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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 495 KB, 2471x1302, mexico vs canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14930590 No.14930590[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.14930594


Yes. Canadian whiskey is cheaper in Tokyo also.

Canada is a cucked shithole

>> No.14930599

Yes, my grocery bill has increased from $100-150 a month to $250-350 from about 2005 to now.

Buying the same things and even buying cheaper in some cases.

Canada is beyond saving.

>> No.14930605

Yes. But now you're in Mexico.

>> No.14930612

wtf is fake algae

>> No.14930624

>mashed chicken feathers with corn powder

>> No.14930633

taxes + price fixing. it doesn't help that like 3 companies own the vast majority of grocery stores in the country

>> No.14930634

yea our dollar is shit and everything is overpriced. It costs me like 75 bucks a week for groceries just for myself and that's with me eating a nice meal on saturday and cheap shit every other day

>> No.14930662

no lol
IG is also one of the pricier grocers

>> No.14930675

Not really. Milk in bags is more of an eastern canada thing.

>> No.14930682

>mouth rinse
>fake algae
>clothing cleaning
>chicken feathers with corn powder
lol fuck off or I'll stop supporting your country, beanerboi

>> No.14930692

You have to consider the cost of life as said by >>14930605
It doesn't matter if you are spending little on food when your salary is shit, almost everything around you is shit, and you wish you were somewhere else.

>> No.14930711

The US also controlled by a select few grocery stores, but food is still cheap as fuck. I eat on $15 a week.

>> No.14930755

Food is very expensive in Canada, but if you shop around you can find all of this for much cheaper

>1 bottle ketchup
vs a huge can for $8

yeah, you won't find much under $10 a kg.

lol, buy bulk



>sour cream
that's about right

>greek yogurt
you can get it for much cheaper when it's on sale, sometimes $3/tub. plus this is the expensive brand (it's pretty good though)

seriously? maybe if you buy name brand.

>500g cocoa

>900g tin of coffee
This one depends a LOT. The vacuum packed Melitta, Lavazza and the cuban brands are sometimes $2 or $3 a pound.

it's all expensive but at least none of it (as I understand) is imported

ripoff. make it yourself.

>2 lb carrots
my local grocery has it for $2

>2 lb celery
$1 ea. here

>4 cloves garlic
at least it's not the cheap chinese type

>2 dozen eggs
I can get 30 eggs for that price

>10 lbs onion
not quite a deal there

>green pepper
usually it's $2/lb

>2x 900g pinto beans
this one also varies a lot. if you go to a small indian store you can get huge multiple kilogram bags for a couple of dollars

Food in the big cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver…) will be much cheaper because of transport costs. Sometimes the distribution center might be just next door of the grocery. However, it's much more expensive than this in remote regions, because of the distances involved.

Canada is a lot like the US in that the big cities are so far apart, but even worse, because there are far fewer cities in between, plus there's a lot of ice and snow in winter.

>> No.14930764

probably accurate but like the other anon said there are cheaper groceries than IGA. Also >Ottawa is an expensive turdhole in general

>> No.14930891

Canada (and the UK) get taxed out the arsehole. But that said I can still eat like a king on very little, if you have a little savvy (at least in the UK).

>> No.14930912

In Canada no competition means they gouge as much as possible. It's the same story with everything here including basic services. Generally in the US your companies still compete with eachother even in cases where there aren't many players. Here they work with eachother to keep prices high and create subsidiaries to give the illusion of competition.

>> No.14931454

Ottawa's been getting steadily worse. Basically the Asian investment money has started spilling over from Toronto and Hongcouver, driving housing through the roof. Once that goes up everything goes up since the only people that live here now are well off.

You can still buy stuff cheap at ethnic markets. They keep prices low because their people don't take shit from the Jews like the rest of the population does. Other anons were right re: price fixing. There's literally Walmart, Metro, and Loblaws. There's a handful of smaller ones (Sobeys, Whole Foods) but they're few and far between and have their own issues.

>> No.14931458

>mashed chicken feathers

>> No.14931461
File: 14 KB, 480x360, retch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mashed chicken feathers with corn powder

>> No.14931473

Dude you gotta smuggle in your dairy from the united states of freedom! That'll cut your Canadienne bill in half! Screw those K-beck farmers greasing those Liberal bastards!

>> No.14931505

Pretty much the same in Quebec, we have Metro, IGA, and Loblaws under a variety of names like Maxi and provigo. Similarly here there are cheap ethnic groceries

>> No.14931580

Just buy shit from dollar stores, don't you have those in north america?

