to stand for the national anthem everyday doesn’t seem a tad strange to you?

>> No.14963575


>> No.14963589

Post a pic

>> No.14963602

Post food pics

>> No.14963637
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>mom cooked pork neck bones again

Whoa boiled shitty tasting meat with egg noodles. My favorite ma.

>> No.14963643

youre a grown man, arent you? Cook your own food, or better yet cook for your mom. you spoiled frog.

>> No.14964533
File: 446 KB, 2200x1467, shutterstock_613194371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been to a restaurant in almost a year but definitely had some weird experiences.
>Craving pic related, stop by shop to get an order to go
>Place order and sit down to wait
>Fat lady at table behind me starts making gagging noises
>Look over and see she's choking
>3-4 diners and 3 more employees all staring but doing nothing
>Ask if she needs help and she nods
>Attempt heimlich on this giant woman, difficult to get arms around her fully
>Successfully dislodge hunk of french fry or something, she spits it out on table
>Complete silence in the entire restaurant
>Not even a "thank you" from the hambeast I just helped
>Employee tells me my order is ready
>Leave and go back to my car processing just wtf happened there.

>> No.14964635

>touching a fat person

>> No.14964923


>> No.14964930 [DELETED] 

Instead of actively hunting the dancing Israelis who helped facilitate 9/11, ameriburger goys open bbq restaraunts to earn money to pay taxes to the same system which roasted their countrymen alive
Fitting they serve bbq meat because that’s what got made out of thousands of goys on 9/11
Totally subverted

>> No.14964949 [DELETED] 
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Truth has been spoken.

>> No.14964965

One time there was a faggot named OP and he sucked his boyfriend's cock right at the table. Was definitely a weird experience.

>> No.14964971

Did she eat what nearly choked her to death after you helped her dislodge it? I’m betting yes.

>> No.14964992

Mission BBQ catered a wedding I attended back in August. Food was quite good but I didn't know they did cringe shit like making patrons stand for the anthem.

>> No.14965014

Reminds me of this place Precinct Pizza I went to once, the theme was all cop stuff and the waitresses/waiters wore these fake cop uniforms. These kinds of places are very cozy for bootlicking boomers.

>> No.14965443

they will be out of business in months when my competing Kneel's BBQ opens down the street with the worlds most extensive Colin Kaepernick memorabilia collection

>> No.14965452

I hope she makes you clean at least

>> No.14965454

>saved someone’s life
>nobody gave a shit
Oh say can you see...

>> No.14965470

I've seen that in stalls before. What the fuck is up with that?

>> No.14965495


>> No.14965653

>I started this pizza joint to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. Now let’s all sing Mer Hayrenik.

>> No.14965661

Totally reasonable comparison

>> No.14965906

Or how about a popsicle stand that remembers the borrow of Baba Yar. If you silently scream in horror over the gaping maw of a nearby cliff we'll give you a free popsicle.

>> No.14966034

Kek honestly all of these sound fine, why are people so butthurt about business owners having an opinion

>> No.14966059

he.. he posted fish n' chips you idiot... wow..

>> No.14966890

>forcing everyone to stand for the national anthem
In Thailand you get arrested for not standing during the king's anthem, which is played before every film in the cinemas.

>> No.14966913
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That's weird. We just got a Mission BBQ up here in Clarksville like 2-3 years ago and they never did that stuff in the four times I've been there. Also, the food was pretty good IMO for chain BBQ.

>> No.14966962

Not really a customer story but I used to work for GameWorks in Las Vegas in social media, and before they opened the new location, they hired an executive chef to make an all new menu and cater a bit more to adults wanting to eat than kids.

This dude made great food, but his ideas made no sense for an arcade/bar. Wings? Only 1 flavor, Asian blend, $16 for 6. Pizzas? Only artisan personal pizzas, no cheap cheese for the kids or anything. One cheeseburger, no customizations.

The crowning achievement was a $42 crab cake meal. Who the fuck is going to GameWorks for crab cake?

He got fired a week in and they revamped the menu about 3 months later to be more like what you'd expect.

>> No.14967381
File: 30 KB, 385x579, HORY SHET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$16 for 6

Those wings better give me an earth-shattering orgasm with each bite.

>> No.14967417

I knew the Thai monarchy was a bastard but before every movie? Jesus.

>> No.14967631

Of all the places to eat here you go to some gimmick chain for retards.

