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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14918110 No.14918110 [Reply] [Original]

Why do americans eat so much?

>> No.14918126

Because there's a pervasive sense of hopelessness and dissatisfaction creeping through our society and we try to fight it back with food, alcohol and shopping.

>> No.14918142

We need a lot of energy to power our large brains

>> No.14918150

I feel like if people can do something, they will do something. No matter how much you nag them.

>> No.14918152

Wrong retard. It’s because we vastly underestimate the amount of calories that are in the foods we eat because the average American is ignorant as fuck on the subject of nutrition

>> No.14918156

Holy shit. Can I get a state specific demographic for this? I live in texas and even I can't get past 1800cals on a cheat day

>> No.14918165

holy shit a talking skeleton

>> No.14918167


>> No.14918172
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Because they can. Can we all say the same ? I'm talking to you Canada.

>> No.14918173

I liked the first guy’s answer better, but you’re both wrong. It’s because our economy has become service based. The cost of food has plummeted and yet a huge portion of the population relies on a restaurant or waiting job as their source of income. So with massive competition places sell 2000 calorie meals for $10 just to stay in business lest they be accused of being “cheap” or having “small portions”

>> No.14918180

Who can afford to eat at restaurants every day though?

>> No.14918200

A lot of people?

I certainly used to do it for lunch and eat gas station pizza every day because I hated Walmart and was an alcoholic so going to the store after work took away from drinking time.

Thank god for the app and pickup.

Otherwise (and this is related to the OP), massive amounts of marketing in store cause people to impulse buy shitty food and think it’s okay to snack on it 6 times a day so your body just keeps storing and storing it as fat. Furthermore, sugar/carbs is like fucking crack whereas you eat small amounts of it and keep craving it next thing you know you’re obese.

>> No.14918214

because im a fat fuck

>> No.14918238

Right, but I, as somebody who is nutritionally and calorically “aware”, I can tell you that the meal I just ate is 1400 calories and that I only need to eat 1100 more for the day before I am at maintenance. The problem is knowledge, not portions. People shouldn’t need babysitters to look out for their every need

>> No.14918315

Yeah I work labor and lift and still have to force myself to eat at a surplus. I've been stuck at 185 for 2 months now. I just get so uncomfortable eating that much

>> No.14918332

america is a nation of SIN.


it would be God's justice if yellowstone erupts tomorrow and wipes out the entire country.

>> No.14918347
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Based post though

>> No.14918350

Processed foods are high in calories but not very satiating which leads to overeating. Americans eat too much white flour instead of whole grains, too much sugar instead of fruit, etc. and just not enough vegetables in general.

>> No.14918379

1800 calories is a satisfying meal you soyboy beta cuck

>> No.14918392

we've got the FREEDOM to become barely sentient hamlords

>> No.14918406

How is diabetes going?

>> No.14918499
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>>Where do you workout?
>The drive through

>> No.14918535

What kind of manlet twink only needs 2500 calories a day?

>> No.14918554
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>> No.14918897

This is what I had for dinner in the last month. Am I fat?

Split pea soup
Split pea soup
Chicken sandwich
Patty melt
Beef stew
Beef stew
Chicken sandwich
Ribeye sandwich
Beef stew
Sub sandwich
Lobster cakes
Italian beef sandwich

>> No.14918907

we eat hyper-palatable processed foods that are engineered in lab to be overeaten.

>> No.14918920

Even in 1961 Americans still ate like fatties. The only difference is the average person actually went outside and exercised then so they were still in shape

>> No.14918928

people ate less processed food/takeout

>> No.14918931
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>eat 2600 calories a day
>morbidly obese

>> No.14918947

Not enough burgers tbqhf

>> No.14918948

90% of it is the caloric intake
exercise mostly only helps keep weight off if you're not already overweight
if you're fat, exercise does little to nothing to help get you back to a normal weight
eating less.. a LOT less.. is the main thing
otherwise you will always be fat

>> No.14918951

Sugar is an addictive substance with no nutritional value which induces hunger by stimulating leptin and ghrelin hormone production and causing insulin resistance. People don't know this, so they eat it anyway. Refined sugar is the SOLE cause of the obesity epidemic in every country that has one.
We're drugging our food. Outlaw added refined sugar and we'd be as thin as Japan in 10 years, after the addiction fueled riots ended.

>> No.14919058

>if you're fat, exercise does little to nothing to help get you back to a normal weight
Exercise, good exercises, builds muscle. Muscles are what raises your daily caloric needs. Without muscles you have to go on starvation diets to lose the weight. Just exercise and build muscle mass and eat slightly less. It's that easy.

