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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 196x257, Spicyfoodisevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14909220 No.14909220 [Reply] [Original]

What is up with this guy?
I made his tandoori chicken and it was not spicy at all.
I have noticed that his description of food is sometimes very different from what seems normal to me.
Is his pallet just fucked up or is he a hack.

>> No.14909223

Cute femboy in that pic op

>> No.14909242

Dude is a legit idiot who has convinced himself he is a genius. It happens a lot in our society where being a blind follower is rewarded in universities.

>> No.14909252

Indian here, why are people so obsessed with Tandoori chicken? This isn't a white people thing in particular, it's just such a popular dish and I can't see how it's any better than fried chicken.

>> No.14909265
File: 428 KB, 655x449, 1601326171439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a hardcore gay sauna addict. Literally pozzed daily.

I met him in a gay sauna in 2009.

>> No.14909267

I really liked his sloppy gero.

I am in the middle of nowhere, I have never had indian food before and I wanted to try it, no restaurants so I cooked some myself, I grew up on mexican food so maybe its not as hot as it has been hyped up to be but this guy is kind of a pussy when it comes to hot food

>> No.14909276

the geros were the only food he made that I have liked, but I made those first so I made the mistake of trying his other recipes

>> No.14909313

Can anybody tell me who the man is in OP picture and why I see him constantly on this thread? And why is his mouth permanently open in a :O expression? Is his jaw hinge broken? He's like a one trick pony with his face. Do you think he fucks his girlfriend with his mouth open like that? Jesus christ.

>> No.14909319

Adam Ragusea

He is a food youtuber that makes pretty bland dishes and gets angry when people make fun of him for being scared of spicy food

>> No.14909362

His veggie soup was DISGUSTING

>> No.14909368

Yeah, I need to block his youtube channel

>> No.14909372

Yeah that was a good recipe

>> No.14909374

I think it's his only good one

>> No.14909381

>Says it's fine to fry at hot temperatures with extra virgin olive oil
>All cited research is from olive oil companies

>> No.14909386

His lentil tacos are gross too.

>> No.14909391

I am making his Tikka Masala tomorrow, I hope that it's not vile, I just need to dump in probably twice the chilli powder

>> No.14909435

>make something yourself
>wow why isn't it spicy enough
Are you a literal retard, OP? That can only ever be your fault

>> No.14909443

I put in more than he did, I have not done a yogurt marinade before and I did not expect it to mute the spice so much. There is no way it would be spicy if I used the amount he did.

>> No.14909460

I made his floppy gyro's tonight and can confirm its pretty good.

>> No.14909468
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>rewarded in universities

>> No.14909473

Prager "university" is a "legitimate" "university" and fuck you for saying otherwise

>> No.14909477

The Lentil Tacos are his ugly, retarded womanchild wifes recipe.

>> No.14909483

I actually really liked his veggie soup. If we're talking about the one with white wine and kale.

His black beans however. Dogshit.

>> No.14909503

Prager is literally a Zionist psyop. Their CEO is literally ex Israeli intelligence

>> No.14909508
File: 195 KB, 791x1479, Fagusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14909513

Soif he can't cook why is he running a cooking channel

>> No.14909520

holy shit lmfao

>> No.14909526

oh you want some too?

>> No.14909528


make this instead, his recipe is bullshit

>> No.14909533


>> No.14909543

he does provide some valuable insight in the kitchen, but he isn't perfect. in his last video the modernized spanish omelette is just the traditional one but fried differently. the truly easy technique is to just ditch the fresh potatoes and use kettle cooked chips. just dump the chips into the egg and caramelize the onions while the potatoes are soaking.

>> No.14909550

this plays out like one of those fake comment threads where fucking obama and michael jackson swoop in to give their two cents about the issue.

>> No.14909604

holy shit the SEETHE is unreal

>> No.14909771
File: 845 KB, 800x450, 1591298099338 (1)(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit, what is it that drives Boomers completely fucking insane online?

I cant imagine what he would have said if someone dropped a "cope" in there

>> No.14909789

He must be destroyed

>> No.14909831

What video is this under

>> No.14909839

How do I stop getting this fagtron getting recommended to me? Him and Weisman, and to a lesser extent Babish, are fucking insufferable.

>> No.14909841

Block them on youtube

>> No.14909861

he's white

>> No.14909870

He is the epitome of "white people dont like spicy food"
He even removes spicy from the tahini sauce for euros and that shit is yogurt and garlic. How the fuck does somebody have such a weak tongue

>> No.14909914

It doesn't have to be spicy just flavorful. Tandoor means the way it's cooked on a tandoor which gives it that distinct grilled flavour

I'm a 3rd gen coconut indian and even i know this

>> No.14909922

bruh, he said it was spicy in the video, I know what a tandoor is

fucker lied to me

>> No.14909930

You can only be pozzed once ever. There is no cure so you can't get it again.

