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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 972x547, air-fryer-lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14927380 No.14927380 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on this thing, I've been grilling most of my adult life, and am not fat, but it seems this thing is being pushed everywhere, is this a jew trick or is it really healthier? Is there a hidden agenda behind pushing this? What do you think, cooking-bros?

>> No.14927381


air fryers are just convection ovens btw.

>> No.14927382

I can't ask the JQ there..

>> No.14927383

it's just a small convection oven with a fan to circulate the air
some large ovens have the same fan
they're very convenient and cook shit like french fries or tendies quicker and better than a normal oven

>> No.14927384

Stop being such a shitty consumer and buy one already FFS

>> No.14927385


Why the fuck do you need to ask about jews when talking about cooking equipment?

>> No.14927386

I'd say it's a symptom of the disease. You can't even buy salt without worrying if you're supporting the murder of children, let alone wonder about if an air fryer is a scam.

>> No.14927387

>air fryers are just a convection oven
They work better than a convection oven due to their compact nature, and being able to cook it directly on "the rack" as opposed to using a pan or baking sheet (so both sides get exposed to air)

Air fryers are awesome

>> No.14927388

The all new /pol/ oven!
its heats the jewishness out of your vegetables!
order today!

>> No.14927389

Hot circulating oil in a plastic container seems pretty Judaic to me...

>> No.14927390

based. food is essential, so how can it not be political?

>> No.14927391

Yes you can. /ck/ is the most redpilled board. Ask them if it’s possible to cook 64 turkeys a day for a year.

>> No.14927392

It’s awesome for cooking freezer foods like fries or most breaded foods, but reheating things like egg rolls or chimichangas where the outer wrapping gets soogy because it crisps them up again. Also it reheats pizza great.

>> No.14927393

Basically an oven that you don't need to preheat. I use mine for stuff like frozen pizza(mine is way bigger than your pic but doesn't reach quite as high temperature).

>> No.14927394
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If you are not fat and you have been grilling all your life and you really don't have a need to start eating more healthy then just don't get one, all of the "pushing" is just advertisement because they want you to spend money on something you clearly don't need.

Fried or grilled I still think that air fryers don't make things taste better but that does not mean they make them taste bad either just a bunch of marketing by the Jew corporations.

Don't take the bait and buy one because its marketed everywhere only get what you actually need or want, if you are questioning that its a jew trick and if you even need it its for a reason.

>> No.14927395

Our Actifry has a worn our after heavy use, had it over ten years and replaced multiple parts. My wife now wants to buy a Ninja foody. Since she does all the cooking, how can I argue? Good thing is you can set it and just forget about it, turns itself off after the chips are ready, easier to clean than a oven tray or deep fat fryer.

>> No.14927396

Just one more thing for you to buy and CONSOOOM. You'll use it twice and then it will sit on your counter taking up space untill you finally throw it away.

>> No.14927397

They allow you to eat a little healthier. Sunflower oil is bad for you.

>> No.14927398

Yeah, heat and plastic is a great way to kill test.

>> No.14927399

Experts on ovens?

>> No.14927400

Air fried salmon, op.

>> No.14927401

Meh they're okay. I kind of want one but my wife doesn't think it'd be worth it, we have stuff we don't use as it is. My mother has one and cooks a few things in it.

Underrated kek

>> No.14927402
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It's fucking trash. I wasted my money cause I thought they looked cool.

>> No.14927403
File: 588 KB, 1600x1600, wirepan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so just put the food on a wire rack baking pan....

>> No.14927404

> Is there a hidden agenda behind pushing this?
Yes, there is one. Philips needs to make a profit.

>> No.14927405

We use it for almost everything, Warming up breads,fries,pizza slices, fried snacks and so on. Its rather convenient.

>> No.14927406

dont cook in plastic. take cast iron pill there is nothing better

>> No.14927407


>> No.14927408

We're paleo/Weston A. Price tier for the most part. I'm not sure what we'd end up it for.