>> No.14967663

I hate pickles

>go to restaurant with friend
>order burger with no pickles
>there’s like 10 sides to choose from
>go with coleslaw and potato salad
>get food
>sides are meh especially potato salad
>finish up, server comes with bills
>”so anon, how was your potato salad?”
>”it was okay I guess, not my fave but w/e”
>”you know there’s pickles in it, right?”

Bitch thought she was being funny but I gave her shit and didn’t tip her at all.
Made her feel awful because it could have been an allergy etc. Fuck that place I’ve never gone back

>> No.14968713

Did you not enjoy being sucked off at the table?

>> No.14968714
File: 46 KB, 700x700, 3abd82e5b05562666437eed44b451606a6-09-gordon-ramsay.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if this is real but I'm laughing

>> No.14968715

uh hello Based Department? you're gonn want to see this restaurant...
get the Faggot Department on the line too because OP is one.

>> No.14968717

No one is allergic to gherkins you fussy little bitch.

>> No.14968722

>2.60 per wing
Getting wings at a restaurant is always highway robbery but that's rediculous. Were they at least whole wings? Or was it 3 wings cut in half?

>> No.14968734

>only way to be proud of your country is by inconveniencing your guests by playing the anthem at noon every day
>you can’t just put up a few flags or something
Do they really

>> No.14968739


>> No.14968741

Stay out of my fucking area faggot

>> No.14968776

There's a difference between being proud of your country and being a preachy faggot.
It's their restaurant and they can do whatever the fuck they want. But it would definitely be weird for someone not familiar with it.

>> No.14969229

So weird

Thos retarded didnt help her

>> No.14969450

Oh you’re right, I can’t believe I forgot they only exclusively serve those in London, England and nowhere else in the whole entire world!!!

>> No.14969471

What kind of animal isn’t familiar with the national anthem?

>> No.14969512
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, Detectives_1080p_HardSub.mp4_snapshot_04.05.20_[2018.04.21_10.39.44].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at Comic-Con a few years back
>friend's dad who helps me get tickets says "I heard of this great place called Dick's Last Resort"
>I kind of warn him what it's about
>he thinks it'll be fun
>waiter immediately begins throwing napkins at us
>friend's dad is visibly upset about this
>he asks for a soda
>waiter throws a straw at him
>waiter kind of gets the hint and stops doing stuff, treats us like a normal waiter
>then he runs off and pours a tequila shooter in some dude's mouth, screaming the whole time
>the waiter has to go from COMPLETELY BALLS OUT INSANE PARTY DUDE to regular waiter for us every few minutes
>friend's dad says nothing the entire lunch as he is 100% visibly upset and only stops being upset when he gets out of the place
>Second he's out he says "Well that was fun, wasn't it?"

>> No.14969542


>> No.14969548
File: 41 KB, 337x450, national-anthem-played.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look it up
>it's fucking real
Jesus Christ, I thought OP was making this up

>> No.14969576

Say what you will about Holocaust Bagel, but they do a damn good lox and schmear.

>> No.14969628

Its literally the dudes who made outback steakhouse. They made an American version for retards who think the founding fathers sang the anthem at lunch.

>> No.14969656

Having an opinion they don't agree with anon not just having an opinion. In this case its people who hate themselves and push that hatred onto their own people and country and seethe internally when either are glorified.

People want business owners to be totally silent and not say a word about their beliefs if they disagree with them but will cheer if their belief systems align. Its just regular hypocrisy.

>> No.14969681

What a cute little pineapple guy. Haha

>> No.14969703

I'm familiar with the national anthem just fine. I am not familiar with a single person who stands up to sing the national anthem every day at lunch.
I love my country plenty. That doesn't mean I'm gonna throw my own personal pride parade.

>> No.14969751

Somehow I doubt you would be so bothered or have an issue if it was some random country song they got the whole restaurant to sing.

>> No.14969761

I'd be annoyed anywhere that expected me to get up and do a song and dance routine in the middle of a meal.
I'm sure that there's plenty of people who love it. I just think it's kinda gay.

>> No.14969767

>be fucked up weirdo never been anywhere
>think exciting times at chain fiasco is interesting
>this whole thread
Fuck you all

>> No.14969835

>nowhere else in the whole entire world!!!
Despite your sarcasm the first thing that came to your mind was America. Fucking rent free.