>> No.14909941

He has another video where he spergs out about being ultra sensitive to spice heat and how there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.14909948

that came out right after his tandoori chicken video, so I am going to guess people agree how his food is kind of bland

>> No.14909964

He caveated it with mild heat for westerners

Which basically means less heat than a franks red hot buffalo wing.

Its just not supposed to be a spicy dish anyway get over it

>> No.14909973

but it should have some heat right?
fucker cant get away with this

>> No.14909975

I've tried, they just keep popping up every once in a while.

>> No.14909982

Not really I don't get any heat when i order from takeaways or when my mum/aunties make it

>> No.14909991

Expecting a meat with a mildly flavoured yogurt marinade to have a punchy level of spice is just kinda daft anon. Why would you even want that? Make a spicy sauce if you want heat.

>> No.14910000

I have always heard that indian food is supposed to be spicy, at least on par with mexican food. I really like hot food so that is kind of a disappointment.

I love spicy food, was not exactly expecting punchy spice but I wanted more heat than I got, this needed probably 50% so I will put more chilli powder in it if I make this again.

>> No.14910014

Why would you expect it to be hot? It's based on americanised fast-food version of Indian cooking (which I assume is just a less healthy version of British Indian fast food).
It's literally designed for 1. Mass consumption and 2. White people.

>> No.14910016


>> No.14910017

hehe the long comment is great ingredient for pasta

>> No.14910018

Anon, Indian dishes aren't spicy because they're indian, there are many mild indian dishes.
You have to actually look for the hot dishes.

>> No.14910024

>I have always heard that indian food is supposed to be spicy, at least on par with mexican food. I really like hot food so that is kind of a disappointment.
I honestly don't think the majority of indian food is spicy it's a bit of a meme at this point. Like "HAHA WHITE BOI CAN'T HANDLE OUR SPICE BROOOO".

Mexican food from what ive tried is genuinely spicy and things like el yucateco sauce are very hot judging from my south asian friends' reactions.

>> No.14910034

I might just stick to mexican food, I love that stuff and if I just fell for the "white people don't like food" meme I should just die

>> No.14910040

It's about as good as fried chicken. Great analogy. The US likes it because it's something out of the ordinary.

>> No.14910052

Apparently ridiculous doses of chemo drugs can cure it randomly. Happened to a couple cancer survivors.

>> No.14910054

He has some good videos and alot of shitty ones. His bolognaise is good and the one about olive oil was game changing for me. Enough to hold his sub from me for now.

>> No.14910058

I say it every thread.
His content is good but he is almost certainly an insufferable faggot.

Ironically /pol/ can't separate the art from the artist.

>> No.14910061

I don't think it's more popular than fried chicken. How obsessed so you think people are with it?

>> No.14910088

>following anything this autismolord says
>getting Indian recipes from people who have running water in their houses
Two giant fucking mistakes. Adam is a giant retard who can't cook and has no culinary background, he literally changed from his professor job when he found that shitposting on YT brought in more money. He has zero passion and loves attention.

https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/ is my go to for most pooinloo recipes you can find in restaurants.

>> No.14910140

As an europoor - his recipes are what I imagine an american mom with above-average knowledge about cooking would make. Not a fan, but to each their own

>> No.14910180

A lot of his content is pretty bad. eg. his awful pizza series. Alot of his videos are rip offs of Marco Pierre White.

>> No.14910201

His pallet must be fucked. Every once and a while I'll use one of his recipes as a template and forget to change the salt. Every time I've done that it winds up being to salty to want to eat. Idk what the fuck is wrong with this guy cause chef John never has issues like this, even banish seems better.

>> No.14910222
File: 97 KB, 1476x867, 716YswN8sDL._AC_SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his pallet

>> No.14910317
File: 49 KB, 1276x226, arspics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adam told spics they don't know spanish better than him. i'm thinking based

>> No.14910352

Who the fuck is following recipes this religiously, down to the exact amount of salt used? You guys are weird. Cook your food how you like it, perhaps?

>> No.14910400

He said he forgets to change the salt, not that he is unwilling to.

>> No.14910404

>stands over a pot and puts two teaspoons of salt in because he "forgot" to add less

>> No.14910414

yeah you know, he glances at the recipe, makes a mental note of needing to adjust it, but instead "two teaspoons" gets stuck in his mind and he just automatically adds that without remembering that he needed to adjust it.

>> No.14910417

he has the palate of a 14 year old white girl.

he makes 'simple' versions of dishes like "durr wow i cant believe people bother with all these redundant steps/ingredients when this tastes the same"
he cant perceive nuance.

>> No.14910424

lmao the fucking semicolons

>> No.14910447

He reminds me for some reason of the 'Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini'-guy.

