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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14944321 No.14944321 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone tried Ragusea's roast chicken method where he cooks the dark meat in the pan before roasting? Or would it be better to just spatch-cock. I like the idea of cooking the dark meat more like that, and having the pan ready for gravy immediately

>> No.14944335

stop this shit adam

>> No.14944345

adamn raguseau is a big fat poopie peepee smelly stinky eceleb retard thank you for subscribing to cat facts

>> No.14944419

Adam stop being a contrarian faggot and just spatchcock the fucking chicken, then roast.

>> No.14944430

I tried it, I like it a lot if I'm gonna be making gravy

>> No.14944436

It can help to speed it up. Jacques Pepin talks about the method in his mustard-glazed chicken video on KQED, but I think (??) he also cuts out the backbone. He also makes some cuts near the leg/thigh, covers it in his glaze, and starts it in the pan for a few minutes before transferring to a heated oven. It's a time-saver, little more.

He's mostly a lazy dumbass, but it's hard to fuck up when you're just copying someone legit.

>> No.14944449

If he's copying someone who is legit, meaning not a dumbass, wouldn't that also make him not a dumbass?

>> No.14944472

>following Adam's recommendations
yeah okay, lemme just have my wife fuck a big black guy while I vote democrat and jerk a horse off into my face

fuck outta here dude

>> No.14944474
File: 3.65 MB, 517x342, B0CBFEC2-B0FC-4C61-B8EB-E6C4CFEBAAAB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this fraud and embrace Stefano Barbato and his cat as your saviours.


>> No.14944489

I don't know why you're sharing your fantasies on a cooking board. You have a lot of other options for that, but good luck either way anon. First step is talking to a woman, though.

>> No.14944505

if you can parrot a dumbass line from a scientist, does that make you a genius?

>> No.14944514

no, that just makes him unoriginal and clearly uncapable of forming opinions on his own. even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.14944516 [DELETED] 

1) I'm not a chef; 2) Fuck you; 3) You want to pay to run a gas line into my house? 3) Fuck you; 4) I can think of at least two Michelin-starred chefs right now whom I know have glass-tops; 5) Fuck you, you elitist fuck; 6) Get with the fucking times, gas comes in behind modern, high-end electric and induction ranges in nearly every objective test you could devise.

>> No.14944527

There's a difference between "not a dumbass" and "a genius". Point out something he does that is objectively and provably dumb. You have the burden of proof.

>> No.14944531

Most cooking techniques are stolen by chefs from their poor grandmas does that make them unoriginal? also

>> No.14944770

Based, that crispy skin sound as he cuts made me hard

>> No.14944780

oh no, a typo! that completely invalidates the point. you're a real dumb puddle of shit.

>> No.14944919

Heston has a roastes chicken that has you cook it at 150°C for 4 hours or something. He already solved this problem, as he does with all kitchen problems.

>> No.14945951

>He doesn't spatchcock the chicken and roast it in a cast-iron skillet
Yikes yikes yikes!

>> No.14946009

Oh you want some too?

>> No.14946043

Why do these Alton Brown retards overcomplicate everything?

>> No.14946377

Do you always just read the last 2 words in a post?

>> No.14948898

This literally uses less cookware and takes less time than traditional roasting methods though, retard