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14943626 No.14943626 [Reply] [Original]

Do you fatasses really eat an entire pizza or multiple fast food sandwiches for a single meal? Or are these all troll posts

>> No.14943629

Sometimes I eat 2 pizzas and some breasticks or something or wings

>> No.14943638

Not under regular circumstances, no, if you do that you're a fatass.
When I was working hard labour and hitting the gym during my bulking stages I could easily smash an entire pizza by myself. I also liked family sized sushi platters too.

>> No.14943645

i put multiple fast food sandwiches on top of the pizza and then fold the pizza over into a sandwich

>> No.14943662 [DELETED] 

if mcdonalds served pizza I would do this. But my ebt card only covers delivery from one restaurant per day so I just eat a lot from the one restaraunt (mcdonalds)

>> No.14943696

I sometimes eat an entire pizza myself but I also eat once every day and a half or so
Obviously don't eat it in one setting but over a few hours of the day or so

>> No.14943704

I can usually get two normal sizes slices down before I get full.

>> No.14943760

>Do you fatasses really eat multiple fast food sandwiches for a single meal?
>Recall high school memories of walking over to McDonalds for lunch every now and then
>Typical order was 3x Double Hamburgers + Fries
>How much did I weigh at that time again?
>Oh right, ~120 lbs.

Have you made the incorrect assumption that all fast food sandviches are 800+ calories?
Or do you otherwise religiously believe that everyone should and does eat three equally sized meals per day?

>> No.14943766

Depends on my mood. I can eat a medium-sized pizza and then experience stomach pains from overeating afterward.

>> No.14943909

Very rarely. I do a lot of hiking and long distance running so I'm here for healthy recipes, but on cheat days, once a month I will buy a 4 L jug of cheap wine, like 5 40-piece boxes of Bagel Bites and spend a weekend being a stupid pig with my cat and video games.

>> No.14943912

depends how hongry i am but i am 166lbs last i checked

>> No.14943925

Im skinny and can easily eat a whole large from dominos, and If Im getting popeyes or chik fil a Ill always get 2 burgers or a burger with chicken nuggets and fries (and a diet coke of course hehe I AM trying to eat healthy ;) )

>> No.14943930

Der Swede

>> No.14943941

I am 6’5 220lbs and eat around 3.5k calories a day

>> No.14943946


>> No.14943962

A couple of times a month I'd smash a Hot 'N Ready when I was going to school. I've never been one for breakfast so I'd wake up, work out, drive half an hour to school and sit through 3-4 hours of classes, and then go get a pizza. I'd park somewhere, chow down while doing homework, and then go pull an 8-hour shift at the call center while doing the rest of my homework. Other days I'd pack soup or sandwiches and then eat again after work, but there was something comfy about just gorging myself and not having to worry about it the rest of the day.

>> No.14944084

I get sick eating a single Whopper and small french fries

>> No.14944107


That used to be my aim when I was younger. It's the weekend..... just got out of work or home from school...... just got paid...... time to order a piping hot one and see how many slices I can cram down in a single sitting.

Now that I'm much older I get full faster. So it's usually a slice or 2 now. And that's if I even bother to order a pizza nowadays.

>> No.14944125

herga derga unga bunga

>> No.14944285
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>then fold the pizza over into a sandwich

>> No.14944291
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>my ebt card

>> No.14944297

>I am 6’5 220lbs and eat around 3.5k calories a day
It must be so freeing to be able to eat that much and not worry about excess calories.

>> No.14944364

They probably just exercise a ton retard. Genetics cant beat thermodynamics.

>> No.14944401

I’m 150lbs and eat 2 pizzas every Saturday

>> No.14944552

>eat 2 pizzas every Saturday
I'm going to incorporate this into my life. It sounds based as fuck

>> No.14944722
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Interesting approach to gluttony

>> No.14944732

I used to do half a large pizza, 2l of coke, and half a thing of bread sticks for dinner back when I was a fatfuck. My fatterfuck friend would do the same but with a whole pizza.

>> No.14944739

As hangover food, I might devour a frozen pizza. Once a month I'll make my own burgers.
Fat ass in spe

>> No.14944779


dirty bulking is the worst workout meme. Only good for becoming a big bellied strong man

>> No.14944789

Never gonna make it

>> No.14946273

>entire pizza

>multiple fast food sandwiches
no way

>> No.14946288

Define fast food sandwiches.
Like we talking big-macs or are we talking those $1 cheeseburgers? Cause I can go through like 3 of those with a coke and call it a day.

>> No.14946354

For me, it's six Big Bacon Classics

>> No.14946356

Double quarter pounders obviously

>> No.14946716
File: 56 KB, 657x527, 06e7bc70-1394-11eb-a8fe-b19289302cc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know I’m fat?

>> No.14946726

I'm about to have a kickback tomorrow. Everyone gets one large pizza.