>> No.14910470

lmao all it took was:
>ceramic stove

>> No.14910509

what an insufferable cunt, he also made some pseudo-e-journalism vid about the dangers of sudden fame relating it to jani lane and the song cherry pie

>> No.14910646

He's right, but the blazing insecurity of saying more than just "google the etymology retard" is hilarious

>> No.14910693

I've only watched him for his vids on pizza dough, or other shit to do with spare dough. Are his recipes really that bad?

>> No.14910743

but he got fired from university, and only became a giant douche as a gradual process of accruing more and more retarded youtube followers.

sounds like exposure to uneducated flyovers is what doomed his personhood :(

>> No.14910785

lmao the cope.

>> No.14910787

Because “fried food bad” is what people have been taught and Tandoori chicken is a relatively easy chicken alternative. Bonus points for being paired with rice which seems to be where millennials get 90% of their carbs and it gives them a reason to use that insta pot they bought

>> No.14910798

wtf are these observations?

>> No.14910805

He knows bits and pieces but has to present it in the most arrogant way possible. He is one of those i fucking love science s o ytards from le_ddit

>> No.14910810

Really or are you messing around? I would believe it Tbh

>> No.14910811

He's a midwit who blindly follows authority figures aka typical leftist retard

>> No.14910815

It's a standard /ck/ trole

>> No.14910826

Jewtube does that for all of their little minions.

>> No.14910908
File: 2.88 MB, 640x640, 15786369700311.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst part is how he cannot fucking pronounce anything properly, and whenever someone corrects him he seethes

>> No.14910955

>Waiting for Ragusea's reaction

>> No.14911268
File: 109 KB, 261x292, rag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 5'8
>His wife tries to bail him out and let him cut his losses by saying he's 5'10
>No I'm 5'8


Adam why would you do this to yourself

>> No.14911276
File: 156 KB, 1067x1046, 1516906364331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14911293

>being under 6 feet
Why are all these annoying faggy youtube chefs manlets?

>> No.14911314

he makes white boomer food videos for white boomers that cant cook
people that get to 35 and decide "i should learn how to make pancakes"

>> No.14911319

>he should put the poisonous tomato leaves in the sauce

Hell yeah

>> No.14911326

like 90% of the population outside the netherlands?

>> No.14911339

Oof, that sucks.

>> No.14911340


>> No.14911396
File: 131 KB, 1191x797, atom ragusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe he is only 5'9

>> No.14911403

I don't think 14 year old white girls love vinegar

>> No.14911599

this has been debunked actually

>> No.14911632

add a teaspoon of chili powder, you should be good

>> No.14911640

I just thought they were just typical Italian whingers, then they decided to be based.

>> No.14911793

Adam was 100% in the right, this commenter was a douche and would never have the balls to speak so bluntly in real life.
As a public figure that's a bad move but at the end of the day it shows that he isn't just an empty shill, he gets things to heart

>> No.14911807

Is this cat real and of so how does it get out?

>> No.14911815

>here's the etemology of the word
>uh.. but "cake" has a modern usage which contradicts that...
big brain time

>> No.14911817

Babish is tall tho

>> No.14911864
File: 711 KB, 868x649, ahhhhthestoveistoohigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he's not

>> No.14911872

His food is exactly what most americans think liberals make, under spiced, over salted, bland food.

Have you noticed he really hates garlic too? He puts almost none in most of his dishes.

not really, but they are way dumbed down to the point the food quality suffers and drastically under seasoned, other people are much better.

>> No.14911888


>> No.14911889

His slander body have me this impression I guess, I still wouldn't call him short he's at least average

>> No.14911895

Why are boomers so easy to trigger?

>> No.14911899

nothing wrong with that
only virgins on 4chan and dumb women on tinder looking for an experience they'll never get think height matters

>> No.14911901

Cake still has the old meaning today, but using it that way when talking about food is poor communication, especially for a journalism professor.

>> No.14911905

Tandoori chicken isn't really meant to be spicy. Course if you want it spicier you wouldn't follow the recipe to the letter.

>> No.14911919

Hi, Adam.

>> No.14912315
File: 193 KB, 860x650, 1601493068151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ceramic stove
Like Pottery

>> No.14912412
File: 5 KB, 307x164, 2deanr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need to put your glasses on?

>> No.14912453

I have never had tandoori chicken or any other indian food before. I think I fell for a faggot meme that indian food is spicy

>> No.14912502

why is he so obsessed with food burning? i think i've burned a sauce or something like 3-4 times in my life meanwhile he's concerned about it in every fucking video.

>> No.14912592

>standing on his tip toes in boots and is barely the same height as some chick
i got bad news for you heightlet

>> No.14912628

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.14912731

Good analysis

>> No.14913059

woah, I never thought of it that was before.

also I made the chicken tikka masala, it was pretty okay, but I had to put 50% more of spices than he used.

>> No.14913089


>> No.14913150
File: 4 KB, 162x47, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting youtube celeb shit

>> No.14913271

Brainlet here, what's wrong with putting parm rinds in the sauce as it simmers? Why are they butthurt? I thought that was what you were supposed to do with cheese rinds.