>> No.14931596


Mashed chicken feathers?

>> No.14931652
File: 234 KB, 640x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cucumber
my sides

>> No.14931667

Very limited food selection from a single dollar store chain, in Ontario at least. Nothing fresh whatsoever, and only the cheapest of cheap canned/box stuff. Usually only 20% or so cheaper.

Not a bad place to load up on candy bars though. They have lots of those, anywhere from the same price as elsewhere to half price.

>> No.14931673

Your meat and animal products are disgusting by Canadian standards. I'm fine with paying the premium for non-imported chicken/beef/milk.

>> No.14931687

Dollar stores don't sell food and are just playgrounds for native children to steal plastic shit from. Was dead broke growing up and have vowed to never see the inside of one of those shitholes again.

>> No.14931694
File: 262 KB, 1176x1364, Canadian prices 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes Canadians are pathetic
Borders the US
European market to the east
Asian market to the west
Yet they still can't figure out a logistics system to keep prices low.

>> No.14931889

fuckin milk cartel poster fuck off

>> No.14931916
File: 142 KB, 700x700, 1602173721901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your problem with this?

You know those taxes support Muslim immigrants right? Or would you just prefer them to die? If you were Canadian and said this I would immediately report you to the Canadian government's racism hotline. You'd be sorry.

>> No.14931936

That's what you get when you steal land, filthy canadieénése shithead.

>> No.14931962

Mashed chicken feathers?

>> No.14931978
File: 52 KB, 500x436, PRICES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody can fake a receipt

>> No.14932161

yeah aussie here.
it's ridiculous the cost of living in some places, especially cities in Canada.
i've lived in a dozen countries for a year or more and nowhere was more expensive than literally anywhere in Canada.
i had to go half-vegetarian just because i couldnt afford meat, it was completely out of the question.

While we're on the topic, Aussies meme a bit on Kiwis saying shit's more expensive in NZ (which is generally true) but groceries arent that bad. Just need to only buy stuff that's in season.

Japan had the cheapest groceries of anywhere I lived.
>9yen for a half kilo of bean sprouts
>10yen for a pack of fresh noodles
>all sauces, condiments and stocks dirt cheap too.
>potatoes and carrots fairly cheap
>cabbage like 30yen each for a full one
>nearly all the beef is Aussie beef
>all the Aussie beef is cheaper than it is if I was buying the exact same thing in Australia
>$9 for a bottle of 12yo scotch
>400yen pack of cigs
>cheapish beer, but not as cheap as the US

>> No.14932163

in the US you subsidize HFCS which lowers most of your food prices dramatically.
Unfortunately it also means literally everything you eat has HFCS to some degree.

>> No.14932225

They mean nori which is dried seaweed. It is neither fake nor algae so I don't know wtf that's about

>> No.14932518

this is so fucking misleading in every way

kys op

>> No.14933369

yes, although some deniers will call you a chinese immigrant for not pretending our food prices are acceptable

>> No.14933378

>it's this redd/int/ thread AGAIN

>> No.14933401

as a B.C canadian i've been resorting to deenz for protein

>> No.14933434

Was waiting for you to show up, Huang.

>> No.14933439


Nobody except asiatics and immigrants types it like that.

>> No.14933441

There is barely anything edible or nutritious in any of these pictures.

>> No.14933478

well you'd be wrong

>> No.14933495

i knew you'd reply, thanks for the (you), aarush from india. yeah it's backed by facts that canadian food prices are abysmal so cope and seethe

>> No.14933557

Beanlander here, can confirm, I use half of my weekly income in food for a family of 3
Then again I buy food for a picky vegan that won't eat anything that isn't from a store chain so take that as you will, I can find everything cheaper in the town's mercado

>> No.14933572

the products are completely different
also most of the mexican stuff is just snacks

>> No.14933580

why dont you make that vegan shithead fend for themself?

>> No.14933668

House owner, I'm staying in her home and she doesn't ask for rent as long as I do the groceries

>> No.14933936

>$20 canadians is just $5 real dollars

>> No.14934088

Live in the UK and buy fresh produce every week. Costs me about 10 quid every trip, 20 if I don't go out of my way to just buy essentials; our food is still pretty cheap.

>> No.14934106

Lmao, that would be like 60 USD.

>> No.14934114

You know, fresh vegetables and meat don't have corn syrup in them. Stop eating packaged shit.

>> No.14934142

Maybe at Whole Foods

>> No.14934147

Wait, wtf? Why is Canadia's economy such shit? I thought it was better then in the states? Do you guys make more at least?

