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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 487 KB, 2400x1600, Homemade-Tofu-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14970062 No.14970062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's simple. Either you eat nothing but tofu for the rest of your life, or the world keeps warming until YOU are cooked.

>> No.14970064


>> No.14970070

I am 90% vegetarian, I eat meat once a week. I don't eat tofu. I will burn.

>> No.14970077

>eat nothing but tofu for the rest of your life
An unbalanced diet is a terrible way to die.

>or the world keeps warming until YOU are cooked.
Also a terrible way to die

Lame question is lame.

>> No.14970232

If animals are killing the planet how the fuck we not get global warming like, a billion years ago?

Idk, seems like maybe intensive mining of petroleum and fossil fuels and sucking the planet dry of oil is a more sensible theory to global warming than animals=bad

>> No.14970245

I’ll take the heat, fuck tofu

>> No.14970248

or we could just ban farming cow meat

>> No.14970251

That sounds like a complicated oversimplification of a really complicated problem.

>> No.14970258

I'll eat meat and tofu you fuck

>> No.14970259

What about the billions of people who aren’t white westerners who will laugh in your dumb fucking face for suggesting they stop eating meat or even most vegetables. You know the people who are the most responsible for the pollution.

>> No.14970280

Fuck off back to wherever you came from you false flagging motherfucker

>> No.14970284
File: 262 KB, 1000x559, plasticshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh, white westerners ARE the people who are responsible for the pollution. They sit on their ass and just consume, consume, consume. They drive everywhere and mostly just get fat on industrial kibble. They use more fuel per person than some third worlder living barefoot in a tent.

White westerners are aware of the problems their unfettered consumerism causes, but they don't realize part of the solution means to live a less materialistic life and start producing shit, like textiles, food, and other raw material.

>> No.14970293

It would be a lot easier to kill a few CEOs in charge of shit like this than to change millions of peoples' diets.

>> No.14970446

Luckily, we also consoom firearms and ammunition at prodigious rates, so you cannot and will not stop us from doing whatever the fuck we want, because if you try, you will get shot.

>> No.14970686
File: 52 KB, 438x438, 1569675913228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14970693

I don't even think the preachiest vegan is suggesting that we do that.

>> No.14970766
File: 109 KB, 900x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously think other ethnic groups don't consoome just as much garbage as their incomes increase? Did you know most of the pollution in the ocean comes from rivers in Asia and Africa? This is hardly just a western issue.

>> No.14972563

You do realize a shitton of their plastic crap comes from the west, right?

Not to mention fossil fuels are so heavily artificially subsidized to a degree that is about as comprehensible as the universe, we have no value for recycled plastic.

The west PEAKED recycling in 2014 with like... less than 10 percent of shit recycled.

How can you just sit there and point the finger at everyone but the real perps? Stop blaming poorfags when they can barely afford to eat.

>> No.14973403

I guess I'm the only one on this entire board that thinks tofu tastes alright.

Might get a little boring after a while.

>> No.14973417

Live in Canada. Supposed to want to avoid global warming.

>> No.14973422

There are better things where you don’t have to eat meat. Family always had tofu around in many forms, but shit sucks.

>> No.14973427

>You do realize a shitton of their plastic crap comes from the west, right
Like fucking what? Everyone knows 95% of plastic crap comes from China. Westerners mostly give third worlders canned food, old clothes, and medical supplies. Plus not everyone in third world countries is some starving barefoot hut dweller. This might be a shock to someone as retarded as you, but Africa and Asia actually have like CITIES with SKYSCRAPERS you know.

>> No.14973429

youre exactly right we need to nuke india and china and it'l solve both global hunger and pollution. we have done literally nothing to stop them so we should start now.

>> No.14974973

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14974979

soy farming is one of the main contributors to global warming. That being said, the Japs have the best tofu dishes.

>> No.14975028

There were more buffalo in the USA before eurocucks killed them all, than there are cows now. You guys are just retarded.

>> No.14975088

>You do realize a shitton of their plastic crap comes from the west, right?
>Hello amur what do we do with this plastic
>I dont now achmed just fucken toss it into the water
>this is the wests fault
you sound like a shitskin

>> No.14975133
File: 396 KB, 800x800, Freshly made tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like you to try freshly made warm tofu for once.

>> No.14975342

you actual retard, we are now breeding livestock to feed 9 billion people instead of the natural rates they were reproducing. Not even a veggie boy, youre just so retarded I had to say something

>> No.14975346

a) Soy is terrible
b) Soybean farming uses huge amounts of resources
c) You can eat a vegetarian or vegan diet without ever consuming tofu.

