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File: 586 KB, 848x1060, TEApoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14949264 No.14949264 [Reply] [Original]

his thread is for discussing tea, tisanes and other herbal infusions.


Previous thread:

>> No.14949272
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Tea bucket edition

>> No.14949369
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>> No.14949479

Where did you get that teapot?

>> No.14949714

I'm pretty sure he got it in a shop anon

>> No.14949729

OK, but what is your thread for?

>> No.14949827


>> No.14949932

Thanks anon

>> No.14950470
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Some delicious puer for this afternoon

>> No.14950531
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this stuff is quite steep but it's god tier

>> No.14950612

>Fragrant forest fruits
What flavor is it?

>> No.14950613

Has anyone gotten fullchea to send tea to a country they don't list? I sent a message asking, but they haven't answered me yet.

>> No.14950713

Did you try ordering through their aliexpress page?

>> No.14950771

I have, and they do ship to my country, but for some reason they insist on charging me the shipping for each individual item, which adds up a lot. I asked them if they could combine the shipping costs, but only got a non answer from the chink that I talked to.

>> No.14951037

on a scale of fake to very fake how fake is this tea?
(or am I wrong and you think this is legitimate)


I would have thought they learned their lesson last time with the whole 1800 year old tree fiasco.
I don't get why some otherwise good vendors try and pull stunts like this.
Verdant Tea sells some good tea so I don't get the need to embellish on this.
If you are going to attempt to build a business on supposed transparency at least be consistently honest or no one will believe you.

>> No.14951083

With Banzang there is a least some wiggle room where they can say it's from the region or the old village or whatever.
The Bingdao is a joke. No fucking way, you couldn't get fall floor sweepings from the old yellow leaves for that price

>> No.14951093

Really i can almost understand because consumers seem to want to be lied to. Loads of obvious bullshit $10 laobanzang cakes on eBay end up being one of the vendors bestselling items.

>> No.14951209

I am just a little annoyed because I like some of Verdant Tea's products and hate that they just tossed their trustworthiness in the fire again. I don't want to support dishonesty especially not from a vendor whose whole schtick is supposed transparency.
>obvious bullshit $10 laobanzang cakes on eBay
but those are aimed at the low end Chinese market not tea enthusiasts.
perhaps i am wrong but i got the impression that just about anyone in the west that knows enough to care about a laobanzang should know about fakes and the rough market value for real tea from these locations.

>> No.14951260

Yeah it's pretty annoying, White2Tea avoids this by just not giving any information at all about half their puer. I would be willing to bet yunnan sourcing has (unintentionally) sold at last a couple mislabeled teas as well.

>> No.14951426

To the anon in the last thread asking about the 15 year raw from the W2T Club, I'm drinking it now. I'm having a really difficult time analysing it. It's not easy to relate to other teas or even other foods I've had. The best I can manage so far is that it's making me think of a more mellowed our version of some of the semi-aged (5-10 year) Xiaguans I have.

>> No.14951449


Really thinking about it and sitting down with this 6th steep, I think I'm getting a bit of spice and orange peel not completely dissimilar from Constant Comment tea. Astringency is in there but it's by no means bitter. Definitely a bit of that Xiaguan character but, as I said, significantly mellowed.

>> No.14951507

I can fully forgive mistakes in the case of good faith efforts. I just like drinking good tea and learning about tea. the
reasons i like to know location are to find more tea similar to what i like, to learn about how location affects tea, to ensure the tea is clean, and just for the sake of knowing which is kinda fun in and of itself. i have zero interest in buying expensive tea just to brag.
i find the "just trust me" attitude kinda off putting. it seems to me like obfuscating things to make it harder for customers to try different vendors and in order to hide markup. i might be partially just biased against them due to their hipster centric art which i dislike. (while we are on that topic YS has some of the art for for their wrappers in my option) mind you i don't like some of Verdant's marketing either it can pretty obnoxious. Verdant can come off as trying way to hard to the point of being suspicious.

>> No.14952717

I need a little help

I'm brewing some 2003 raw puer in my yixing, with 8gram for 130ml, keeping steepings 10 + 5-10 each time, and it's coming out a little on the weak side?
Why is this? is the yixing leeching too much?

