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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14952941 No.14952941 [Reply] [Original]

I buy chopped onions and other pre-prepped veggies because Im a busy member of society and I value my time.

>> No.14952947

Just hire a private chef if you value your time so much.

>> No.14952956

>he doesn't own a food processor to process all of his food

>> No.14952960

>having to take it out, clean it afterwards, dry it, and store it back in the cupboard again (so it doesnt ruin the décor aesthetics)


>> No.14952964

I can understand wanting to save time, but unless I know they were just chopped that day I'd be wary especially if you're using them raw. I find cut onion to develop off flavors pretty quickly to where within just a few days it almost tastes spoiled. I'm guessing it's from the chemical that makes your eyes tear sometimes when cutting them but I'm not sure.

>> No.14952976
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Usually when you see a product with labels like
>gmo free
Most likely there is something wrong with it. Looks like a "get healthy for dummies" aka people who don't care about reading about how to actually get healthy.

>> No.14952977

Your time aint worth shit when you sit around doing nothing instead.
You're just lazy.

>> No.14952981
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I can't imagine being so lazy. post your onion collection

>> No.14952987

its called mediation you chump

>> No.14952988

I find excuses to use onions and celery and similar things because chopping is fun
>ha ha knife goes thckthckthckthckthckthckthckthckthckthckt

>> No.14953004

I actually love cutting onions, cutting them efficiently and consistently is a really good feeling.
Ignoring the pain ofc.

>> No.14953019
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i buy peeled hard boiled eggs.

breakfast has never been easier.

>> No.14953039

someone was killed by salmonella from these recently

would avoid imo.

>> No.14953043

erm, listeria

>> No.14953056

I tried putting onions into my magic bullet but all it did was make onion mush out of the very bottom of it. What a waste of fucking time and a tablespoon of onions.

>> No.14953063

look at that ham hock of a hand

>> No.14953085

i think you are supposed to pulse + shake it up a bit

>> No.14953086

0/10 bait, if you can't trim and cut veggies in seconds you're a literal waste of space and should off yourself to thin the herd.

>> No.14953094
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Smh, shoulda boughta slap chop!

>> No.14953609

with these preprepared foods, you're always going to have to worry about listeria. It can grow even in refrigerated temperatures. Just check the date and as long as it's not a week old and you aren't immunocompromised, it's fine.

>> No.14953620

It's actually the same product. Just a marketing scheme to get the scientifically illiterate to spend more money.

>> No.14953639

chopping veggies takes like 2 minutes to do though

>> No.14953688
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>member of society
>I value my time
>posts on 4chan

>> No.14953694


what are inorganic onions?

>> No.14954043

Not enough time for that, too busy getting pussy

>> No.14954066


>> No.14954077

I buy those prepacked bags for salads because when you buy items for a salad individually its too much for a single serving

>> No.14954120

>prepacked bags for salads
those always look gross and with ends that are going brown/mushy
i dont trust LANQUANDA at the factory to wash my veggies.
not to mention they are way overpriced and mostly just air.

>> No.14954124
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peeled onions

wa la

now you can chop the onions yourself,.

>> No.14954139

Takes me 30 seconds to dice an entire onion.

Less time to do any other veggie.

Basically what your really saying OP is you'd rather pay for gross, wilted, watery, factory processed product than learn how to use a knife and actually cook.

Its okay OP. Not all of us were meant to be good at cooking. Enjoy your subpar food, I just feel bad for anyone who has to lower their standards to eat the trash you've accepted as your standard.

