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File: 47 KB, 474x727, teaBucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14974742 No.14974742 [Reply] [Original]

Tea bucket edition. This thread is for discussing tea, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.


Previous thread: >>14949264

>> No.14975471
File: 77 KB, 599x600, Jinggu Sun-Dried Silver Needles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinggu Sun-Dried Silver Needles
i know a few of us brought this, how are you all brewing it?

>> No.14975511

Got my order from fullchea today. It got in less than a month. 50 variety tuo cha+35 tea samples. I'll go reviewing as I drink em.

>> No.14975587

how much was this order

>> No.14975694
File: 125 KB, 1080x1016, IMG_20201028_195114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 35 pack is sold out though

>> No.14975733

im simply not willing to believe it can be that cheap for that quantity

>> No.14975739

Thanks for making a new thread!

>> No.14976234

What is your tea of choice for the colder months? For me it's ripe puer and liu bao

>> No.14976289

Is twinings loose leaf earl grey tea good? What other loose leaf teas are around 15 euro for 500 g?

>> No.14976518
File: 3.26 MB, 3005x2248, each are around 6 grams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK senpai

>> No.14976524

Based, are they labeled in English?

>> No.14976543

>15 euro for 500 g
Not quite that cheap but really good black tea. Chocolate and fruity
Here is some that's around the pice you mentioned, should be decent but not as good as the first one.
Both should be smooth with some chocolate and dried fruit notes.

>> No.14976555

They are numbered, they have a table with each ones type, name, origin, year, optimal consumption data. They also link to each one they have in store and detail how to make each one using different methods. Pretty based.

>> No.14976577

Wow not bad, I'm glad the put the effort in to make it easy to keep track of.

>> No.14976601


I usually like my teat with a little milke and honey.

Is there any tea that achieves that same delicious milk and honey texture and flavor without having to you know...and milk and honey.

>> No.14976658

Oh im sure it's tea
but im sure it's fake, I even looked on their website, $20 for a yixing pot

>> No.14976668

chamomile sounds like it might be a good fit?
there's a variety of chamomile called mazanilla con miel that my parents brought home after a trip to spain that really had a honey-like flavor to it, I don't know how you could achieve a milky texture but that's about as close to honey without honey that you're probably going to find

>> No.14976881

I don't know if you can get milk and honey in one tea, for that milky flavor check out milk oolongs. For honey check out Chinese black teas or Maybe white tea cakes. Read though some of the teas on yunnan sourcing and look for ones that say they have sweet fruity flavors.

>> No.14976969
File: 1.93 MB, 3251x2070, 20201028_170856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to enjoy a cuppa based Rhodesian bush tea. Will be adding milk and honey.

>> No.14976980

First, check the sticky.
Second, fake tea is used to refer to teavana (overpriced) or bagged tea (most supermarket brands adding frutal flavors by using candy like dissolving particles).
Third, I will go reviewing and checking as I go. I have taken some sniffs to the tuo cha and they smell a bit younger than my "2012" classic yunnan raw.

>> No.14976994

>Rhodesian bush tea
tell me more

>> No.14977021

Its south African herbal tea called rooibos or bush tea. Caffeine free. Supposed to be high in antioxidants. Tastes pretty good, but its celestial seasonings so of course even with 2 bags and a 10 minute steep its weak. Its not actually from rhodesia but it is called bush tea.

>> No.14977135

Rooibos is pretty good, so is honey bush. When dealing with it loose leaf it tends to oversteep on my, so i typically only brew it for a minute or so

>> No.14977156 [DELETED] 


>> No.14977161 [DELETED] 


>> No.14977247

>Second, fake tea is used to refer to teavana (overpriced) or bagged tea
that's not how the phrase is used and you know it. the normal use of the phrase refers to tea being sold as something it is not. for example a counterfeit branded cake, or a tea cake that is not as old as claimed, or a low grade tea being passed off as a high grade one, or tea claiming to come from one place but actually coming from another, or tea claiming to come from old trees but actually not. cheap low quality bagged tea is not in anyway fake. the puer market is rife with such dishonesty and there is a lot of fake puer out there.

>> No.14977276

>the normal use of the phrase refers to tea being sold as something it is not.

And could be applied to literally every fucking purchase posted here. You're just not going to be able to appraise a 3mb jpeg.

>> No.14977280

Those are all mislabeled teas. Fake tea is when it's sold as some brand but isn't actually made by that brand

>> No.14977335

I have had this one a few times. I gongfu it starting at 94C, brewing at 5s +5 per brew and adding one degree C after every two infusions. It's a good tea for the price, high in caffeine compared to other whites though.

>> No.14977341

What does it taste like?

>> No.14977354

Hay and melon.

>> No.14977390

thanks what weight to water?

>> No.14977581

>You're just not going to be able to appraise a 3mb jpeg.
i never said i could. you can make some educated guesses based on price ans source though.
>Those are all mislabeled teas. Fake tea is when it's sold as some brand but isn't actually made by that brand

you may disagree with the definition (and i am not necessarily saying you are entirely wrong though i do disagree) but it is widely used in more ways then simply to mean a brand counterfeit. i don't think mislabeled is strong enough of a word for such a level of dishonesty that you commonly see. its fake because it is intentionally selling the tea as one thing but delivering another. if it were just the marketing being a bit optimistic on quality i would not say its fake but when things move into the category of outright lie I draw the line.

>> No.14977587

Fair enough, it's definitely not something that should be tolerated

>> No.14977652
File: 562 KB, 1000x1000, 168491E5-465D-40C7-8669-5A6288C898E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ku ding needle tea
Anyone else like this super bitter tea?

>> No.14977678

while we are on the topic of fake tea. some of the big factory cakes appear to have scratch off codes. are there websites one can enter them to confirm authenticity or something? and if so does anyone have a list of links of where to go? thanks

>> No.14977729

Wanted to try it. Does it actually help with weight and how bitter is it?

>> No.14977751

I'm sure its fake.

>> No.14977766

I have no idea if it has anything to do with weight. It’s crazy bitter though but the more you drink it you get used to the bitterness and it has this sort of sweet flavor. Really good but my gf hates it

>> No.14977895

mix honey flavored black with jiu xian

>> No.14977902

Has estrogen and not from rhodesia

>> No.14978214

phytoestrogens (and other possibly endocrine disrupting chemicals in general) are in a lot of things. there is no general consensus that consuming phytoestrogens in dietary amounts (aka not pure supplements) is overall all harmful at this time. they may have some effects for better and worse but I would not be overly concerned in general at this point in time (however Xenoestrogens from plastics are probably good to avoid where possible). It is of course an evolving situation with much still unknown and things could change and specific sources may be of concern.


