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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14956778 No.14956778 [Reply] [Original]

Street Food in Japan - Tour of Ameya-Yokocho
Döner kebab is a Turkish dish made of lamb meat cooked on a vertical spit and sliced off to order. Two similar dishes are called shawarma in Arabic and gyros in Greek, although ingredients and sauces differ. In English, the term kebab in some countries refers specifically to döner kebab.

>> No.14956821

had doner kebabs in germany. they were great and the toppings were great.
only 3 euros back in 2005.

>> No.14956955

There is also a theory that doner kebabs originated in Germany.

>> No.14957018

it tastes okay but the quality is literally on the same level as if you went dumpster diving behind mcdonalds

>> No.14957065

Do Germans really?

>> No.14957152

Looks pretty good

>> No.14957215

>Looks pretty good
When asked what meat this is, he jokes, "This is a lizard."

>> No.14957227

Isn't Doner a German invention?

>> No.14957235

>Isn't Doner a German invention?
There seem to be various theories.

>> No.14957264

He explained "Chicken on the left", "Beef on the right", "Human in the middle", and "I have no problem", "I'll go home if I have a problem" with a friendly customer.

>> No.14957376
File: 250 KB, 1280x853, Turkish Döner Kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkish Döner Kebab

>> No.14957405

It is. From Berlin. Anything els is a straight up lie.

>> No.14957408
File: 22 KB, 290x298, ecdaa36a36fe246052172ca4f1aa2b46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic is actually a German Döner.

>> No.14957436

With Turks comprising the largest ethnic group of non-German origin in the country, many believe that the döner kebab was actually first created in Berlin by a Turkish guest worker named Kadir Nurman in 1972.

>> No.14957446

we need a day where politicians have to draw Muhammad raping an 8-year-old in order to prove their allegiance to western values

>> No.14957476

Although not kebab, South Korea claims that pizza originated in South Korea. Can you believe it?

The True Origins of Pizza

>> No.14957507

koreans are all basically chinese with an extra emphasis on eating dogs...it's like saying people from florida aren't americans because they live on a peninsula

>> No.14957618
File: 127 KB, 1220x686, メンケル大統領.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Chancellor Angela Merkel seems to like kebabs.

>> No.14958036

here im my town there is what we call the "Döner Dreieck" Döner triangle.
3 Döner stores close together and they try to out compete each other by selling döner for 2.50€ by 2019 alt ought i assume the meat is utter trash.

there are different types of meat the cheap döners have to call their product
legal German definition for trash minced beef.
good döners have real meat slices on the stick. if available i recommend to order chicken meat because its not minced either.

Turkish kebab is served on a Plate and eaten with fork and knife

a Turk living in Berlin then had the idea to >>14957376 put everything in a bread and selling it as fast food which was a huge success.

>> No.14958134
File: 381 KB, 2021x1515, kebab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the most meat you'll ever get in Japanese fast food. I'm kinda surprised how they can even make this with the prices of meat.

>> No.14958219

>is based on your path

>> No.14958223
File: 60 KB, 1000x596, iskender-kebap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.14958377
File: 122 KB, 634x476, 38F2A1D300000578-3815405-image-a-1_1475225634265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go live in muslim country, thought they'd have good kebabs, turns out they all suck and even the worse doner kebab in Sydney is better than the halfassed effort here. The don't have a clue how to make them.
Shawarma's are for faggots.

>> No.14958388

they are subhumans, how the fuck did you miss that

>> No.14959211

>You will never be a Turkish weeb making bank


>> No.14959409

Doner Kebabs are everywhere in Tokyo but they are all inferior to the one in Harajuku

>> No.14959459

man i miss the doner in Germany... so cheap and good. perfect drunk food

>> No.14959639

Wtf Neuss?

>> No.14959690
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>Döner Kebab
Uhhh Anon? what exactly are we talking about?

>> No.14959745

donner meat in the UK is just a horrible grey sludge. like eating leather soaked in sweat.

>> No.14959812
File: 159 KB, 746x468, 1B82CB00-812C-4B1B-BD15-AF31F484105F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She dreams of getting triple pen’d by 3 stinky Muslim migrants

>> No.14960425

This is 500 yen in Japanese yen. It can be purchased for € 4.03.

>> No.14960465

Share information about the Döner Kebab store in your city.

>> No.14960590


>> No.14961026
File: 79 KB, 615x409, 0_DonerKebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in the uk and fucking hate doner kabab but when i went to germany my mate got me a doner and it was one of the best things I've ever ate

>> No.14961037

opinion discarded.

>> No.14961122

More like böner kebab

>> No.14961155

I find the kebabs in Berlin to be delicious.

>> No.14961404

Is UK Kebab Really Delicious?

>> No.14961460

Sounds like you're a picky little shit, since both my local kebab places are pretty damn good but due to not having a driving license I'd need to buy the ones from Just Eat for delivery and they're usually just kinda meh.

>> No.14961466
File: 50 KB, 480x729, 90584C6D-866F-449C-894F-5AEAC9459DF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan being “culturally enriched”

>> No.14961683
File: 855 KB, 1812x1064, Berlin kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kebabs in Berlin also look delicious.