>> No.14954162

the dicing part isn't the problem, it's the getting the motivation to get up, go through your fridge to dig past all the half-liquified ooze, figure out if that bag of onions is the one you bought last month or last december, realize you've been in a black hole of despair for as long as you can remember and most of your waking hours are a futile attempt to pretend otherwise and the only time it really hits you is when you wake up in a panic in the middle of the night with your heart pounding and you know EXACTLY how long it's been since your life took a turn and you will NOT pull yourself together because as soon as you wake up the fog will grip your mind again and all you can do is pray for the rest of your life to slip away as uneventfully as possible

best to avoid opening the fridge at all if you can manage, and for the love of god keep all the non-liquified stuff towards the front within easy reach so you don't have to accidentally see something that will shock you into a moment of terrifying lucidity

>> No.14954171

Every time I see these I remember that e coli outbreak linked to precut melons lol

>> No.14954183

>having to take it out
>clean it afterwards
Rinse lightly? With soap?
>Dry it
You do have a drying rack, right? Otherwise you are wasting space in the kitchen
>Store it
Just like with knives, forks, and other tools.

>> No.14954194
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>> No.14954196

>Takes me 30 seconds to dice an entire onion.
Okay gordon ramsay.

>> No.14954204
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i actually buy cut avocado so i dont risk damaging my knives on the pit.

>> No.14954216

You're getting ripped off and exposing yourself to possible e coli.

>> No.14954218
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Wow, you paid a premium price to save yourself 30 seconds of time op. Good job.
Seriously though. How hard is it to chop an onion?

>> No.14954226
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That's a nice onion collection bro. You should be proud.

>> No.14954231

>people are so poor they cant afford cut onions

how about get a real job?

>> No.14954272

I am not poor, however I am also not time poor and do not lack the basic skill of chopping and otherwise preparing fruit and vegetables. Learn to life ffs.

>> No.14954311

first, obviously you should not be keeping gross shit in your fridge, much less shove it to the back. second, don't store your whole onions in the fridge until they have been cut, they can last up to 2 months if you do that

>> No.14954359

>busy member of society and I value my time
>on 4chan

would people go on the internet and lie?

>> No.14954451

>remove natural wrapping
>replace with plastic xenobiotic wrap
And u tell me goys don’t deserve their chains

>> No.14954456

My boomer dad uses two plastic bags per banana satchel . He votes

>> No.14954474
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>> No.14954485

LOL. You're fuckin wild, it wouldn't properly chop them so much as puree them. Even on a slow setting, a food processor will beat the water out of your veggies.

>> No.14954502

Started to defend this, but I realized they're jewing by charging the same amount for less bananas.

>> No.14954510

>has a job and posts on fourfag and yet pretends to value his time
>eats food but doesn't care that its spoiled and contaminated with hiv and covid and hepatitis and microplastic
>pretends to be a good person while having the carbon footprint of an entire Indian village

Anywho have fun being a sickly wageslave

>> No.14954512

That's pretty fucked up, you don't have to mash hard when cutting those.

>> No.14954519
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Those pre-chopped onions are good for camping though. My buddies and did a fishing trip up to the Manistee here in MI and I brought a bunch of perogies (from the Polish Market on 15 Mile and Dequindre) and fried them up with a container of pre-chopped onions.

>> No.14954520

this is the most ridiculous one yet

>> No.14954574
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OP is a baiting faggot and isn't good with money.


Buying prepackaged is actually more inconvenient and more expensive. Pre-cut vegetables expire faster meaning you cannot meal plan so far in advance nor can you do spontaneous meals. Buying pre-cut also costs more for you as a consumer and is worse for the environment in terms of harmful emissions from processing, transport, packaging required etc. You want to act like a 'member of society' but your actions belie you for the disrespectful and useless faggot that you really are.

>> No.14954598

Too real

>> No.14954601

This, it tickles me when someone posts shit like "seething poorfag can't afford $12 for a bottle of water."

>> No.14954630

I chop my own vegetables because I'm not a moron who pays 4 times the price of uncut veggies.

>> No.14955592

>I am a member of society
>I value my time

>> No.14955598

Cut onions if left "raw" seem to immediately develope bitter flavours ; within about 30 minutes

>> No.14955604

Exactly, how else is Laquandisha finna get she hair did

>> No.14955661

Use a spoon and scoop it out. If your knives aren't cheap chinese scrap metal you won't damage them cutting around the pit.