>> No.14969864


>> No.14970315

Never said I was allergic, but I called her out on the fact that if someone request “no x” that it could be and her playing a little joke isn’t funny. She knew damn well there was something in my order that I had requested not to have, and did it anyway. Waiting til my meal is done and being all “oh haha there was pickles in that” isnt cute or funny. Her job is to bring what people order, not be funny and play tricks on customers.

>> No.14970335

We used to say the pledge of allegiance every morning at school, what’s wrong with that?

>> No.14970338

dad sounds based

>> No.14970517

I thought that was weird too.
I actually work at a school.
I've asked the foreign kids if they think it's weird that we pray to the flag every morning. A lot of them find it strange too. I still stand and put my hand on my heart though. Not my place to shove my opinions down people's throats.

>> No.14970533

Oh my god we have to do the smallest little thing when coming to a new country? This is complete oppression and would never happen somewhere like vietnam or japan or china

>> No.14970679

You're putting words in my mouth. I said they say it's weird. They still do it and I still do it. Besides, it's not their fault their parents dragged their asses here.

>> No.14970764

If someone had an allergy then it'd be on them to make sure the food they're eating didn't contain it, not the server.

>> No.14970827

I'm assuming that this restaurant is some kind of hooters but for fags?

>> No.14970840

It's a "rude restaurant", where the gimmick is that the waiters have rude/abusive personalities.

>> No.14970881

some old coworkers had family that worked at some of those in NC and they're classic mouthbreathing biblehumping military jerkoffs that think being a spouse to a serving member is the 2nd most important job in the universe, pretty cringe. actually one time they fucked up and shredded or chopped some pork that was supposed to be the opposite and coworker brought me a gallon plastic bag full of it and it was really good and apparently they pay living wages if you can get in and spend a year or so there

I went to one like 12 years ago when I was a teenager with some friends, it was a fun gimmick, meh food, couldn't imagine liking it so much after 18ish. Maybe drinking would help.

>> No.14970963

That’s because I’m American you dumb nigger and he didn’t expressly state or passively imply otherwise, I’m not going to go around assuming someone is from Britain because they post fish n chips because it’s statistically unlikely.

>> No.14970990
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>> No.14971016

It's more about cynically exploiting a national tragedy for personal gain, and seeing as they were thinking about selling the business a few years ago to make shitloads of cash, can't say that my feelings about it were that off.

>> No.14971209

amerifats are dumb. nothing new.

>> No.14971285

You’re both right.. allergies fall on the person ordering to disclose, but fuck that server for knowingly serving something she knew would upset the diner

>> No.14971308

I mean, they were flappers and drums like any bar wings. They were good, but wayyyy too much. They might have come with a side or something, I can't totally remember. I never really took advantage of my free meals there.

>> No.14971382

America is so fucking strange. I say this as an American. Our patriotism is just so fucked since we don't have a real culture to base it on.

>> No.14971391

This is the type of shit that would happen in Louis.

>> No.14971398

sounds fucking based, son.

>> No.14971457

Being forced to do anything but eat food, pay, and smack waitresses asses sounds like a terrible restaurant experience.

>> No.14971477

Consumerist culture with a focus on immigrants and minorities who still hold their original homeland or race as being more important than the nation. Can’t sell your product by being patriotic and talk about how amazing America is anymore or you might upset an immigrant who thinks their country is the best. Culture is becoming more uniform as corporations try to jam every ethnic culture and religion into one non-descript and inoffensive package that they can sell to everyone. The people themselves are becoming more distant and breaking into their usual tribal groups as they each try to get as much power and resources from the country as they can while shouting about equality and racism as they do their best to ensure their group will be the dominant one.

It’s just sad.

>> No.14971521

I am genuinely so confused why people like you fucking care about "national identity." Not even bringing my respective side into it, right now everyone's at each other's fucking throats and practically wishing death on the other. City folk hate rural folk, rural folk hate city folk, racial tension is higher than it was in the 70s, class tension is probably higher than it's ever been.

What the fuck are people supposed to be so grateful for right now?

>> No.14971523

Ok boomer

>> No.14971560

National identity is supposed to be the thing that binds people together even when they are different. Belonging to the same group has a powerful effect on people and that sense of fellowship is important to the stability of a nation. Without it you get the situation you have described. If Russian soldiers were to somehow start to invading the US and anarchy broke loose then the large majority of the country wouldn’t even fight them. They would use the chaos to kill their fellow countrymen rather than coming together.

The country isn’t a country anymore. It’s ethnic and religious groups duking it out for dominance without the ability to just kill each other.