>> No.14961694

A kebab just flew over my house

>> No.14961704
File: 138 KB, 350x350, 5DB8B482-391C-44DC-BA65-890E2F5ED224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it was a Dröne Kebab

>> No.14961884

now this is wewuzzery

>> No.14961909

>A kebab just flew over my house
What a hell!

>> No.14962156

The 25 Best Kebabs In America

>> No.14962213

Yes they do Amerifat and it tastes better than your production line fast-"food"
Sit down and cry, call an ambulance to try and get up again.

>> No.14962220

ITT: Watch Americans try and screw it around to say it was invented in the US.
Like they always fucking do.

>> No.14962228

And the Amerifat deflection, folks.
With a touch of Mutts Law.

>> No.14962238

What does Joe Biden eat?
Nothing too spicy for him.....

>> No.14962248

Better than 3 stinky Amerimutts, ehh?

>> No.14962721

He would never have eaten kebab.

>> No.14963012

She looks like a 3 year old.

>> No.14963014

Y'all know where I can get that white doner or red doner sauce?

>> No.14963054

I also want doner kebab sauce.
I especially want a spicy sauce.

>> No.14963147

Kebab sauce ingredients
Tomato paste, water candy, yarapino puree, brewed vinegar, salt, spices, grated garlic, caramel color, PH adjuster, acidulant

>> No.14963165

Pro tip: Döner Kebap is the most common street food in Germany, so common that there's a standard for good Döner. If you're in Germany and want to eat Döner, look out if they're actually called like that. Drehspieß(turning meat spit), Grillspieß(grilled meat spit) Lamm/Kuh/Huhnspieß(lamb/cow/chicken spit) don't follow the requirements for a good Döner. No one knows what they actually put in there. Good Döner costs between 5€ (industrial spit) and 7€ (owner making his own spit) now, less means the meat is trash

>> No.14963235

Any powder or premade one I can buy?

>> No.14963311

Unfortunately, I don't know if it can be purchased or not depending on the country or region.

>> No.14963321

Does that mean cheaper stores don't use fresh meat?

>> No.14963326

This is just an ad, don't be retarded

>> No.14963350

Maybe if you're a city slicker. Good kebab in smaller towns sells for 4€ too. The one here even makes his own bread.

>> No.14963351

Had Döner in Germany and it was very good, still prefer gyros though

>> No.14963359

Most stores don't use fresh meat in that sense. Most of it comes processed and ready to be grilled. There's also some bootleg ones that sell kebab for 2€-3€ which you should not buy. But you can mostly tell by the store ambiente what you'll get. Those stores are just front for laundering most of the time, nobody actually eats there.

>> No.14963372

In most cases they just don't use actual slices of meat but ground meat only so it's more like a big ass meatloaf. 15 years ago or so it was at least some meat slices mixed with ground meat, but today even that is hard to find.
Gyros on the other hand is always meat slices, because it uses cheaper pork so it still feels like a better quality product. Often a lot harder to get though, because they sell döner so cheap most people still rather buy those, which results in many more döner restaurants than greek ones.

>> No.14963378

They might not use meat at all and substitute with guts, bonemeal, phosphate and water. It won't kill you but it isn't good either. Only if it says "Döner", it must adhere to the german Döner legislations.

Still, only if it says Döner it's actually a good Döner

>> No.14963471

they kill white children and serve them as kebab meat

>> No.14963517


>> No.14963523


>> No.14964291

i am a picky little shit but have you ever had one from Germany tho?

>> No.14964382

Just a quick reminder, if you buy anything in a shop who´s selling "Halal"-meat you are supporting the terrorists.
Never EVER give a single buck of your money to that sandniggers. First they sell kebab, then they build a moshee, then they will form cells like cancer...and faster as you can blink they are cutting your throat like they do with lambs and cattles.
Dont let this guys in your neightborhood...europe is already doomed.

>> No.14964433

Halal means it's clean (cause its arabic for clean meat, duh) and the "terrorists" won't fuck over their brothers and sisters

>rest of the post
Please leave your parents basement every now and then.

>> No.14965349

He’s just joking. They use real meat obviously but probably a little insulted at being asked.

Chicken is chicken. Beef is beef.

legit doner is supposed to be lamb and tail fat of a lamb. Not even beef.

>> No.14965358

This is a troll post, right?
Only Turkey has good food.

>> No.14965363

Ok chud

>> No.14965369

Karabagh is Azerbaijan. Cyprus is Turkish. Cope.

>> No.14965426
File: 93 KB, 810x458, adana_kebap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was already and is still common in turkey
before plastic boxes were a thing, the way to get something "to go" was having it "ekmek arasi" aka "in bread", sliced into if its thick, rolled into if its flat bread.
many meat dishes are served on bread even when on a plate, which isnt strictly a turkish thing though, medieval europeans used bread by itself to replace plates, it soaks up all the juices and youd eat bread with your meal anyway

what started in germany first was the marketing as street food and the wide variety and choices of veggies, you wouldnt see cucumbers, lettuce or sauerkraut over there, the latter would be pickled cabbage at best instead.

>> No.14966148
File: 2.68 MB, 224x290, Istanbul Grill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14966349

döner in the uk is made for drunk people to eat after a football game