>> No.14952744

Thanks to whoever posted the 30 pack ebay sampler. Just snagged the last slot after baiting a buddy into ordering the 2nd to last slot. I'll post it in a few weeks. Sipping on 2010 Yi Dian Hong ripe right now. VERY spicy, almost numbing. My tongue is all tingly. Cinnamon/sassafras with a bunch of other earthiness. Its almost like unsweet root beer/ dr pepper.

>> No.14952753

i want to cold brew black tea. where do i start/what do i avoid?

>> No.14953029


Yixing can definitely do that. I'll say that the one I use for my ripes was much the same for a while. Every time I was done with a tea in it I would just put the whole pot in a bowl and fill the pot and bowl (with tea still in) with hot water and let it sit overnight. After about 4 or 5 of those the muting effect leveled out quite a bit.

>> No.14953067

Holy fuck oolongs are so good
i prefer it to any puer

>> No.14953387

Thanks for the notes, sounds like an interesting tea. Those hints of spice are usually pretty nice.

>> No.14953391

That's about the leaf to water ratio i would usually use, shouldn't be particularly weak. With an older tea like that if i found it weak the first thing I would do is push the steep times as much as I could without it getting bitter on me.

>> No.14953393

There should be some cold brew instructions in the pastebin in the op.
I usually start out with 1 teaspoon per litre of water overnight (8-12 hours) in the fridge.

>> No.14954009

Should i buy more puer or get some oolong?

>> No.14954199
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This afternoon I'm having a nice 2005 TU LIN toucha.
Pretty tasty, if a bit mild

>> No.14954297
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Do you think this would work for gongfu? It's a silver mate I have. I'm worried it might not hold the heat very well.

>> No.14954402

Use it for grampa style it's basically the same as making yerba but you use less leaf.
Add 3 - 5 grams of tea, add boiling water, drink, refill when you drink it halfway down with more hot water

>> No.14954483

>hold the heat
the steeps are short enough in gonfu this generally does not matter as it will still be hot when you are done brewing it unless you prefer to drink you tea when its still boiling hot. actually its often opposite if your brewing container and cup have significant thermal mass you may need to preheat them so they don't mess up your first steep. i prefer thin simple porcelain gaiwans and cups. they do not neat to be pre heated and my tea cools to drinking temperature quickly enough. quite franky i am not quite sure how you intend to use that mug for gongfu in the first place?

>> No.14954543

It's smaller than it looks. And I have a tiny lid.

>> No.14954679

I think it's pretty much impossible to use it to drink grampa style. It gets extremely hot to the touch extremely quick.

>> No.14954790
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My new pot finally came in a month later, but was worth it. Nice solid weight, and the design is great. Lora better in person. Even got some tongs and hefty tea towel. Only weird part is the under lid isn't glazed, but that shouldn't matter.
Nice low fire yixing.

>> No.14954798

Looks nice, the knob on the lid is pretty cute

>> No.14954802

Looks ghey.

>> No.14954882
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Thanks. The lids removable also.
It is, but I kinda wanted that. Last two were more traditional, and I just wanted something kawaii this time around. Not like tea is manly core to begin with. Pic related is old teapot.

>> No.14954897

the picture looks like a cat pained on a white teapot stiting next to some bambo tongs both ontop of a brown towel that is sitting on a table to me. prehaps you should get your eyes checked anon?

>> No.14955016

damn that looks really nice

>> No.14955035
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Can you guys help a total tea beginner? I want something that I can brew, put in a thermos, and go drink outside while I walk around/ sit down. This is a substitute for walking around smoking weed at night, which I have stopped but I miss it.

Also, what are good teas which are decaf? I normally only drink coffee and dislike tea because the flavour is too weak for me but I'm open to learn. I just want a nice relaxing ritual at night so I can destress from the day.

>> No.14955050

Decaf tea isn't that great.
For caffeine free herbal teas check out the celestial seasonings brand stuff, i think they sell it in most grocery stores. Just read the flavors and pick one that sounds good.
If you enjoy it there are lots of loos leaf herbal blends you can get into.

