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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 640x360, mcdonalds-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14960678 No.14960678 [Reply] [Original]

Have been eating fast food all weekend. Feel like shit. How do you guys do it? Day after day after day after day after day after?

>> No.14960688

Now I want a quarter pounder with cheese meal

>> No.14960700

I wish they’d bring back Super Size Fries.

Shitlibs ruin everything.

>> No.14960707

I don't chud. Eat healthy. Feel good. Fast food only once a month.

>> No.14960709

we just talk about it and larp
I used up all my GBP on a nintendo game

>> No.14960730

what game, and how many points did it cost you?

>> No.14960747

Open borders for Israel.

>> No.14960777

Excite bike
all of them and next weeks too

>> No.14960780

Last night I drank a liter of Jack Daniels and 2 boxes of off brand mac and cheese and I have literally had diarrhea for 7 hours straight

>> No.14960797

I don’t. Fuck that fag shit and people like you.

>> No.14960815

This guy needs a mcdouble stat

>> No.14960818


I made burgers hotdogs and sausage on my grill tonight. Fuck a McDouble.

>> No.14960824

it was propane right?
that would have me hot too

>> No.14960837


Charcoal. The way God intended.

>> No.14960845

i guess your alright in my book

>> No.14960849

I wanna hear what all you had this weekend
did you get a rodeo king

>> No.14960854

I only eat Taco Bell, which is real, healthy food - and I'm always drunk.

>> No.14961038

I don't i eat that shit once or twice a month max

>> No.14961177

I got a story that'll waggle your eyes
I got a burger and a thingy of fries, I think we disguise
Our lives when we speak, but we show it with what we eat
We defeat eternal demons with heaps of internal shitty meat
Ronald had a dream when he was sucking his mom's titty
He wanted to palm cities rockin’ his fall hoodie
In this heat? Nah, man, he ain't no clown
He don't need another guardian to hold the fucking place down
Ronald, I never got to say thank you
If you caught me at a KFC I never meant to hurt you
I tore down a thousand Burger Kings for talking shit
Have ‘em lost for words on some Stephen Hawking shit
This cancer's got these little kids biting lips
If burgers kill, then fuck it, I’m gonna die from it
I’ll fucking die for you, Ronald, I hope you understand
Avoid beef and im taking your ass to Pakistan
See if Ronald McDonald would have to run a bottle shop
Ronald would unload a couple shots on these fucking cops
See McDonalds is the finest china quality
That make your legs wobble a lava lamp holding Socrates is
Less postmodern than Ronald, cause in a thousand years
You and I'll be gone but the patties keep flipping
The chicken is still delicious the living expense is limitless
So why the fuck you eating salad, bitch?
See back in ‘48 was when I heard of this magic place
When the atom bomb crushed a small country in it's natural state
Rebuilt itself into a fine little real estate
And reeled in any American chains with exceptional taste, but...

They don't understand (They don't understand, yo)
Little did I know

>> No.14961252

How autistic to you have to be to type all this shit, let alone expect someone to read it?

>> No.14961320

*finger snapping intensifies*

>> No.14961457

You get used to it.

>> No.14961531


>> No.14961623

imagine being such a retard you couldn't take the 5 seconds to check if he actually typed it or not by googling the first line. How you can even take care of yourself is beyond me. Fuck off faggot

>> No.14961641

very based

>> No.14961668

Glad to see the Aspergers Defense Force still posts here.

>> No.14963143

i spend all my disabilty payments on takeout, pushin 387.4lb, i havent seen my dick in years

>> No.14963169

It's called eating fucking vegetables.

>> No.14963313

How do you drink mac and cheese? Also, based and miserypilled

>> No.14963324

I'm an alcoholic, it numbs me to how shitty I should feel. (my poop is liquid too)

>> No.14963329

Can you touch it don't you?

>> No.14963333

>How do you guys do it? Day after day after day after day after day after?
Laziness and I usually finish work between 9 - 11. Though tonight finished early and cooked a t-bone, hashbrowns, broccoli and beans. Was phenomenal.

>> No.14963529

Idk i had mcds breakfast one 3 times in a row and felt sick after haven't eaten it since. Cooking you save way more money and its healthy if you don't cheap out.

>> No.14963538

Haven't had McDonalds in forever because the fiance is a fucking snob about it. Went there two weeks ago and picked a DblQtr Pounder and it was amazing. I've been back 5 times in the last 2 weeks.

>> No.14963600

>l-liberals took my fries away
this site is rotting your mind

>> No.14963618

Super Size Me, a documentary bordering on propaganda from a liberal and his ultra liberal vegan girlfriend caused them to do so. Get rekt zoomer bitch.

>> No.14963635

I had a Five Guys burger with a large fries on Saturday and I'm still beating myself up for eating it.

>> No.14963641

ok grampa take your meds

>> No.14963818

Go to a proper chippy and get a large bag of them. Better than McDonalds shit anyway.

>> No.14963862

I spent a month in America eating fast food, gained 15lbs

>> No.14963871
File: 394 KB, 1242x2556, IMG_0240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14963890

>I'm still beating myself up for eating it.
because you'r not going to be able to make rent because of it?
you'll be single by Xmas all for your love of double cheeseburgers

>> No.14963900

I seldom eat McD but unfortunately we don't have good chip shops where I'm at.

