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14930115 No.14930115 [Reply] [Original]

>see whiskey threads almost every night here
>beer threads
>vodka threads

Where my rum anons at?
Anyone here tiki?
Anyone want to?

>> No.14930177

Rum and tiki are my shit. My state is annoying about alcohol though and it's tough to get some rums. I have to drive 45 minutes if I want Plantation or Hamilton rums. One liquor store near me has Doctor Bird, which is my favorite rum.

>> No.14930196
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I've heard fantastic shit about doctor bird but I haven't been able to find it anywhere near me. My current favorite is smith & cross but I get some good deals on appleton estate and seem to rely on that the most.

I've been into tiki since last year because I was getting into mixing cocktails and figured since I liked rum the most it would make sense, been a crazy rabbit hole to explore though.

I wanna try mixing a doctor funk using a doctor bird.

>> No.14930202

I feel like im getting wet brained

>> No.14930204
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Some of my favs are Kraken, Sailor Jerrys and Captain Morgan black spiced.
I also enjoy 151 Lambs but its more for getting drunk quickly.
Best I've ever had was this stuff, got it from Grand Cayman on a vacation. They aged this rum in whisky barrels 7 fathoms deep in the ocean. The tide of the ocean helps keep the rum moving so it takes on the flavour of the whisky barrel. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.14930232
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Always go for Caribbean aged rums. Rum ages very very quickly in tropical climates so you can get some amazing things in a few years that take over a decade with whisky.

I don't go for spiced or black rums so much anymore. It's used to make non-aged rums more interesting, but I'm already adding spices with the tiki mixes I make so the ones in the bottle would get in the way. But then for sipping the taste of a jamaican will always beat out a spiced rum to me. Can't ever go back to my sailor jerry days.

Except for the gosling I use for pic related.

>> No.14930258

S&C is a great rum. I think the Doctor Bird is a little funkier, but they're pretty close in hogo. A Dr. Funk is possibly my favorite tiki drink, but I've only ever used the Hamilton Black (per Smuggler's Cove) for it. The problem with DB is it can really easily overpower the rest of the drink. Small amounts are usually all I use. A quarter ounce in a daiquiri is great, and I use a half ounce of it in my Mai Tai.
Appleton is a solid rum. Definitely a workhorse that I use a lot.

>> No.14930314

Smith & Cross is the best rum for under 40 you can get. Had a few Foursquare rums that were really good. Hampden Estate Overproof is still the best I've ever tried.

>> No.14930343

Here in Texas we have a whisky distillery that makes a very strong rum, it’s more than 100 proof, but don’t remember. It was very fine and smoky.
Balcones is the name. Damn fine bourbon too. It’s the first rum I liked.

>> No.14930471

>Anyone here tiki?
Going hard for it, getting paid as a Tiki bartender this coming weekend. It'll be a good break from work. Shame there's no Chinese food with it. Bought some Appleton Estate today, probably my favorite workhorse of the Jamaicans - I like Hamilton Pot Still Gold a lot but it's very easy for that to just dominate the rest of the drink.

>> No.14930484

love me rum and love me some tiki

>> No.14930563

>Appleton Estate
Absolutely based. Did you get the regular version, or one of the more heavily aged "reserve" versions?

>> No.14930610

tfw it costs $42 at the only store around that sells it.

>> No.14930613
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I disagree, but that's probably just palate.
S&C is delicious, especially as a Jamaican, but I'm a big fan of Barbancourt 4 year. More of a rhum agricole vibe.
As far as more expensive rums go, Diplomatico green bottle and Angostura 1919 are amazing. Paranubes from Mexico is what cachaca wishes it could be.
I have a whole at home tiki bar and have been collecting mugs and menus for about 10 years.

>> No.14930625

Appleton Estate is my "standard" for everything. It's my go to for when I'm not trying to impress, don't want to use the nicer stuff, or for the second or third drink of the night.

It's a good rum and around here it usually goes on sale for $21. If I made a tiki bar I'd make it the standard choice.

>> No.14930663
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This is my curse as a millenial. I want a home tiki bar but will likely not have the space for some time. I have a rattan style wine cart I got at a thrift store and decked out a corner of my apartment kitchen with that, a mini fridge, and some lights. So that's as close as I'll get to a home tiki bar. I'd love to search thriftstores for junk to decorate a bar wall with some day.