>> No.14934173

Yes. Wealth is relative.

>> No.14934293

liberals have made the economy dogshit. i wish we still had harper

>> No.14934303

yes, people make much more actual individual dollars than in the us. a chocolate bar might be 2$ but your average person who isn't a purple haired shitlib probably makes 20-25/h.

in the us, the same bar might be a buck but people are making between 10-15/h at entry level

this is why the big brained move is to take all your canadian dollars to america because despite being worth like 80c american each you've basically doubled your purchasing power

>> No.14934304

Well in his first year in office Trudeau sold Canada's entire gold reserve at 3/4 of the going rate at the time, and then used all that money to import ~1,500,000 brown people and give them homes and UBI.

>> No.14934320

yeah that never happened

>> No.14934326


>> No.14934329

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14934411

>and then used all that money to import ~1,500,000 brown people and give them homes and UBI

JUSTin is a fuckup but you don't need to lie to illustrate it. lying only gives the shitlibs more power

>> No.14934419

>mashed chicken feathers with corn powder
Nigger what?

>> No.14934433

Imagine thinking the cows in Wisconsin have any different milk from the cows 50 miles north, what a fucking retarded larp

>> No.14934447

>Imagine thinking the cows in Wisconsin have any different milk from the cows 50 miles north,
we actually feed our cows real food, so real food comes out

wisconsin products are all trash

>> No.14934520


sask fag here, could somone from out east explain the bags? I've never even seen them even when I was in toronto...Does it have to do with storage or some kind of old habit that hasnt died yet? It seems like a giant pain in the ass, I guess you could pour it into a pitcher or somthing but it still seems messy and unweildy

>> No.14934537

Nori is red algae. Not all algae is microalgae.

>> No.14934551

What do you think they feed the cows? You realize in America it’s all about cheapness right? It’s much cheaper to ship a bunch of excess grain and shit to a cow farm than to feed them ultra-processed shit that costs 5x as much, so I would say you’re probably entirely wrong about your dumbshit assumption, canuck

>> No.14934559

He's deluded enough to think NAFTA doesn't mean his cows eat the same sloppa grain as our cows do. Canadians have Eurotard levels of arrogance without the actual facts to back it.

>> No.14934575

>What do you think they feed the cows?
excess cum from the county fair, grass clippings, and deep-fried oreos

>> No.14934576

Yeah especially because that cuck is probably from Quebec so he can’t get over his silent e’s and cum-flooded anal cavity

>> No.14934583


Also only organic free-range cows get the benefit of being lovingly filled with cum by their farmer’s 40-year-old-live-at-home son here in America.

>> No.14934670

>eating cum-soaked beef
>not eating stress-free regularly jerked-off horse


>> No.14934680

it really depends where you are, even on the east coast. Ive never used bagged milk in my house

>> No.14934688

Walmart doesnt do price matching anymore

>> No.14934728

Pinche pendejo
Obviously schlomo is behind those post

>> No.14934739


>> No.14935079
File: 90 KB, 1200x1200, 1_GMBRichardHammond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a milk in bags or 2 containers in a bag?

>> No.14935115

yes food is more expensive in a country where shit can't grown for more than half of the year and most things have to be imported

>> No.14935710

It seems like Canada has a huge cartel/trust/price fixing problem, from what people say. Especially livestock-related business. Is this the case? Why might it be?

>> No.14935800

Dollar is shit and everything is taxed out of the ass. Only gonna get worse next year because of Corona bullshit

>> No.14935808

Bread was being price fixed for a while and the canadian dairy industry is extremely corrupt

>> No.14935809

Yes, they do eat cleaning products in Mexico

>> No.14935820

Yet canadians seem to think the entire world would die to immigrate there, same with sweden. Baffling honestly
It's a very nice country otherwise, but the standard of living and lifestyle is worse than basically any other white country

>> No.14935835

Dunno about the rest of Canada, but in Quebec, most grocery isn't taxed.

Basically, if it's not overly transformed, it's tax-free.

>> No.14935844

Prices even differ while inside the same country.
In northern Mexico a taco can go for 20mxn, while some places in the south sell them for 5mxn (I’ve heard legends about 2mxn tacos in a station in Oaxaca, but stories coming from someone who ate them and survived are yet to come out)

>> No.14936304

USA feeds them hormones to produce more milk. Canada doesn't. Simple as.