>> No.14963910

what the hell is a chippy and chip shop

>> No.14964315

No, I've been losing a lot of weight and have cleaned up my diet so eating a burger felt like a failure even though it was only one meal. It's not gonna become a consistent habit though.

>> No.14964322

Good job anon I’m proud of you keep it up

>> No.14964334


>> No.14964465

This but unironically

>> No.14964599

I don't understand how anyone "feels like shit" with just a little fast food. It doesn't matter whether or not I eat as clean as humanly possible or eat 2 lbs of McDonalds with 24 beers, I always feel the exact same.

Do you people just have really finicky immune systems or something?

>> No.14964681

are you 21 or something? i could drink a handle of booze and eat two pizzas when i was 21 and wake up feeling great. now that i'm 40, if i don't drink enough water i get a headache or if i don't watch my diet i get indigestion. it'll happen to you too.

>> No.14965118
File: 262 KB, 594x445, wm56n6vk1zp41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, your body gets used to it. You adjust to feeling like shit all the time and your body gets addicted to the food. You're always craving for your next meal and homecooked or natural foods start to "lose" their taste/flavor.

t. ex-fast food addict

>> No.14965152

Am I getting old? Two meals of fast food and I can’t get out of the bed the next day...
24 year old boomer here.

>> No.14965500

Try something without beef in it.
My stomach got sensitive to the really shitty beef most fast food places use, but the chicken and bacon is fine.

>> No.14965715

How do I break the cycle bros

>> No.14965772

>Gas the bikes...

>> No.14965794

Love yourself and your body like you would love another person.

>> No.14965805

What a strange concept

>> No.14965808

Haven't eaten fast food since january. I still feel like shit, but only mentally.

>> No.14965846

What helps me is finding motivation that doesn't involve my immediate health.
Fast food is expensive, cigarettes fuck up the environment (filtered ones). I care less about my health than I do being a wasteful shit.

>> No.14965851

>Love yourself and your body
Lmao, this nigga gay af.

>> No.14965853

>them libruls took muh fries away
you can just order more you disgusting semi-conscious lard-powered food-to-shit transformer

>> No.14965964

Fact. That documentary was bogus bro.
What will happen if I eat mcdonald's all day everyday for every meal specifically overeating past the point of being full to finish my meal? Oh damn I put on a shit ton of weight this is mcdonald's fault! If you tried the same test with every restaurant in America you would have the same result from at least half of them.

>> No.14966625
File: 55 KB, 611x693, 998cd9b0-14d0-11eb-8469-a96b0f5050d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.14966649

4chan is a CIA psyop. What you thought any of this is real?

>> No.14966650

who the fuck wastes their time using charcoal to grill hotdogs and burgers

>> No.14966655

I'm 34, and no, I don't feel like shit. I abuse alcohol most of the time and I don't even exercise most of the year, and I still don't feel this shit.

>> No.14966669

It didn't help that he was also a massive alcoholic at the time, and probably using the "experiment" as a coverup for his failing health. That bit at the beginning where he goes tumbling out of his car to vomit after eating part of a big mac? Every alcoholic knows those days.

>> No.14966674

just look at this glownigger telling you being an obese piece of shit alcoholic will have no effect. see those digits...they have complete control

>> No.14966906

Eat a vegetable, bunghole.

>> No.14966914

How often do you smoke cock though?

>> No.14966928

Whenever your dad is available.

>> No.14966931

>Can't afford a bag of charcoal and a six pack of beer to drink while the grill heats up

>> No.14966935

Which one? Or both?

>> No.14966995

See I didn't even know about that. In the documentary the guy claims to be living a fairly healthy life eating vegan. I personally tend to stay away from alcohol because a lot of my older family and family friends had problems with it. So the idea that he's throwing up because he's shit faced/hungover never occurred to me.
On a slightly less related note. This revelation has made the WKUK skit even funnier.

>> No.14967011


you should switch up the fast foods...and get some variety in there...

>> No.14967024


I am surprised McDonalds didn't sue.

>> No.14967471

I wonder if they actually called a Jameson's. There was a weird cut after the "Please Hold" and considering the woman just answered "Hello???" instead of reading off some script it seems like it was faked.

>> No.14967564

Riiight on Daddio!

>> No.14967682

The dregs of society who post here are so accustomed to their disgusting life sitting in front of a screen for 19 hours at a time, that when they finally are able to get their lazy, fat asses off their computer chair, they'll just order whatever instant-feelgood meal first comes to mind. The only thing larger than the daily intake of a /ck/ poster is the empty fucking space between their ears. Fast food is for niggers and fatties, and there's a pretty big overlap right here on this very board.

>> No.14967724

americans are evolutionarily adapted to this lifestyle

>> No.14968307

I think the actually might have called Jameson. I've called call centers before and Been put on hold and gotten a "Hello" before. The cut could have just been because it was 2 min of dead air on hold.

>> No.14968935


woah, i'm neither, but i have lived off fast food for as long as i can remember...

i just don't put the max amount in for my 401 k...

>> No.14969730

lol the state of fat fuck trump supporters.

>> No.14970201

>DUDE fast food bad taste bad make you feel bad torture their animals it's fake meat dude it is BAD
this episode has been on for like 60 years