>> No.14927409

Don’t waste your money on it. It’s basically an oven element with a fan. You’re better off buying a toaster oven for less money

>> No.14927410

There is no oil, that's the point.
You don't need a tiny gimmick oven to avoid (((vegetable oil))). My wife cooks all our fried food in beef tallow.

>> No.14927411

Are you a holocaust denier?

>> No.14927412


It's only useful for reheating prepared frozen foods like tendies/fries.

>> No.14927413

the bagels get insanely good.

>> No.14927414

Depends on what you want to eat.
Would you like to be able to eat fried foods, like chips and tendies without dealing with the mess of deepfrying it? If so, get one, as it is a healthier and less messy alternative.
If you don't care about fried food, forget about it. Keep on grilling, and consider getting a cast iron pan.

>> No.14927415

found the Jew

>> No.14927416

Only made of high temp plastic. It's a plastic oven assembled from the least expensive parts available. In a few years we will probably learn that it blows BPA all over your food and is a colossal fire hazard. IMO toaster ovens with convection settings are made of metal, last longer, safer, easier to clean and work pretty nice.

>> No.14927417

Its just a way faster oven, heats up in like 2 mins.

>> No.14927418

Angola-kun, it's been a while since I saw you. Anything worth using an air fryer for in local cuisine?

>> No.14927419

>he's not trying to up the efficiency
with an attitude like that, we'll never hit the 6 million this time. it's like you want to fail.

>> No.14927420

1. The oven still doesn't work as well at circulating the air
2. The pan under the wire rack reduces the air circulation.

I love regular ovens for lots of things, but an air fryer will work better than a convection oven. Its also nice because it gives you a 2nd oven to use (helpful for family dinners with multiple dishes)

>> No.14927421

It’s not healthier, it’s just more convenient. Small microwave pizzas are done in like 5 minutes

>> No.14927422

this, just use fire or a regular pan to pry your food and use olive oil/butter as much as possible. stay away from high heat oils with the exception of the occasional sunflower oil when you eat outside.

>> No.14927423


>> No.14927424
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>> No.14927425
File: 60 KB, 785x847, 1598466528377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best tendie cooker available. If your mom doesnt have one for you tendies she is a stupid bitch who doesnt lover her big boy!

>> No.14927426

I use it to make wings, they come out super crispy, just add a bit of corn starch or baking powder. Much healthier then frying, but it’s more of what do I do with all that oil when I just want to fry a few wings.

>> No.14927427

Oooooooooh I want one

>> No.14927428

literally slave tier drug

>> No.14927429

all I know is I can cook the best damn sweet tater fries in the world in one. No oil to make them soggy.

>> No.14927430
File: 131 KB, 1024x682, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fren. Indeed, it's been a while. Corona locked me out of this place over the last 7 months. Feels good to be back.
>Anything worth using an air fryer for in local cuisine?
Nope. Angolan cuisine is mostly just a corn/manioc porridge, with whatever fish/meat you can find, and some sauce. I don't recall ever eating any local specialty that's fried.

>> No.14927431

Where do you think you are?

>> No.14927432

Capitalism creates needs where none exist. Kitchen appliances have been a staple of consumer culture since the 60s.

>> No.14927433

Yeah wings out of an air fryer are amazing.

>> No.14927434

This. If you have a convection oven or toaster oven then you already have an air fryer. In fact they have begun labeling convection toaster ovens as “air fryers” or added an “air fryer” mode which is just a broiler setting.

>> No.14927435
File: 70 KB, 540x319, 536161403_preview_mgsv5 plot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's from the angola-zaire border region

>> No.14927436

>Redpill me on this thing
>Is there a hidden agenda behind pushing this?
It's a tiny oven. Sold to you via better PR than regular ovens.