>> No.14978224

jp anons my tea you guys suggested is finally arriving after 2 weeks of waiting for it. I will post thoughts :D

>> No.14978768

How the fuck do I brew sencha?

Everyone says different things, I don't know who I have to trust

>> No.14979072


>> No.14979179

I thought I got bored with or desensitized from my ripe pu erhs recently but in fact I had to replace the cartridge from my water filter. Turns out I have to do it every 3 months/each season of the year.

>> No.14979216
File: 3.57 MB, 2665x3581, Fomin_samovar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone used a samovar?

>> No.14979315

I like teas that are slightly sweet, soft and/or creamy, like vanilla black or white tea, jasmine, rooibos, sometimes genmaicha, etc. I'm definitely gonna try out the milk oolong mentioned earlier in the thread.
What other teas would you anons recommend to me?

>> No.14979736

Start at 70C and add five degrees per brew, using roughly 1 gram per 30 mL. If the sencha is asamushi style (light-steamed), brew for 90s, then 60, then 120; if it's fukamushi (deep-steamed), cut those brew times in half. There are probably other ways you can go, but this is what has worked best for me.

Have you tried ripe pu'er? It hits your sweet, soft, and creamy criteria, but it's a lot darker and bolder than the others you say you like.

>> No.14979791

Ripe puer
Kind of a minefield but try this one.

>> No.14980053

>roughly 1 gram per 30 mL
It's what I've found for the bancha I have. Is sencha a very different tea?

>> No.14980140
File: 269 KB, 1024x683, d9787223d7a6255d171e9b3fff08853d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Tula samovar
I really need to up my tea game. Hell, even electric one will fill the void in my heart a bit.

>> No.14980191

They do seem like they would be fun, great if you have a screened in porch.

>> No.14980646
File: 44 KB, 394x600, Samavar4-Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electric samovar

>> No.14980881

what temp do /tea/ anons brew their young sheng at? i am trying to get into puer but have so far found young sheng to harsh and somewhat disappointing.

>> No.14980896

Boiling or just sub boiling.
If it's harsh just keep shortening infusion times untill you fet something drinkable. What tea are you drinking specifically, some sheng just needs some age on it before it gets good.

>> No.14981000

what tea/water ratio do you use?
this is what i tried most recently

>> No.14981022

boiling, 5g/100ml. instant(~10sec) infusions for the first few. young is always going to be harsh, you could try treating it like a green and brewing at 80c say 3g/100ml 15sec

>> No.14981077

thanks for the suggestion i will try lower temps again. if i recall when i tried a while back on a different tea it seemed like it just made the sheng weaker both good and bad instead of fundamentally changing its character.
> 3g/100ml
you brew your green tea tea at such a low ratio? i normally use 5+g/100ml and find it works ok.

>> No.14981087

I only had the soviet electric one when i was a kid, it stopped working and is long lost since then. It was a glorified kettle in all honesty but it was fun to pour hot water from that little nose. We also found the big one, made to use wood as fuel, at our granddad house with my older cousin about 15 years ago, AFAIK cousin restored and used that one.

>> No.14981124

as close to boiling as possible
I use 1g / 15ml
so 8g for my 130ml yixing pot

Young puer isn't harsh at all in my seasoned yixing
the difference between the yixing and a gaiwan is staggering though, I don't even like the young puer in my gaiwan

>> No.14981255
File: 331 KB, 1024x678, gettyimages-955389446-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boris yeltzen gifted queen elizabeth one of these

had to be removed from the palace after it was found to be bugged lol

>> No.14981501

How d I know if it is light or deep steamed?

>> No.14981784

>had to be removed from the palace after it was found to be bugged lol
>mfw nowadays the FSB poisons people with Novichok using tea

>> No.14981798

It's not like they were going to fire it up inside the palace

>> No.14981808

>yfw they always have been you just didn't hear about it until we realised

>> No.14981852

Could have just removed the bug but whatever.

>> No.14981911

>80c say 3g/100ml 15sec
I do 3 g/100 mL, 90°C, 10s with any raw I find harsh, young or aged. I still have not aquired that taste yet.

>> No.14982157

I mostly depends on your tolerance for bitter tastes, i can handle most of it but i don't usually reach for the super bitter stuff.

>> No.14982270
File: 26 KB, 384x258, Yabao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some yabao now. I'm always surprised at how nice it is, and how many infusions it lasts.

>> No.14982769

So is it a varietal of tea or is it some non tea Herb?

>> No.14982812

its the very early first spring buds of certain varieties of tea.

>> No.14983114

Interesting, i was wondering about that because it looks different then lots of typical tea buds, but i know china has several varietals of super fuzzy tea bushes so it makes sense that it's probably one of them.

>> No.14983210

My staples are cheap but Japanese-grown sencha for green, loose-leaf Irish breakfast for black. No brand loyalty yet.
Dad's a bong so a simple, flavorful black tea with milk is pure comfort. Like drinking tetley with milk and eating jam tarts at gran's back in England, but much better tea.
Any recommendations for quality brands of these to try?

>> No.14983278

Yeah check out the tea blends on upton tea.
They have a brittsh blends sampler.
If you want to get some individual ones instead look at finest russian caravan or robert fortune blend for an afternoon tea and LEADENHALL STREET BREAKFAST BLEND or river shannon breakfast blend for a morning tea there is also CTC irish breakfast if you want a real strong cuppa that demands milk

>> No.14983948


>> No.14984131

do you guys have any tea pets?


>> No.14985035

I want some

>> No.14985108

i'm drinking some shou puerh grandpa-style and there are some tiny particles floating in the liqueur (i rinsed twice about 15 sec each time before steeping). is this normal?

>> No.14985120

>shou puerh grandpa-style

grandpa style puerh sounds overly thick and kinda gross tbqh, yuck
i can imagine the overwhelming straw taste
and usually you will want to discard the 1st steep for pu erh. (1st 20 second steep)

othewise sediment is normal in many teas, DW about it.

>> No.14985148

shou is going to be more broken up than pretty much every other kind of tea

>> No.14985407

Yeah it's normal, i always get little bits of tea dust floating in my grampa style puer, if it bothers you you can usually just pour a bit off the top of the mug right before you drink it, i usually just ignore it.
Careful when rinsing tea fro grampa style, i found that it gets my mug too hot if i do rinses in it and the tea tends to overbrew a bit.

>> No.14985564

I'm considering getting a Chaozhou pot for dan cong instead of yixing, is it much better than yixing for dan cong?
or is meme?

and do I do the normal gong fu, or the different Chaozhou gong fu with it?