>> No.14975355

Imbecile. You just gave me the means to destroy the planet.
Now here are my demands. I want 1 million dollars in cash every week. I want all non whites deported, don't care where. And I want the Big Mac to be renamed the McDick. Until my demands are met I will continue to eat meat.

>> No.14975383

How about I kill half of the population on earth and have all the meat to myself?

>> No.14975418

i didn't ask to be born

>> No.14975427

I'd rather kill myself than have to eat this shit all the time

>> No.14975440

You do realize that most of the livestock bred to feed people is chicken. Like something like 45 billion out of the 50 billion land animals killed are fucking chickens.
less than half a billion are cattle (this includes veal). This makes sense as a cow can easily feed a human for a year, longer if you eat something other than the cow (which everyone does).

Then also you have to consider people who don't eat cattle at all, so you take out the 3 billion Indians.

Also human populations tend to get out of control with crop agriculture. Look at the places with the most grain consumption per capita and then look at the places which eat the least grains.
They tend to control their populations better. Seriously, look at Japans population density vs Mongolia. Japan is a tiny piss as island with 1/3rd the population of the United States, and Mongolia is at least 5 times the size of Japan and has 1/100th the population of Japan. One of those countries eats a ton of grains. Can you guess which one?

You wanna shit on livestock but you don't grow your own food. But hey, I'm the retard, even though I refuse to live in sheer ignorance of where my food comes from.

Let me guess, you live in an apartment or your moms basement in a city/suburb?

Keep eating your mystery meat and collecting your useless plastic shit.

>> No.14976144

Im not reading your copy pasta liberal rhetoric, go Jew up a different thread.

>> No.14976162

>it’s simple, support government subsidized factory farming and soy-based industry, or the Chinese and Indians will continue polluting the world until we all die!!!

>> No.14976168

Okay let it burn then

>> No.14976169

He’s actually supporting independent farming and is directly against liberal propaganda and jewry. You’re just the retard who can’t read. Funny how that works, eh?

>> No.14976173

i love meat but also eat tofu once in a while.

theres a place for everything.

>> No.14976186

Based, small free range farms are the best way to grow livestock

>> No.14976193

Hey same fag, go Jew up a different thread with your libtard propoganda.

>> No.14976230

>Talks shit about big corp "industrial" meat
>Is a jew "libtard"
Damn people here is becoming more and more mentally ill by the day, contrarianism is rotting your mind
T. In case your brain is a little paranoid, not the same guy

>> No.14976233

is this satire?

>> No.14976237

global warming isnt real, just like covid isnt real.

another made up boogieman to control people

>> No.14976261

If you think it’s a samefag reply to all four of our replies and I’ll prove you wrong, dipshit. Just because you can’t read and you’re kinda stupid doesn’t mean the world works to your fancy.

>> No.14976271


>> No.14976279

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.14976281

He’s not wrong, negroid.
>be 6 billions years ago
>shits still warm from the universe exploding n shiiiiiieeeeeet
>we got an atmosphere :O
>a bunch of single celled organism reminiscent of plankton form
>a bunch of single celled organisms reminiscent of worms show up
>worms eat plankton
>worms have a worldwide discussion over whether the mass production of plankton will/will not have vast ecological effects on the planet as the plankton produce some sick disgusting greenhouse gas called “oxygen” through photosynthesis

>> No.14976282

Yeah, and we killed the other shit that was living on the land so that we have space to raise the cattle. It's a zero-sum game.

>> No.14976330

This is where cattle farming gets retarded. Think about this:
We kill a ton of animals and plants on one space of land for the cattle to live
we kill a ton of animals and plants on one space of land for humans to live
we kill a ton of animals and plants on one space of land to process the animals

The goal of conservationist efforts should be to redefine these three spaces into a smaller space such that more local farming is available and profitable (both for the consumers wallet and the local jobs that will open up because of this), and such that the human supply chain is not so stretched out and vulnerable. Anything that shatters our supply chain today is the death of Americans. Preferably, we should be farming in our own backyards (not necessarily cattle, mind you).

>> No.14976344

Oh and also I should factor in that not only are all of those three spaces being used a necessity for this process, but for cattle farming or for full on vegetarian farming we still have to clear a shit fuck ton of land for that as well. Vegetarian/vegan products that are processed are even worse as they further require a factory and usually necessitate excess waste.
Thank you for listening to me mansplain.