>> No.14913530

nothing, it is what you do unless you are a brainlet

>> No.14913595


i thought they are okay but i dont know shit

got a recipe?

>> No.14913605

at least weisman's recipes are good, at least the ones i've tried. but i agree, he's an obnoxious prick.

>> No.14913640

So then why are the chefs getting mar about it?

>> No.14913644

Based copy pasta.

>> No.14913733

the whole video is about pasta al pommodori, not some weird ass american tomato sauce, hence they are saying it's not how it's done in italy

>> No.14913765

For all the jokes of calling you guys street shitters you have some decent food that is passed down from mother to daughter. Us white people are lucky to have a mediocre indian restaurant.

>> No.14913767

imagine being so angry at the world that you have to mock them for giving 1 mil+ subscribers to people who are shorter than you

>> No.14913786

he's 5'10~11, not that it really matters

>> No.14913788

Wait he was fired from his teaching job? Link?

>> No.14913802

youtube Italians are the worst, they go onto every single fucking video to complain about how not Italian whatever recipe is

you know what's not fucking Italian? Italian food. Fucking nerds use tomatoes and pasta in everything. Hey guess what, tomatoes are from fucking America and pasta is from fucking China. Get fucked you World War losing cunts. I'm gonna go eat a thick slice of 'za.

>> No.14913812

by that measure all US food is stolen from stolen food, you absolute brainlet

>> No.14913815

Is any food not stolen?

>> No.14913821

Yeah? Okay, fine. So fucking what. It's not like Americans are going on every fucking video about a hamburger or jambalaya saying THIS ISN'T REAL AMERICAN FOOD REEEEEEEEE MASS DOWNBOAT

>> No.14913831

except you faggots do the same exact thing. Put beans in chili= OMG NO YOU CANT DO THAT

>> No.14913833

The fuck? Its the other way around, americans love beans in chilli

>> No.14913839

Be honest with yourself, how many comments do you see about beans in chili on a YT video? Three, four maybe?

Go to any video of anyone making Italian food. Holy fucking shit. And it's one thing if someone's fucking up the food, but you'll have some guy making an Italian recipe perfectly, and all the godamn homelanders will pop in with their incessant MAMA MIA bullshit about authenticity.

>> No.14913844

sorry but your claim has already been debunked by snopes, sweaty

>> No.14913847

you're being dishonest, texans are equally obnoxious about this as you claim italians are

>> No.14913860

I am not the guy complaining about italians

Texians can be shitty about that sometimes but southern chilli has beans, pretty sure its the preferred chilli in every state

>> No.14913878

then those texans are just hypocritical if they are complaining about italians, end of story

>> No.14913884


>> No.14913906

you faggots cant even read italian, how are you THIS sure as to what they are saying? to me you sound like you're making shit up

>> No.14913954

Italians speak English you faggot.

>> No.14913960

some of them do, but almost no americans speak italian. you're making baseless claims

>> No.14913964


>> No.14914093

lmao. Women suck at spatial estimation.

>> No.14914192
File: 919 KB, 800x550, Cocknsfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women also suck my cock lmao

>> No.14914282
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>> No.14914286

he is just a shitter

>> No.14914338

this shit was fucking nasty lmoa

>> No.14914344

>mac and processed cheese

do americans really?

>> No.14914345


>> No.14914348
File: 271 KB, 1300x1300, 000081261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American, his cooking and recommendations horrify me. Anyone buying Kraft singles is subhuman.

>> No.14914349

id tell you to kill yourself but youve already ingested some ultra processed trash that will make you neck yourself eventually

>> No.14914352

I hate the stuff, but that shit is super popular for some reason, it tastes like what gym socks smell like

>> No.14914360

Watch his video on how to make pizza without a pizza stone and cringe your fucking ass off. He legit puts the dough on the fucking grate. This guy is a fucking retard and I hate him.
Soyboy piece of shit

>> No.14914361

I know. They always think I have a small penis. Nothing I say convinces them how large it is. They just can't see it.

>> No.14914373
File: 62 KB, 1026x281, Screenshot_20201017-132811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fishing for replies lads

>> No.14914547

Tell us if you get anything

>> No.14914561

Why would you want to soak the chips though?

>> No.14914569

What are you favorite good cooking youtube channels? I like Internet Shaquille.

>> No.14914636

how many paragraphs is he gonna write in response?

>> No.14914641

I'll have to wait, he's probably still asleep right now

>> No.14914646

Babish is decent, tho I assume he's a massive cuck behind the scenes his vids are nice.