>> No.14955089

It was a decent cheapy off Alixpress. Lid broke, hence the new one.

>> No.14955118

I'd suggest something like a rooibos instead of trying to find not shit decaf tea.

>> No.14955127

I just wrote decaf because I'm gonna be drinking it at night. I guess just sleep-friendly teas is what I'm looking for. Rooibos has no caffeine?

Is there also anything I should know about brewing it and storing it (just in a thermos for like 30 mins, not long)?

>> No.14955155

how do i make my tea taste good? it just tastes like slightly favored hot water

>> No.14955398

more leaf, better quality leaf, better water. how are you brewing it now?
i drink right up until bed, you get used to the caffeine. just dont brew in the thermos(that messes up the flavour somehow). Rooibos is a different plant than the tea plant, it doesn't produce caffeine, tisanes are what its called when you make 'tea' with something thats not the tea plant, lots are done for health benefits, if you really dont want caffeine try researching there

>> No.14956095


>> No.14956179

What electric kettles would you guys recommend?
I currently have a hamilton beach electric kettle and it's fantastic but it doesn't have temperature control so it makes it difficult to make oolong and green teas. I thinking about getting the Cuisinart CPK-17 PerfecTemp. Any thoughts?

>> No.14956263

The Cuisinart has decent reviews with the caveat that the printing on the buttons may wear off over time. That's the only complaint i have seen about it. A few posters have the oxo temp control kettle and have had good luck with it.

>> No.14956312

Iunno I've got a stagg. Buy once cry once. It would be a shame to get stuck with a kettle you don't like using.

>> No.14956531


>> No.14957464

thank bb
It's for aged raw (20+yr)

>> No.14957508


I'm 4 year in to using an OXO Variable Temp Gooseneck with no issue, but from more recent reviews it seems like QC may have declined. Fwiw, I'll be buying a Stagg once this one finally decides to shit the bed.

>> No.14957635
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>> No.14957895
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Thought i'd make it more autumn for everyone

>> No.14957994

Great cup

>> No.14958049
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>> No.14958065

based logitech mx518

>> No.14958104

Have you ever tried using two bags?

>> No.14958163

I see we have a mad lad here
now add the ketchup

>> No.14958293

Supremely, unequivocally, undoubtedly, superbly based.
I am shaking and crying and shitting and pissing, how can one single man be this based, nevermind, this is beyond "based", this is unexplored territory, this is unheard of.
If you add the ketchup to the tea than you will forever be cemented as a god, you will be ranked alongside great men like Julius Ceasar and Alexander the Great.
The most powerful men in the world will subject themselves to you, massive marble statues will be build of you everywhere, entire new religions will be created and devoted to you.
My life has peaked after having seen this image, everything is downhill from now on, nothing will ever match the greatness of this photo again.

>> No.14958631
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Thinking about Mao tea again

>> No.14958635
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I really need to organize my tea shelves and get some storage totes.

>> No.14958647

Is that from the cnnp factory or some random small brand? The pig border kind of looks like a chen sheng hao wrapper but the price is too low.

>> No.14958866

the oxo is still good I have one purchased more recently and its great. all kettles on amazon have surprisingly mixed reviews its just something about the product class i guess. why buy the stagg it mostly just costs more?

>> No.14958891

I really want a full glass one with a massive cable

>> No.14959261

Feels great to use. Doesn't look like shit on your counter. Small footprint. Very well balanced in your hand. Slow pouring spout is better for pourovers than it is for flooding a gaiwan quick, but its not a big deal. If you're not making coffee you can snag the corvo, but I just think the gooseneck is more aesthetically pleasing. Almost got the walnut handles.

>> No.14959481

Wae donya slip a wee bit o whisky in yer tea instead of lookin for a decent decaf tea feh yer bedtyme ritual? Just a dram ‘Il do ya. Dusnae havta be a while big glass or even a full shot, just a wee nip.

I’d recommend a good English or Scottish black tea mix though.

>> No.14959530

the reasons i did not get the stagg was it was significantly more expensive for the same features and similar build quality, the slower pour rate, and the slightly smaller size. i often make whole quarts of tea besides brewing gong fu so the pour rate and slight size difference mattered to me. the Corvo fixes the pour speed but the other problems remained. plus i kinda wanted a goose neck.

