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14945900 No.14945900 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14945912

Textdump the article or mirror it. I'm not clicking that shit.

>> No.14945945
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When it comes to minimizing waste, Burger King aims to be, well, king.
The fast food chain plans to test out reusable packaging including sandwich containers and beverage cups, the 18,000-plus restaurant chain announced on Thursday.
Burger King will debut the pilot program in New York City, Portland and Tokyo sometime next year, with other cities to follow.
Customers who opt to use the “zero-waste” packaging will pay a deposit and then receive a refund when they return the containers, which can be cleaned and reused repeatedly.
Burger King is partnering with Loop, a “circular packaging service”. The restaurants will use Loop’s cleaning systems to sanitize the containers before they’re used again.

Tom Szaky, CEO of Loop and its parent company, TerraCycle, said the company has seen the environmental impact of increased takeout ordering during the coronavirus pandemic.

Burger King will debut the pilot program in NYC, Portland and Tokyo sometime next year, with other cities to follow.

“This enables Burger King consumers to easily bring reusability into their daily lives, and whether they choose to eat-in or takeaway, they will be able to get some of their favorite food and drinks in a reusable container,” Szaky said in a written statement.

Additionally, Burger King said it would supply all of its packagings from “renewable, recycled or certified sources” and recycle all of that packaging in the US by 2025.
Matthew Banton, head of innovation and sustainability at Burger King, said the aim is to reduce packaging waste in the food service industry. “The Loop system gives us the confidence in a reusable solution that meets our high safety standards, while also offering convenience for our guests on the go.”

Burger King isn’t the only fast food chain partnering with Loop to test reusable packaging. Last month, McDonald’s announced a similar pilot program for with Loop for reusable coffee cups at some of its U.K. restaurants next year.

>> No.14945975

I like this idea. It won't work in America though. The average American (retards and niggers) are too lazy to return containers. They'll bitch about the price increase and continue to throw trash out their car window.

>> No.14945985

Won't work in England nor France.

>> No.14945989

reusable whopper when?

>> No.14945991

it will work in asia.
in places with.....certain kinds of people, probably not.

>> No.14946038

Niggers will make this impossible in America.

>> No.14946094
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>it will work in asia.
Lmao, yeah maybe in some countries, but not the two big ones.

>> No.14946101
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>person asks for reusable packaging and sits down to eat their meal
>a huge line forms while they're eating
>they can't be bothered standing in line just to get a small deposit back so they just leave the packaging on the table
>BK makes a tiny bit of extra money because of the deposit

Well done, BK.

>> No.14946111

it will not be a problem if social credit score is done.

>> No.14946156

This is a good idea. I just hope it doesn't make shit more expensive.

>> No.14946178

Paper is biodegradable and renewable. Plastic isn't either of those. This is a terrible idea.

>> No.14946200

There were these things called ceramic plates and crystal glassware. Pretty sure diners refused them multiple times a day.

>> No.14946208

finally, someone who isn't brainwashed

>> No.14946212

for years weve been phasing out paper which is biodegradable and made using trees for electronics and plastics, which are both horrible for the environment. i dont get the push.

>> No.14946213

That was when America was largely white, anon. You won’t see proper cutlery at fast food again until the ethnostate

>> No.14946232
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>until the ethnostate

>> No.14946238

Ok chud

>> No.14946272

and what? will every fast food place require you to have their specific containers? burger king will lose money. stupid idea. NEXT!

>> No.14946571

Will they be made of the same plastic they use to make their burgers?

>> No.14946809

If they don't give you the option to bring your own cup or food container then this is just a pure money grab.

>> No.14946837

The paper you see in food service cups is plastic-lined, morons. It's not biodegradable.

>> No.14946879

Yes it is biodegradeable
A mcdonalds soda cup bio-degrades as quickly as a leaf does.
Leaves stick around a while. That lining is very thin and doesn't cover all the paper.

>> No.14946900

>it's thin so it doesn't matter
It's thin so it leads to more microplastic bioaccumulation in the environment and your drinking water. But keep coping.

>> No.14946907
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>A mcdonalds soda cup bio-degrades as quickly as a leaf does.

>> No.14946912

It's wax you incomprehensibly stupid motherfucker.

>> No.14946913

It's cuz BK got bought out by Starbucks, so expect more changes like this

>> No.14946914

Plastic is indigestible, so it just goes out with my shit. Why should I care about where my shit goes?

>> No.14946921
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>it's wax
Huffing that copium, I see.

>> No.14946924


fake news

>> No.14946927
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>i-it's okay to drink feminizing microplastics I d-don't even care anymore
Holy crap there's so much cope in this thread.