>> No.14985567

what is the consensus on white tea? i am a newbie and bought some, apparently normies have only heard about black and green tea?

>> No.14985608

couldnt say for sure but meileaf seems to think its the best type of clay for dan cong, whats the difference in gongfus?

>> No.14985624

i don't really like mei leaf or watch his content
it's a completely different brewing style, you should look it up, it's interesting
Dan cong is my favorite variety of ooling, with wu yi rock behind, so makes sense to get a dedicated pot

>> No.14985671

What are some really good quality black teas

>> No.14985805

please read the op

>> No.14985877

Black Gold Bi Luo Chun & drunk on red

>> No.14985888

what did you buy?
>white tea
its processed differently from green, black, or oolong tea. it is not oxidized like a black tea or oolong and it does not undergo a kill green step like a green tea or oolong. its generally the least processed of the different tea types. contrary to mainstream brands description of white tea not all white tea is delicate. white tea can be good just like any other type of tea.


>> No.14985923

>while we are on the topic of fake tea. some of the big factory cakes appear to have scratch off codes. are there websites one can enter them to confirm authenticity or something? and if so does anyone have a list of links of where to go? thanks
just bumping my question

>> No.14985961

Anyone try lychee tea? Sounds nasty to me.

>> No.14986104

I have seen a few of the big factories use codes, it looks like they usually use a qr code that you can scan with your phone that will bring you to the url.
This is the dayi tae tea website,
Xiaguan is

>> No.14986262


this is golden, I've never heard the chink puer wrapper language spoken out loud, but here it is. along with typical postcommunist-corporate propaganda and some nice footage from factory floor. highly recommended if you ever drank dayi (teytea) puerhs

>it quichens v o u r r e c o v e r y from fatigue and intoxication

>> No.14986275

any idea where the code entry page is?
I found where to enter the code here (the boxes on the lower left)

other ones i was looking for

>> No.14986297


>> No.14986325

thanks that was great

>> No.14986406

glad to be of help, I only ever used haiwan one, to see if fullchea cakes were legit and chenshenghao http://www.cspuer.com/ but they redesigned the site and I can't seem to find the verify link.

ona a side note for you and other puer drinkers itt, teaswelike started selling 2010 dayi 7542 with taiwan storage for juicy 55 bucks. KTM has it for $64 with guangdong storage.
so if you claim you are puer-head but never drank 7542 here's your chance. apply yourself.

>> No.14986485

Cheapest, highest caffeine content loose leaf tea that i can buy?

>> No.14986504

just take a shot of instant coffee so you can drink whatever tea you want and not have to taint your tea drinking experience with subpar, flat tasting bottom barrel cheap black tea

>> No.14986512

>highest caffeine content
this meme needs to die

buy some cheap indian tea (assam, ceylon), loadsof leaves, boiling water, oversteep - enjoy your caffeine.

>> No.14986541

Hmm. That's a thought.

How about I change my question up then!

I'm a person that has been drinking mostly cheap black tea as an alternative to coffee - so what would you recommend for someone like me flavor wise? My black tea is usually had with a little milk and honey.

>> No.14986563

you got a problem with black tea, faggot?

>> No.14986585

>milk and honey
drop the milk and honey and try some bi luo chun/ golden monkey/ zheng shan xiao zhong
they are not expensive either usually just $7-$12 per 100g
kungfu style, 20-30 second steeps with 95c water (discard 1st steep), 5-7g leaves per 150ml of water

if you are used to sweet western tea it will take some adjusting but trust me good tea with complexity is way more enjoyable than tea dressed up with sugar. You will taste notes of fruit, wood, the smell of autumn leaves, hint of wine.

>he cant read
try reading the last bit again, faggot.

>> No.14986592

>if you claim you are puer-head but never drank 7542 here's your chance. apply yourself.
Damn, called out
Thanks for the heads up

>> No.14986621

>zheng shan xiao zhong

Total novice but interested. Where is the best place to buy?

How many steeps total? This is all totally foreign to me.

>> No.14986654

if only there was some kind of pastebin in the OP and some video platform with search function, life would be so much easier.

>> No.14986666

If you live in the usa yunnansourcing.us is good. I also like kingteamall but you will be paying at least $10 for shipping, and fullchea-tea.com is pretty decent as well

>> No.14986686


Asshoel, take note of


That's how to be a good ambassador to the shit you like.

Thank you for the guidance!

>> No.14986692

personally, i buy from yunnansourcing, its run by a boomer burger who fell deep into the tea rabbithole (RIP) and now lives in and ships tea out of yunnan china. The selection can be overwhelming large, i like it because the prices are very good.

if you want to learn about kungfu brewing look up teadb on YT or something, its not hard, you just need a gaiwan or a small teapot
or just read though the pastebin

5-7g/150ml of loose black tea brewed kungfu style usually lasts for 4-5 steeps. Its not as long lasting as puerh.

>> No.14986705

Thank you!
I'll try it out!

>> No.14986732

>kungfu brewing

>> No.14986755

stop being lazy and doing the grandpa shit.

>> No.14986826

Grampa style is the best way to brew tea, if the tea tastes like shit brewed grampa style it's because it's shit tea.

>> No.14986846
File: 66 KB, 500x564, gcwaw7izkzo11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grampa style is the best way to brew tea
you are missing out on all the different nuances between the various steeps and drinking oversteeped tea!

>> No.14987256

I do grandpa with the tea leaves I used for gongfu

>> No.14987322

Excuse your fat american tongue. I've never made grandpa tea.

>Goong Bu

>> No.14987716

Fair enough. I'm kinda touchy about black tea.

>> No.14988494

One can get the same nuances or different nuances in grandpa-style tea. It's all a matter of taste, one might say. :-)

>> No.14988541

I have an antique that uses charcoal. Works, but not worth the bother. Can't use indoors if you don't want to poison yourself. Just a way to boil water and maybe keep a pot warm up top. Obsolete as a buggy whip.

>> No.14989017

anyone drink cold lipton iced tea?

>> No.14989126

Yeah i figured it's not really very practical to use. The novelty is still appealing but I would probably use it once a year

>> No.14989250

It can work grandpa style. I usually toss in less leaves (about a flat teaspoon) in my mug, cover and brew for 3 mins. Its good for about 3-5 steeps like that. No rinse, simple as. It is said the cantonese prefer thick, dark, puerh teas.

>> No.14990197


>> No.14990410

>No rinse, simple as
Yeah, rinses are decadent and wasteful.

>> No.14990427

>teaswelike started selling 2010 dayi 7542
Picked up a cake, along with some of their Liugui black. Thanks for the tip, anon! I also got a bing of Love Forever from TWL a few months ago and it did not disappoint.

