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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14930295 No.14930295 [Reply] [Original]

>implying they aren't called cheese toasties
>implying they aren't called crisps
>implying they aren't called jimmies
>implying they aren't called biscuits

What else do americans have wrong?

>> No.14930307

>implying they aren't called cold on the cob

>> No.14930412

>Americans call streaky breakfast rushers "bacon"

>> No.14930421

>Implying they aren't all immigrants

>> No.14930459

My fucking god. Ever since five years ago, every child in Australia switched from calling them biscuits to calling them cookies.

>> No.14930636
File: 66 KB, 640x360, eurotrash2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14930641

blame it on the internet mate.

>> No.14930658

why is british terminology so gay? serious question

>> No.14930697

Mate, britain was here before america.

>> No.14930855

I'm British and don't know what jimmies are supposed to be other than something that gets rustled

>> No.14930856

so was syphilis.

>> No.14930868

>>implying they aren't called jimmies
We call them sprinkles in England.

>> No.14930906

I can tell you why it's called the trunk of a car, can you tell me why it's called a boot?

why is it called a "trolley" instead of a shopping cart.

or why is a stroller called a pram.

>> No.14930960

pram is short for perambulator, a word which im sure next to nobody knows of/uses these days

trolley just means goods vehicle

boot comes from the built in compartment for storage of a horse drawn carriage and just moved onto vehicles

try google next time, retard

>> No.14930977
File: 165 KB, 1024x768, trunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you had to look it up? which means you didn't know.

and trunk came from when cars had no storage and you attached one to the back.

>> No.14930983

and that blue hatch is a fold up rumble seat back there not a trunk.

>> No.14930988

Ok why is the fuel for your motor driven carriages called petrol when petroleum is the unrefined oil and the refined product is called gasoline?

>> No.14930998

>I'm dumb so everyone must be

Look up where the word gasoline comes from, that's the stupid part of the story.

>> No.14931025

finally you admit it.

>> No.14931046

What an embarrassing comeback. Americans really are so pathetic.

>> No.14931094
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>> No.14931097

You brought the subject up, mutt

>> No.14931110
File: 309 KB, 680x402, c73[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, ive been looking for this for years, but wasnt sure what to search

>> No.14931125

>my face when americans cally tingly tingly dick in your butt fun time sodomy.

>> No.14931129

Good, now they can call biscuits biscuits and cookies cookies, instead of both things being biscuits.

>yfw you're british and you don't even know exactly what "pudding" refers to

>> No.14931149

>>yfw you're british
I don't believe you sonny jim

>> No.14931676

They should have let you all rot in 1940 and denied you anything via lend-lease.

>> No.14931733

A classic

>> No.14931760

this post reeks of r/4chan tourist

>> No.14931789

Porterhouse (with bone in)
Scone rhyming with ‘groan’ instead of ‘gone’
Calling scones ‘biscuits’
Calling biscuits ‘cookies’
Calling porridge ‘oatmeal’
Calling créme caramel ‘flan’
Referring to all sweets as ‘candy’ whether they’re candied or not
There’s probably more but this list alone is making me black out with anger.

>> No.14931801

not surprising but these are all your own failings as a people

>> No.14931813

At least my country isn’t burning from stem to stern at the hands of Uncle Rastus and the dusky rascals. We all have our crosses to bear I suppose.

>> No.14931814

>Calling the black vegetable with green flesh 'eggplant' instead of aubergine

>Americans dumbing down and mispronouncing British words is the fault of the British
Holy cope, Muttman

>> No.14931820

Rooty tooty point and shooty
Someone post the years old pasta already

>> No.14931825

Thanks old bean, now I’m even angrier.

>> No.14931838


Here it is
>pip pip golly wock

>> No.14931848
File: 494 KB, 387x523, 17932570022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beef wellington ensemble
Never fails to get me

>> No.14931865

Honest question, don't you feel like a fag when you use words like that?
>figgy pudding
>spotted dick
>rump roast

It's like your civilization is trying to not be taken seriously

>> No.14931866

Cilantro and Arugula piss me off the most. It's Rocket not Arugula and it has been for hundreds of years. And fucking cilantro? CORIANDER not fucking Si Lan Tro, how the fuck do you get that? The Mycenaeans called it korijadana more than 3000 fucking years ago and in English its Coriander. STOP SPEAKING SPANISH IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE CALLED MUTTS you stupid fucking cunts.
BTW I love America and know it's the greatest country on earth but for fuck sake stop speaking spanish. That is my gripe!

>> No.14931903

Why should we care about trying to impress the ignorant? Also you call trams trolleys

>> No.14931909

But eating Twinkies and Ding Dongs is manly?

>> No.14932046

>just tucking into some beanie weenie, Ike and mike and goober grape
>Also gonna get some jell-o salad and wash it down with ranch dressing soda

>> No.14932090

Unless they're the little sphere ones, those are hundreds & thousands.

>> No.14932092

The back bit of the car is the boot, the front bit of the car is the bonnet

>> No.14932097

Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies.

>> No.14933269

Don't you feel like a retard when you butcher a beautiful language because you're too stupid to get the terms and phrases of it right? Our language, our rules. You don't get to correct us on it, we correct you.

>> No.14933284

>We are America. Lower your shields and surrender your words. Your culture will adapt to resemble us. Resistance is futile.

>> No.14933291

They love the queen darling