>> No.14946929

Not to speak of the energy spent collecting and shipping around all of these containers. Plus, the power, water, and cleaning agents required to sanitize them.

>> No.14946949

There's a distinct lack of supporting information here. Which specific brand of cup are we talking about? Tell me which company makes them. That statement doesn't say anything about what percentage of the whole market their sample came from.

>> No.14946955

I guarantee that my plastic intake is a fraction of yours due to my eating habits. You might want to look at your soy intake, before you go after other people.

>> No.14947086

Why not just use a plate? No one using the drive through is going to return this shit or save it to bring back at their next trip back, so why not just use plates for people dining in rather than reinvent the wheel for whatever sanitation they need to do to reuse these.

>> No.14947098

I think the consumer can reuse the packaging, It is not meant to be returned to the store for cleaning and reuse. that is not going to work.

>> No.14947111

If any motherfucker hands me a 'reusable' container, I'll use it to paint the parking lot and find somewhere that doesn't make me endure the lip drippings of other degenerates. This is how plagues are created and spread.

>> No.14947141
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So, you lost.
It's all of them you dumb faggot. Wax was phased out decades ago. Feel free to find a source that disputes this, you won't.

>> No.14947609

can you retype this into something understandable?

>> No.14947616

anon there's a thing called soap

>> No.14947623

True but honestly this wouldn't work anywhere. it's a stupid idea all around.

>> No.14947624 [DELETED] 

imagine taking a shit in the reusuable burger container and cumming in the cup, cleaning both out with water and then returning them to burger king. would you still be comfortable eating from these things knowing that there are people who would do that?

>> No.14947749

I plan on doing this it they roll it out

>> No.14947763

this is why the idea is beyond retarded and wont happen

>> No.14947766


ok faggot

>> No.14947779

Hhah. then image if a girl is the next person to eat out of it hahha, wouldn't that be funny, just imagining.

>> No.14947788

I see, so people will pay more to do something less convenient

liberal logic

>> No.14947792

>imagine taking a shit in the reusuable burger container and cumming in the cup, cleaning both out with water and then returning them to burger king. would you still be comfortable eating from these things knowing that there are people who would do that?
why did the fag jannies delete this based post?

>> No.14947795

goes against muh green initiative narrative

>> No.14947798

Sometimes of you do stupid shit like that faggoty barneybait game, mods will hit the "delete all posts by this IP" button.

>> No.14947865

CEO of BK decides to go to a grocery store for the first time in ten years. Gets a box of white castle burgers. Goes to the self checkout. Charged $0.10 for a paper bag, almost pays $0.88 for a reusable bag...hands come together instead and an idea forms.

>> No.14947898

>largely white

>> No.14947944
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>> No.14947972

im gonna get a bunch of these and sell them on ebay when they're inevitably discontinued

>> No.14947983

lmao at all this rigour required for everyone else's points

>> No.14948299

And diners still fucking reuse them, mouth-breather. Burger King is a franchise, though, not a diner, and so it serves people like you instead of actual meals. You think a fast food restaurant is going to add proper ceramics and cutlery to their restaurants? It's just not economically necessary- so they won't.

>> No.14948303

If any motherfucker hands me a 'reusable' glass, I'll use it to paint the parking lot and find somewhere that doesn't make me endure the lip drippings of other degenerates. This is how plagues are created and spread.

>> No.14948454

Then let's get people to use wax again.

>> No.14948647

It could work in Portland and NYC, places where many people already pay a premium to get products in reusable containers. The containers will probably end up all over Ebay, though.

>> No.14948664


I dont think it will work because it requires extra steps
People are lazy

>> No.14948667
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No, you would pay a deposit if you want a container, otherwise you get disposable.

>> No.14948687

i cant wait for someone to scrape NIGGER into the packaging and the dish boy doesnt notice it then a big news story happens about burger king handing out racist packaging leading to the discontinuation of the program

sounds neat though, everyones gonna have all this burger king tupperware in their house

>> No.14948845

What a stupid idea.

When I was in Seattle (a fucking slobbering liberal hotbed of bullshit).

The mcdonalds there had 3 trash bins inside the restaurant. one for food waste, one for clean paper waste, one for plastic.

I should have took a picture, the food waste one was filled to over flowing with paper food and plastic, the other bins had hardly anything in them.

>> No.14948932
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WOW BK has reinvented the old timey invention of DISHES how innovative. incredible. mind bending.

>> No.14948960

as if their typical customer base has the patience or IQ to not just chuck the packaging into the garbage anyway

>> No.14949001