>> No.14990601

>got a bing of Love Forever from TWL
wish I could justify spending that much on a cake at the moment.

>> No.14990863

Not him but love forever is a pretty good tea.

>> No.14991045
File: 83 KB, 900x603, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here actually drink a tongs worth of tea a year (approx 2.5 kilos). I am on track to hit that much for the first time this year.

>> No.14991052

nice one bruvva, do share some notes when it arrives. half a dollar for a gram of black tea, brave move.

I almost got it when it was $114 on ktm, but factory product for over a hundred? I passed.
have you drank other xiaguans? how does it compare to tuos or smoky bings from that time period? because I suspect it's
>a pretty good tea
just like 12 cents brick or 2006 changtai bings, which could be had for MUCH less. really curious.

>> No.14991086

I drink about 20grams a day
so yeah I drink just over a tong a year

I stick to my darker oolongs, ripe and raw's though, sometimes white
I have a dedicated pot for each
Chaozhou Hong ni for darker oolong's (you really don't need to stick to just dan cong's with chaozhou, just use any darker wu yi, or even roasted anxi or darker taiwan oolongs, its fine)
Zi ni for ripe
Zhu ni for raw
Duan Ni for white
all ranging between 90 - 130ml, I use approriate shapes for each type of tea
and I generally stick to 1g/15ml, sometimes 1g/10ml for some of the oolong's, but it depends

I don't really drink black or green

>> No.14991106
File: 43 KB, 500x664, 1590833307504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impressive. autistic. pretty funny boast post.
elaborate on those shapes if you could, anon. I don't think there's good compilation for those on english language internet.

>> No.14991108

>have you drank other xiaguans? how does it compare to tuos or smoky bings from that time period?
Honestly it's not anything incredible, it's not like a standard xiaguan tuo or # recipe bing, but it's pretty similar to the other bings made with aged tea from that time period, the ones from 2012 or so. It's less smokey than most xiaguan. On top of that it allegedly uses about 10% of some really old facypants material that you absolutely can taste as a sort of odd bitterness i haven't found in other teas. I don't think you would be impressed for the price, but i enjoyed it.
I'm under the impression that most of the time when cakes get pressed out of old material it's because that material had something wrong with it that made them not want to press it fresh. I also generally agree with some of the tea bloggers that say tea aged loose before it's pressed isn't as vibrant 10+ years down the line as something that was aged pressed. But like with some of those cheaper bings like the 2012 golden image it can be a nice way to get a older tasting tea at a decent price

>> No.14991110

>I drink about 20grams a day
what sort of job do you have that lets you sit around and drink tea all day?

>> No.14991119
File: 251 KB, 1316x1861, teapots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from reddit with love

>> No.14991134

Absolutely based, what are your current favorite shengs?

>> No.14991137

ignore post i am dumb thought you where talking shapes not clay types.

>> No.14991171

>10% of some really old facypants material
yeah, as John the beloved Chink Pusher said himself: There is another opinion that BanZhang tea material has a ration of nearly 20% according to some tea reviews of tea sommeliers after they detailed analysis. Let’s put it away, especially we know we don’t know and won’t know because these are belonging to confidential secret of FeiTai and XiaGuan tea company.
and not really old, but 2003 LBZ material. still, the hype was big, reached even us in the west, so it makes me curious.
even more so after you mention unusual bitter note. $180 a bing on ktm now, $125 on twl whatever stock they have left. I guess I will never find out. oh well.

I was talking shapes, but in regard to tea type.

>> No.14991195

thanks boi

tea drinking to fine detail is pure autism
gongfu is autism
we're all autists in here
but it's fun, engaging, relaxing, and tastes good af

90% of all online content about tea is boasting or "hey i bought this"
5% is missinformation
3% is usefull information
and the 2% left is people just chilling and talking about what tea's they like

for dark oolong (twisted leaf) you want a medium walled flat and wide pot, so the leaves have a fuck ton of room for expansion and good water contact, if you don't then a lot of the flavour you're getting is the surface i guess particles on the leaf itself, but the water won't penerate the leaf and extract that flavour, tall is ok, but they don't expand like a rolled oolong, so flat/wide is better

Ripe you want round/square and tall, the shape will mellow out the tea further and make it more full bodied, you'll lose some high notes, but thats not a problem for ripe obviously

Raw you want round/square, like xi shi, it will have the same affect as the ripe pot, but the temperature control will be better and keep it's heat better, which is perfect for raw

White you want it round, thin walled, short, with a big opening, it'll keep the high notes and make it cleaner tasting, and since we don't care about removing the bitterness, if you were to brew raw in one of these it'd be bitter af and you won't even be able to extract a lot of the flavour there due to heat loss

now ill say this, this is autism to it's finest, use a porcelain gaiwan unless you really like brewing in teapots, I really enjoy the clay work and designs also which is a factor
and this isn't exactly the best way to spend your money, spend it on large quantites of samples and tea instead, you'll probably get more enjoyment out of tea like that
It's just I have so much tea there's not much point in getting more, atleast at the moment, I don't want to die of old age and have like 100 cakes left


>> No.14991206
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>found chinky pubes in my pu'erh again

>> No.14991227

can you buy entire tongs from any sites?

>> No.14991235

oh, and I forgot, in regards to
> tea aged loose before it's pressed isn't as vibrant 10+ years down the line

read this http://blog.puerh.fr/2015/09/seeking-for-forgotten-2015-maocha.html
and search for newly pressed cakes with "old" 2015/16 material (yunnan sourcing, $15 umbrella from white2tea was also this).
this is how you push stale guangdong sack stored maocha you bought for pennies. not saying it's all trash, but there was a surge lately of "aged material, pressed now" cakes, same with white teas. just beware.

there you go.


>> No.14991236

I'm not going to say what I work as
but it doesn't matter, I just drink like 8g in the morning for a gongfu session, and at night when I'm chilling out watching tv shows or films, browsing the internet etc or reading, I just drink the other 12g
it's pretty easy to drink 20g a day, I know people who drink double that, who literally do nothing all day

I like to grandpa style my spent leaves, and I just put it in my 1.5l water bottle for when I'm out also

for my daily I just drink some cheap middle aged

this is one of the ones I drink reguarly, it's cheap, fairly easy to drink
I don't agree with people spending hundreds upon hundreds on some expensive yi wu 90's cake, I'd rather buy a couple cheaper cakes, not to say I don't have a few expensive cakes stored away, but i prefer variety, I'd tell someone to buy 20 samples of old raw at 25g than 2 expensive 357 cakes

>> No.14991241

glad to be of help
what happened i think is i read your post and replied and then read >14991086 again and saw it was talking about clay types and though i had goofed. should have just trusted myself the first time.

