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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14929652 No.14929652 [Reply] [Original]

200g rigatoni pasta, boiled with 1 teaspoon of butter and 5 pinches of salt

5 eggs, 4 yolks only, one whole, beaten until it's the fluffiest thing in the entire fucking universe

200g pancetta, 150g regular bacon, fried with freshly ground pepper, fried in its own fat

take the bacon off the stove, drain the pancetta/bacon fat, throw half of it away, add the other half to the egg mix (after letting it cool down a bit, we don't want to heat to affect the eggs!)

30gr pecorino, 20gr parmesan, freshly ground of course

when the pasta is done, add 2 tablespoons of pasta water to the bacon, add the rigatoni, eggs, half of the ground cheese in the bacon pan

garnish with freshly ground pepper, some of the cheese you have left, save the rest for whenever you want to add some more



also the first and second are pretty good, the third is like what are you doing you insane faggot

>> No.14929670

This sounds really good, but some whiney moron is going to come and complain that it isn't traditional. Because apparently we have to only eat things traditionally even if they taste shittier than their modern counterparts.

>> No.14929677


kill yourself, mutt. may as well add cream

>> No.14929681
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>200g rigatoni pasta, boiled with 1 teaspoon of butter
You put butter in your pasta water?

>> No.14929695

>that mess

we really should have just kept our cuisine a secret that other inferior races weren't allowed to be privy to.

>> No.14929696

Had a carbonara very close to this in Italy. I think i actually prefer a bit of eggwhite in the sauce though, just yolk tends to make it a bit too greasy.

>> No.14929698

no, it's for the aroma of the pasta water that you use for the sauce

>> No.14929699

And there's the tradition tard.

>> No.14929708


>> No.14929718

You're wasting butter, do you really think you're going to taste some mild buttery water between all the saltiness and richness of the other ingredients?

>> No.14929722

can i put peas in this?

>> No.14929725

try it.

>> No.14929728

Sure, it probably tastes good, but it's not carbonara, call it something else.

>> No.14929736

>claim you are cooking x
>actually cook y
>tell everyone it is x when they try to point out that you actually made y

you see why you're objectively wrong?

>> No.14929741
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>> No.14929745

You can add whatever you like, friend. Just make sure to take a picture and post it on here calling it carbonara so all the autists can rage over it

>> No.14929747
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>> No.14929750

Boiling water with butter and measured pinches of salt. Lmao, I'm not even going to comment on that - let the rats have this thread. Furterhmore Pancetta is a meme, so is mixing cheeses (muh pecorino). Just get regular bacon and some dried cheese... that's the way I do it and it always comes out well.

>> No.14929757
File: 446 KB, 950x1792, 76E9BBE3-D1E2-4780-AD14-F814D1FFC348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this with cream, Parmesan, and bacon and called it carbonara :^)

>> No.14929763

Please refer to

>> No.14929766

heres your authentic italian carbonara bro


>> No.14929771

who did it worse?


>> No.14929774


ayyyyyy mamma mancini canna you believa he beepidyboopa'd the niggatelli befora shaking his hands atta themmmm

>> No.14929784

why don't you just use olive oil and salt like literally everyone else on earth.

I'm not who you're responding to, but I don't get why you'd add butter to the water. You're already going to be adding dairy fat from the cheese and richness from the egg. I mean I'm sure it tastes fine, just don't know why I would do that over what I normally do

Also can you post a pic of what you actually made?

>> No.14929791

I'm not usually one to scoff at using cream, cuz it's delicious, but that looks vile.

>> No.14929794

> period.
he spells out his punctuation. Stopped reading right there.

>> No.14929809

Well it was literally fucking delicious so such my creamy cock

>> No.14929816

this seems like way too much eggs and meat for the amount of pasta you're making, and not enough cheese.
i wouldn't salt the pasta water with that much cured pork and the flavour of the cheeses.
you should add the cheese into the eggs before you add them to the pasta, and you don't really need to add the fat into the mix as it'll mix when you combine. same for the water, just drag it over with the pasta.
for what should be a simple recipe you really did fuck up a lot of things here

>> No.14929817

I'm sure it was man, didn't mean to offend, it just looks like starchy or something like the pasta was overcooked.

I'd eat that shit fosho.

>> No.14929832

Why do you prefer pancetta bacon mixed instead of guanciale?

And why half the amount of pasta while increasing the amount of pork?

The rigatoni carbonara in the video is real, your recipe sounds like total shit.

>> No.14929852

I actually made it on a whim with my roommate’s leftover pasta that was in the fridge, only because I happened to have everything else to make it. The pasta was overcooked but honestly it was one of the best tasting pasta sauces I ever had

>> No.14929873

It was probably like a super baller version of kraft mac n cheese.