>> No.14959708

I have a 1.7 litre electric kettle, i don't think i could use one smaller than 1.5 litres.

>> No.14960222

What is the closest modern black tea i can get to the stuff that the british east India company was importing from china before the colonization of India?

>> No.14960470
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Where do you get your favorite earl grey tea? I'd like to start having some in the morning

>> No.14960672

Check out the offerings from upton tea, just be aware that their teas that say they have lots of bergamot have LOTS OF BERGAMOT.

>> No.14960838
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>> No.14960893
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my friend pranked few times by adding hot sauce to my hot tea, when I was eating hot(spicy) food.
couldn't taste hot sauce, but my mouth was burning from hot2 tea.

>> No.14961007

I think I'm going to go with OXO BREW Adjustable Temperature Electric Pour-Over Kettle. I read up on the stagg but recent reviews suggest it's pretty but lacks durability

>> No.14961096

The oxo should be good anon.

>> No.14961109

I hope so. Like i stated earlier, my Hamilton Beach kettle has treated me well, it's only downside is the lack of temperature control.

>> No.14961294

>lacks durability
all the popular kettles have a surprising amount of bad reviews for reasons i don't know.
>going to go with OXO BREW Adjustable
I like mine and hope yours serves you well.

>> No.14961335
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>this stuff is quite steep

>> No.14961419

>Been awhile since I had some Assam tea
>Buy some Taylor of Harrogate Assam
>Open the can up
>It's filled with tea dust and fragments
>Tastes like lightly flavored water
I got tricked, bros. Even Twinings would've been better. I'm never buying brand shit again. I should've known better.

>> No.14961732

Good organic loose leaf green tea on Amazon that I can buy in bulk?

>> No.14962511

anybody have a tea reccomendation for something with lots of flavor?

>> No.14962861

Im currently enjoying a mix of goo-in haan and Crim off-sum yung gai.

>> No.14963216

I overfill mine so it's probably more like 2L and handles it fine without boiling over. No temp control, I have a thermometer.

>> No.14963237

I've been doing this now, done it twice where I left it overnight, and it seems to help, I basically just do my normal gongfu, and when I'm done drinking / the tea has gone through the session, I just put it in a bowl with the lid off and pour hot water in there, it'll cool down fast and it'll be cold for 90% of it, but seems to not matter if I keep doing it, I leave it for 15-24 hours and then when I'm ready to have another aged raw I just wash out the pot, make it completely dry with some boiling water (so I don't rub the inside) then go again

the pot has changed into a deeper brown

I'll do this maybe 3-4 more times, but as it stands, this seems to of worked perfectly.

>> No.14963688
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Went full weeb this morning. Yutaka Midori shincha andy first attempts at onigiri.

>> No.14963765

How was the onigiri? Looks like salmon and tuna?

>> No.14963772
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allah cannot save me I have been drinking 6l of black tea every day for the past week

help me bros...

>> No.14963794

Nice, 6l is pretty good, keep up the good work

>> No.14963811

I wish I wasn't so ridden with extreme anxiety so I could meet and hang out with people like you

>> No.14963824

why would you want to hang out with dorks

>> No.14963885

because im a dork

>> No.14963941
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It was good. Smoked salmon and then Asian tuna salad, with kombu flakes soaked in soy sauce accompanying each.


If where you are is still in lockdown that may be a good opportunity to work on your anxiety so you can go out and meet folks when things open up.

>> No.14964014

I am thinking about buying a yixing teapot. However the prices are all over the place (from 65€ to beyond 1000€). Any tips or recommendations to get a genuine product? Any recommended shops in Europe?

>> No.14964039

Really depends on what you mean by genuine, modern stuff made from high demand "authentic vintage yixing clay" starts at about 500.
Here are a couple shops that have some reasonably price antique pieces from the old state factories and some modern stuff that seems decent.
https://www.tealifehk.com/categories/teaware (prices are in hong kong dollars not USD)
>Shops in Europe?
No, just import, shipping is fine again

>> No.14964113

I’m somewhat of a beginner myself, but I own a couple of clay teapots. Price varies a lot due to level of craftsmanship (how much of the pot was handmade, if there are parts that are handpainted/etched, etc.) age, and quality/type of clay. The last part matters most if you’re just getting started.

