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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 800x800, glass-of-water-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14946089 No.14946089 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you drank regular, plain water? (hard mode: not even iced)

be honest...................................

>> No.14946095

Why would you drink water without ice?

>> No.14946096

do americans really...?

>> No.14946168

About 5 minutes ago, with lunch.

>> No.14946246

you're a faggot. cold water is the best drink. i hope you get a kidney stone, you're gonna love it.

>> No.14946254

i drink like 2 gallons of water every day you absolute spastic mutant

>> No.14946256

15 minutes ago

>> No.14946263

Jesus anon, get it together

>> No.14946286
File: 26 KB, 256x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 10 minutes ago.
Get pic related, you'll inadvertently start drinking more water, even if you rarely ever do.

>> No.14946290

about 45 seconds ago

>> No.14946301

why would anyone drink plain water when diet sod is a thing

>> No.14946324

because that shit is disgusting

>> No.14946344

About 8 hours ago at noon, when I suddenly decided to start on a 5 day dry fast. So theoretically, my next drink of water will be on Tues at noon.

>> No.14946345

individuals who dont like drinking water are not & dont deserve to be treated as humans

>> No.14946352

don't you literally die after 3 or 4 days without water

>> No.14946362

>at 7:21pm and 9 seconds

Are you okay?

>> No.14946363

Nope. I did my first 5 day dry fast 3 weeks ago. Day 3 was hardest. 4 and 5 were a breeze.

>> No.14946366

Like a minute before seeing this thread

>> No.14946369
File: 135 KB, 1000x666, s-l1000 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy water flavoring and add a few squirts to plain water

its nice i like it
always buy it at walmart sometimes they have sale

>> No.14946372

I just chug a pint or two of water every couple hours. No point in savoring flavorless liquid.

>> No.14946384

Why would you need to add chemicals and citric acid to your water to make it palatable. It's still water. It still has no calories, no sugar, no caffeine. It's shit that children and women do. It's a placebo.

>> No.14946390

That's what I do as well. But I still need a filter for it because the water in my area doesn't taste great. And I like it slightly chilled but not iced, warmer water doesn't seem as refreshing and it comes out my tap at like 80F.

>> No.14946391

Are you the guy who made a thread about dry fasting a week or two ago? I refuse to believe you went 5 days without water. Did you sit still the entire time or what?

>> No.14946398

>no calories, no sugar, no caffeine.
thats a good thing
and it tastes better to me
i hate plain water
it tastes like poverty

>> No.14946401

Grow up

>> No.14946407

I had to drink bottled for a couple years when I lived in Florida and had well water. But I'm back in Colorado and live like a mile from the Coors plant. We have some of the best tap water in the world here.

>> No.14946418

says the person who cant afford the small amount of $ to make his water taste better

>> No.14946422

Seek help

>> No.14946432

I don't want water to taste better. If I did, I would make lemonade, tea or something with calories and caffeine. Water is for hydration, not taste.

>> No.14946448

30 seconds ago

>> No.14946456

Are you trying to become really lean and shredded? It's the only reason I can think of to do that.

>> No.14946646

A few hours ago. I could go for another glass right about now. When I'm at home I don't even put ice in or chill my water, just drink it like it is from the tap.

>> No.14946658

you're a pussy

>> No.14946660


I thought it was impossible too, but I actually found it easier to do than a water fast because without water to wash out your electrolytes, you feel none of the classic water fasting symptoms like dizziness and tiredness. You don't think about food either. You think only of water. I can tolerate thirst way better than hunger, so that's another plus for the dry fasting side. This video gave me the confidence to do it. Fasting for autophagy is my primary motive, 2nd is reset of the entire system including mind and body and soul - that last one I've only felt reset with a dry fast.


>> No.14946671

>a 5 day dry fast
kek, what the shit

>> No.14946674

Literally just now

>> No.14946680

absolute madlad
I'm on omad and I'm fucking starving an hour or two before my meal

>> No.14946709

How fat and american do you have to be to not like water?