>> No.14971570

>If Russian soldiers were to somehow start to invading the US and anarchy broke loose then the large majority of the country wouldn’t even fight them. They would use the chaos to kill their fellow countrymen rather than coming together.
literally russia and the GOP the last ten years

>> No.14971573

>The country isn’t a country anymore. It’s ethnic and religious groups duking it out for dominance without the ability to just kill each other.

That's the country. You think Anglo Protestants respected and treated the Catholic Irish fairly and equally? It's what makes this place great and a hellhole at the same time.

>> No.14971589

National identity should only exist if you have something to be proud of. I grew up a proud American but this place is absolute shit now. Reeeeeeing about people not being proud of their nation doesn't make sense until anyone shows it a slight modicum of care.

>> No.14971629

National identity and National pride are two different things. Identity should always exist as it is your nation and identity is what leads to a sense of pride or shame in the actions of your nation. America really lacks identity. Plenty of people think America is shit and it might be. But the issue is most of the people saying it is shit are people who don't even have the identity or who identify internally as belonging to something else first and foremost. Those same people will also contribute to the destruction themselves and are being allowed to.

>> No.14971634

why would you be proud of 9/11

>> No.14971656

You don't actually know your history huh?

>> No.14971698
File: 64 KB, 550x413, 1595210480364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is just trying to back into the argument "I don't like immigrants," but I don't know. Maybe you're tired of Italian food being called Italian food if it's made here or something.

You're right though, I don't really identify with shit, I just try to do right by my fellow man no matter who they are. I don't know why that's so hard. I don't need to go "me X, that good, others Y, that bad" to feel any sense of purpose.

Here, have a picture of authentic Italian food.

>> No.14971721

pretty sure that's chinese food dawg, look at the noodles

>> No.14971732

the chinese don't put cheese on their food, it's clearly italian

>> No.14971747
File: 34 KB, 746x512, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's agree to call it chinese-italian fusion, okay?

>> No.14971769


>> No.14971777
File: 140 KB, 840x436, 453-4532841_view-frens-apu-apustaja-finland-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay fren

>> No.14971797

world peace

>> No.14971821

Its not the issue of immigrants. Its the issue of immigrants simply being foreign nationals instead of actually becoming part of the country. Its also an issue where immigrants do not hold the same belief system you do where you simply do right by everyone. They do right by their own and fuck the rest.

I will never understand people who go "I just treat everyone equally man and tribalism is stupid" while at the same time defending tribal behavior because its a group that isn't part of what they consider their tribe doing it. You are still being tribal just in the most retarded and self-sabotaging way possible as you ensure that your group will eventually be destroyed as you aren't holding others to the same standard you hold YOUR people.

>> No.14971868
File: 43 KB, 383x450, 51htCZMeB2L._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its the issue of immigrants simply being foreign nationals instead of actually becoming part of the country.
Bro this country is one of the biggest in the world. You can take a white Catholic from Los Angeles, Calfornia and put them in rural Nebraska with other white Catholics and still expect culture shock or lack of integration.

>They do right by their own and fuck the rest.
So... kick them out, make a white ethnostate? And then suddenly the differences between rural and urban Americans will cease to exist? Or, what, hold them at gunpoint and force them to adhere to what you think is the ideal American identity?

>ensure that your group will eventually be destroyed
Bro, I don't have a group and I do not care if shit changes. Is that so hard to understand? I can't fathom that you can somehow manage to take even a moment out of your day to be concerned about what's going to happen to "culture" or "your group" long after you're dead. My dad's whole family grew up in the South and ended up marrying someone from the West Coast and having me. Do you think I feel any connection to the South?

The world evolves man, technology and transportation is more fluid than ever. You're never going to grow successive generations in the same space again in human history. Time to adjust.

I like eating these.

>> No.14971877

I like mission BBQ, and the pledge deal doesn't bother me because I almost never eat in restaurants anyway.

>> No.14971885

I was going to write a reply to each of your points and then I realized it was pointless as you are either being intentionally dense or as ideologically blind as a zealot and you knee jerk brought up white nationalism when I'm not even white. Meaning your mind is already been fucked.

Enjoy your sausages and don't worry about the world at large or ever complain about the state of America.

>> No.14971895

I like dredging them in corn starch and frying them it gives them a fluffy crisp donut style crust while they're still soft and fluffy on the inside

>> No.14971905

The only people I ever hear complaining about this shit are other white dudes, of which I am one, so I jumped to conclusions, but it still begs the question of who the fuck gets to determine "identity." I've rarely ever had any issues with cultural divides in my 34 years on this earth, maybe a small few. I talk to everyone like I'd talk to someone I respect, and that tends to beget respect.