Collecting mugs is something I almost want, but I love seeing the color of the drinks so I settle for some interesting glassware and a few mugs at most. I don't have the shelf space to start collecting them anyway.

I'd kill for pic related though.

>> No.14930706
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>my curse as a millennial
My dude, I'm only 31. I remember when i was 18 and was first called a millennial.
I live in cheap places, save up, and spend as wisely as possible. It's a shame the coof has ruined all ability to browse thrift stores and visit tiki places.
Anyway, i love me some Hamilton 151 demarara or OFTD for an overproof in tiki drinks, but can't find them within 125mi of me. It's terribly frustrating.
Also, most of the drinks I make look gross as hell, so I love using mugs. Plus, when I entertain, it's fun.

>> No.14930832

I like the way the subtle browns and pinks in these drinks work with the ice. Something like a zombie can have a nice look in glass, topped off with a nice sprig of mint. Maybe it's just me.

>> No.14930932

Few tiki drinks look as nice as absinthe or a lion's tail, even.
I still garnish: mint, cherries, pineapple, lime, edible orchids, hibiscus, whatever, but I have the mugs, so I like to use them.
Sort of lets me remember getting them. I can imagine I'm again in Chicago or Boston or New Orleans, getting plastered on tiki and gorging myself on Cantonese food.

>> No.14931112
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>> No.14931185

Lots of added sugar. A bit like rum syrup.

>> No.14931189
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Getting tiki mugs and other decorations is part of the fun! I'm late 20s, so it's doable. There's a lot of small things you can get at first and then expand later.

>> No.14931234

The regular, I do like the reserve versions but this one is mostly for "hey, I need a good cheap Jamaican rum that isn't completely overpowering so I'm not gonna bust out the Hamilton Pot Still".

I'd say my standard is Flor De Cana.

>I have a whole at home tiki bar and have been collecting mugs and menus for about 10 years.
Nice, I should go thrift store hopping again. That said, I'm 21, I wanna try and get a more permanent place to just start adding stuff to it.

>> No.14931256
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This shit is my jam.

>> No.14931319
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I can’t do spiced rum anymore.

>> No.14931425

Just got a Plantation Original Dark for $24, great stuff and one of the best for the money IMO. I too usually rely on Appleton Signature Blend, it often goes on sale for $16 here. I'm curious about Hamilton and Smith and Cross, but they're a bit out of my regular budget, sadly. Love Jamaican rum, like most Spanish rums, grown to dislike spiced rum. Never getting Sailor Jerry again.

>> No.14931485

What's a good Jamaican rum with funk?

>> No.14931549

Appleton Estate, which in my mind is the most standard Jamaican rum you can get while still being of fairly good quality. Also Hamilton Pot Still Gold and Pot Still Black are just super funky rums.

>> No.14931934

I want to get into rum but I don't want to buy from black people and cubans. What are some anglo-owned brands with history of slave labor?

>> No.14932215

>Plantation Original Dark for $24
Why is it so expensive? I got it here in Europe for 14€ while most rums from overseas are kinda expensive. Appleton costs around the same and Hamilton is impossible to get.

>> No.14932816

What's the islay of rum?

>> No.14933133
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What's the most undrinkable rum you have, and why is it Goslings Black Seal?

The rum in my collection that tastes most like sugar syrup. Shockingly sweet, really.

Bought a bottle a few days ago, will finally be opening it tonight. Reading up on it before buying it, it seemed very polarizing. People dismissed it as a "whiskey drinker's rum" and were hating on Balcones, which just sold it for me since I really like Balcones, as a whole.

Try their rye if you ever get a chance. Tastes like cigars and chocolate, very different if your only exposure to ryes are the Pennsyltucky kind.

>> No.14933306

Mount gay lol perfect for OP

>> No.14933363
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For me, it's Arrangè.

>> No.14933435

Rhum Barbancourt from Haiti is really good

>> No.14933438
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>> No.14933537
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looks interesting. Apparently is not sold in NY. bummer. I like pic related. But I'll usually just get cheap ass Castillo and make coladas.

>> No.14933571

My main problem with rum is how dishonest the producers of it are and how doctored up most rum is because of it. Blatantly incorrect age statements, caramel coloring, tons of added sugar, glycerin. Just unfortunate overall. I do enjoy rum, but I don't enjoy the fact that most of the stuff out there, even supposed higher end rums like >>14933537 have all of these additives and false marketing. I know there is good rum out there but you have to really search for it. At least a company like Plantation just straight up tells you how much sugar they added.