Take a look at what kinds of tea you like to drink, and get a pot that suits that. This might not necessarily be yixing. For example, I really like Dancong oolongs so I purchased a chaozhou clay pot.

Some pots are more suited for one type of tea, while others are good all-around brewers. This is true of the clay and of the shape of the pot (tall vs. wide might be better due to the shape of the tea leaves). People disagree on the importance of dedicating one type of tea to one pot (yang hu). Don from Mei Leaf says that it’s fine to have something like an “all-star” pot to brew all kinds of tea if you’re a beginner, but people have mixed opinions of him here. I probably wouldn’t buy from him as a lot of his stuff is overpriced.

60-125€ is a good price range for a beginner pot. My first pot was from Yunnan Sourcing and I’ve been happy with that. I’m in the U.S. so I don’t have any recommendations specific to Europe.

As far as looking for a genuine pot elsewhere, if the price and description is too good to be true, it probably is. Your best bet is to stick to established vendors at first.

More experienced drinkers please feel free to chime in and correct any of my advice that may be incorrect, I’m always looking to learn more as well.

>> No.14964126

If you find those prices too high or cant find the size you want i would suggest yunnan sourcing for modern stuff, they have a decent selection and probably only stock decent stuff but it's not the stuff teaware collectors or serious mainland Chinese tea drinkers would buy.

>> No.14964159

I noticed that. I'm not sure if it's how the warehouses handle them or if some customers just abuse their tea kettles. boggles my mind really.

>> No.14964186

Thanks for the info. I will look into it.
I have to admit, the extreme price differences unsetteled me. With genuine I mainly meant no knockoffs with ceap material/production sold at a premium price. However, I assume as the first yixing pot it will always have a special place on my shelf, so it does not have to be too fancy.

>> No.14964240

There are a few things that effect durability, they kettles have temperature fuses that reset themselves after they cool down, they can fail over time and can be replaced but it's kind of a hassle. The heating units themselves can also fail over time. The gooseneck kettles are welded where the neck connects to the kettle and that can rust over time.
The best way to avoid rust and damage is to not use hard water. My "stainless steel" kettle was covered with lime scale and rust from boiling hard water before i switched to using filtered water.

>> No.14964267

The cheapest one in aliexpress :^)

>> No.14964277

Yeah i agree with the other anon that yunnan sourcing is probably a safe bet.
Some other tips, avoid ball style filters, the half sphere looking ones, they are annoying to get the last bits of water out when you are pouring, the filters that are just a few holes poked through a flat surface are better.
This is the clay pot i have been eyeing for a while from YS.
I like the light color that will darken over time and the size is good for one person.

>> No.14964309


>> No.14964316

what's wrong with saying steep?

>> No.14964372

you steep tea, it's an unintentional pun

>> No.14964969

thanks for the tip. I'll start using filtered water.

>> No.14965261

got a cold bros, wanna brew, but reduced smell/taste is dissuading me ;_;

>> No.14965299

You should be drinking tea for your cold, got some whiskey and an egg kicking around? Maybe some ground spices? Make a nice hot toddy.

>> No.14965498

>avoid rust and damage is to not use hard water
got a source that states exactly how hard water causes rust? obviously DI water is less corrosive but no one drinks that. chloride ions are what i usually associate with inducing rust. perhaps if your water was highly acid as well.

>covered with lime scale
pro tip buy citric acid powder (available online and at most supermarkets) to remove lime. just add a couple generous table spoons or so when the kettle is full of boiling water and let it sit then rinse out later. as an added bonus it may make stainless steel less likely to rust via passivation.

>filtered water
most filters have a limited impact on water hardness unless you add an ion exchange resin stage. still if you water is bad or has off smells or flavors filtering it is definitely a good idea for tea. moderately hard but otherwise good water can still make good tea though. in fact in some cases it may be superior.

I am still in search of finding what my ideal tea water is but luckily my tap is ok for the moment.