>John the beloved Chink Pusher said himself
who? i don't keep up with e-celebs

>> No.14991259
File: 40 KB, 920x1048, 202-2023351_my-collection-of-ultra-rare-pepes-pepe-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> My asian wifu is missing hers.

>> No.14991299
File: 457 KB, 1001x1191, 1588887209124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kingteamall, purveyor of factory brand puers and a shining star in the minefield of buying cakes at their market value outside of china.
(I promoted two vendors itt already, where are my shekels?)

>> No.14991335

thanks, i intend to buy some stuff from them someday as their prices are good. i just don't have the cash at the moment. i am always shocked by how many western generalist tea stores try and sell bottom of the barrel brands for like $80+ dollars a bing. still i appreciate it because its a good way to look for places not to shop at.

>> No.14991343

>I drink about 20grams a day
>sometimes 1g/10ml
you scare me, i drink 5g/100ml/day and my hearts pounding at night

>> No.14991357

Caffiene doesn't effect me much
even before I started drinking tea, cofee had no effect on me, I'd have to have it ridiuclously strong to wake up

Now I'm sure I've built up a signifcant tolerance

As with everything, too much is bad for you
and I have too much tea, but as far as too much of something, it's far from being the worst thing

I excercise, I sleep well, this helps

>> No.14991378

allright, feel free to reach out for particular advice. just tell us what products are you looking at and what/how you drank before. I'm sure I'm not the only one here willing to help/chip in personal opinions.
just save up about $80 and you can start from scratch.

>> No.14991391

I really like them also
I'm not a huge fan of the website design, it could have a better browsing experience, but it's quite cheap for very good quality

>> No.14991731

>can you buy entire tongs from any sites?
Kingteamall actually has discounts for tong pricing, beyond that it's probably worth looking into taobao sellers and forwarding services, there is a link with some info in the pastebin under the vendor links

>> No.14991748

Yeah i think the important thing with drinking 20g of tea a day is making sure you aren't buying tongs of the same batch of tea and drinking them all day every day. I think if you have a good variety of teas from different sources even if one has some pesticides and another has slightly high lead levels etc you are spreading out your exposure

>> No.14991763

What tea are you buying where you need to worry about this haha

>> No.14991765

>read this post
>suddenly develop headache

>> No.14991795
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I actually have a puer from yunnan sourcing that makes my tongue numb when i drink it. I thought that was a hysterical over reaction from tea bloggers until i experienced it myself.
Kind of a shame because otherwise it's a good tea.

>> No.14991811


seems fine to me
im going to buy it because i wanna see if it'll make my tongue numb

>> No.14991979

Godspeed, the cakes are pretty inconsistent because they were exposed to moisture at some point, parts have loosened up and parts are still pretty dense. I noticed it most in the tightly compacted tea on the front of the cake.

>> No.14992194

thanks. Strong flavored black tea with milk is my favorite, gonna give that CTC Irish breakfast a try along with their Scottish breakfast. For me it's that and light, grassy buttery sencha when I want something more refreshing.

>> No.14992748
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I am trying to be a green tea connoisseur, so far started with Maeda-En, tastes great but I couldn't help thinking that I could do better. Plus the matcha falls to the bottom of the cup which is wrong right? Also what is everyone's favorite desserts to eat with tea?

>> No.14992780

You're supposed to whisk the matcha to make it, so it shouldn't fall to the bottom of the cup, unless you're just pouring the water over the matcha. You can use a traditional bamboo whisk (chashaku) or you can use a modern whisk.

>> No.14992799

I whisked it with a fork, I guess I'll get a cheap bamboo brush from Amazon.

>> No.14992898
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Well fuck, me, /ck/. I spent about a grand getting into tea over the course of the pandemic but as a utilitarian option, guns have superseded that in terms of what I'm willing to throw money at right now. I will say, I still get the W2T subscription every month and it's working out perfectly for me. I have enough of a cellar that I can pull from it if I need to, and getting brand new teas shipped out monthly for 30 USD isn't bad, especially considering you usually get a fair amount of tea.

I'd highly recommend it for anyone who likes to continually try new things but doesn't have the option to buy several cakes month to month.

>> No.14993203


>> No.14993256


>> No.14993257

>am persiannigger
>samovar on our middle counter
>Its a glorified electric kettle
>Everyone already makes fun of us for trying to be stylish why do we do this

>> No.14994028
File: 205 KB, 750x1534, rwerwerwerwerrwrw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this will be my month's order from YS

I get that 357 ripe for free

>> No.14994518

Report in on what you think of that 2007 cnnp, it seems to be a pretty popular cake on YS, especially with the Russians, but i haven't gotten around to trying it

>> No.14994544

will do
I've been putting off getting it for so long, but it's so popular I wanna see what the fuss is about

>> No.14994685

my humble suggestions.
haiwan raws I find pretty underwhelming and disappointing, I'd recommend some xiaguan with comparable price.
clay cha hai? so only for one type of tea? and not transparent, so you don't really see the color and density of the brew. but perhaps you know what you are doing.

other than that, classic mi lan is pretty good, king of duck shit I found underwhelming, others I didn't try so will be waiting on reports. cheers.

oh, btw, where are the ripes? come on.

>> No.14994714

What do you think of the 2005 Xiaguan Te Ji Raw and 2008 Xiaguan "Dream of the Red Chamber" Raw ?

Just looking for an inexpensive 100g tuo
I wanted to try Haiwan since I've actually never had it before

Yeah that cha hai is specfically for the dan cong's / roasted oolongs I'll be brewing, I like to keep material the same between teapot/cha hai and cups

I really enjoyed that king of duck shit personally, it was a sample so i thought I'd get 100g of it

eh I've got plently of ripes already, I'm getting a 357 cake for free so it's ok

>> No.14994734

how fast is YS's non DHL shipping options these days?

>> No.14994744

Te Ji is your typical Crane fare, can get sour notes if oversteeped but reliable, red chamber looks interesting, some fragile souls comment on smokines and spicyness, which seems good enough. especialy that spicyness, which says to me Mengku material, but I can't be sure.
never heard of this tuo, so it's a dice roll, but I bet it will be at least interesting.

>> No.14994749

ah ok
Ill switch out that Haiwan for the red chamber

>> No.14994753

How come nobody talks about Jasmine tea?

>> No.14994791

sounds good, especially that you have a middle aged gupu brick already. haiwan ripes on the other hand, let's just say I like the bacterial flora in their wet piles.