Also I really like Jamaican rum like Smith and Cross, would enjoy having more of that style.

>> No.14933689

It's almost exclusively the spanish style rums adulterating that much. British or french style rums are often ok. But before i buy something i always check those sugar content tables some guys made.

>> No.14933734

almost all rums have added sugar, which is why you should only buy foursquare, diplomatico, and rhum

>> No.14933738

for me its mount gay

>> No.14933752

That's one of the worst sugar bombs out there.

>> No.14933781
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sorry I mean their specialty series which are no-additive

>> No.14933804

>Apparently is not sold in NY
Just shove some bananas and a vanilla pod in a bottle of cheap rhum and let it sit for a month.

>> No.14933927

Also add two shots of simple syrup.

>> No.14933960

why not. I probably will now thx
corn syrup, and carmel coloring for that authentic rum taste!

>> No.14934062

Demerara/Guyana Rums.

>> No.14934075

My absolute favorite is smugglers cove. Not sure if its available anywhere else besides eastern Canada. El Dorado is nice too and I'll even enjoy some Appletons. Cant do those rums with the added flavors anymore, they taste like a sickly popeye cigarette candy overload

>> No.14934631

100%. It's an industry wide problem. So "higher" end rums are packed with sweetners. Same can be said of Cognac, and even scotch. Could be said of wines as well. I had a "cabernet" some sales guy was trying to pawn off on me, and it was sweeter than a mf.

>> No.14934645

>mount gay

>> No.14934672

See >>14931319
supposedly based on the old Brit Navy rum, so it should fuel your colonial oppression longings.

>> No.14934694

Scotch has been guilty of this up until recently. More and more distilleries are starting to be more open about their products because there are all of these whiskey connoisseurs/nerds/autists out there demanding it and using their deep wallets to buy the brands that are doing it. Really the only distilleries that haven't gotten on the bandwagon are the ones owned by Diageo and big conglomerates like that (surprise surprise)

>> No.14935072

For me, it's Kraken.
Alternatively Sailor Jerry. Cheap shit it may be, but mix it with a Diet Dr. Pepper and you'll be sipping cozy.

>> No.14936585

I wish rum had some semblance of standards.

Also, Jamaican > *

>> No.14937248

why can't we have alcohol general.
im looking to brew some kilju and/or kefir and looking for tips from anons.

>> No.14937561

Does it get better than Kraken?

>> No.14937582

I'm still not over the fact that they ruined Appleton Estate.

>> No.14937592

Homebrew general is over in /diy/ so they can talk about brewing without faggot bloggers whinging about their addiction problems.

>> No.14937639

for me it's havana club or flor de caña

>> No.14938015

What did they do?

>> No.14938064

Probably added a bunch of sugar and coloring and added a bunch of younger rum to it like most companies do nowadays.

>> No.14938101
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>> No.14938104

Adding sugar is forbidden in Jamaica. Adding younger rums also doesn't work in jamaica as the age statement counts for the youngest spirit in the blend.

>> No.14938313

Talk me into going to kappy’s or total wine to get something nice instead of just a handle of captain morgan’s Or Kraken from the store I pass on the way home from work.

>> No.14938321

Oh really? Super neat, I’ll definitely try some. I love shit like that. I’ll make a nice grog out of it and make some ship’s biscuits to go with it.

>> No.14938326

Like others have mentioned Hampden Estate Overproof is the tits. Smith & Cross and Appleton Estate for more affordable drinking.

>> No.14938328
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This stuff is based.
Prove me wrong /ck/

>> No.14938428

Actually fuck, I forgot corona virus made so many things better too. Just ordered a fifth of pussers and a handle of Appleton to get delivered to my house today. How’d I do?

>> No.14938503

Based rum

>> No.14938554
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Had this rum at a tasting, I can drink it all day on the rocks but it fucking sucks when lukewarm, am I retarded?

>> No.14939644

>spiced rum

>> No.14939698

Rum makes my chest hurt for some reason, i can't drink the stuff.

>> No.14939725

I’ve only taken advantage of booze delivery once since COVID hit. This cider maker in my AO was making small batches of cherry cider, and I had those delivered.
Fifth of Pussers is good; would’ve skipped the second bottle unless it was another bottle of Pussers.

>> No.14939733
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This Pampero rum from Venezuela is pretty good, it's a bit on the sweet side but comes with a handy bag to put things in.