Y'know, outside of someone shitty. But shitty people come in all packages. I don't run into nearly anyone who is so obsessed with "muh identity" as people on this site since election tourism started in the mid 2010s, so maybe my advice to you is to just go outside, interact with real people, and stop letting sensationalism on the internet shape your "us vs. them" mentality you think seems to be repaired through acquiesence instead of making the country worthwhile.

>> No.14971925
File: 121 KB, 1195x439, hiring heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy boomer

>> No.14971936

Enjoy your sausages you sweet child.

>> No.14971938

wouldn't they have dislodged a chip instead of a french fry?

>> No.14971952 [DELETED] 

Amazing. Post location anon

>> No.14971959

there's a webm of it floating around. if I lived near one of those places and had someone visit from europe I'd totally take them there and pretend it's totally normal

>> No.14971979 [DELETED] 

>Public school that provides free paid education and only asks that you pledge allegience for your free education.
>Privately owned resturant that is overly patriotic and has you do odd formalities before the owner that is probably in pd or fd whose job is to be a patriot.
>find the latter a bit odd
Makes sense to me.

>> No.14972021

In this day and age going to a place while knowing nothing about it is rare. Its like going to Cheesecake factory and complaining about how the calories on everything is insane. Places have all kinds of weird shit they do and I find the pledge far less than watching a bunch of people do the wagie dance at Texas Roadhouse for some boomers birthday.

>> No.14972041
File: 38 KB, 500x377, sam kinison ahhhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Local Mission BBQ has a picture of a kid I went to high school with who was KIA in Afghanistan in 2010.

>> No.14972103

>In this day and age going to a place while knowing nothing about it is rare.
Who the fuck expects to be confronted with 9/11 and weird patriotic displays at a restaurant?

>> No.14972125

Who the fuck expects to be spanked and given free food if they weigh more than 350 pounds at a restaurant?

>> No.14972140

Who the fuck expects non-sequiturs?

>> No.14972148
File: 463 KB, 587x456, YUCitab2zlohQvunUncSijj4mF3KeM1pKQJdbZBkyYA[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14972150

>tfw you could have gone to Valhalla with your battle buddies but became a fat alcoholic instead

>> No.14972163

It isn't a non-sequitur. Its a thing another restaurant does and its popular because of it. Don't like the restaurants theme or weird bullshit? Just don't go there. Getting upset because you don't like something that is obviously working for them is just you being a dumbass.

You don't even have to do it. If you do it and still bitch about it then you are doubly a bitch because you let them peer pressure you into doing something you didn't want to fucking do.

>> No.14972211

Most potato/egg salads use pickles or pickle juice tho
By that point you're not even tasting the *pickle* you're just getting the vinegary tang from it. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.14972275

People in Mexico salutes the flag every Monday (at least before COVID) at public schools until high school

>> No.14972481

at least he's not on a walmart wall of heroes.

>> No.14972591

based clarksville anon. rossview here.

>> No.14973893

you would have died to save the interests of american oligarchs, their monopolies and the interest of a fascist jewish state.
Only honourable warriors who fought for their tribes and family would ever see valhöl, not brainwashed mercenaries who pray to a fetishised flag.

>> No.14973902

Imagine being American.

>> No.14973912

Did you even notice the gherkins in the potato salad you Mary? Didn't think so.

>> No.14973920

>build your trashy restaurant chain by tastelessly abusing a tragedy in which thousands died, and that was a direct result to US american wars of agression that killed hundreds if not millions of civilians on the middle east
Why do I get the feeling that youre dishonest and that you only pretend you like business owners having a belief, but that you would quickly resort to "sabotaging" a business once the owners speak out in support of transsexuals?

>> No.14974384
File: 87 KB, 1000x952, 0C3800E7-3AA4-4852-90DF-28A0ECEC9E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mission bbq
Look gross

>> No.14974654

How do you fags masturbate?

>> No.14974707

That goes for both of you cunts

>> No.14974881

Because you are a mental midget who is projecting and is the type of person the post referenced.