Without fail the best shit I've made is on the fly like that. Sometimes it just comes together.

>> No.14929878

Sauce consistency looks perfect. Pasta looks a little overdone to me. I would use less meat and sauce though. good job.

>> No.14929887
File: 360 KB, 1603x1164, t. italian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a pretty good recipe, I don't get the big deal. I usually use rigatoni for tomato sauce only, but i'll give this a try. It does sound like something italians near the switz border would make, people tend to mix-n-match national recipes there

>> No.14929898

I don't care for carbonara unless it's got garlic and white wine in it. Cry about authenticity all you want.

>> No.14929913

You can tell that a non Italian made that image because of the Bauducco panettone (available only in the USA and South America) but most importantly because of the skinless salame in the plate.

>> No.14929923

I've made Carbonara with pancetta and bacon. Provided that you use high-quality bacon, it tastes pretty good the second way. It gives the sauce a smokey, almost sweet undertone that helps balance out the intense saltiness of the meat, pecorino, and pasta water. I don't get why doing this makes people so mad.

>> No.14929932

Why are Italians such insufferable faggots?

>> No.14929935
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>tradition bad

>> No.14929940

This isn't cabonara stop calling it that

>> No.14929950
File: 93 KB, 1001x998, 5D108AE0-61D4-4955-BB78-CA9DE1163BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go out and kneel for Jamal, it’s almost time for it

>> No.14929957

that's true, but I still like the pic, ergo why I posted it. The way foreigners see us is always funny

>> No.14929964

People can cook however they want. I'm sure this bastardized carbonara is delicious. The main issue I have is, I doubt anyone here knows what real carbonara tastes like, because nobody can be bothered putting in the effort to get it right. Real carbonara is pretty sensitive, and the proper ingredients are not that common.

>tastes just as good
>tastes better
you don't know, you've never had it

>> No.14929985

t. Rootless mongrelized amerimutt with no identity, culture or heritage

>> No.14930012

here i am
>neither of these things are guanciale
>ground pepper
>throwing away fat because you didn't use god tier guanciale
s l o p p a

just fucking around it looks good OP

>> No.14930045

guanciale is hard to find and expensive as fuck when i do come across it here. there aren't really many options to substitute for it

>> No.14930056

your meat is still alive btw

>> No.14930062
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>pastas get mad when you break the spaghett
>break it into little tiny pieces
absolutely devilish

>> No.14930076

our food culture in murica is all about putting as many different average things into a dish as possible, it can't blend with italian method of minimalist number of high quality ingredients, those things are hard to come by in a lot of the us unless you have an in with farmers

>> No.14930108

I've put effort into making carbonara with the highest quality pancetta and pecorino I can find. I'm confident that I know how the "realest" carbonara tastes, short of importing guanciale from Rome. And I still say that bacon is an interesting twist on the recipe that should not be dismissed out of hand.

>> No.14930125

If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.

>> No.14930224

Truth, had carbonara in Italy. Tastes pretty good, isn't exactly a ritualistic experience.

Now the pesto, fresh veggies and fruits, salads, seafood, bread, porchetta, cured meats, and the like were insane.

Also had a wild boar ragu,
cinghiale, and this was insane. I always used to confuse the two for same thing because I hear people rant and rave about guancale.

Pork cheek is alright but replaceable, wild boar is fuckin amazing.

>> No.14930456
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>you don't know, you've never had it
This is painfully true.
My sister lives in Austria and dates an Italian. She brought back extra long aged guanciale and they cooked the dish in the local way his town does it. Man it was decadently rich and all I can describe as musty flavoured.
I've tried to recreate it with high quality pancetta and got the same consistency, but it's no where near the flavour.
We have a holiday home in the hills of Marche, they don't do carbonara there particularly so I really didn't have a chance to get carbonara properly before, but the best dishes there are Chingale, Veal Escalopes with white wine, and the wild mushroom and truffle pasta. Their lamb grill is fantastic too. Hard to find high quality cooking in the cities I find, which is where I think where most people get the idea that anyone can cook their cuisine. Because even most of the chefs in Rome don't seem to give a fuck or are too retarded to have any - but that's just most tourist cities. In the countryside, you eat like a king though.
Pajata was a surprisingly good roman meme dish.

>> No.14930623

> Pajata was a surprisingly good roman meme dish.
Wow anon, pajata is actually out of the tourists confort zone when they try the same fucking dish, instead of adventuring in what there is behind the surface of exported cuisine.
Glad you enjoyed and great taste

>> No.14930858
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>this recipe

>> No.14930893
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>boiled with 1 teaspoon of butter

>> No.14931872

That's no reason to prefer it to guanciale in "the perfect carbonara, period".