>> No.14914724

kenji lopez alt

>> No.14914770

soup is kind of hard to fuck up if it has everything it needs in it, what's wrong with it?

tried the black beans, had to almost triple
every seasoning and add my own shit, granted he was making it "vegan"

this sounds nasty and retarded

>> No.14914780

I dropped this fag when he kept complaining about people making fun of his "uhhhmm" and has to make a pathetic post explaining his "uhmmm"

Then he did another pathetic post explaining himself "uhmm defunding the police doesn't mean taking funds away from police just relocating the fund to other government stuff".
Bitch was talking way more about non food shit than food and cooking

>> No.14914781

so completely ass mad, didn't even say anything bad fucking le redditor ass bitch

>> No.14915016

this looks like a poorly animated rendering

>> No.14915354

he looks like a psycho

>> No.14915381

>Then he did another pathetic post explaining himself "uhmm defunding the police doesn't mean taking funds away from police just relocating the fund to other government stuff".
>Bitch was talking way more about non food shit than food and cooking
Woah, I knew he was an idiot liberal, but that's downright stupidmode logic missing.

>> No.14915414

Hey pajeet, learn english.

>> No.14915503

Italia Squisita
J Kenji-Lopez-Alt
Food Wishes
French Cooking Academy
Cooking in Russia
Bruno Albouze

>> No.14915569

>Internet Shaquille
I don't get him, he's making active efforts to emulate the behaviour of a far, he has friends that talk like him (like fags) yet he is unironically married to a woman, so what gives? Does he just love to acts like a flamboyant caricature or is it something that exists in whatever subculture he's part of?

Anyways, most of this videos aren't very good cooking wise, but some are gems and I like his persona nonetheless

>> No.14915574

Try french guy cooking Alex (now just Alex) if you're into the whole cook with a thick french accent gimmick.

>> No.14916001

"Tortita" might be more appropriate, even then, the attitude of this faggot.

>> No.14916350

Oh you want some too?

>> No.14916380

Did he use a tandoori oven to make his tandoori chicken? Because if he didn't, it isn't tandoori chicken.

>> No.14916440

pretty sure he's around 5'8-9

>> No.14916481

Say what you want about Adam but his anti-elitism attitude is pretty based.

>> No.14916526

No. His anti-elitism facade only exists to project his own elitism. The dude's retarded and obviously egotistical

>> No.14916542

i think he used a charcoal grill

>> No.14916563

Is his tikka masala recipe a good base if you want it to come out sweet and creamy? There's a local Indian place I'm trying to copy, but no matter what I try I can't get it as creamy or sweet (in a sweet tomato sort of way, not like just dumping sugar in) as theirs.

>> No.14916566
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 35hp79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He pretty explicitly says in the video that the amount of chili powder he's adding was mild heat, and to add more chili powder if you want it to be spicier. Maybe next time actually pay attention to the recipe

>> No.14916576

He made charcoal grill chicken then

>> No.14916578

t. Adam

>> No.14916581

t. Retard who can't follow basic instructions

>> No.14916587

t. Adam who can't take basic criticism

>> No.14916592

I'm surd he said it's not taking ALL funding from police, because what you paraphrased makes no sense otherwise. It's actually a conservative idea, by the way. Minimising funding to government institutions and saying they need to spend more efficiently is right wing ideology. Republicans should look into it.

>> No.14916594

So what exactly is the criticism then?

>> No.14916611

he's probably browsing this thread cmon son

>> No.14916643

Babish is a stage name. Call the bald faggot Andrew

>> No.14916646

so has this guy replaced babish as /ck/'s fav foodtuber?

>> No.14916739

Agree 100%. His talk about how it's ok for everyone to cook European food, but Europeans can not cook spic food, was just insane.
Literal insanity.

>> No.14916849

I don't give a single FUCK if it's ONLY to project his own elitism, it is ALWAYS valid to put yourself above dumbass elitists no matter the motive.

>> No.14916860

The projection of this has left the stratosphere

>> No.14916877

This is your brain on poverty-stoves.

>> No.14916920

Okay he got easily trigged and it's pretty embarrassing but like, who gives a fuck?

>> No.14916966

>kenji lopez called fagusea in one of his most recent videos
>like a fly attracted to shit, fagusea had to defend himself in the comment section

