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File: 350 KB, 1280x958, 042E5CB5-4E30-4216-9001-26EFD42B0D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14914851 No.14914851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Problem drinker thread. How you guys doing

>> No.14914857
File: 216 KB, 1600x1200, booze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kid stuff. I've actually worn out parts of my still.

>> No.14914862

>dogshit vodka
>62 IQ console gamer
>quality vodka
>PC gamer

>> No.14914864

This is a coordinated effort to display your empty bottles.

This >>14914851 is an effort to hide your habit.

OP wins.

>> No.14914872
File: 282 KB, 1600x2133, stilltonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fucking idiots lose. I've made hundreds of gallons of vodka.

>> No.14914874

>The 6 dollar vodka

Based my bottom shelf brother

>> No.14914878


That's a jackson crossflow condenser with a custome liebig in a 3 inch still. You fucking people know nothing about booze.

>> No.14914882
File: 2.20 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201017_021247657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've become a mild weeb guys please save me, even that fvcking vase is made in japan. the rice wine it tastes Soo good please-send-help

>> No.14914884
File: 112 KB, 1400x1050, crossflow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how shit is built.

>> No.14914889


Where'd you go, kids? Don't walk to talk about making etOh?

>> No.14914895

>jackson crossbow condenser mic with a costume liepzig

Stopped reading. Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? Go brush your teeth.

>> No.14914897

I don't like bottles of low proof stuff, I end up drinking the whole bottle and falling asleep.

>> No.14914899


I'm 48, you fucking dull troll. You'd learn something from me if you weren't such a goddamn moron.

>> No.14914902

two pints for $9.07

>> No.14914904
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-03-26 21.36.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how you learn how little you know and how much of a dumb prick you are. Stop trying, start learning.

>> No.14914907

Is that a vodka gattling gun?

>> No.14914909

Downed 8 beers, out of beer, and now working on some vodka. No problems, had a wonderful day, it just ran far too long so I'm up late.

>> No.14914910

hey man, please be kind. Just a probelm drinker thread not a distiller thread

>> No.14914911


I'm done, don't fret.

>> No.14914912
File: 132 KB, 464x401, 1587688088994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is being an alcoholic like?

>> No.14914915


>> No.14914916


It's great until you wake up.

>> No.14914921

Fun until you don't eat or drink the entire day, just to wake up the next day and vomit every 5 minutes for 6+ hours, so much so that the acid bile burns your lips and you catharticaly cry after it's finally over

>> No.14914922

If your still has moving parts you’re doing it wrong.
t. reflux still master race

>> No.14914923

Great until you run out of booze and its only 5am

>> No.14914925

The last 6 months every time I drink I shit blood.

>> No.14914926


idiot it's a reflux boka stull that's been running for 7 years. I have a pot still 3 inch tube and a packed 3 inch 7 foot reflux tube. Learn about reflux and how petroleum is made.

>> No.14914929

alright you two kiss and make up or create a thread this is for boozers not boozemakers

>> No.14914930


go play nintendo.

>> No.14914933


sorry I hate worthless kids that know nothing. My bad.

>> No.14914945
File: 2.23 MB, 1146x859, bottles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dabble

>> No.14914947

You and I have tangled before, Mr Birdwatchers.
The main difference between us is I help people make choices by assessing their options, and you’re a cunt.
Good to see that hasn’t changed, mr my-way-is-the-only-way.

>> No.14914949

unironically pretty great if you don't mind making an absolute fucking idiot of yourself and destroying all the relationships in your life

but hey there's booze to forget about those problems ;)

>> No.14914953

You misjudge me entirely. I give people an inroad because most people are fucking useless. I would love people to make an uncle jesse corn whiskey. I just don't trust them to do it. You don't understand me at all.

>> No.14914971


you don't really spend much time in my world, do you? You just get pissed off and react. Well. Go to homedistillers.org for recipes if you're this miserable. They have great shit. And then choose how you communicate that to other newbies.