>> No.14927437

Like the crockpot, salad spinner, rotisseries oven, air popper, ninja blender, insta-pot, ect. It's just the latest food fad for Karen to clutter her countertops with

>> No.14927438

Sounds like most African cuisines I've seen for the most part. Not as exciting as they like to make out.
Is Angola full of Corona or is everything going on as usual? What about masks?

>> No.14927439
File: 660 KB, 5000x5000, 1591679861770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use a slow cooker

>> No.14927440

At least get a deep fryer, you'll use it more than once a year

>> No.14927441

underrated post

>> No.14927442

This. I’m concerned that by merely existing, paranoia is a part of the new normal.

>> No.14927443

>french fries

What has happened to this board?

>> No.14927444

They are convenient if you don't have the space for actual oven/cooker/whatever
That's it
Put food in, food gets hot, eat food
There's no more to it

>> No.14927445

It's not cast iron - it's jewified.

>> No.14927446

Never happened but it should have.

>> No.14927447
File: 32 KB, 720x576, 1580810041042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got 3 day ban on all boards for posting pic rel into a 'famous last meal' thread on /ck/, if thats not fucking gay as fuck idk what is. i mean the posters are ok but man are the fucking mods and jannies comped as fuck over on the faggot side.
>avid /ck/poster
you can ask just subtlety, and with food references.
>for instance
you have 3 ovens and it takes 5 hours to make a pizza, yet you were able to deliver 1000x that many pies....
idk im bullshitting but people may say what they want about the air fryer but its based. >>14927381 says its a convection oven buts its way more than that. i have a convection oven and it wont produce the results of the air fryer. i cook all the time so i use mine all the time esp for the kiddo. reheating pizza is based. whatever you want to know just ask you coffee bean roasting motherfucker. where is juan valdez these days anyway
faggot detected
i use mine as much as the microwave if not more. mic is soggy fuckery while the airfryer shit comes out crisp and tasting like it came from a store. youre a fucking dumb bitch and cooklet nigger

>> No.14927448

Yes you can. No jokes about gay shit though, /ck/ mod is a power bottom.

>> No.14927449

Air fried salmon with air fried potato wedges is pretty red pilled op.

And no, don't believe the faggots who say it isn't worth it.

>> No.14927450

That was my first instinct when I heard about them. Food and plastic should never touch, especially if its hot.

>> No.14927451

I think running fans over heating coils causes cancer in calipornia,.

>> No.14927452
File: 193 KB, 434x524, 1596049614395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea, but washing grates gets old.
airfryer is small for a reason though.
this is good in the reg. oven or even moreso convection oven
fucking leaf only needs a toaster because they can only afford bread.
ive never been banned for gay shit but "racism outside of /b/" gets me everytime. fuckin bitch niggers
dust those niggers in some seasoned cornstarch and up your game nigger
everything in california causes cancer according to prop 65

>> No.14927453

>Sunflower oil is bad for you.
Is it? In moderation?

>> No.14927454

>boils food slowly in plastic

>> No.14927455

everything is good in moderation anon
know your smoke points, i dont see what the issue is with sunflower oil unless youre a fitfaggot memeeater or some vegan attention whoring knownothing

>> No.14927456

>Ask them if it’s possible to cook 64 turkeys a day for a year.


>> No.14927457


Life expectancy - 61 years old. Corona isn't even relevant. Were they stupid enough to lock it down?


>> No.14927458

>Is it?
>In moderation?
There is no moderation. Smaller amounts of poison cause less harm, but it is still bad. PUFA are the cause of modern dietary disease, including so-called "type 2 diabetes". Only use saturated fat whenever possible, and monounsaturated when you have to use a liquid fat.
>everything is good in moderation anon
Lead is good in moderation?

>> No.14927459

how new could you possibly be

>> No.14927460

Adult version of an easy bake oven.

>> No.14927461

>In a few years we will probably learn that it blows BPA all over your food
This. But no one will really care and they'll have invented something else to destroy your hormones more efficiently.