>> No.14917131


>> No.14917160

For anyone else observing this thread and thinking I flew off the handle for no reason, let's break this down a bit. Why did this asshole leave this comment? To be an asshole. To say something insulting. To make himself feel big by making someone else feel small. Insults are common on the internet, but why I'm mad about this one is just how profoundly off-base it is, and how it perpetuates chefy elitist notions that I think harm people who are just trying to cook dinner for their families. You can cook something great on any kind of functional stove. All different types have their pros and cons. Restaurants traditionally prefer gas for a reason, but a lot of them are also migrating to ceramic induction for a reason (that will be the subject of Monday's video). Electric resistance coil is more popular in U.S. homes for a reason. It's cheap, lots of homes here dont have gas hook-ups, and the ceramic ones are a lot easier to clean, which is literally all i said in the video that prompted this guy to leave his shitty comment. I cleaned a bad mess on my stove, I remarked at how easy it was to clean, and said that glass-top stoves have their virtues (i.e. they're easy to clean). People cooking at home don't have to do what "chefs" do. In many cases, I think they SHOULDN'T do what chefs do. Professional chefs and people cooking at home have different needs. I'll urge you to read that Consumer Report article I linked to. A lot of things that people assume are better about gas actually arent better when you put them in head to head tests. One thing you can certainly say is that electric stoves generally put out more BTUs, which is why lots of recipes written by professional chefs using gas are often bad advice for people cooking at home on electric. I literally once saw Jamie Oliver advocate pre-heating a teflon pan on high heat for 20 minutes before searing a steak in it. If you did that on an electric burner, you melt the teflon and you'd certainly incinerate your steak.

>> No.14917198

you’re not for real are you?
that was the gayest fucking thing I’ve ever read and I sure the fuck hope you didn’t actually type all that out
go change your fucking tampon

>> No.14917202

>being this new

>> No.14917204

fucking newfag lmao

>> No.14917206

you're a fucking retard anon

>> No.14917216

It's fun watching potential new lolcow start out.

>> No.14917218

J kenji Lopez Alt is the only tolerable food youtuber, even if he is a faggot ass raging "male feminist" type

>> No.14917223

it was garlic noodles if i remember correctly, about 3 minutes in or something

>> No.14917247

is this cp edited or is the discusions of kinds of stoves a regularity on this board?

>> No.14917251

the original was too long to be posted here

>> No.14917278


>> No.14917328

I tried his honey Chipotle shrimp and it made such a MESS in my sheet pan that I almost threw the thing out. And then the dish was like bland and boring. I like some of what he says, but I think he's full of himself and argues for things that aren't really that well thought-out.

>> No.14917332

>why do people like tandoori-ed chicken with a flavourful marinade
Because a good one can be fucking amazing

>> No.14917410

>mild heat for westerners
More like mild heat for weak fucks, even in Ingurland you can find spicy shit everywhere, it's just weaksauce amerigans who seem to suffer from the ol' spicy tongue.

>> No.14917499

I love how under that comment he's ignoring all of the people who don't give a shit and are just asking questions about how to cook the dish while only responding to the people trolling him.

>> No.14917563

i'm sure he gets off from criticism and thinking how hard he can 'own' the trolls in his own mind

>> No.14917707

this dude is a faggot but holy fuck the seethe here is unreal.

this manlet is literally living rent-free in your heads. why is /ck/ so much sadder than /v/ bros

>> No.14917808

I did add more chilli powder you faggot. It was pretty bland with more than he called for so that means what he calls mild is just bland as fuck

>> No.14917818

he's white, what do you expect?
white people are weaklings who are currently being replaced

>> No.14917820

If he is

He's a fucking bad cook, home cooking doesn't mean the food quality has to suffer. Put more seasonings in your food, you have a weak as pussy tongue.

>> No.14917841

Depending who you ask its just whites or just liberals who hate food with flavor here, my money is on liberals, because even white people like hot food.

>> No.14917864

I really think its just liberals that hate spicy food, or maybe seasonings in general. Most of the whites I know can handle spicy food

>> No.14917871

what does this have to do with liberals exactly? i'm a democratic socialist and i'm sure i eat a lot spicier than you do

>> No.14917885
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I liked his pan pizza video. Tried making one myself, liked it a lot.
I'm really limited in terms of space - both for the kitchen itself and for kitchen appliances.

>> No.14917927
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 1560094280470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did add more chilli powder you faggot. It was pretty bland with more than he called for so that means what he calls mild is just bland as fuck

>> No.14917936

I doubt you eat spicier food than I do. Pretty much all the left leaning people I know hate spicy food and most of the right leaning people enjoy it. Overall its probably as accurate as saying any group doesn't do something. It represents the people I know and may or may not represent America as a whole.

>> No.14917985

Adam is reading this and probably crying with anger

>> No.14918144

Weisman is cool tho

>> No.14918148

he isnt

>> No.14918175

can't argue with that

>> No.14918178

You're not funny, Adam, please stop you're scaring the children

>> No.14918223
File: 64 KB, 758x644, 6f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is and my opinion is the only one that matters

>> No.14918259

Haha really what the fuck

>> No.14918271


>> No.14918285

Yeah, but his sex life is better than ever now that he has opened up his life to trolls. He just vents all that rage in aggressive and vigorous screwing that his wife thought him incapable of. One time he almost managed to bring her to climax unilaterally.

>> No.14918286

Can we all agree that that Ethan whatever is far better and less pretentious than Adam "here's 500 scientific studies to back up my cooking method" Ragusea?

>> No.14918296

What's an alternative to wine that he keeps using to deglaze?

My parents are muslim and won't allow that in the house or their food when i cook

>> No.14918302

He has sex?