>> No.14914988

just recently a few months back went from 30+std drinks a day to <1 and I don't know...I'm just beginning to remember how dull and pointless life is and why I began to drink in the first place

I had no problem kicking it I went more or less cold turkey from all to nothing then and there but I'm struggling to really see a point to sobriety desu

>> No.14914993

how much sex actually is there between employees in restaurants?

>> No.14915008
File: 375 KB, 1574x1187, 137852A8-4130-47AE-81C2-BE124BBD7D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally and unironically believing he knows more about distilling than anyone else he speaks to
Yeah nah you’re still a cunt. I’ve seen your photos many times but I’ve never seen you timestamp an alcometer reading. Here’s mine, 92.5% ABV. Beat that, you larping fuckhead.

>> No.14915011

None now

>> No.14915015

The hell I go through after 3-4 days of hard binge drinking is the most horrifying and worst shit ever. I literally can't function and do nothing but lay in my bed for at least two days. Alcohol detox is the worst when you've been a heavy drinker for a long time. Not just physically but mentally, spiritually destroys me for the next few days. I wont see or talk to anyone its horible.

>> No.14915018

It only takes 24 hours to detox bro..

>> No.14915022

Since quarantine, I've managed to stop drinking, but as soon as I have my next sip I'll probably stop trying again. Dying in the grip of alcohols warm embrace is just much more enticing than whatever inhale waiting for me otherwise.

>> No.14915023

dying as a result of being an alcoholic is miserable and painful, don't romanticize it as a cope

>> No.14915024

Underrated post

>> No.14915025
File: 21 KB, 320x320, FA47146A-0FEC-445F-B494-55BB4DC96D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m assuming you’re American?
Can you get Berocca in the US?
This shit is magic for tapering and hangovers.

>> No.14915029

>having the luxury of days in bed to recover

>wake up
>throw up a few times
>down some vodka to freshen my mouth and lessen the hangover
>shower and go to work

I can admit it's not always easy to continue your day when you wake up from those benders but really nothing positive will come from laying around feeling horrible I prefer to just continue my day and feel like death, the trick is don't ever stop drinking

>> No.14915041

this literally looks shopped....you're a fucking retard man

>> No.14915045
File: 177 KB, 436x361, 1549869596234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly not shopped
what did he mean by this?

>> No.14915047

Oh, dont worry, I'm just going to an hero WHILE drunk

>> No.14915058

anyone with any experience or similiar?

>> No.14915059

That’s some seriously desperate coping strategy you have there, cunt.

>> No.14915069
File: 96 KB, 640x565, 71FA51F1-5E8F-4D80-9F05-CF549A5D9B12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better, cunt?

>> No.14915075

literally such an obvious shop wow you somehow made it even worse fuck your an idiot

>> No.14915084

Yeah, that’s what I thought. You larp as a moonshiner for e-peen points, claim other posters’ timestamped photos are shooped, and can’t post any photos yourself.
Told you that you were a cunt.

>> No.14915086

>You larp as a moonshiner for e-peen points
literally what

>> No.14915088

Here is your you anon. It takes to up to 18 months for the brain to recover

>> No.14915089

ive been doing this shit since before you were born you amateur cunt
get fucked

>> No.14915093

Proof or shut the fuck up, kid.

>> No.14915094

>18 months for the brain to recover
t. >>14914988

>> No.14915098

Day 1: drink
feel regret
Day 2: sober
feel great

>> No.14915100

This guy gets it. Remember never the temples always behind the ear

>> No.14915106

nah im not the person was just pretending to be to rile you up for shits n gigs
you guys should both relax

>> No.14915112

That was the stuff the spit to me in rehab. Don’t recommend

>> No.14915114

Same but after 2 months of being mostly just listless I drank an ice cold beer and then I was like aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.
And never looked back.
Digits checked, also.

>> No.14915115

This is lies you feel great on day 3 after a good nights sleep. Then repeat

>> No.14915119

Nice 11’s

>> No.14915120

This is so accurate it hurts.