>> No.14927462

>crackpots are fads for Karens
I can't honestly say I cook in the crockpot, but the *idea* lf cooking in one is great. I work from home so it doesn't make as much sense, but leaving a dish in the crockpot all day and then coming home and smelling it is a great experience.

>> No.14927463

>Air Fryer
Le Toaster Oven

>> No.14927464

I've never heard of or seen a plastic crockpot

>> No.14927465

yes, its in our pencils.
only a fucking dogfucker would think eating poison would be good for them

>> No.14927466

I have a cheap one from lidl. Honestly it's fucking amazing. Use it pretty much every day. Use it as an alternative to the oven.
Just had chips (fries for you burgers) in it. Perfectly crisp, perfectly cooked.

>> No.14927467

I don't know about Airfryers but Steamers are fucking based
>throw random shit in
>it comes out tasty and kinda healthy

>> No.14927468

Pressure cooker. Pretty much the same recipes, fraction of the time, no need for all that pre-planning.

>> No.14927469

Yeah glad I said no to my gf we really don't need more plastic crap

>> No.14927470

>air fryer
Probably saves a few retards from setting their homes on fire with deep fryers.

>> No.14927471

>is cooking a jew trick
i hope you walk in front of a bus

>> No.14927472

>yes, its in our pencils.
No it isn't you fucking retard.
>only a fucking dogfucker would think eating poison would be good for them
Nobody asked about your sexual perversions. Why would you go from telling people eating poison is good, to bragging about fucking dogs?

>> No.14927473

Thse are fucking fantastic for chips, better than an oven in every single way.

>> No.14927474

The instantpot is just a pressure cooker and slow cooker combo, there were already tons of those before instantpot started paying "bloggers" to shill their low quality version.

>> No.14927475

this. it's nice to be able to make tendies at home, much more satisfying than frozen or getting take away

>> No.14927476

I have an old school stove top pressure cooker. It rocks.

>> No.14927477

Yep, African cuisine is mostly like this. Blacks fawn over it, but I don't see the appeal.
As for corona, it has something like 5k cases. Completely irrelevant in a country of 30 million, and whose population consists of people under 25.
Which doesn't mean that there is lax enforcement of laws. Quite the opposite. You have to wear a mask at all times if you're outside, even if you're driving with someone else in your car or exercising.
Quarantines are very strict as well. I arrived here and had no internet at my place. Cable company is not allowed to come visit until I complete my 14-day quarantine and show them proof of being negative for the coof.

>> No.14927478
File: 3.92 MB, 1106x8192, 1577296455063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lead/graphite go fuck yourself pedantic dogfucking shitskin

>> No.14927479

It can saute as well though, which is great for doing stews with seared meats. Like most popular things, it's nothing ground breaking in itself, but it's one particular set of features executed very well.

>> No.14927480

It’s Nazi oven technology, developed as a faster way to crisp up kikes.

>> No.14927481

If you have a real oven like most of us, it's a convection oven and you have no need for this gadget. If you live in small apartment or dorm, sure, I guess.

>> No.14927482
File: 72 KB, 690x690, nuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically a convection toaster oven. A nuwave is a better purchase.

>> No.14927483


who hold on now, this has been debunked by snopes. stop spreading disinformation

>> No.14927484

As well as doing a better job, it frees up your main oven to cook something else too.

>> No.14927485

you can fry a turkey, heh

>> No.14927486

These dishes look good, I hope Poland doesn't fall.

>> No.14927487

If you have an old oven like my family does where you have to wait 10 minutes to pre-heat it it's a nice gadget to quickly make some fries or something else

>> No.14927488

>don't know what is Teflon

>> No.14927489


>> No.14927490

All my ovens in my life all had both functions. Hot air circulated by fan or heat from heating elements on top and bottom.

This airfryer is a cuck product. It is a convection oven only smaller. So it's perfect for singles and cucks who cant afford a real oven.
Shit's way overpriced tho so cucks and incels wont save shit.
Marketing is the merchant's most effective weapon.