>> No.14946712


That shit is trash

>> No.14946745

>Are you okay?
I don't live in America, I'm fine. My city has a reputation for some of the best drinking water in the world

>> No.14946756

>Diet sod
Why the fuck would you drink dirt?

>> No.14946767

An hour ago. I drink cool water at least 4 or 5 big glasses a day every day. Lots of ice in the summer.

>> No.14946770
File: 64 KB, 620x388, 1603384412295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When was the last time you drank regular, plain water? (hard mode: not even iced)
>be honest...................................
Every single day BUDDEH

>> No.14946771

hows the pink lemonade flavor?

>> No.14946772


>> No.14946785

During the weekday my drink of choice is carbonated water (no other additives), but if I'm out of that I just drink plain water, like I am now.

During the weekend I like beer with a meal, and then alternations of vodka shots and soda water because I am alcoholic.

>> No.14946799

ITT: poorfags coping over having to drink the most boring beverage in existence

>> No.14946817

ITT: Diabetics posturing as richfags

>> No.14946818

You are not going to put up your nose and act smug about having an aversion to water. You know 80% of your body is water, right?

>> No.14946868

I'll have you know I'm a cannibal, and I get my hydration from 80% of my food.

>> No.14946882

You must be european. What is it about europe that the tap water isn't safe to drink? Everywhere I go over there, everybody only drinks bottled water. You guys need to figure out your water system if you can't figure out how to deliver potable water to people's taps.

>> No.14946891


>> No.14946911

lmfao is this a larp? How does your skin look like?

>> No.14946919

lmfao Enjoy chlorine and lead faggot

>> No.14947116

Nope, here's a hint: my home city is also known for a single foreigner coming along and doubling the number of murders that my country has had this century.

>> No.14947145

Dude probably ate cucumbers and shit

>> No.14947164

NZ? the times line up, but didn't tarrant kill like 40 something people? no one NZ only had 40 murders over 100 years.

>> No.14947169

I drink about 2 liters of water daily. It's much better than drinking artificial shit once you get used to it. I hate cake, soda, juice, just about everything soaked in sugar these days.

>> No.14947389
File: 281 KB, 371x532, IMG_2893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have about 3 gallons worth of rinsed-out iced tea and lemonade bottles on my desk
>drink about 1-1.5 gallons per day during gaming downtime
>my piss is tinged the slightest hint of yellow and comes in godly torrents
>bathroom is 5 seconds away
If you keep tons of water easily accessible next to you, it's not hard to stay hydrated. I don't keep my soda refrigerated, so every time I want one I have to shove it in my fridge and wait an hour, which makes fucking my kidneys up less worth it in the long run.

>> No.14947393
File: 5 KB, 304x166, CAPTAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty based, anon.

>> No.14947498
File: 109 KB, 642x664, IMG_0364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd make great piss jugs, and if they were glass I wouldn't have to worry too much about the taste afterwards. One of my friends actually thought they were for pissing while I was showing off my computer setup. Luckily, I've got a bathroom just outside the door, so I can release a torrent like the Three Gorges as needed

>> No.14947575

Why bother with ice when I keep gallon jugs of water in the fridge and drink it out of pic related, which keeps it cool for hours?

>> No.14947592

honestly don't know
I only drink essenced water

>> No.14947597

i freeze my bf's pee in the ice tray so I can be reminded of him while im having a iced coffee and hes at work.

>> No.14948238

do americans

>> No.14948244

Today when I woke up totally honest, is your water so shit?

>> No.14948286

>plain water makes me wanna vomit
Autists get the rope

>> No.14948296

I always keep a full bottle of water on my desk

>> No.14948298

5 min
ago hell I even stopped drinking carbonated water months ago.>>14946095

>> No.14948323

An hour ago

>> No.14948324

5 minutes ago

>> No.14948407

>pic related
>doesn't attach pic


>> No.14948410

Because, once you remove all the extra sugars, it's really mild and earthy.

>> No.14948450

for me, it's room temperature well water, which I had only moments ago

>> No.14948458

A minute before reading finding this thread

>> No.14948460


>> No.14948471

Fellow /Hydrators/ what's your piss record for a day?