>> No.14965530

Sorry no papers to link, but i was using unfiltered tap, which is from a nearby aquifer and my kettle rusted at the bottom, i cleaned it out with some citric acid cleaner and started using water from one of those filter pitchers and it has remained rust free. Maybe it's not hardness related but whatever it is filtration fixed it

>> No.14965606

thanks I was just curious to know

>filter pitchers
those have a variable impact on water hardness most brands (except zerowater) do not advertise their product as being water softening but they may still have some effect i have not tested it or researched too deeply yet. glad it works for you. i have been considering trying one to see if it makes a big difference for me but i would hate to spend the cash and then not use it. i have been fiddling a little bit with remineralizing distilled water but so far i found my tap better surprisingly enough.

>obviously DI water is less corrosive but no one drinks that.
as a slight correction to my statement it looks like the relationship between DI water and its material corrosivity is more complicated so ignore that bit.

>> No.14965656

I have moderate to very hard water and use the pur brand filters, it absolutely made a difference though i agree that filter pitchers are nowhere near the level of whole hose water softeners that I have had in previous residences.
If you want to mess around with remineralizing water there is a company that sells mineral blends that you can add to distilled or RO water that will bring it up to the Specialty Coffee Association recommended mineral content standards.

>> No.14965966

I was trying to do a more DIY approach so i can fine tune it myself when i have time. here are some links on the topic of tea and water if you want them


>> No.14966028

Awesome thanks anon

>> No.14966103
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I've only ever run berkey filtered water through my stagg and I don't boil dry. No issues with build up or corrosion so far. I toss in a little vinegar when the bottom starts to get cloudy ~5-6mo.

Just busted open a 2016 Lang He “7599” 601 Ripe for the first time. Pretty tasty.

>> No.14966186

oops i meant

also i looked up the Specialty Coffee Association water standards so i will include them for posterity

>> No.14966192

Oh yeah i was wondering about those cakes, thanks for posting an update

>> No.14966268

I know some places sell "Tea Sugar", but does it really matter? Does the type of sugar matter that much if you use sweetener?

>> No.14966373

No, I've never even heard of tea sugar, i just use honey

>> No.14967545

"Tea sugar" is bullshit marketing. There is no specific sugar for tea. However, different types of sugar do impart different flavors but it's all ultimately preference.

>> No.14967565

That's a lovely set up.

>> No.14967585

Teamaster, I'm going into winter and I need your strongest brew.

>> No.14968334

>the relationship between DI water and its material corrosivity is more complicated
In fact it's very simple: deionized water is acidic and corrosive, to the point labs having it on tap have special inert pipings for it. In some regions, the available water is so little mineralized it can also be problematic to classic pipes.

The way I see it is because DI water is "empty" and has plenty of room to solubilize things like stones, metals, etc.

>t. chemist

>> No.14968721

most people here saw brew so didn't make the connection

>> No.14969687

I am having trouble finding scholarly citation of the specific impact of pure DI water on common grades of stainless steel. copper and aluminum have issues especially when oxygen is present in the water but i not sure if the potential corrosion of stainless steel in DI water is relevant under most timescales and uses.

>> No.14969720

Harney & Son's Earl Grey is pretty good, but I'm biased because it was my first, and so far the only Earl I've been able to get my hands on.

>> No.14969785

>copper and aluminum have issues especially when oxygen is present in the water
copper has issues especially when oxygen is present in the water. aluminum actually showed less corrosion the in tap in the study i looked at.

here are some other links i was reading on the topic if it interests you

>> No.14971118


>> No.14971164

I'm pretty sure the 2016 601 is way better than the 2012 zhong cha I paid way more for. Whatever, I'm not going to stop buying blind. Both are more than drinkable. Can't wait to see what the 30 samples from niequn-oleg on ebay contain. Anyone ordered from him to the states during covid? I'm betting on 6 weeks to get it.

>> No.14971195

Haven't ordered during covid, i think your guess is probably about right.
Yeah i almost always just order whole cakes blind. I just don't think samples are big enough to really understand a tea a lot of the time.

>> No.14972184

I really wish i had a good place to set up a tea table. It would be awesome to have one of those huge ones that drain into a bucket on the floor