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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14923887 No.14923887 [Reply] [Original]

This is home made gnocchi in a cream Sauce I made with bacon, spinach and Parmesan. It’s great, my wife loved it, her boyfriend loved it. Shit all over it it you want but I do this on the daily for real. Prove you cook ck. Fuck you dinner thread

>> No.14923894

Can I try some?

>> No.14923940

Yes I’ll mail you some. It’ll be there soon

>> No.14924306

looks nice kid, now try pumping out 100 of those in an hour.

>> No.14924316

Gnocchi is not hard to make autist

>> No.14924322

Wow do you or did someone eat that

>> No.14924330
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>my wife loved it
>her boyfriend loved it

>> No.14924375

A bit too much sauce, no?

>> No.14924386

Why does your wife have a boyfriend?

>> No.14924393

Not op but it kind of is hard to make

>> No.14924408


>> No.14924431


>cook potatoes to proper doneness
>rice before they get cold
>know how much flour to incorporate
>know to rest
>know how to roll and paddle them

Youd have a tough time if somebody wasnt there to show you. The simple two ingredient gnocchi is so based.

>> No.14924439

He means himself obviously.

>> No.14924447

None of that is hard

>> No.14924458

By about the 3rd time its essy. Kind of like egg noodles. If you tell some tard here are some poratoes and flour, good luck. Its a mess

>> No.14924845
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what is the right way to make gnocchi
i fuck it up every other time i try and i don't know why because i'm a retard

>> No.14924873
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I have that plate, anon.

>> No.14924885

Kek, kek, kek.

>> No.14924903

>Fuck you dinner thread
why did you sprinkle dirt on your very thick gravy

>> No.14925026

The sauce is too thick, you want it the same consistency as the load Tyrone left inside your wife.

>> No.14925248

Fair I cooked the sauce down too long but used the last of my milk when making it. Next time I’ll do a pan sauce. Something less fatty

>> No.14926289
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Look tasty enough ! Here what i ate yesterday.

>> No.14926292

Why do retards always have to call out the obvious joke? Its funnier when it's left unsaid

>> No.14926313

based pigeonposter

>> No.14926468

I made some chilaquiles with a can of chili. it was pretty gross not gonna lie

>> No.14926524

Because it's not funny

>> No.14926717
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Based pigeon connaisseur.

>> No.14926819

also get some white pepper for your light colored sauces if your going to ask for critique

>> No.14927013

And clean up the sides of the bowl. You don't want it to look like you threw it in, or that you missed.

>> No.14927027
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Had the same a few weeks ago. Just with tenderloin instead of bacon

>> No.14927213

>flying rats
based rat eater

>> No.14927217

is this the soup version

>> No.14927267

Amerimutt city dweller not knowing about farmed pigeon never gonna make it

>> No.14927315
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Been making lot's of stuff over Covid. Fat burrito to start.

>> No.14927322
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Wrapped up

>> No.14927364

All that effort on the burrito and then boxed rice? :(

>> No.14927379

It's not boxed rice...

That's jasmine rice and Achiote to make it orange. Everything except the tortilla basically was from scratch. Beans too.

>> No.14927643

Into the trash it goes.
the tortilla is just as important as the filling

>> No.14927678

Yeah I bought good tortillas from a mexican grocer nearby. I was just lazy and didn't feel like making them from scratch. Sorry I'm not Josh Wiesman.

Where's your burrito anon. Let's see how great it looks.

>> No.14927777

Looks god, but gnocchi is always just a touch too heavy for me.

>> No.14928000

No, just lots of sauce

>> No.14928161
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>Prove you cook ck
Okay, here's my bibimbap from a few days ago. That sauce is one of the best I've ever had, pure perfection, fantastic mixture of sweet and spicy. Very nice gnocchi by the way.

>> No.14928528

>he cooks for a living
Sucks to be you, kid

>> No.14928544

>black and white pepper only differ in appearance

>> No.14928557

>fully cooked eggs on top

>> No.14928677
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Nice anon, I made some weeb shit recently too. Udon, tuna collar, and like a char siu n rice thing with asian slaw.

Here's the udon.

>> No.14928704
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Suck my dick, i make big things into littler same sized things

>> No.14928714
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big tiddy goth gf WHEN??

>> No.14928721

>he eats sky rats
I bet you also eat sea bugs

>> No.14928731

Nice I appreciate your amount of autism.

My knives are so fuckin dull. I gotta get the stones back out so I can actually prep instead of just smush veggies into my cutting board.

>> No.14929095


working with dull knives is dangerous, bro. have you ever cut yourself with a dull knife? is no bueno

>> No.14929133

The next level is when you realize cubing things is gay and just use a grater to get those sick knuckle scars

>> No.14929193

Yeah I know. I haven't cut myself in a long time. Like I said I'm going to bust out the stones now, i've been tempting fate a little too long.