>> No.14947407

I can, but I don't because I'm not American.

>> No.14947412

>entire pizza
Only if it’s 10in or less
>multiple fast food sandwiches
Sometimes yeah, but not with fries

>> No.14947541
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Yeah. I’m probably gonna do it again tomorrow after drinking a 12 pack. Pic related.

>> No.14947549
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Also I’ll add that I used to go to McDonald’s all the time and get like 3 mchickens with only ketchup alongside 5 cheeseburgers with no pickles or onions and a large coke and eat it all while driving home. They upped their prices though and I usually couldn’t move much for the rest of the day after doing this so I kinda quit.

>> No.14947590

It's easy to eat a whole pizza really quickly and I always want to finish it off, the only reason I'd hold back is so I can have leftovers the next day. It's not that hard to budget for the extra calories, last one I ate was a bit over 1000 and that's not gonna make me fat.

I've never eaten more than one burger in a sitting though.

>> No.14947602

98% of the time I get fast food, I'll get a normal amount of food, usually a burger and fries or a burger and chicken nuggets. But sometimes if I haven't eaten much throughout the day and I'm driving by a Wendy's or a Carl's Jr at night, I'll get two double burgers and a large fry, and circle back around if I'm still hungry.

When it comes to pizza, I'll usually eat three slices if it's a large, but I can eat up to six if I'm eating them over the course of a few hours.

>> No.14947642

i can pound down 2 large little caesars pizzas in 15 minutes if i really want to but that much bread and cheese makes my belly and balls grumpy

>> No.14947668
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You’re god damn right I do, mate.

>> No.14947704
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Mentioned this in another thread, but ever since Little Caesars made their own app and integrated delivery with DoorDash, I've gotten into a habit of getting a stuffed pizza and a deep dish every weekend. Not because they're cheap, but because I genuinely love Little Caesars more than any other brand of pizza. I usually finish it off over 2 days.

But along with the booze it really is a complete waste of money beyond being able to get calories in during my benders, which are even more of a waste of time, even if they are the highlight of my week.

On the other hand, I usually fast 1-2 days a week as well out of nothing but sheer laziness/depression/whatever and also go jogging most nights if its nice out, so I'm generally anywhere from underweight to mildly overweight. Usually get chubbier in the Winter when it is icy/snowy outside.

>> No.14947720

I dont fucking know how someone can eat the entire fucking pizza its legit so much how do you eat the entire fucking thing I mean Id understand if its shaquiel oniel or like a fucking big dude but its legit lanky retards who eat an entire pizza

>> No.14947734

More or less, just eating even if you are no longer hungry.
A few slices every few hours or so, just for the sake of feeling super satiated. For some people, that's literally the pleasurable experience they regularly have.

>> No.14947774

If you eat bread and cheese fast enough, you don't get the signal to stop eating until your stomach is physically full.
The stomach can hold a lot more than 8 slices.

>> No.14947810

a sandwich requires 2 slices of bread every time regardless

>> No.14947826

I used to clear 2 large pizzas, wedges and a tub of ice cream and then regret not ordering more... Now a few slices and I'm full

>> No.14947893

And what happens when you a take a slice and slice it in half?

>> No.14947947

It really depends on your bulk. If you're going all out it's fine. If you're just adding 500 calories a day, I'd probably eat those calories in chicken and sweet potato

>> No.14948037

I only eat two eggs two strips of bacon and one potato a day

>> No.14948050

you get twice the slice

>> No.14949106

I can eat a large pizza over the course of the day. We're talking 12-14 hours.

>> No.14949179

No, I buy pizza by the slice and at fast food joints I only ever get a sandwich, with a drink

you dont need fries, you fat fuck

Hardees offers green beans as a side at some locations, which I then sub for fried garbage

>> No.14950862

>high school
>going through puberty
>metabolism overdrive

You're a special kind of retard, ain't ya?

>> No.14951476
File: 102 KB, 480x580, shigechi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll eat two cheeseburgers when I go to
mcdonalds. I like a fairly even burger-fry ratio and two cheeseburgers and a medium fry evens eachother out.

>> No.14951502

I used to be able to eat a full pizza, but after working on eating less it's generally half.
I could live on two slices, but I'm not in a place where I really want to only eat a quarter of a pizza.

>> No.14951517


I was able to easily do this when I was younger, but now I can only really eat about half a medium pizza by myself, and a normal meal at most fast food places fill me up.

>> No.14951522

I only eat once a day, so yeah, it's common enough that I knock out 3/4ths of a large pizza or a couple of fast food sandwiches when I go. But when I say a couple of sandwiches, I more mean like value menu stuff, with the occasional Big Mac or Quarter Pounder kind of thing.

But I count calories and also exercise, and it's not like I eat a pizza or fast food every day.