>> No.14915122


>> No.14915127

He photoshopped the dry glass and the liquid filled glass deformation.
t. Retard

>> No.14915134


>> No.14915138

I don't know about this but acetylcystein, a cough medicine is best for hangover, look it up.

>> No.14915146

Learn to pronounce
adjective: listless
(of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm.

>> No.14915155

you didn't drink anything at all then a ice cold beer broke the 'ice'? that just sounds like relapse to me?

for me it doesn't feel like a physical addiction or a very strong one, I've had some casual drinks here and there over the last few months but nothing past 1std drink in a day maybe I'm just in denial of my addiction but it wasn't difficult at all for me to stop outright and I haven't struggled in the last few months

just struggling to see a point to sobriety I guess, sober life is pretty shit

>> No.14915174

I can stop I just don't see the point.
Dry for 2 months, maybe I'll feel better.
No it's actually much worse.
The government says more than 6 drinks a week and you're an alcoholic.
I drink more that on most days and I feel great.
Untill I drink too much, usually liquor not beer.
But the like I said I hit the acetylcystein. Look that shit up and thank me later.

>> No.14915176



>> No.14915184

What does it mean?

>> No.14915197

This is me.

>> No.14915217

alcohol has to one of the shittiest substances you can be addicted to.

>> No.14915222

30 standard drinks

just depressing really, and hurts the pocket

I don't like thinking how much I've spent on alcohol annually

>> No.14915261

It’s ok anon you’re not alone just an advanced drinker. See you on Sunday all refreshed

>> No.14915262

Don’t know anon was a liter deep there. Bout to sleep

>> No.14915267
File: 825 KB, 750x1334, 8DFCA585-0668-41F5-AA07-595D4A3721CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love when a welterweight drinker comes in these threads trying to be an alcoholic. Night fellas see you around 6pm

>> No.14915271

i'm on my 8th day of sobriety :)
feeling pretty good now, the first few days were hell, especially day 3
day 4 was the beginning of feeling good
i was drinking somewhere between 6 tall boys and 26 ounces of hard stuff per day before

>> No.14915274

el basado

>> No.14915289

there's nothing impressive about being an alcoholic, it's sad to let alcohol have that much control over your life

>> No.14915298

I'm sure you fill the void with such better use of time and energy 4chinner

>> No.14915318

Thanks anon, enjoy your weekend.

>> No.14915407

i'm an alcoholic myself, I'm just honest about it

>> No.14915490
File: 433 KB, 1275x1875, EaqSDR6UcAA_5oD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good i switched to dxm now, much better for your liver and body as a whole

>> No.14915501

How do I keep from pissing myself bros?

>> No.14915507

Sake tastes like shit. Their knockoff scotch on the other hand is great.

>> No.14915515

It's annoying and gets in the way of everything. You spend half the day fighting a hangover and get 1/5th of yiur goals done. You get anxiety attacks at work if you don't at least have a stash on you. You don't have to drink it to stay calm, just know it's there just in case you do start having a panic attack.

>> No.14915530
File: 84 KB, 500x500, Buy_5_bottles_grape_-_03-19-2020__82056.1588120322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hangover here just a sweet sweet afterglow and a ppreciation for life

>> No.14915541

I find a morning kombucha helps get you to the end of work by giving you just a little alcohol, ginger to calm your tummy, and probiotics to help replace what yyou destroyed the night before.

>> No.14915557

I'm taking a break for sober october. I was drinking EVERY night after work for no reason. The only thing i has this month were 2 cans of ales my brother brought from Hawaii, in celebration of his wife becoming pregnant with their firstborn.

But goddammit have i wanted a drink on several occasions.

>> No.14915567

That first beer feels so fucking good. The most annoying thing to me is that the chinks shut all the saunas down which used to be my go to for swearing out the evil and rehydrating with a gallon of water and electrolyte mix. 40 minutes in there and a gallon of water and you get out feeling fresh and clean. Why do we as a world tolerate the chinese?