>> No.14939946

Yeah, I really only did it because it was either that or drive 20 minutes to the only liquor store that had pussers. It's also a novelty since I live in MA and booze delivery is otherwise illegal. They had a 50 dollar delivery minimum and everyone in this thread was creaming over appleton so I thought it was a good excuse to try it. And I just got some lime juice to push it over.

>> No.14940184

In the Uk. Whats the best rum in the supermarket?

>> No.14940406

Can you give me a good Pusser’s versus Appleton’s comparison?

>> No.14940422
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For me, it's Dragonberry

>> No.14940736

Most undrinkable is Pyrat. What a shit rum. I'm shocked they're still in business.

>> No.14940752

Also my favorite rum, the first glass I had I knew there was no going back

>> No.14940756

Oh, special shoutout to BUMBU rum. Ive had the gold and the black bottle.

Gold is better. Black bottle had more flavors in it but didn't necessarily taste better. It was just different. Not enough to justify the higher price.
If you want a tasty gold rum you can't go wrong with the cheaper bumbu.

>> No.14940776

Note that Pussers is not the original producer of the rum. They bought the recipe from the Navy after the rum ration was discontinued, and really they're just buying rum from the West Indies and blending it as per the recipe.
No imperial slavery involved.

>> No.14940850

I'm a bit of a palate-let but I can try.

Pussers straight has much more of a straight alcohol taste with more of a rum undertone. Much harsher. Appleton is a bit smoother and really does have a bit of a molasses aftertaste at the end. Pussers actually reminds me of spiced rum, like Captain Morgan, though a bit sweeter and smoother than that.

When mixed - I did 1 part water, 1 part rum, 1/16 lime juice (and yes, I did measure) appleton got completely overwhelmed. All I could taste was the lime and sugar. With pussers, you got the rum and molasses flavor still, even through the mix. I also like Dark and Stormies, but I didn't do any this time. That said, I think Pussers would also lend itself better to that if you like the spice, while Appleton would be better if you like the flavors.

In short, appleton straight, pussers mixed. Appleton overall since it's easier to get, especially by the handle.

>> No.14941097

I generally love Venezuelan rums, but I found that one pretty unremarkable. Not bad, but nothing special at all.

>> No.14942057

Just got my first bottle last week. It's really nice neat, but it's so sweet I find if I'm using it in a cocktail I have to dial back the sweetener a bit.

>> No.14943097

what do i do with Plantation 5 YO?

>> No.14943112

Royal Bermuda Yacht Clubs.

>> No.14943130

If you have suggestions for others then I'm willing to try them.

>> No.14943134

There is or was a cool tiki bar place in south florida where they sold that stuff, plus the chicks were totally hot, I almost got smacked by my girlfriend at the time because I looked at one of those chicks for a few seconds.

>> No.14943150

"Gorgeous tiki bar with STRONG drinks."
Mai-Kai Restaurant and Polynesian Show
There's this inside garden that's really cool to check out, bring your girlfriend to the garden and she'll forgive transgressions of checking out the hot dancing babes.

>> No.14943591

A rule of thumb is that the darker the alcohol the worse the hangover, because the congenes are dark and cause a hangover.
I never had a bad hangover with vodka, drinking a lot of brown rum however made me feel really bad the next morning.
I would like to use white rum now because I preder its taste over vodka but I don't want to have a hangover. Is white rum worse than vodka, scientifically speaking?

>> No.14943598

My friend's a bartender and I got him a bottle of kraken. I asked him what kind of cocktail he would make with that and he said a "zombie." It's black rum and spiced rum and white rum mixed together.

>> No.14943615

What improves a hangover are byproducts. The worst being alcohols that are not ethanol especially methanol, which is although often found in fruit based spirits, but has also a flavour function. Other molecules like esthers, which also give the product its flavour are more likely to be found in aged spirits, because you expect more taste from a brown spirit than a clean white one. In general fruit spirits will give you a much worse hangover than grain ones. The colour of the liquid doesn't matter as much. A good examle of that would be young and clear fruit brandies.

>> No.14943706

Does sugar cane count as fruit when compared to grains or potatoes?

>> No.14943885

No, it's on the grain side. What results in the high methanol content in fruit brandies are the peels and cores. Cores give you a nice marzipan flavour as in maraschino though.