Sure it's ok to replace if it's hard to find where you are but if you say you got the perfect carbonara and don't use guanciale, then you are lying.

Also OP why do you use like 3 x more bacon/pancetta the the amount of pasta indicates? You got bacon and panectta with a pasta side, not carbonara.

>> No.14931890
File: 94 KB, 819x1024, 1601452866489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Italian and what you've done here is racism. Pure racism.

Literally a hate crime, I have half a mind to report this absolute filth to the ADL for verbal violence.

>> No.14931966

Which brand of pasta did you use?

>> No.14932367

Giving amount of salt in water but not amount of water

>> No.14932388

>throw half of it away
I will shoot you for that

>> No.14932397

just try it

>> No.14932433

tell me italianon, wbat is real carbonara?
i always hear different things.if i wanted to make a legit serving, what do i do?

>> No.14932885

the second recipe of the video

>> No.14932887

Not who you responded to, but he sounded like a gate keeping fag. "Real" carbonara is made with pork cheek instead of pork belly, but you can get pork cheek at most grocers.

If you can't find it just get pancetta that is as soft as possible and has high fat content. Basically you never want to get what's behind the deli counter with the other cold cuts.

The good stuff is usually kept near other charcuterie and cheese, and it will cost a bit more. If your butcher has non smoked bacon or lardon this would be acceptable as well. You could also buy some pork belly and cure it yourself.

So you fry up the pork until it has started to caramelize, then turn the pan to very low heat.

In a bowl you should mix up a few egg yolks and a lot of fresh grated parmesan. Combine this thoroughly.

Cook pasta in salted and oiled water. Take pasta out of the water when it is still al dente, and add it to the pan. Incorporate all the pork oil and pasta so it has a nice coating.

Then start adding in the egg mixture. Treat this like you are making a hollandaise sauce, so be sure to not heat it up too much or you'll end up with scrambled eggs.

Add a couple of spoonfuls of the pasta water and continue stirring until all the pasta has a creamy sauce coating it.

Plate it and serve with fresh cracked pepper. I like to add fresh chopped basil too cuz I have a plant and I like to use it. That's it anon, that's "Real Life Italiano" carbonara. It's fucking pasta and bacon.

>> No.14932921

the proportions seem off, the butter is a waste, and I'd do guanciale with the bacon instead of pancetta. Otherwise seems good, rigatoni and paccheri are underrated in 'nara

>> No.14932932

Whats 200g of rigatoni in half box measurements?

>> No.14932940

Still 200g

>> No.14932964

>200g of pasta
>350g of meat
what the fuck are you doing you fat cunt
>butter in water
good lord

>> No.14933031

>It's fucking pasta and bacon.
Yeah, that's why it's amazing that so many people manage to fuck up such a simple dish, also
>Cook pasta in salted and oiled water
Why are you anglos so obsessed with putting fats in your pasta water, it does literally fucking nothing

>> No.14933723

You're wrong and you should feel bad. it literally sits on top of the water and is scooped into dishes you add the pasta water to.

>> No.14934074

If you really want even more oil besides the rendered fat (which is dumb but whatever) then just add it to the pork meat so you're not leaving 3/4 of it in the pot you troglodyte.

>> No.14934153

>be poor italianfag hundreds of years ago
>scrape together pasta with leftover ingredients for lunch
>hundreds of years later
>italian autists online seethe at people for not making their egg and cheese pasta exactly like you did

>> No.14934187

Where's the cream

>> No.14934194

Sloppa shit

>> No.14934226

I tried some YT method where you cooked the egg/cheese mixture on a double boiler. Well I looked away for a second when I was getting the pasta out of the water and cooked it through. Had some scrambled egg pasta...

Why was I doing that again? Apparently that's a method if you are a faggot worried about raw eggs? Looking back on it, the hot as fuck pasta plus the hot as fuck grease plus the hot as fuck bit of water is going to pasteurize the eggs (which I am 99.9% not worried about anyways).

I am just pissed that everyone is so scared of raw eggs and they tricked me into adding heat where it wasn't needed.

>> No.14934230

Try adding butter to the actual sauce. All that the butter's really going to do to that pasta water is increasing the chance that it boils over. If you add it later, you actually get butter in your sauce - it will help temper the eggs if you have issues with that.

>> No.14934393

>grana padano

yeah nah

>> No.14935440

the proportions are all wrong
your recipe suck
you suck

>> No.14936568

This, there’s no cream. Cream is traditional in authentic America carbonara, and without cream it isn’t carbonara. You’ve also forgotten the peas.