>> No.14927491

They are great

Do you have a room temp IQ? What's he's to understand about them.
They just work.

>> No.14927492
File: 2.86 MB, 259x169, bc37b20db1aa0c73e5748f4b5a968c88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is healthier as long as the frozen or just uncooked food isn't greasy. It's good for making a quick breakfast.

>> No.14927493

Must be more efficient than a big oven. Mine takes 10+ minutes to heat up and half an hour to cool down.

>> No.14927494

It's the marketers hoping to sell a product that limits fat content in fast food.

>> No.14927495

Helped me out tremendously through the lockdowns in the winter. Corn dogs are incredible, tendies are good but the store bought frozen tendies are very very salty. If you can make your own and bread then you’ll be happy boy. Frozen fries are great. $100 on Amazon from Corsori is a fine product.

>> No.14927496

Who eats frozen food though?

>> No.14927497

nuwave for numales

>> No.14927498

Jew salt is superior. Fight me.

>> No.14927499

It isn't pedantry you braindead nigger, there is no lead in it. It is just graphite. It is not called a "pencil lead" because it contains the element lead, it has always been graphite. People just thought graphite was a form of lead 500 years ago, and the name stuck.
It is not executed well, it is the worst one on the market. They break constantly, we have at least a dozen a week brought in. They are the cheapest, lowest quality crap possible.

>> No.14927500
File: 31 KB, 460x417, 1583249602263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a turkey, heh.

>> No.14927501

>If you are not fat and you have been grilling all your life and you really don't have a need to start eating more healthy
I am skinny and pretty fit and eat healthy but my blood pressure is always borderline for being high (mum's side of the family are all heavy and high blood pressure). Intermittent fasting is the best thing for bringing it down, or a *lot* of exercise.

>> No.14927502

It’s a jew trick similar to the “women should be in the kitchen” meme: it makes you suffer eating shit food. If you want to get good at cooking, all it takes is culinary textbooks and practice.

>> No.14927503

>They break constantly, we have at least a dozen a week brought in.

Which parts tend to break in them?

>> No.14927504

no shit Sherlock. No one is disputing that it's effectively a small ass oven, you dumb German faggot.

The reasons to get one:
* simple as fuck to use, even a nigger like you can use it
* comes with "cookware" that you dump your food into, cook in, and then easily clean afterwards
* if you aren't a nigger, it's easier to clean than an oven (ever had to spend an entire day with the oven on bake? smells like your Dachau camp nigger)
* far smaller space = much more efficient

List goes on and on. Use your EU nigger brain next time faggot.

>> No.14927505

swinegemmed again kek. Start larping joo cissyboi fag. Capitalist consumer pigmeat vag flapper

>> No.14927506

>There is no moderation. Smaller amounts of poison cause less harm,
Now I know you are talking shit leaf. Some woman died from drinking too much water to win a Nintendo years back, you aren't going to claim that water is a poison are you?

>> No.14927507

>and half an hour to cool down
You don't have to wait for it to cool down nigga. Just literally turn it off and walk lol

>> No.14927508

They're gr8 m8, use mine all the time

>> No.14927509

>you aren't going to claim that water is a poison are you?
It is to niggers and arabs

>> No.14927510

difference between poison and potion is dosage

>> No.14927511

Does /ck/ have a bigger share of females compared to other boards?
Jusk asking

>> No.14927512

My wife makes stuff in one all the time. It’s honestly pretty cool

>> No.14927513

>Redpill me on this thing
Jews trying to Jew you out of your money again.

>> No.14927514
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Yuropeen here. I got one cus I'm a lazy nigger and it spares me also money on electricity. But whenever I look for cooking videos with air fryers on youtube I only see NIGGERS raping food.

Try it, look for american videos of air fryer recipes, 80% are african americans.

But yeah, if you cook for yourself it's cheaper than using a whole oven.