>> No.14944105

You cause me serious repulsion.
The Zombie is a combination of lime juice, grapefruit juice, falernum, cinnamon syrup, Jamaican, Demerara and Spanish rums (one of which must be overproof - that said you can't go wrong with any decent trio of rums as long as one is overproof), a dash of bitters and a dash of absinthe, shaken and poured over cracked ice, with a dash of grenadine added. However good his drink may be it is not a Zombie. That said, merely adding some grapefruit, lime and a dash of bitters puts it very close to a Zombie.

>> No.14944417

OPs choice is left bottle i can tell

>> No.14944457

Anyone know where to find Ron Barcelo? I had it in Spain like 7 years ago and Walmart just happened to bring them in once so I grabbed a few bottles but I ran through that shit so fast. All I could find after was Ron Barcelo Gold instead of the regular stuff and I hated that shit.

>> No.14944942

This is my go-to >>14931256
I also really like Santa Teresa and Cacique

>> No.14945086


Based and Samedipilled

This stuff is so underrated.

>> No.14945142

What are some good Guyanese rums? I've had El Dorado 12yr and loved it

>> No.14945901

Planter's Punch.

>> No.14945924

>darker the alcohol means worse hangover
>never had a bad hangover with vodka
You got it wrong man. Most of the cheap rum is only brown because of added coloring and spices. A white rum isn't necessarily better, and an aged rum would leave you with far less of a hangover than a cheap white rum.

Meanwhile all vodka is clear but a $10 bottle will make you hate life in the morning and a $30 or more bottle that is decently smooth won't. I bought a cheap tequila at a corner store and one shot gave me a massive headache, but the usual stuff I prefer never gives me a hangover.

And don't get me started on how my favorite beer is usually stout but a cheep cider will make you feel worse than any beer.

That is an absolutely awful and wrong rule of thumb.

>> No.14945967

Finally braved the very tacky looking tiki bar near my place, the only tiki bar around, and asked what rum they used for a zombie, the girl said "we use a mix of four different aged rums" and I nearly cried. It was heavier on the absinthe than I've had before but they made it work.

The place is funny because it practically has four drink menus: cheap 'fake' tiki drinks, real tiki, their own custom drinks that were more like the first group, and then the big bowls. So you can order the "whatever juices were under the counter mixed with spiced rum" shit, or an actual zombie.

>> No.14945971

OP here, that is unironically true. I would suck dick for one of those bottles.

>> No.14946014

>1 part Pusser's Blue Label
>1 part tapwater
>lime squeeze
Simple as

>> No.14946051

>real authentic grog
This is an ideal all rum drinkers should strive for.

>> No.14947087

Hey, you've struck a goldmine!

>> No.14947117

hey if you don't know shit about rum it's OK to not respond to the thread

>> No.14947149

Rum doesn't tend to have the kind of flavor variation or interesting taste found in other liquors. I apologize for your lack of representation, but al/ck/ isn't a board of diversity.

>> No.14947186

dark + stormy

>> No.14947318

It's the only rum I've had in years desu and I loved it. I could drink it straight so easily and enjoy it (can't say the same for whiskey).

>> No.14947477

ikr? It shouldn't exist. It's the kind of themed bar where you could replace the theme with very little change to the decor, it plays loud obnoxious pop and synth music over the speakers like it's a terrible club, its food menu is like 5 items that are all mediocre, and yet it does tiki right. Crazy shit.

>> No.14947500

Where on Earth do you live, anon?

>> No.14947509
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make way, best rum for its price

>> No.14947539

St. Louis.

>> No.14947611

Shame, I'm up in Cincinnati.

>> No.14947658
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>> No.14948619

>12% less alcohol
How did they measured the abv?

>> No.14948861

>Meanwhile all vodka is clear but a $10 bottle will make you hate life in the morning and a $30 or more bottle that is decently smooth won't
Why is that? Never experienxed it like that and always thought the "cheap alcohol = hangiver" thing was placebo. Why would there be any difference in hangover level between different vodkas?

>> No.14949326


>> No.14949452

I don't even want to defend those stupid sugared rums, but it seems a little bit to theoretic. Wouldn't it be easier to distill 100ml of a specific rum and measure the amount of alcohol you get and also distill the water/other liquid so you can measure the solids (mostly sugar in that case) that stay in the still? The wood parts etc. shouldn't be that problematic as they're in the spirit in such a low quantity.
You maybe have to vacuum distill the liquid though as the sugar would burn otherwise.