>> No.14936342

No. Wages are shit. Immigrants and refugees by the boatload. High taxes. Everything is overly expensive
Question anything and you're labelled a racist and a bigot

>> No.14936372

>The US also controlled by a select few grocery stores, but food is still cheap as fuck.

I am completely convinced that food prices are completely subsidized in the U.S. . Food is only this cheap because of the government, but at the same time without subsidies food would be grossly expensive due to all of the regulations and taxes.

>> No.14936533
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>mashed chicken feathers with corn powder

>> No.14936753

I'm a software engineer, I'd get paid a lot less over there at even principal levels

>> No.14936769

Subsidies are part of it, but spoiler every government subsidizes the domestic agricultural sector and engages in agriprotectionism.
>The 9.1 billion euros currently allocated to France each year includes 7.7 billion in direct payments to farmers (known as Pillar I), and 1.4 billion for rural development programmes (Pillar II). After the post-2020 reform, France will still be the primary recipient of funds.
>Currently, British farmers get around £3.4bn a year in subsidies under the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
>In 2012, China provided $165 billion in agricultural subsidies. In 2018, China increased their subsidies for soybean farmers in their northeastern provinces.
It's a matter of national security and no country is going to let its farmers go under and get bought out by foreigners due to the potential risk factor involved with such conflicts of interest.

American food prices are cheap primarily because of its vast quantities of arable land set right on top of vast aquifers, its leading role in the continuing mechanization of agriculture, and its world-leading freight rail infrastructure. Cities in America are either built right on top of where ludicrous quantities of food are produced, negating the cost of transport, or have the benefit of continent-spanning rail lines that ship the aforementioned ludicrous quantities of food from the Atlantic to the Pacific and vice versa. Food production costs are cheap, food yields are extraordinarily high, and transportation costs are nigh-nonexistent. This is why Americans are fat.

>> No.14936784

afaik the only places that do it are Canada and, oddly, Israel

and even then the interior thinks it's a meme and the maritimes use plastic mostly. it's basically just a quebec/ontario thing. i think the west coast prefers cartons

>> No.14936788

I think the rule is that it's edible and not overtly a snack food. breakfast cereals, for example, avoid the tax completely (even bullshit like Lucky Charms) but hostess cakes don't

>> No.14936792

im not saying canadians are rich, just that wages have more or less kept up with the high prices of goods and americans making 7.65/h (no overtime) need to step off

food prices are completely subsidized worldwide. food is a horrible investment despite its necessity so governments keep it propped up. only complete shithole cunts don't subsidize their major crops/livestock

>> No.14937420
File: 590 KB, 512x441, 978876FB-A8A5-44AA-A8B2-AE64A923817D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should move to South America

Canada is all good but our current and last government should have better priorities

At least weed is legal and it’s peaceful here

>> No.14937430
File: 2.82 MB, 360x640, Canadian woman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peaceful here
Murder rate on par with eastern Europe
Cursed continent

>> No.14937617

what is cooking oil rinse?

>> No.14938013

very insightful, thanks anon

>> No.14938028
File: 46 KB, 700x700, 3abd82e5b05562666437eed44b451606a6-09-gordon-ramsay.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move to Mexico to save money on food
>cartel steals everything you own
>starve to death

>> No.14938163

If you have enough money saved you can move to south america and never need to work again. I think around 200k if you rent a house is fine for most places.

>> No.14938350

>move to America to save money on food
>niggers ste- I mean, you give them everything you own for reparations
>starve to death

>> No.14938469

They're not called Canucks for no reason

>> No.14938950

Not just HFCS replacements, Grocers need to compete with alot, and with Walmart looking to annihilate them few of them can afford to gouge(especially because the Sams/Walmart merger years back). And it seems like every general store(Family Dollar/Big Lots/Every gas station) is beginning to host a basic-food section. Also More Farmers Markets are popping up as people have gotten more conscious about their food quality, US food industry is simply too wild to monopolize without major Fed Regulations killing the smaller places that Walmart couldn't.

>> No.14938952

More people want to live in Canada than Mexico, so you gotta pay a premium.

>> No.14940206


yeah socialism is expensive. when i lived near the border canacu/ck/s would come do shopping in the US because it was so much cheaper for some items.

>> No.14940241

you should eat more vegetables

>> No.14940617

Regulations of any kind raise the barrier to entry and remove customer choice for any given industry. Less producers, more chance of a cartel forming. Daily reminder that taxation is theft and there is no such thing as valid political authority. It baffles me that the solution bootlickers come up with is to throw more regulation and coercive practices when regulation is what is literally keeping these monopolies alive.