>> No.14956101


>> No.14956164

This is some next level laziness
you fill a pot with water, throw in the eggs, leave to boil for 15 minutes, for this 15 minutes you can use however you want
when time is up, you fill it with cold water, go spend 5 minutes somewhere else, then peel the eggs
crack the top and bottom of the egg, roll it on a surface with the palm of your hand, there, you've just peeled an egg in 10 seconds or less.

Why the fuck would anyone buy pre-made eggs, risking illness and paying extra for it, you're saving literal seconds buying the shit, it's not worth it

>> No.14956237

>adhd faggot

>> No.14956660

plus, you're missing out on all the fun.
I like that tapping the egg makes rolling around in the pot

>> No.14956759

Buying pre-made eggs means you don't have to wash any dishes or utensils afterwards.
You have to use a pot, a bowl for the ice bath, maybe some other utensils. You have to wait for the eggs to boil, peel the eggs, clean up the shells.
Compared to literally taking out the egg from the package and eating it, it does look like a significant difference in terms of effort if you usually just dine out or eat microwaved meals--and these people are exactly the target demographic for pre-made eggs.

(I don't buy pre-made eggs nor do I advocate buying them)

>> No.14956829

You are a fucking moron
The pot is clean, you just boiled fucking water with it. You put cold tap water into the pot that has the eggs inside so no need for fucking "ice baths", and no, there's no other utensils, you use your fucking hands you fucking retarded hippie.
>You have to wait for the eggs to boil
and for the time they boil you don't have to watch over them, just get an egg timer to remind you when they're ready, peeling takes less than 10 seconds, you break the top and bottom and roll it, the shell comes off instantly and no shell parts scatter around, you throw the entire shell in the garbage can
buying pre-made eggs is a health hazard, tastes worse than recently boiled ones and leaves plastic garbage that is completely unnessecary and waste of resources

>> No.14956963

>peeling takes less than 10 seconds
never had luck with it. People I know who say it's easy also overcook the eggs until they are grey.

>> No.14956973

I almost got into a fight with a coworker about this topic

>> No.14956976

If you hit the button 2 or 3 times for a second or 2 its just fine you bo-tard

>> No.14956999

Have fun with the food poisoning when you get it

>> No.14957014

Calm down, like I said I don't advocate buying pre-made eggs. I tried to think as if I don't cook, and listed possible reasons why I wouldn't want to boil an egg if I was not familiar with cooking.

>> No.14958342

My anime gf fell for this meme as if her time was valuable

>> No.14958447


why do people keep sticking with boiling when steaming is much better?

>> No.14958511

I'm going to try this when I get home and post results. If it chops them to my standards, I will commend you. If it does not, you and I are going to have a little fucking conference.

>> No.14958974

I freeze hot water to save time

>> No.14959029

Enough time to shitpost tho?

>> No.14959177

You joke but thats an actual trick some restaurants use

>> No.14959432
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This texture is SHIT. All the fucking water is in the bottom of my goddamn bowl and not where it belongs, y'know, WITHIN THE FUCKING MEMBRANE OF THE ONION.

>> No.14959506

based and perogie pilled

>> No.14959560


>> No.14959680

>value my time
>can't even take time to cut his own veggies
You're either a corporate slave or really bad at managing your time.

>> No.14959833

I love you anon

>> No.14959845

> Im a busy member of society
You are a wanker. That's what you are. Nice blogpost.

>> No.14960082

Your blades aren't sharp enough

>> No.14960127

I can't imagine those haven't lost 80% of the flavour.
I understand that some people have arthritis or something and they have to buy crap like this, but it can't be very good.

>> No.14960698

You're probably right, and I overreacted.

>> No.14960728

Cilantro or pico gets a pass anything else and you’re a lazy shit head

>> No.14960737

it's not hard nor time consuming to chop up an onion

>> No.14960808
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