>really enjoyed that king of duck shit personally
see the tastes really differ, especially when you take brewing in clay in the account. I'm porcelain and glass type of drinker.

>> No.14994818

I like porcelain, I have a couple porcelain gaiwan's around that I use for finishing off samples or trying a cake that has higher notes / won't get too bitter to see the difference in taste, or when I'm brewing anything lighter
that's why I'm getting another porcelain cup actually, I don't like to wait around with tea in my cha hai, I'd rather put different steeps into like 4 cups

I'm not a huge fan of glass though, I'm not that careful with my temps and heating up so I've had stuff shatter on me

I really like cheap oolong's with the milkiness

>> No.14994822

>tfw you use a liu bao gaiwan for everything

>> No.14994831

Has anyone had the Guangdong stored verison of https://yunnansourcing.com/products/2006-mengku-big-snow-mountain-wild-raw-pu-erh-tea-cake?_pos=8&_sid=24d8c79c9&_ss=r

I have a cake of the Kunming stored and I love it, but i'm almost out

>> No.14994891

speaking of samples, I have 9g of changtai ban zhang cake that I meant to try out, now is as good time as any. supposed to have some kick fro famous material. let's see.

>> No.14994952

oh wtf
where you get it?

shit is too expensive for me man, I really wanna try it, but like $25 for a 10g sample makes me wanna kms

>> No.14994984

well, as I was afraid - it's a good stuff. immediate huigan, full salivation, as a minus, some throat irritation from fine particulate which is apparent in the cup as a foam. but not too much. VERY drinkable.
fucking hell, very stoning effect, I was expecting HI NRG, but I'm sitting here a bit loopy.
2006 changtai ban zhang on ktm. 90 bucks iirc, go for it, but leave some for me. how much BZ material is in it it's anybodys guess, but i had to tak a little break after downing 4 cups quickly. jesus.

>> No.14995028

ohhhh that one
I saw it but it seemed too cheap, how is it?
can you compare it to the high cost bang zhang like £1.50 / gram ones?

>> No.14995057

>can you compare it to the high cost bang zhang like £1.50 / gram ones?
wish I could, but not my ballpark.
you know the feeling of sort of swollen eyelids and being unable to focus your sight? this one has it. and tastes good, no off storage notes. 4.5g in my 70ml small gaiwan. on full stomach. it's oxidated grape juice, that's what it is.

>> No.14995178

Are you the anon that recommended that bing from chawangshop?
I wanted to rec this for your next KTM order.
Guy makes it sound pretty lame in the description but it's good, slightly fruity slightly tart decent saliva production, well aged, has a little bit of dust in it but it's mostly full decent looking leaves, pretty good infuseability too, i get a decent # of brews out of it

>> No.14995203

that's me. added to wishlist. thanks.
how's that myanmar bing treating you? pretty fucking solid for a noname cheap cake, right?

>> No.14995213

I really wish there was a better source for tea in the UK, It sucks to pay such high shipping from china
mei leaf is shit

>> No.14995222

i like it and usually keep it in stock
glazed gaiwan master race. no faffing around simple as

>> No.14995227

Is there a list of the differences in taste profiles of each of the tea factory's / companies?

>> No.14995241

not really, no. how would one compile such list do you reckon? but here's a start for you http://teapedia.org/en/Xiaguan_Tea_Factory

>> No.14995325
File: 148 KB, 1024x779, 1590682448569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to cop some reasonable dragonwell?

>> No.14995343

>how fast is YS's non DHL shipping options these days?

>> No.14995531

It's great, one of my favorite young shengs

>> No.14995540

I have ordered from other places in yunnan in the last month or so and had it arrive in the US in about two weeks. things were rough earlier this year but shipping from china seems mostly back to normal now

>> No.14995830

Verdants always tasted nice. They offer different "grades" so you should fund one priced for you.

>> No.14995873

I was pretty happy with the mid priced offering from kingteamall

>> No.14996049
File: 15 KB, 322x487, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a referral code?

>> No.14996075

Is it ok to brew various types of oolong in yixing or chaozhou red clay?
like using dan cong, wu yi and even roasted anxi in the same pot?

or got to stick to one?

>> No.14996084


>> No.14996091

It should be fine as long as you aren't using super heavily roasted toasty stuff in the same pot as the crazy green taiwan oolongs.

>> No.14996115

at most I'd go for like Charcoal Roasted Tie Guan Yin
but that'd be the limit

>> No.14996119

I brewed a roasted oolong in the seasoned cup I use for ripe pu er and it totally spoiled the next pu er, I had to clean that porcelain to white to get rid of the smokey taste.

>> No.14996222

Yeah that should be fine

>> No.14996249

Bumping up from the shittiest white 90ml gaiwan ysus sells to the shittiest $20 125ml liu bao gaiwan from purple cloud has noticeably opened up the flavor of my cakes. That little bit of extra volume really lets the leaves swim.

I'll let you pick out my next pot.

>> No.14996282

what are you looking for
where you wanna buy
whats your budget

>> No.14996367
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>> No.14996391

My table is full for now desu. I've got a nice little coffee/tea bar sketched out that I'm going to have to diy first.

>> No.14996393

Don't get the 2019 dragonwell, it needs to be fresh!

>> No.14996539

i have some 2019 dragonwell thats still perfectly fine, nicer than some other 2020 non-dragonwell green i have. thats pretty cheap too

>> No.14997038

Based Rooibos Poster

>> No.14998145

Recommended some nice roasted dan cong for me pls.

>> No.14999163



both are medium roast

>> No.14999713

is there a good herbal loose tea that i can get off of amazon for under $10?

>> No.14999797

Why is the tea from that paste bin so expensive. I want to waste 10 if anything.

>> No.14999836

Every white tea I have tried has been incredibly underwhelming thus far.

>> No.14999987

Pinch pennies and come back in 6mo when you're less poor.

>> No.15000276


>> No.15001090
File: 33 KB, 1200x800, mickey-tea-meowster-tea-pet-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute tea pets

>> No.15001560
File: 251 KB, 800x800, Promotional-cute-buddha-tea-pets-lovely-colorful-small-monk-pottery-teapets-tea-accessories-handmade-decoration-for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post ugly tea pets

>> No.15001596

Teapets are for consumerist autists

>> No.15001679

>consumerist autists
I'm pretty sure the largest buyers of tea pets are older chinese women

>> No.15001704

This place legit?

>> No.15001866

NVM doesnt ship to USA

>> No.15002147

>This place legit?
i have seen a few people say they have ordered from them. i am planing on trying something small from them at some point. they definitely look a bit sketch though.
>doesn't ship to USA
yes their website says it does

>> No.15002184

Yeah they are fine, ive ordered several things from them, yes they ship to the US.

