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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 571x435, foodpoisoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14956773 No.14956773 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I keep getting food poisoning?
I seem to get it once every 1-2 weeks. It's mild and usually only has stomach pain and intense diarrhea for a day but I shouldn't get it at all.
My kitchen is sanitary, I don't eat spoiled food and I eat a decent amount of fermented and probiotic foods. There doesn't seem to be any food it regularly occurs after too, it's seemingly random.
How do I fucking stop this?

>> No.14956780


how do you know for a fact that it's food poisoning?

>> No.14956792

sounds less like food poisoning and more likely a food allergy or possibly some sort of issue with digestion. Get tested for h.pylori.

>> No.14956797

I guess I don't definitively but the symptoms I experience seem to align with it. None of the other issues like celiac disease or IBS fit me. And the fact that it occurs for one day, pretty much until my bowels are empty then disappears rather than stays for extended periods.

>> No.14956814

I feel like if it was a food allergy I'd be able to pinpoint which food was doing it.
>Get tested for h.pylori.
Doesn't seem like that's it.

>> No.14956819

go to a doctor, you retarded faggot. the fuck do we care about your weak stomach

>> No.14956831

you don't clean your utensils and cookware enough
you don't cook your food to a high enough temperature
you don't properly can/ferment your fermented and probiotic food so pathogenic microorganisms grow in the fermented food
HIV can give you chronic diarrhea
chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes can produce diarrhea and painful bowel movements.
tldr stop being a faggot

>> No.14956839

wash your hands after going to the bathroom and before you eat you filthy moron.

>> No.14956870

Nice pasta op.

>> No.14956910

Alcohol abuse. Your gut is fucked. Stay off booze for a while.

>> No.14956915

Stop eating grains.

>> No.14957087

oh man, i eat garbage, 3 week old meat and the occasionaly scary dairy and ive only ever gotten food poisining like once.

twice i ate this dumpster sausage and both times it gave me the worst gas ever. me and my partner had to sleep with all of our van doors open

>> No.14957130
File: 9 KB, 259x195, 607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me and my partner had to sleep with all of our van doors open
why are you sleeping in a van?

>> No.14957206

>why are you sleeping in a van?
just got off work from the weed farm harvest where i met a girl and we went traveling across the country for a few months

sooooo many girls on the weed farms :3

>> No.14957214

If it's happening regularly, and it's not being caused by a certain pattern of foods, then it's probably not food poisoning and you probably have stomach cancer.

>> No.14957224

Does alcohol really fuck with your digestive system?

>> No.14957250

It's actually healthy for you!:)

Fucking moron.

>> No.14957271

I've never heard of alcoholics getting food poisoning like symptoms.

>> No.14957287

Sounds like severe case of soy stomach.

>> No.14957298

From personal experience don't eat in your car or at your work desk. If you cook your own meals I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.14957304


>> No.14957344

I dunno but I feel like I've been poisoned every time I ejaculate.

>> No.14957346

yeah I've never heard of someone puking from drinking a lot, a-doy

>> No.14957387

You sure your not just lactose intolerant?
If you only got diarrhoea and stomach pain it's probably just digestive issues.
If you are also vomiting and have fever and cold inside you got full blow food poisoning.
You could also have stomach issues just from fermented food so check with a doctor.

>> No.14957388

>How do I fucking stop this?
Are you undiagnosed diabetic?
What is your refrigerator temperature?
When did you last clean the fridge with a disinfectant?

>> No.14957429

Your blind intestine is fucked get to a doctor before it kills you

>> No.14957503

Probiotics aren't necessarily good for you, it's filled with bacteria so it could improve your intestinal flora as much as it could fuck it up.
If you really get regular digestion problems, maybe stay away from fermented foods and probiotics for a while to see

>> No.14957560

Have you considered that someone is poisoning your food

>> No.14957585


Sounds more like Chohn's Disease fren.

>> No.14957672

What's your diet like elsewhere? Beer, coffee, sugar, artificial sweeteners, too much oil, all those can cause diarrhea.

>> No.14957680

Solved, close the thread jannys.

>> No.14957682

I've never gotten food poisoning in my entire life (27yo, Italy); there must be something extremely wrong either with the food safety of your country, or with your immune system.

>> No.14958551

Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist and start writing down everything you eat on a calender.

>> No.14958938

i used to drink a lot of milk. i'd get progressively more constipated until one day i'd feel really sick. then i'd take a couple of huge, stinky shits and feel a lot better. then the cycle would start over; each cycle lasted a couple weeks. i cut back on milk and haven't had that problem anymore.

>> No.14960578


>> No.14960585

alcoholics will shrug everything off as a hangover until they're literally shitting blood

>> No.14961239

You could have irritable bowel syndrome/disease.

What you're describing happened to me too until I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

>> No.14961748

I was guessing one of the first two. or not washing hands after handling raw meat. it's really easy to contaminate your kitchen or your food if you don't know what you're doing. or it could be not cooking meat long enough. I've been served chicken that was virtually raw in the middle and I assume this "chef" had been suffering regularly until I told him why that was bad and how to avoid it. Frozen pizzas that were burnt around the edges and still ice in the middle. I've also seen hamburgers that were pink in the middle as well. scary stuff.

>> No.14961752

Jack? Is that you?

>> No.14961842

Uhhh...maybe. Alex?

>> No.14961904

No it was a reference to a /ck/ meme chef called Jack whose food is often dangerously undercooked. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.14961927

Sounds like endotoxins.

>> No.14962032

Is Crohn's disease a serious issue and pain to live with or is it essentially just getting stomach pain and diarrhea every now and again?