>> No.14918303

Some sweetened vinegar mixed with water.

>> No.14918309

>Ethan whatever is far better and less pretentious
Oh no no no. He has a personality disorder.

>> No.14918310

Killing yourself to end up with 30 fat, sweaty 4chan virgins you worthless sandborne FUCK.

>> No.14918314

Homemade Demi-Glace

>> No.14918317

The liquid fron a jar of sun dried tomatoes mixed with some vinegar, preferably red wine vinegar if they're not the virtue signalling type who will refuse that.

>> No.14918320

lol I don't believe you Adam, go back for the pegging sessions.

>> No.14918337

What'd he men's by this?

>> No.14918370
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Holy shit he's lost it

>> No.14918416
File: 49 KB, 220x125, dp-wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bone apple tit

>> No.14918421

Hahaha. Fucking ace.

>> No.14918477

meanwhile adam has never even see a kitchen before. if he ever started a restaurant they'd probably be cooking on ceramic stoves

>> No.14918538

first of all, fuck you, second of all, i make more money than you, dickhead

>> No.14918609

You're a fucking square. Just like the sponsor of this post, squarespace

>> No.14918712

Suck my cock faggot

>> No.14918971

Hes just a fag

>> No.14919029

I fucking hate Sohla so much

>> No.14919215
File: 39 KB, 731x498, adam2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this post got deleted and user probably banned

so he's actually a closeted trump fan to his audience?

>> No.14919448
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did feel that a former journalist who worked as a professor and is famous for getting in qualified experts and scientists wasn't exactly trump's base group

>> No.14919513


>> No.14919518

europoids can't cook
case closed

>> No.14919544

The fuck is a europoid

>> No.14919600

Foodlet here why is ceramic bad?

>> No.14919604
File: 701 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20201018-155046_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy traches people how to cook

>> No.14919725

is that vomit

>> No.14919767

Ceramic is the least efficient and lowest control cooking style you can use.

Gas gives you full control over the heat at all times. When you turn it on, it immediately reaches whatever heat level you set it to. If you turn it off, the heat goes off, and for most pans that means it'll stop heating. No waiting forever for things to warm up, no foods boiling in a soggy grey mess while waiting to get to searing heat.

IH is comparable to gas. You get very quick heat-up times, and the heat is generated in the pan rather than the stove so you don't have to wait for an inefficient transfer of heat to pan. But it's still electric so it could take a bit. And it has to be in full contact with a ferro-electric pan, so if you use the wrong kind of pan or have poor contact, then you're screwed, which means no woks.

Ceramic is the fucking worst. It's like you're heating up a pan under the pan. How inefficient can you get? It has its place in 70s kitchens, but it's 2020 now and there is zero reason to use it over gas or IH.

>> No.14919779

Adam is fucking trash. I banned him from my youtube. I prefer babish over his trash channel.

>> No.14919827

>It's actually a conservative idea.
I'm not a neocon, faggot

>> No.14919856

Wildly underrated post

>> No.14919867

Take your big government and shove it all the way up your anal cavity, cuck.

>> No.14919920

J kenji also goes on racist rants about white people on twitter all the time, and just the other day tried to say he was the only "POC" on staff at seriouseats for clout and then his coworkers called him out and he cried and apologized.

>> No.14919956

holy fuck, how does that cat get out of there without breaking the eggs? Is it even real?

>> No.14919965

Somebody should put him in his place

>> No.14919970

Anyone here watch Brothers Green Eats back in the day and see what's happened with them the last year or 2? The tall brother took control of the channel and made it slightly more serious, while the other one made his own new channel where he wears women's clothing and is depressed. Shit is hilarious.

>> No.14919990

LOL awesome. I'd do that if I could, too.

>> No.14920000

He’s not europoid, he’s jewish

>> No.14920009

>>>>>>>>>>>spanish vomelet

>> No.14920033

That sounds about like what I'd expect of the soboy cucked by his vegan wife.

>> No.14920045

Lol'd I just saw he's gone full on hippy dippy weirdo running around barefoot and his video from 7 months ago, not even that long after they ended the channel and he went to be whipped by his vegan wife, is about getting divorced. Damn who didn't see that coming?

>> No.14920048

fucking checked, jews ruin everything

>> No.14920057

I check every couple months to see how far he's fallen. I fully expect him to live anhero at some point.

>> No.14920071

I'll be joining you in that.

>> No.14920621


>> No.14920745

No, a right wing idea would be to cut governmental expenses overall, but never by sacrificing army and police. These have to be well-paid and highly qualified.

>> No.14921312

Exactly, cut other shit but not what protects citizens.

>> No.14921387

It's sactificing nothing. What's magical about police organizations that they don't become bloated and inefficient the way other government organizations are? Don't be fucking stupid. It's basic economics.