>> No.14919064

>the man on the left can calculated where the white women are at twice the rate of the man on the right

>> No.14919066

Exercising takes a lot more effort than just eating less. In fact, it takes zero effort to not eat food.

>> No.14919067

I run marathons so unlike most disgusting fat fucks, I don’t have self esteem problems that need food to fix lmao.

>> No.14919073

What’s up with lying like this? I see posts like this constantly on /ck/ and it’s so fucking gay and fake. You couldn’t eat 2 Big Macs in a day? Shut the fuck up and stop lying.

>> No.14919086

>no nutritional value
Sugar is the only reason you’re alive you stupid asshole. It’s literally what powers your whole fucking body. You spew a lot of shit when you talk out of your ass, bud.

>> No.14919099

Two big Macs don't equal 1800 cals

>> No.14919131

He's talking about refined sugar, which allows people to consume sugar in quantities 100 times greater than what you can find in nature. If people got their sugar only from fruits, obesity wouldn't exist.

>> No.14919148

It's like in Europe also
Food is cheap, in abundance, and cheaper stuff is more caloric
It's the end result of a country that became TOO successful in food production. In third world countries and previously in western countries being fat was a sign of wealth, now anyone can chew down 3000 calories on a shoestring budget

>> No.14919151

Cause fuck you. I'm about to eat my 4th meal

>> No.14919155

Are you in high school and you just learned about glucose for the first time? There's a very big difference between that and refined sugar.

>> No.14919161
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Because carbs and vegetable oil cause hunger. American food is just carbs and vegetable oil now.

>> No.14919162

jesus christ, almost 4,000???? what the fuck? what is the sample size? what the fuck?

>> No.14919262

Sugar in its colloquial sense always means "fructose+dilutant", it doesn't mean glucose. Look at a nutritional label, where it lists "sugar" it's talking about fructose. Try to learn the language you're speaking before getting all pissy

>> No.14919273

I agree. The US is modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Even a large portion of the "religious" are deeply wicked, rejecting the Holy Spirit and doubling down on their sinfulness, even though it is literally at this very moment being punished for its evil.

>> No.14919274

>muh carbs
The Japanese diet contains tons of rice, and they're not fat. It's the hormone effects of sugar. People have been living on bread for the past 12,000 years, they've only been fat for 60.

>> No.14919424

More like stomachs and arses......

>> No.14919453


japan isn't as obese because they don't market breakfast cereal and other candies to children

but they still have an obesity problem of their own and their rate of diabetes is similar to the US

it is in fact carbs

>> No.14919464


Food wasn't as easy to get in the 60s. I mean, hell ten years ago food delivery was only for shit like pizza and chinese takeout. Now we have services like grubhub that allows us to get tasty food from from wherever without even leaving our house.

Ya, I'm gonna call bullshit on this. 1200 calories is like one McDonalds meal.

>> No.14919484


People with fucking jobs? The average salary in the US is about $50k/yr. That is enough for a single person to afford fast food every day.

Fuck, when I was in the military I got paid like $30k/yr and I ate jack in the box every day for lunch.

>> No.14919676

/ck/ has the low key best posters on the website

>> No.14919699

Americans spend the lowest percentage of their income on food in the world and still eat it he most
>High income
>Low cost

>> No.14919720

Food use to be what humans spent the majority of their day and effort trying to procure in some form or fashion. Now it's some single digit percentage almost throwaway expense with ad infinitum choices at hand for the average american

>> No.14919726

Food is cheap here, and the culture is shit. I'm trying to get better. Tell me how to cook this gigantic bag of broccoli I bought.

>> No.14919744

Just roast it. I roast all my vegetables, now I eat vegetables all the time.

>> No.14919753

2 big macs = 1100 calories (at least in my country).
Never going over 1800 sure is bullshit, but the idea of averaging a 500-1000+ surplus a day is disgusting, I would be constantly sick

>> No.14919759

womanlet here, my daily intake if i were to be completely sedentiary is 1200-1300 calories
yes 1200-1300 calories, this is the same amount of calories they tell others to eat in order to lose weight. for me i need to eat 500-900 calories in order to steadily lose weight (if I was sedentary).

2000 calorie intake is for a woman who is 5ft7+ aka insanely tall women. it is incredibly misleading and discriminating to recommend 2000 calorie intake for women.

>> No.14919763


You won't. The body adapts pretty easily.

