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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14972936 No.14972936 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are eggs so hard to boil?
I had my saucepan heated until the handle is too hot to grab with my bare hands and it still came out bouncy and boiled enough
am i just retarded? I just want to eat egg sandwich.

>> No.14972938

10 minutes sharp in boiling water, then into cold water for peeling.

>> No.14972940

*not boiled enough

>> No.14972946

>water in pot
>place eggs in
>let boil

Are people actually this stupid?

>> No.14972951

You boil water and then put eggs in it for 7 minutes. Drain the water and peel them. I'm not going to mention an ice bath because you're too stupid to understand.

>> No.14972971

i had myself record boiling eggs in a boiling water for over 12 mins of at one point and then sink it in cold water and the yolk was still not solid, I genuinely dont know what the fuck is going on

>> No.14972979


maybe you need to wait 13 minuetes.

the only thing missing in your equation is lack of heat or time...so yes you are retarded.

>> No.14972988

just steam them it's foolproof and you don't have to fish eggs out of boiling water

>> No.14973056
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I bring the water to a rolling boil with vinegar and salt. Eggs in, and I let the water come up to boil again then I'll cut the heat.

Let the eggs cook in the hot water for a solid 15 minutes, then drain and fridge for 20 mins. Perfectly cooked easy peeling hard boiled eggs everytime.

>> No.14973130

thanks anons ill keep these in mind, not having to deal with the pain in the ass peeling is nice

>> No.14973149
File: 58 KB, 432x410, copper-chef-perfect-egg-maker-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically use this unitasker to boil my eggs. The Copper Chef ""boils"" eggs easy and painlessly with minimal energy and water. I use a lot of eggs so its probably not that handy for the average person but it's amazing how cool Set It/Forget It appliances are. It can make like 7 at a time so I use it when making ramen or egg salads. You can use it for other stuff too but I don't bother with that.

>> No.14973157
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How much does one of these eggs weigh?

>> No.14973169
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>lol im larping as a retard
11 replies

no ck, its us who are the retards. Low iq board.

>> No.14973231
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Asking the real questions here

>> No.14973255

u dont want solid yolk if ur making egg salad. the slightly wet yolk mixes with the mayo to make the soft yellow coating depicted in op picture

>> No.14973263

this is great for poaching eggs

>> No.14973587

do you live at high altitude?

>> No.14974403

I live at high altitude and I get perfect eggs in around 7-8 minutes.

>> No.14974425

Just boil them in the microwave

>> No.14974438
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The water needs to be a rolling boil.

>> No.14974489

I love mine dont have to wait 25mins

>> No.14974511

Fine OP, I'll tell you my fucking secret. But it isn't as easy as they all make it seem.

You see, you put 1 cup of water in for each egg you want to boil, and always boil at least 4 at a time. After 4 cups of water, you can cut it down to 2/3 cup for each egg.

Turn heat up, on high, under water.
After a min the water isn't hot yet, put the eggs in.
Once the eggs are in, let them heat up UNTIL the water is boiling.
Then let it boil for a full minute watched.
Turn off the the heat.

Let the eggs sit in the hot water for 9-10 minutes, as the temp comes back down.
Don't do a water bath after. Just rinse and sit.
Peeling has nothing to do with temp and everything to do with how old or young the egg is. (Younger are harder to peel, older are easier)
After cooling for an additional 10 minutes, peel your eggs for perfect hard boiled eggs.
Steps again.
1. Water
2. Eggs in water, while it heats
3. Boil for one minute solid
4. Turn off heat, and leave eggs for 9 minutes.
5. Dry eggs let them sit for another 10 minutes.
6. Peel and store / eat / make stuff.

>> No.14974612

How am I supposed to get enough ice to fill my whole bathtub? By the time my ice cube tray is frozen again the eggs are overcooked and the first ice is melted.

>> No.14974616

maybe he lives higher

>> No.14974648

Water, hot
Eggs, in
Boil 1 minute
Lid, on
Burner, off
Wait 10 minutes
Wa la

>> No.14974660
File: 104 KB, 2461x895, Making-eggs-in-Instant-Pot-Sous-Vide-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a sous vide wand and slow cook them. It takes some experimentation but after you get it right, you will be able to consistently boil them to your preference. Of course, put them in an ice bath afterwards.

>> No.14974665

Sorry - forgot to mention length of time - you have to sous vide them for 40 minutes.

>> No.14974702

Why are y'all making boiling an egg so complicated? Put an inch or so of water, not enough to cover the eggs, get it boiling, slap your puppies in there and keep it covered at a rolling boil for 7 minutes. The result is a perfectly custardy yolk, ice time doesn't matter too much

>> No.14974713

fool proof boiled eggs

let eggs get to room temperature.
boil water. carefully place eggs in water.
boil 6 minutes
let sit 6 minutes
rinse in cold water.
eggs will be done perfectly and should peel easy.