>> No.14927515

Half the time the thermal fuse blows, which shouldn't even be possible but the fuses they used just blow randomly even at room temperature. The rest of the time either something on the circuit board fails and the board needs replaced, which is almost as expensive as a new instantpot, or their shitty chinese soldering job fails and a random wire needs reconnected.
Are you illiterate or retarded? The fact that you can be harmed by something that is not poison, does not make poison safe.

>> No.14927516

>beef tallow
I've never heard of this. Sounds expensive. Why not use lard? I get a quart of it for four bucks.

>> No.14927517

Come in man. Everyone knows they cause cancer. Who benefits from that? Big pharma. Who runs big pharma? Thats right.

>> No.14927518

air fryers are based AF. I was skeptical at first they do chicken and French fries really well

>> No.14927519

I use mine to make freedom fries,
it makes good fries.

>> No.14927520

>EU nigger brain
this is your brain on American geography

>> No.14927521

I got rid of my testosterone destroying radiation machine and use an air fryer to reheat everything now

>> No.14927522

>it's cheaper than using a whole oven.
So... How many vegetables can you reliably fry with this thing, in like 5 years or so? I'm having a huge veggie fry party with my workbuddies.

>> No.14927523
File: 116 KB, 947x1024, birx_prediction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

air fryers are a meme, they are just countertop convection ovens, if you still want one get a toaster oven with a convection setting since it's multi-purpose

>> No.14927524

I wish my brain was this fresh. Oh... if only you knew

>> No.14927525


As I said, it's quite small, even the big ones aren't that great if you cook for many people.

There are accessories to cook different stuff on different heights though. When I do chicken wings and french fries for instance, I put the fries down and the chicken wings on the upper accesory thingy.

>> No.14927526

Because fat from ruminants contains the most saturated fat. Lard is ok if you can't get anything better, but it has more toxic PUFA than ruminant fat does. Beef and mutton tallow are cheap from butchers, abbatoirs, etc. It usually isn't even sold in stores for it to be expensive, since 60 years of kike propaganda have convinced everyone that saturated fat and cholesterol are bad. It also tastes better than lard, it is the reason McDonald's fries used to taste good back in the 80s.

>> No.14927527

You're not going to convince zoomers to buy this product with your boomer logic

>> No.14927528

>same 3 colors
I don't give a fuck
All the same EU nigger trash. Fuck off you faggot leaftard.

>> No.14927529

Not the most delicious food but it's the real deal. There's a lot of jewish tricks in the world but air fryers help you balance work life stress. Much better than the fast food jew or the processed food jew.

>> No.14927530

Not all models are the same
I got the one for fries with a movie panel in the middle and it works great for bacon too,I can put the whole bag at once and only have to move the bacon 3 time on a period of 18 minutes for evenly cooked bacon

>> No.14927531

It might not be as good, but the last thing I need is another bulky unitasker

>> No.14927532

So basically you be saying that frying a large quantity of vegetables with small ovens is rather difficult?
Hmmmm. That makes me think. A colleague of mine from accounting told me you can fry an insane amount of veggies with these things in a ridiculous amount of time.

>> No.14927533

moving panel*

>> No.14927534
File: 139 KB, 1862x1048, yanchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy one. I'm trying to convince them not too, because they're a waste of counter top space. If you really want one buy a convection oven or a convection toaster oven.

>> No.14927535

Bag liners are an affront to slow cooking. Just wash the fucking pot.
Better yet, buy an instant pot - they're fantastic.

>> No.14927536

Anything based around plastic getting hot is not healthy

>> No.14927595

Hypocrite, computers/phones/internet itself is owned by them, you're already using their shit, why care about air fryers?

>> No.14928986

its just a smaller shittier toaster oven but with only convection mode and its really loud like a hair dryer.

>> No.14928998

everything tastes like blood (iron), hated when i was growing up. made me hate eggs for awhile.

>> No.14929013

Baste. Stay away from plastic.