>> No.14929217
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I already have knuckle scars from when me and the boys got into a scrap with some boisterous lads at the bar.. got suckerpunched by the one faggot while the other manlet faggot was talking shit, grabbed the person nearest me who was not my friend and took him to the ground and while punching him repeatedly in the face he was uncooperative and would not stay STILL so i punched the concrete a few times.

The grater jew will not get the best of me

>> No.14929263

Wow such macho

>> No.14929274


>he’s never been in a scrap with the boys


>> No.14929277

is that hamburger helper with pickles

>> No.14929278

It looks raw, under cooked and absolutely shocking. Quite frankly it's an embarrassment, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I mean honestly, I wouldn't even serve it to my dog. It's garbage, it's trash. It's fucking abysmal. Is that really the best you can do? Is that the kind of quality you're aiming for? Really? I don't know why you even post here. Why do you even bother. You might as well give up. Though based on this monstrosity, you've already given up, haven't you? What is it, are you depressed? Are you done? Just look at the pepperoni, it's not even cooked. The raw fucking onions. They're not even sliced properly. I mean come on, you know this. You know this isn't good. Yet here you are, posting this shit again. Have you even looked at the crust? Or the cheese? I mean, what is that? They're snow fucking white. The dough has barely been cooked. Did you even put it in the oven? Did you forget to turn it on? It's just sad. This isn't a fucking pizza, it's a travesty. An absolute shambles. I don't know what else to say. It's just not good enough. Throw it in the fucking bin, and just stop. You can't cook. You're useless. Utterly useless.

>> No.14929282


idk man but it looks repulsive

>> No.14929291

Anon, you never posted your burrito, or anything else to the thread. Where you at?

>> No.14929377

>not bragging = didn’t do
Whatever, keyboard warrior

>> No.14929391

I’m the guy you replied to and I thought your post was funny, fren

>> No.14929413
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>regaling tales of knuckle scars during a relevant discussion

holy shit you are a faggot. get some better stories, nerd.

In all seriousness, i have given more blood and skin than i care to admit to the grater jew

>> No.14929437
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OMG WOW ITS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14929460


>> No.14929465

Thanks for the contribution to the thread you cooklet.

>> No.14929490

Has anyone actually posted stuff they cooked? I posted 2 things and got one shitty comment.

Trying to get this going, but it seems hopeless if you actually want to talk about food and see stuff other people cooked.

>> No.14929495

lmao cooking is for faggots. buy fast food like everyone else

>> No.14929505

I was just kidding
and bumping the thread
is your mascara running?

>> No.14929514

Because they're here from reddit

>> No.14929519
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Haha tru, idk what I was thinking. You excited they brought the Steak, Egg, & Cheese bagel back at Mcdicks?

I honestly missed it so much and wasn't sure if it would comeback after covid. Didn't realize how much I liked these until I was hungover and realized I couldn't fuckin get it anymore.

>> No.14929525

Lol nah I posted fast food. >>14929519

I just like all food and have no outlet to discuss it socially as much as I would like.

>> No.14929775

did you post the cheeseburger mac with pickles?

>> No.14929807

No I posted the udon and the burrito.

Idk what that other thing was.

>> No.14929831

These were me

>> No.14929847
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They're done!

>> No.14929869

What did you cook those in? Also what are you having with them?

>> No.14929882
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My air fryer :^)

I'm having Brussels sprouts and a bowl of ground beef

>> No.14929894

Then add some mayo for some extra fat. I call it "burger salad"

>> No.14929896
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>> No.14929901
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A nice comfy pic with some rustic ambiance

>> No.14929933

Kek, we all have brother

>> No.14929973

You know, Anon, just when I think this place couldn't possibly get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!

>> No.14930029

>no outlet to discuss it socially as much as I would like.
do you need more (You)'s

>> No.14930039

You do you man. you watchin on the ipad?

>> No.14930041

Or more things to comment on. You got something to post?

>> No.14930083
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Sam Hyde at Rutgers
Thanks anon, you too!

>> No.14930111

Whenever I read these "my wife and her boyfriend" posts or anything like it I just think of two girls trying out polygamy rather than cucking now

>> No.14930164
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I don't take pictures of my food, very often
I might have two but one I posted earlier this week and a couple years ago
the other was posted a couple years ago
pic related I found this mushroom on an expedition to New Guinea when I went to watch the birds of paradise court.
it's almost as tall as a person and when it's in the presence of a woman it shines bright. quite remarkable really
I didn't realize it's true properties until many years later when a nurse came to my house after a surgery. it then started to light up. how sad

>> No.14930178


>> No.14930186

What did I just read

>> No.14931741


This is a gay post. You are gay.

>> No.14931751

Looks disgusting.