>> No.15002593

Thanks anon!

>> No.15003205
File: 35 KB, 800x800, cat-gang-tea-pet-1-19-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003411

Nah samovars are based. Perfect vessel for making Persian tea stop being white washed

>> No.15003667
File: 181 KB, 400x250, 15-TWG-Tea-in-the-Emirates-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is TWG tea worth any shekel ?

>> No.15003881
File: 202 KB, 1200x800, 324242234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are consumerist autists

>> No.15004317
File: 1.74 MB, 2592x1944, werqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the new mini tea table

got it to strictly be used outdoor

>> No.15004685
File: 524 KB, 732x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bi tan piao xue is the perfect tea

>> No.15004700

Is there a good gongfu tea set I can buy on Amazon?

>> No.15004797

Depends on what you mean by set.
Some set-up like those cover the basics, there are a lot more if you search something like gaiwan set, i would just recommend avoiding stuff made out of clay especially unfinished clay if you are buying on amazon

>> No.15005274

Nice anon, looks good.
Love the color of that brew

>> No.15005313

it's the 2000 Yi Wu Huang Pian from YS
this was on it's 7 or 8th steep

it will stain everything yellow, but it tastes good

>> No.15005318

Oh i was pretty interested in that tea. Do you like it? Think it's worth the price?

>> No.15005330

i ordered some of that back in august, still waiting on surface

>> No.15005338

hmmm, good question
It's certianly unique, the price I suppose is fair
but i don't think I'd actually recommend someone buy a whole cake of this, for the price you can get better aged puer

worthit to buy a 25g and see for yourself, atleast

>> No.15005365


>> No.15005429

Is there any purpose for these other than consumerism and aesthetics?

>> No.15005479


>> No.15005557

Would anybody experinced be kind enough to curate me a list on the chinese YS shop of dark oolong's, mid and old raw, some ripe, and very good teaware?

I'm looking to spend around 800-900 dollars

>> No.15005578

Jfc, gimme half an hour
I'm not sure i would really recommend spending that much blindy but why not

>> No.15005636


>> No.15005682

a few more raw I really like these two
its really up to you, I have been eyeing this for a while
and here is a nice gaiwan
not really sure what to suggest for oolong, im not really an expert.
make sure you post your shopping cart before you order to see if anyone else has some advice.

>> No.15005743

I don't trust local stores in bringing anything more than roiboos or herbal infusions. By this I mean brick and mortar.

The one I used to go claims to be the patrician kind.
> they sell silver needle at 150% the price of the sourcing (won't tell you the harvest because they don't know...)
>they only sell plain cut leaf, sometimes se cha or the first one with lots of fruits in the green section.
>Only two oolongs, both of them are expensive and one is different because bio label
>Black tea... Everywhere, flavored majorly.
>Only one type of Pu Erh.. Tuo cha, small compared to the ones in any place from the recommended. It looks like cigarette tobacco after dissolving the ball shape and tastes like nothing. The paper pieces they come in say nothing, blank.

>> No.15005791

I have a half decent local tea store, they actually sell a few generic label raw and ripe puers. Some liu bao, early spring vac pacs of taiwan oolong, little or no flavored tea. I still don't shop there very often because the markup is huge and the kids actually working behind the counter are rude and don't know anything about the tea they are selling. It's hard to support small tea shops when online shops are usually better or significantly cheaper.

>> No.15005933
File: 281 KB, 1468x1664, New order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ok?

>> No.15005943
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>> No.15006037

I'm the one who suggested this stuff, it looks good to me, you might want to give it 24 hours or so and see if you get any other feedback or suggestions, unfortunately the thread is kind of dead today because of the election.
I think overall it's a pretty good mix of teas but it's obviously biased towards my taste in puer.

>> No.15006101

remember to check the Free Gift Offers and BOGO Offers tab, and apply the code during checking out.

>> No.15006156

Will do, thanks

>> No.15006378

Damm, so what are your plans for the clay teapots? One for ripe and one for raw? Or one for raw and one for oolong?

>> No.15006412

Zi ni for ripe
will use the Duan ni for oolong
I have a Zhuni for my raw already

>> No.15006442

Sounds good
The Duan Ni should pick up some great color after a while

>> No.15006588


Maybe throw in a <4 year old raw puerh cake if that's interesting to you at all. The 2018 Autumn Bang Dong Zi Cha is very good - super green, crisp, very pleasantly astringent.

>> No.15006642

Thinking of buying a cast iron teapot to brew some tisanes in. Budget lands around $20-50 dollars. Any recommendations?

>> No.15006667

Look for a teavanna branded one on eBay, they are probably more rare now but the pots that were sold at teavanna were enameled cast iron made by Iwachu in Japan. Teapots like this one
Cost about $150 and shipping if you order an iwachu branded one directly from japan. Look around on ebay for ones in that style and pick one you like, search "teavana cast iron" without the quotes

>> No.15006675

Not going to read this comment, just randomly selected it from the front page.

I am stronger and better than you in every possible way, but it doesn't really matter. I just wanted to say that you are inferior, and if you get upset with that fact, then your ego needs some adjusting.

>> No.15006677

Just to be clear those are enameled, so they aren't for using to heat water on the stove (it's probably fine but they aren't labeled for that) so if you wanted a large kettle to heat herbs and water together these aren't what you are looking for.

>> No.15007578


>> No.15007637

>make tea
>forget now it's cold

>> No.15007705

I do this a lot, usually i just drink it cold.

>> No.15007838
File: 163 KB, 1280x865, Samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've received these samples, but they don't have any label identifying which tea type is inside, and just a few have instructions on how to brew. Once I figure out that and put labels, I may start drinking them. Do you guys know any list of chinese tea brands?

>> No.15007858

is mei leaf a meme? he seems really knowlegdeable, even if a bit weird at times.

>> No.15007875

massive meme
take his advice with a pinch of salt
and definitely don't order from him, all of his inventory is very low quality misslabled crap that is very overpriced

put it this way, I live in the UK and get crazy cheap shipping from mei leaf, but I choose to spend absurd shipping costs from china instead

>> No.15007905

>and definitely don't order from him, all of his inventory is very low quality misslabled crap that is very overpriced
over priced yes but i've honestly never had a bad tea from him. however i also buy far more of my tea from ys

>> No.15007959

i see, thanks for the headsup. i ahvent ordered anything from him, but while waiting for some other orders to come in ive just been watching random tea videos, and this guy keeps getting recommended.

on that note does anyone else have any recs for tea videos besides the ones mentioned in the pastebin?