>> No.14936738


Kys nigger

>> No.14936745

whats the g mean

>> No.14936761

fuck that stupid cunt. your a fucking moron for posting that

>> No.14936771
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>streaky bacon

>> No.14936868
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>take the bacon off the stove, drain the pancetta/bacon fat, throw half of it away

>> No.14937246

>It isn't traditional

But it is

>> No.14937260

Italian here, sometimes I add a little bit of butter or ghee ti the boiling rice/pasta when using a small pot to not make it stick to the bottom

Many italians use oil

>> No.14937300

it's a yuro speed measurement

>> No.14937340
File: 2.17 MB, 1200x800, speck-di-sauris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am italian and my mother's carbonara is basically scramblend whole eggs and speck, egg are overcooked and not creamy at all and speck has a very strong smoke taste, it would make a lot of people angry but i genuinely like it this way

>> No.14937414
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My mother also used to make it that way because she was deathly afraid of raw eggs, hated the dish until I learned to do it properly myself.
>to not make it stick to the bottom
Did you fail highschool physics?

>> No.14937782

>add layer of oil that rests on top of the water
>this supposedly effects the properties of the pasta, which exists beneath the surface of the water

>> No.14937790

If you actually need to add cream to carbonara, you fucked up your egg/cheese/oil/pasta water ratios. It shouldn't need any help.

>> No.14937796
File: 2.88 MB, 3240x4320, 1528918750220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authentic America carbonara

>> No.14937799

If you'd like to add butter to the sauce do just that. Otherwise you're wasting the part of the butter that'll be in the pasta water you don't use. It's simple science really.

>> No.14937819

Absolutely not a mutt larping as "le angry italian™"
Shut the fuck up nigger, rigatoni is ok for carbonara and op isn't a faggot for once, so kindly fuck off

>> No.14937820

>200g pancetta, 150g regular bacon,
What a fucking abomination.

>> No.14938046

It's boiling water, non still... The butter/oil will swirl in the pot together with the pasta preventing it to stick. Try it.

>> No.14938525

I've never had pasta stick to itself or the pot because I'm not a retard without basic cooking skills, but keep wasting oil if it makes you happy.

>> No.14938547
File: 3.04 MB, 500x338, z85Wg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here retard, the most BASED chef in the world, Gordon Ramsay, puts oil in his pasta water. I'm pretty sure he knows more than you. He also puts cream in his carbonara. You retards are just bitter that you're wrong and have been cooking your spaghetti wrong this whole time.

>> No.14938911

looks good
great use of rigatoni

>> No.14938921

and there it is

>> No.14938935

wow you're retarded
the oil coats the noodles which lowers their surface energy, so ya it reduces their ability to stick to the fucking pot

fucking retard
absolute fucking retard

>> No.14940696

you know what else changes the energy of the noodles, and prevents them sticking with absolute certainty? stirring them occasionally.

>> No.14940708

>Not the vastly superior Guanciale

>> No.14940727


>> No.14940845

holy shit you're fucking dumb, go drop a piece of oiled pasta in a glass of water and see how much of it actually sticks

>> No.14940895

>ramsay spends 4/5 budget on cocaine
>grandpa spends entire budget on feeding Indian village cooking non traditionally
looking at grandpa's other videos I think I recognize dah kids

>> No.14941634

Exactly. None of the pasta will stick to the glass because of the oil. Thank you.

>> No.14941809

>eating raw egg

No thanks sound fucking disgusting

>> No.14943331
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>raw egg
you're doing it wrong nigger

>> No.14943401

>be me
>poor roman coal miner
>live in squalor to feed my family and risk death for work
>one day go to coal mine
>somehow scrape together enough money to get eggs, pecorino cause nothing better, and pepper
>make custardy pasta sauce with some bacon bits inside
>its good
>subsist off of this for months
>centuries later your retarded descendants fling shit because someone added milk to your sauce

>> No.14944396

Did you try farting while cooking pasta?

Everytime I do pastas don't stick togheter, it must be the farting

>> No.14945409
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this is the perfect carbonara

>> No.14945420
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i prefer paccheri but alright
also if you can get your hands on some guanciale that shit is the real deal

>> No.14945474

It is traditional dumb fuck. The method for cooking carbonara is not set in stone, the ingredients however are for the most part. Dont use cream, skip the garlic, the parsley, etc.

>> No.14945505
File: 52 KB, 600x623, d0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>350g meat to 200g pasta
>5 fucking eggs for 200g pasta
how americans are so fat is a mystery to me

>> No.14945579

>The main issue I have is, I doubt anyone here knows what real carbonara tastes like, because nobody can be bothered putting in the effort to get it right.
It takes 15 minutes
>Real carbonara is pretty sensitive, and the proper ingredients are not that common.
Guanciale, eggs, pasta, pecorino. You can
200% get all of those at any supermarket, with the likely exception of guanciale, which you would probably need to visit a butcher for. Wow, that's hard