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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14920559 No.14920559 [Reply] [Original]

Post and rate each other foods.

Roasted home raised pigeon with potato cubes. Homemade bacon and roasted cèpes and tartine of pigeon heart liver and juniper.

>> No.14920568

first of all theres no such thing as "home made bacon". you dont have the factory equipment necessary to make bacon.
second, never eat pigeons. Theyre called flying rats for a reason.
Have you ever heard of presentation? looks like a plate o' messy

>> No.14920569

>second, never eat pigeons. Theyre called flying rats for a reason.
spotted the American

>> No.14920571

pigeons eat whatever scraps and filthy shit they find.

>> No.14920577

I have my own pigs in my own farm fucking yankee. I also have an aviary and i give my pigeon the finest grain. Its an everyday plate. What do you eat ? Fucking tendies ?

>> No.14920581

you sir, don't know what you are talking about. Pigeon is delicious, and bacon is easy to make at home if you have a smoker. No need for "factory equipment".

>> No.14920606

Why are americans so dumb?

>> No.14920812

He said home raised pigeons

>> No.14921071

Not wood pigeons. And besides, bacteria eat shit and rotting flesh, the plants eat bacteria leaving in the soil, and pretty much everything you eat eats plants

>> No.14922434


He meant like cutting up a pig and making some proper slices by hand. I think. Am also American, a city one too. Actually not sure how hard it is to cut up a pig. Probably take a little doing though. Idk.

>> No.14922447


So do you like, legit farm or is it just big enough where you just kinda eat for free often? Do you sell product?

>> No.14922477

Fancy words for shit that doesn't look that appetizing. The pigeon is unevenly cooked, that spread looks absolutely foul, and whole rosemary leaves in your potatoes? What the fuck. 3/10

>> No.14922501
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>cooking flying rat

>> No.14922544

>Roasted home raised pigeon with potato cubes. Homemade bacon and roasted cèpes and tartine of pigeon heart liver and juniper.
Looks tasty enough, though your presentation is sloppy. Also everything is quite beige. You lack vegetables; mushrooms don't count.

>> No.14922671

Yes a real farm. Yes i do sell products.

>> No.14922678

Cèpes is a mushroom that i don't know the translation of. Tartine is a french word for something spread on bread im french i don't know the english for it. Can you do better ? Because you sound a bit too jewish to my taste old pall

>> No.14922686

I mean its food it just need to taste great right ? Its like an everyday meal so i didn't bother.

>> No.14922692

Its tasty and pretty great if you raised it yourself. Why don't you try different meat yankee ? And no burger is not a meat.

>> No.14922827

in burgerland, french words are fancy and pretentious regardless of what they are. Fion suintant sounds like something city slickers pay too much money for to impress their friends

>> No.14923176

Dude thats awesome !

>> No.14923188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14923321
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Here's my mother holding some homemade bacon.
We butcher a pig once a year, usually around Christmas.
We buy him when he's little from a local farmer and visit him regularly to rub his snout and feed him treats. That way we know we get a good and happy pig.

>> No.14923395

your mom looks kind of hot

>> No.14923420

she is. sometimes even lets me give her foot massages.

>> No.14923441

I'm curious, what does pigeon taste like? How does it compare to chicken? My mom told me about marinated pigeon because that's what she ate in her childhood. She told me the meat was harder and not that great, I never tried myself since I never saw any pigeon meat sold in my city

>> No.14923448

I make homemade bacon all the time. All you have to do is cut hotdogs into thin strips.

>> No.14923489

You can just buy the piece you need to make bacon.

It's not like you can't make steak at home because you have to slaughter a cow yourself.

>> No.14923545
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Thanks, anon. She does try to stay fit.

Gamey, but not VERY gamey.
Not a lot of meat on them either, but you can get a really nice gravy if you braise them.

>> No.14923634

Interesting, if I ever see some pigeon sold somewhere, I'll give it a shot

>> No.14923678
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>> No.14924027

It taste strong maybe like a mix of duck and quail. The meat is darker and dont make strings like chicken does. Its really great. You need to cook it in a dutch hoven with thyme inside and lard/bacon on top.

>> No.14924256

Eating pidgeon is nothing new, there are even quality restaurants that serve it

>> No.14924281

Holy shit, the flyover seeping from this post.

>> No.14924296

is that MPW?

>> No.14924344

Nice, OP. Damn nice.