>> No.15007970

Farmer Leaf
Yunnan / Taiwan Sourcing
Jasmine^^ has a couple good ones
Tea House Ghost茶館鬼
Guy Drinks tea

>> No.15008149

What yixing do you use for each of your tea's?

Raw Sheng -
Aged Sheng -
Shou -
Wuyi Yancha -
Dancong -
Hei Cha -
Red Tea -
Yellow Tea -
Chinese Green Tea -
White Tea -
Chinese Anxi Green Oolong -

Raw Sheng - Ben Shan Duan Ni
Aged Sheng - Qing Shui Ni
Shou - Zi Ni
Wuyi Yancha - Zhuni
Dancong - Chaozhou Hong Ni
Hei Cha - Di Cao Qing
Red Tea - Porcelain Gaiwan
Yellow Tea - Porcelain Gaiwan
Chinese Green Tea - Porcelain Gaiwan
White Tea - Porcelain Gaiwan
Chinese Anxi Green Oolong - Zhuni

>> No.15008188
File: 1.71 MB, 2366x3335, green time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time making loose leaf tea thanks to /tea/'s recommendation, went with a green Sencha Yabukita.
Its quite fucking good.
Thank you /tea/ for turning me onto loose leaf. Bags are so shit I realize now.

>> No.15008349

They are supposed to have labels on them, there is a listing on the website of Everything that comes in the samples with pictures so you should at least be able to tell once you open a bag. I think the bags are generic and won't tell you exactly what is inside.
There are brewing directions in the pastbin in the OP

>> No.15008356

Awesome anon! That's a cute setup

>> No.15008357
File: 93 KB, 195x195, 1594630632856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost out of pic related from yunnan
any other good+cheap puerhs?

>> No.15008421

this guy
or this for a few dollars more
or if you want to try a ripe from dayi

>> No.15008874

any recommendations that ship from the US? My fried dopamine receptors won't allow me to wait for a month

>> No.15008920

yeah grab a few of these, they are fantastic, semisweet dark chocolate flavor.

>> No.15009200

What's up with golden tips tea? Is the price worth it?

>> No.15009218

Golden tips are the smallest young buds on the tea plant, they are usually stronger and or sweeter
>Is the price worth it?
Depends on what tea you are looking at specifically

>> No.15009535

what tea go with pizza

>> No.15009549

The guide suggests a temperature of 210F for oolong, but most oolongs I have suggest 190F. What are people's thoughts on this?

>> No.15009593

Depends on the oolong 210 is good for moderate to heavily fermented stuff like dan cong as some wuyi oolongs, 190 is better for light roasted tieguanyin, Taiwan jade oolongs etc

>> No.15009616

Aay just ordered this https://yannzishagallery.com/products/%E5%90%88%E6%AC%A2he-huan-90ml-duanni?variant=37152102613184

>> No.15009663

damn looks really nice

>> No.15009816
File: 858 KB, 2016x1512, 00100lrPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200912152231538_COVER_resize_12_compress40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I only ever get 5 or 6 good steeps out of shu. I'll push it to 8-10 with many minute long steep times but it gives it up so fast. I do push the times early on to get exceptionally strong brews, so it's probably just on account of my taste. Anyone else tend to experience this?

>> No.15009821

Yeah shu just doesn't have legs, it's more heavily processed so it infuses faster and runs out of gas faster

>> No.15009822

How can I find a non-chinese tea wife?

>> No.15009846

I was wondering if you had any experince using duan ni with ripe?
I want to use DCQ for aged sheng
Thick walled / medium fire Zhu ni / Hong ni for dark roast oolong
Thin walled / high fire Zhu ni for raw sheng
and Duan ni for ripe (dry stored)

>> No.15010518

ripe puerh, not joking

>> No.15010523

get some good factory shu, use porcelain.

>> No.15010526


I have good factory shu and often use porcelain for it. Again, it's likely a result of me pushing early steeps quite hard. I guess I was asking less about "is this odd?" and more just curious what other folks' methods/experiences are, as I know there are people ITT who will enjoy a shu through 12 steeps no problem. I've just found that I personally like 6 or so extremely strongly brewed infusions.


Zini is my only experience with yixing. Apart from that I have an unglazed tokoname teapot for Japanese greens and then various porcelain gaiwans.

>> No.15010720

>all of his inventory is very low quality misslabled crap that is very overpriced
Overpriced sure, but they carry plenty of good teas. I snagged their last cake of Monocle Boss and it was a very nice young sheng. Didn't like the dan cong I got with it, but they also gave me a sample of sour green oolong that was not bad at all.

>> No.15010734

do you drink your tea with or without sugar ?

>> No.15011018

whats your infusion times? i normally do 10 seconds and then +5
yeah i'd second this

>> No.15011030


Gonna dedicate this pot to aged sheng

>> No.15011041


>> No.15011049


>> No.15011257

Anyone have advice for a cheap way to get into loose-leaf and to see what characteristics you like? I'm a beginner to tea (as in I've started drinking with water boiled in a pan, black bagged tea grandpa style) who wants to explore better shit atleast a little, at the very least getting loose leaf even if just of one type. Would you recommend trying a sampler, or what?
Also yes I am going to atleast get a teapot

>> No.15011332

Get a sampler or two, get a brew basket like the ones finum makes so you can easily brew in mugs.
I don't know what sampler to suggest, maybe one of the ones from upton tea if you live in the us.

>> No.15011334

Meant for

>> No.15011492
File: 147 KB, 574x861, tea order 24.8.2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got hit with a £31 customs charge on my £105 order. fuck you taxman, anyone know if this is more likely with surface vs airmail?

>> No.15011574

Fuck customs, post your thoughts on that three cranes cake when you get the chance

>> No.15011726

I’m interested in this because you mentioned the chocolate flavor to it. But I’ve never had fermented / puerh teas. Any good recommendations for a loose leaf tea that has chocolate notes?

Have some Arnold Palmer made with 2nd flush Darjeeling waiting for me in the fridge.

>> No.15012016

Enjoy your Brexit

>> No.15012036

i will, fuck bureaucracies

>> No.15012170

Will it actually get any better, tho

>> No.15012325

undeniably, if it wouldn't why are the eu so desperate to kill it. they need our money to keep themselves afloat

>> No.15012479

Wait, is that an order from .com or .us?

>> No.15012511

.com the main china store

>> No.15012529

First order?

>> No.15012532

3rd this year, 1st by surface

>> No.15012650

I don't really know, i would say look at yunnansourcing.us for black teas described as having a chocolate note, a decent amount of chinese blacks have it.

>> No.15013097