>> No.14949493

The point is not to be super accurate but, rather, to be a decent guide as to the relative amounts of dissolved solute (read: sugar) in things. This method does more than a decent job at doing that.

>> No.14949509

Also, a hydrometer is easily found and well-used already in the homebrewing community, whereas fractional distillation requires at least a small home chem lab setup with a small column still, condensators, etc, as well as the technical know-how to competently distill things without losing crazy amounts of yield, meaning you'd have to be from an industry or chemical background. And even then, distillates aren't pure by any means.

>> No.14949543

It's just hard to belive that those fuckers get away with putting in 12% less abv than declared. Pretty sure the measuring is pretty inaccurate. That guy even admitted that he found 10g less sugar than the Swedes.

>> No.14949544

Who the fuck would call themselves pusser's instead of admiralty, goddamn nuke that island of retards

>> No.14949606

Pusser's was the pursers, basically the ship's accountant.

>> No.14949895

I repeat, what retard would call anything pusser unless it's only point is fucking heavy vagina

>> No.14950665

To all my Uk Rumchads, sainsburys has Appelton Estate 8 year for 24 pound. Easily the best rum to price your gonna get for a while

>> No.14950956
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i'm calling bull shit for many reasons, first off its a cork top so if the bottle they tested was really old some could have evaporated but there is no way it's only 28% ABV because i would noticed having to drink more to catch the same buzz. Those idiots probably did know how to properly use a hydrometer and didn't correct for temp.

>> No.14951102
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i drink and have tested that rum before, mine came out around 38% and i have a decent hydrometer so i don't know where they got that 28% number from

>> No.14951948

What is it about Appleton that makes it a good rum?

>> No.14952015
File: 722 KB, 711x823, ConversionTable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey retards. Alcohol content as measured by hydrometer depends on the specific gravity of the fluid. Alcohol is lighter than water. Sugar syrup is heavier than water.

What the comparison shows isn't that they undersell you the ABV. What it shows is that (assuming the labeled ABV is right), the specific gravity of the rum is too heavy for the labeled ABV, and that is because of solutes in solution, namely sugar.

Did you fuckfags even read the article I linked? Here, I'll link you again.

>I've received a few questions about the method I use to determine the sugar content in Rum (what we assume to be sugar), so I thought that I would write a detailed description on the method and also give some background info.
SUGAR CONTENT. It says so in the first fucking sentence. NOT alcohol content. Read, nibbas, read.

>> No.14952968

Dude just drink vodka it tastes better and has more style anyway

>> No.14953060
File: 57 KB, 750x1127, 1b6dcfa81c9bf5b9aa6582e1edea3023[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish terribly that i could somehow have you guys try this. I hope that they blow up, they really deserve it. This might be my favorite spirit ever

>> No.14954729


>> No.14955005

>no Don Q

Explain yourself

>> No.14955685
File: 143 KB, 289x500, 15YO-thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this for me mum for christmas. What should she expect.

>> No.14955695

love rum, love the history of rum, love the lore of rum, love drinking rum

>> No.14955838
File: 489 KB, 3492x4656, zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand I think tiki mugs are neat, but on the other hand I love the color of drinks like this zombie I just mixed. It's such a pleasant orange color.

Also, who else here grows their own mint for garnish? I got a place I can buy it cheap when needed, but it's always more than I need, however the tall stalks I get with my tiny window plant are better when using a straw.

>> No.14955852

paint thinner, it's horrible compared to the 12 year because it's not the same rum just aged more likr you'd think rather its a different mash made in a different still

>> No.14955963

Well fuck. The 12 was $25 cheaper. And she likes sugary stuff like pilar

>> No.14955986

I dont larp as a pirate lmao

>> No.14956061

cunnilingus from her favorite boy?

>> No.14956127

And why not? Pirates are cool.

>> No.14956321

>whiskey drinkers larp as cowboys
>gin drinkers tip fedoras
>beer is historically a women's drink
>vodka has no flavor profile and makes you hate life, so it reminds you of communism

Pirates are the better choice.

>> No.14956606

i was very disappointed also, the 12y is very sweet with a hint of smoke

>> No.14958249

What happens if I drink whiskey, gin, and beer? No vodka though, that shit is for homos lmao.

>> No.14958365

I'm no expert, but I think you'll get drunk.

>> No.14958929

fuck you gin is for homos...faggot