>> No.14919781

I'm like you but probably taller (maintenance is 1400/day on sedentary days and I'm a bit underweight). Please don't eat less than 1100-1200 a day, you wouldn't get enough vitamins and minerals unless your day was carefully planned. I like to add a little bit of exercise everyday to be able to have that extra banana/egg/yogurt

>> No.14919790

Anything approaching a one size fits all diet for people is insanely dumb. I'm as blue collar and backwoods as anyone on this site gets and 3500 probably keeps me stable. Our diet needs are about as compatible as yours to a dog or mine to a gorilla. Think that's a big problem no one really appreciates

>> No.14919896
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>i don't have self esteem problems
>brags on an anonymous anime imageboard about how good he is at running to show how strong his self esteem is

>> No.14919907

I work out at the gym, and walk pretty much to get anywhere at anytime, so while eating 1100-1200 will have me lose weight, it eventually gets to a point where I need to eat less to lose weight. Not overweight in any capacity, I just feel/look better showing a bit more bones.

Absolutely agree. They put the 2000 label on EVERYTHING and it's so annoying. Any beginner on health and diet will look at that 2000 and think it means them. If you're not used to nutrition and calories, it takes a lot to shake off all those bad habits.

>> No.14919911

Show your tits, hole.

>> No.14920231

I want to cuddle your small femlet body.

>> No.14920269

You what? Working out or doing sports after work just was not a popular activity in 1960.

>> No.14920274

what the fuck are you on, orange juice is more dense in sugar than coke

>> No.14921195

This is the actual answer.
Capitalism kills its host, undeniable fact, because capitalism is parasitic and opportunistic.

>> No.14921324

american food is an engineered product. everything is packed with high fructose corn syrup, food coloring, sodium, etc. to make it more addictive. if you're a typical american fatass and want one of the largest redpills of your life: drink nothing but water or black coffee for a week, and cook everything from scratch for a week. then revert back to your usual diet of coca colas and processed prepackaged crap food. you'll be overwhelmed by how much sugar and other garbage they pack into it, and you'll be amazed that you ever became "taste numb" to it.

>> No.14921342

look up gluconeogenesis, retard

>> No.14921371

Indeed. Food is just about the last enjoyment you can have that is not ruined by government (taxation, regulation) or any other nonsense. Though that is changing recently.

>> No.14921441


>> No.14921458
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>> No.14921475

>It's like a parasite maaaaaan now give me stuff

>> No.14921651

But building muscle also improves your appearance, isn't that worth working at?

>> No.14921790

It's a number of factors, fast food places started showing up in the early sixties, the sugar lobby intentionally suppressing information on how sugar is addictive, corn being used has a filler product to the point in where Americans are literally 1% corn genetically and that over the years our lives have become more sedentary.

>> No.14921804

You mean
Well the answer is foodstamps. We provide our brown people with free money to buy all the food they want because they are oppressed.

>> No.14921881

americans like to EAT
they like to FUCK
hot CUM flowing through their veins

>> No.14921982

No, it isn’t. The US economy is definitely based on capitalism, but the current system is a bastardized version of it. There is no “free market,” there’s literally 9-10 big monopolies that control the food in grocery stores. Please educate yourself on economics before you spew more bullshit about muh capitalism bad.

>> No.14922009

Boredom too much free time, too little engament at work, nothing else to do but eat.

>> No.14922010

Cost of cheap, calorie-dense foods went down drastically and frozen, canned and fast food makes it much easier to consume lots of food without even investing much time in food preparation (which in a household where both parents work might be hard to come by).

>> No.14922050
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There we go. And half the reason for the sugar abuse is government subsidy to the corn industry.
All other factors are secondary to sugar.

>> No.14922057

Orange juice is not a fruit, it's a juice.

>> No.14922071
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Orange juice is liquid candy

>> No.14922073
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>> No.14922081

Is there a liquid sugar side with it every meal?

>> No.14922170

cuz me hungie

>> No.14922184

because americans lift all day every day, have you ever been on vacation and saw a massive muscular dude that stands out from the crowd? that's probably an americhad, and you just got your panties wet

>> No.14922191

what an argument, I am impressed by the sheer power of the polcel
>corporations that leverage their financial power against the state, it's people and their competetion is not real capitalism, real capitalism is when the corporations are completely free to do as they please, hire mercenary soldiers and their own police force.
Fucking brainlet and the "free market" myth. You know who needs to enforce a free market? The State, and the bigger the market proponents are, the more massive the state has to get to actually control market forces.

>> No.14922444

Because a lot of food that prepackaged and pre-made food that Americans eat have a shitton of calories and very little nutrition.

>> No.14922461

No they didn't. They were more than likely cooking at home more and not working as late or as many jobs as they do now.

>> No.14922465

Refined sugar and glucose are not the same thing.

>> No.14922475

It depends. You can over 1800 calories in sugar and not be full or sick, at all. Do it enough and your body will get used to it.