>> No.14948478

I hope you all die of kidney failure

>> No.14948483

I refill my 20oz bottle of water about 5 times a day so that's about 2.5L or so total for you yuros.
I wonder if that's too much but if I don't drink enough, I feel thirsty and sluggish. I piss way too much though but I feel as if that might be a separate issue

>> No.14948484


>> No.14948550

a moment ago
can't blame you tap water is inherently shit, try reverse osmosis

>> No.14948858

can confirm, somehow you end up drinking way more water

>> No.14948869

This is what is wrong with society.

>> No.14948897

You should be drinking closer to a gallon a day, depending on your level of activity.

>> No.14948928

3 hours ago roughly. I drink a huge glass before work (about two cups worth.) I easily drink a half gallon to a gallon a day. I hate when my piss has even a slight gradient of yellow. If it ain't near clear, I know I'm dehydrated and I feel way better when I'm not.

>> No.14948938
File: 26 KB, 522x653, 615MX11RIDL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse osmosis
just get one of these

>> No.14948961

an hour ago

>> No.14948997

Plain water is great. Try getting a filter if your tap water isn't good.
Citric acid is pretty tasty. I add it to seltzer a lot, to maximum dental destruction.

>> No.14949085

~3 seconds ago.

>> No.14949098

I have a glass of tap water with me right now. I used to drink soda all the time, quit it three years ago and only drink water and the occasional coffee now. When you wean yourself off of sugar water tastes much better, so much more refreshing than soda ever did.

>> No.14949423

I drink water every few minutes, it's hot as hell where i live.I drink so much water that i carry an water bottle around with me everywhere i go. There are days where i carry two water bottles.

>> No.14949434

I drink 6 glasses of water a day, (eat hydrated foods too.) Slightly chilled, no ice. You're definitely defunct if you dislike the 1 think humanity needs more than anything to survive.

>> No.14949438

Earlier today or no wait likely last night if we're not counting just a fast sip.

>> No.14949439

that cant filter out everything they put in the water anon

>> No.14949457
File: 42 KB, 600x600, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goy, Drink up

>> No.14949525

When was the last time you drank straight mixer?

>> No.14949584

About five minutes ago. I drink about a gallon a day. More if I do anything strenuous.

>> No.14949845

i have replaced all water with tea and coffee.

>> No.14949855
File: 3.54 MB, 1832x3264, ice river distilled water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one recently. I drink bottled distilled water. I drink both hot and cold water out of it. The kettle I used to have on my counter is now in a closet now that I have instant hot water. I wish it could go higher than 70 degrees celcius, but it'll do for most things.
I don't use a water delivery service but get pic related PET bottles for 3.49 CDN.

For anyone who is worried about the squashed bottles as I was at first, don't worry about it, happens because the PET bottles are thinner (think 2L pop bottles in 15L size) than the blue polycarbonate bottles that you pay a deposit for. Plus side: PET has no BPA, polycarbonate has BPA. I just wish there was a supermarket closer to me that carried water dispenser bottled water.

>> No.14949856

drinking it rn, what is wrong with you

>> No.14950106

Just poke a hole in the top retard

>> No.14950163

2 min. ago

>> No.14950189

I don't know. It really is so disgusting. It looks like vodka, so your brain is expecting vodka, but then your tongue is hit by this weird grotesque sensation that is hard to process.

>> No.14950287

>(plain water makes me wanna vomit)
Is this real or a meme?

>> No.14950649

Less than 5 minutes ago.

>> No.14950661

I was tempted to do so at first. But partly being lazy and partly not wanting to suck in room air into the bottle, I just let the bottle squish. After going through 5 bottles, I'm satisfied that other than looking funny, the squished up bottle doesn't change the operation of the water dispenser one bit. The same vacuum is created in the blue bottles, except you don't see happening because the walls are thick enough to withstand collapsing. Indeed, I suspect you want a vacuum in the bottle.

>> No.14950668

Based yeah poster.

>> No.14950682


Demonstration of water dispenser vacuum principle:


>> No.14950699

lest than 12 second ago, as the board loaded.

>> No.14950706

cope fatso