>> No.14921984
File: 10 KB, 249x249, 1524253389340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OFFICIAL food youtube tierlist

Chef John > SteveMRE > YSAC > Babish > Ragusea = Ethan Chlebowski > Weissman

>> No.14922155
File: 16 KB, 355x355, 1582447251316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ragusea finally becomes popular
>redditcu/ck/s start hating him

its like pottery

>> No.14922174

soychad shit, incels dont understand

>> No.14922180

He became an asshole shortly after he gained popularity. See >>14909508. His videos have good production value and he knows how to present to camera. But the more famous he's gotten the less he's been able to handle that fame, and the harder he's pushed back on every little bit of disagreement or criticism he's received. This has come out in the comments primarily, but also in the videos themselves.

Makes it a lot harder to like the guy.

>> No.14922192

you know i might be crazy but I watch his videos for the content within them not the wars in comments he has

he makes stuff that is decently suited for homecooking, unlike that fag weissman

>> No.14922221

I agree, but his comments used to be a part of that content, with good advice in there. The last time I watched one of his videos they were just pinned, preemptive attacks on his viewers. And it has slipped into the videos at least a few times. I don't know if it's a consistent thing, as I stopped watching when I first noticed it entering his videos.

>> No.14922234
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, Pizza grilled on oven grates — crispy bottom without a stone or steel - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he makes stuff that is decently suited for homecooking

>> No.14922246

I know what you mean, but at the same time he is just replying to 100 same comments he's gonna get in advance, eg. why X instead of Y and so on. Dealing with 15 year olds on the Internet all day can def make you a bit grumpy.

>> No.14922255

The entire idea behind this video was to show a possible way to make pizza that has some actual colour without having to buy a pizza stone/steel. What are you on about, anon?

>> No.14922273

I don't really think that gives him a pass. I've dropped other people who actively started to try to make their content unappealing to certain demographics as well. When you try to make your content unappealing to someone, don't be surprised that succeeding turns you off to more people than the ones you were trying to get rid of.

>> No.14922294

>convoluted ass-backwards method that will make a giant mess in your oven if you fuck up even slightly
>instead of spending 30 dollars on a pizza stone
Ah yes, simple home-cooking for the everyday working man

>> No.14922301

>nooooooooooooooo you can't do what I paid to do for free, that's illegal
Consoomers really are like this.

>> No.14922304

him being this stuck-up celeb is YOUR perception
the dude acts like typical sperg in a comments section of a cooking website
this is not because all his "youtube success" got to his head

i swear some of you fuckers are the types that would get soy-faced surprised when they meet their heroes in real life and find out they still act like normal human beings

>> No.14922323


>have to spend money with which I could feed myself for a week where I live in
>have to preheat that shit for like an hour
>heavy and you have to find place to store it

>> No.14922333

Autistic people given even the slightest attention end up becoming stuck-up e-celebs invariably. You've stumbled upon an accurate correlation, yes, in that most people on this shithole of a website have the same personality type as the e-celebs they criticize and would suffer the same flaws if given such attention, but Youtube success does clearly get to people's heads in the process.

>> No.14922359

I'm not saying it's because he let it go to his head or that he's some stuck-up celeb. That's not what I mean. He can't handle the fame because he has a thin skin and doesn't take criticism well. Fame includes a lot of feedback, negative or positive, and he's honing in hard on the negative. I believe one of the last few videos I watched of his, I think the first Q&A he even said something similar to that. People who react this way to fame in my experience usually either can't handle criticism or are opposed to the supposed (or stated) values of some subset of their fanbase (eg. 4chan).

I think he was a probably okay person who became an ass the more successful he got, because he felt more cornered and more defensive, and has let more and more ugly sides of his personality come out, to the point that he absolutely rips into a - as you put it - normal human being for commenting how gas stoves are better. I expect other humans to try to remember that, especially when they've got a whole fanbase at their disposal that they can throw around.

>> No.14922364

PragerU is purified and distilled NeoCon bullshit. Example: their video on the Iraq war, any video on Israel.

>> No.14922425

>I think he was a probably okay person who became an ass the more successful he got
people can be an ass even if theyre successful or not
why cant you understand this?
hes acts like any regular person

people like babish and even chef john can act like this
the only difference is that you saw adam get mad and it somehow changed your initial perception of him

>> No.14922462
File: 235 KB, 381x307, purepassion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only hate him cuz i accidentally click on his videos sometimes thinking theyre from the french guy

>> No.14922466

>someone acts like an asshole in a public forum
>man i think that guy might be kind of an asshole
bro, i get that, that does not mean that people need to appreciate his assholery

>> No.14922488

>the only difference is that you saw adam get mad and it somehow changed your initial perception of him
No, I've seen him be an ass consistently, actually. That's the difference, and why I no longer watch his stuff. And yes, people can behave how he does at any level of fame. But the amount of fame he has is going to lead him to have more 'criticism' and set him to have a shorter and shorter fuse. It's simple.