>> No.14974967


>> No.14975031

>Delivering a load of Christmas trees with my dad.
>We finish unloading the trees and start looking for a place to eat.
>Unfamiliar with the city so we just stop at the nearest place with a big enough parking lot.
>Walk into the restaurant.
>Noisy, seemed like some kids were having a birthday party.
>Greeted by some cute waitress.
>Her accent is obviously eastern European.
>Get seated at a table.
>Owner (also eastern European) comes over with shots of cognac and spicy meatballs.
>I'm underage, but whatever.
>Drink shots, eats meatballs.
>Comes back and gives refills.
>Where the fuck am I?

Food was decent, plentiful and cheap. Free booze too.

>> No.14975079

>im not even white

Fuck off then.

>> No.14975104

Please have sex

>> No.14975129

still voting biden :)

>> No.14976354

the location near me has never done the national anthem in all the times i've been there. the managers and staff do like to make table visits and they're pretty nice, it's not just to gab about their restaurant's history, they actually wait on you as well. only casual restaurant i go to where they do that.

>> No.14976404

you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.14976423

It does, but when you're in a different culture you need to be more open minded. Just look at the post from Thailand.
Plus, the dude might've lost his son in Iraq/9-11. There could be some deep seeded shit there. Who knows.

>> No.14976452

Lmao okay anon

>> No.14977031
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>rossview here

Me too. Damn, I've run into Clarksvillians here, but usually people up near Fort Campbell. We might be within like 2-3 miles of each other.

>> No.14978103
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>> No.14978176

Did he tell you atleast that 9/11 was an inside job?
Otherwise that place sucks

>> No.14978196

Lmao just shut the fuck up

>> No.14978266

Yeah because you know Long Johm Silver restaurants in America are booming across the country right faggot?

>> No.14978280

>not be funny and play tricks on customers.
lol pull my finger bitch

>> No.14978287


>> No.14978300

Lol why in the absolute fuck would you assume a fish and chips shop that serves mushy peas would be America? Like even the fish and chips would have a normal person thinking “probably bongland” but the mushy peas, bro... dead give away. I have been in almost every state and never have I seen mushy peas on any menu at any fast food or casual dining place.

Did some American hurt you in some way?

>> No.14978405

Found the highschooler

Better read this history books son

>> No.14979009
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Sounds breddy fuggin gud

>> No.14979100

>everyone is against each other
>people are self segregating into groups and fighting each other
>why do you think uniting as a nation is so important???
I don't know if you notice it, if you're doing it on purpose. But I just don't think you're very bright, certainly not like you seem to think you are.

>> No.14979103
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KY is better than TN
that would be my restaurant
I regularly have to repeat my sentences with almost everyone I speak with at any restaurant or fast food place. I speak too well for these idiots to even recognize the full words I'm speaking when I don't slur or cut off words.
From Kentucky to Texas, Indiana to Florida. You have any idea what's it's like repeating yourself 3 times over one word? Every single time you go to an establishment? Having to question your own sanity and intellect. It's fucking crazy.I have to spend at least $50 before dessert and a refill until the average fucker can understand English.

>> No.14979108

The greatest government hoax ever accomplished. People believe it was an Islamic terrorist attack to this very day.

>> No.14979119
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>be me
>goto this steakhouse in Queens NY called Boca Juniors
>I did not know this but the restaurant is named after an Argentinian soccer team
>"table for 1" because I am a friendless autist
>look at menu pretty good shit
>"i'll have the chicken fried steak"
>stare at large TV
>soccer game is on
>didn't know that it was a live game and the people playing it were the Boca Jrs against some rival
>they score
>place goes wild
>everyone gets up from their table
>a conga line forms
>old argentinian man grabs me forcefully
>now I have my arms around him and joining the conga line
>this goes on for 20 minutes with the waiting staff and cooks joining in
>after that they start singing what I believe are soccer songs loudly
>40 minutes after I got yanked up later I return to my seat
>sit down exhausted
>they score again......
>the process restarts
It took me 3 hours to get my steak and it was ok and I got no apologies or anything. Pic related is the place if any NY bros want to relive that shit.

>> No.14980565

So why did they open on the 9th of November?

>> No.14980608

You don't seem to get that there's a major difference between identity and peace. You can easily respect someone's differences and be cool with them. You can't say "you need to do X because this is our identity because I say so."

>> No.14980626
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God America really is a fucking joke

>> No.14980631

you sound like a child

>> No.14980633

that sounds pretty great actually

>> No.14980653


if youre in australia and youre in a RSL and you hear this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk7bptmcevI&ab_channel=EricReed you WILL stand up