>> No.14974718

what's your altitude? do you live over 8000 feet above sea level?

>> No.14974724

6 minutes sounds like a bit much, especially with the resting. but then again i just prefer them to be a bit jellylike in the middle, its better than fucking up and making it chalky
whered you learn this cause the rest sounds like what i was taught

>> No.14974725

You know you sound like a faggot when you refer to things as 'puppies'? Because you do, just giving you a heads up.

>> No.14974729

i can see the utility in this for making something like devilled eggs

>> No.14974733

then do 4 and 4.

>> No.14974743

>whered you learn this cause the rest sounds like what i was taught
Possibly alton brown. I don't really remember. If you do 5 and 5 you get yellow yolks with orange centers.
This is also the best method for easy to peel eggs, theres a load of crap about old eggs being easier to peel but the real issue is over cooking the eggs causes the shells to stick to the whites.

>> No.14974746
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Getting people to not fuck up something as simple as boiling eggs is my primary concern, I'll worry about the faggotry later. Thanks for the heads up

>> No.14974754
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OP I just made these boiled eggs to test the recipe for you personally. Put 6 eggs in a medium pot, fill with cold water an inch over the eggs. Turn heat on high, come to a rolling boil. Turn the heat off. Leave the pot on the burner. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes exactly. When the 10 minutes is up, uncover and place the eggs in a bowl with ice water. Let rest for another 10 minutes to cool the eggs completely. They will be easy to peel and perfect for egg salad. You literally can't screw this one up. I believe in you bro.

>> No.14974760

this is either bait or so stupid that it doesn't warrant the effort

>> No.14974761

Not op im the high altutude bro. 6000 feet

>> No.14974766

Boiling eggs is a super advanced cooking technique and most people will never master it.
Instead, you can just poke several holes in the egg with a fork and bake in the oven until medium rare, about an hour at 350 should do it

>> No.14974768

if OP lives at a high altitude the water will never get to the right temperature to cook the eggs properly. no recipe in the world can fix this if your are boiling them in water.

>> No.14974775

I'm at 6000 feet and I just cooked >>14974754. High altitude cooking is not that much different than sea level. I've never really had to adjust recipes except when baking.

>> No.14974786

I found this https://baillielab.net/eggs/
it says that at 2000 meters (about 6000 feet) eggs need to be boiled for about 12 minutes.

>> No.14974792

Its bait
But leave em for 8 mins

>> No.14974796

12 minutes full boil would obliterate the eggs. That was 10 minutes with the heat off. You could go 12-13 with the heat off if you want a fully cooked yolk. 12 minutes rolling boil would give you gray yolks. When I leave them boiling 7-8 minutes is usually perfect. I dunno how OP is getting so fucked off.

>> No.14974799

sorry when I used the calculator I had the wrong temp for water and eggs. for room temps the time is about 9 mins for hard. 7 for soft boil heavy,

>> No.14974801

Ah, I see what they're doing here. They're including the time it takes to boil the water. That's about right.
Time to boil water: 3m 00s
Use timer
Time at boil: 7m 02s
Total cooking time: 10m 02s
This was for a mostly set yolk.

>> No.14974813

Thanks for that website though, that'll help immensely when I'm cooking soft boiled eggs for ramen and shit.

>> No.14974836

>35+ minutes boiled eggs recipe

>> No.14974870

>bring water to a rolling boil
>eggs in for 7 minutes
>ice bath that shit
Wala. Perfect soft boiled eggs everytime.

>> No.14974886

i have an instantpot and they hard boil eggs like wah lah

>> No.14974934

You instapot faggots truly are insufferable.

>> No.14975035
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>> No.14975111

Boiling eggs is the easiest task. Just boil some water, put eggs in before or after it starts to boil, doesn't matter. As it starts to boil, put on a timer for 5-8 minutes depending on whether it was boiling, the size of the eggs, what softness you're gunning for, and subtract whatever time you think might have passed since you forgot to put the timer on immediately: shit happens. After the timer runs out, consider whether you might have misjudged the cooking time initially and the eggs need some extra time. If so, wait some more, then take the eggs off and cool them down with cold water if you feel like it.

Perfect eggs every time.

>> No.14975171 [DELETED] 


>> No.14975307
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>14972936 (you)
damn thats a cheap ass shitty bait
have a pitty (you) and fuck off go act like a retard on other board

>> No.14975317

>not steaming your eggs