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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14913376 No.14913376 [Reply] [Original]

Could you complete the Movie Bob challenge? Maybe without the drinks?

>> No.14913422

Even without the drinks, thats a fuck ton. I'm not a small dude but that's so much food. If I really went for it, at best maybe I could eat the 4 burgers.

>> No.14913427

Of course. The drinks would be a chore (anything more than a kids size soda from McDs is a vile amount of sugar) but yeah I’d do it

>> No.14913436

Without the drinks, undoubtedly. I'm sure I've gotten close to that without being challenged one night while high/drunk.

>> No.14913437

Considering those are the Big Mac/McDouble patties, yes I think I could do it. Fries first, then burgers, then nugs. If it were the quarter pounder patties I don’t think I could

>> No.14913477

No. I can barely finish two double cheeseburgers and a large fries.

>> No.14913520

That's what I always get. 2 double cheeseburgers, large fries, unsweetened iced tea.

>> No.14913524

If I was 6 drinks in I could. Its a lot of food but what's harder for me is how i feel after I eat a lot of fast food.

>> No.14913535

75% of one burger, 6 nuggets and a handful of fries is the best I can do.

>> No.14913536

Fries and nuggets would be easy. It’s the last two burger and last two drinks that would probably fuck me over. If there was actually money involved I’d probably push through it.

>> No.14913546

Could and would do it in under an hour eating at leisurely pace. Would prefer to swap the cokes for milkshakes though.

>> No.14913548

Has anyone made a mukbang video of this exact meal yet?

>> No.14913673

You fat piece of shit, thats a meal for a family of 4.

>> No.14913690

"bob chipman" sounds like an insufferable autistic ackchually fag

>> No.14913698

In 4 hours I think I could

>> No.14913730

Based anons

>> No.14913750

You do not know how right you are.

>> No.14913763

90 minutes? I could do it in 5.

t. fat person that routinely drinks entire large sized drinks in 3-4 long gulps

>> No.14913764

maybe without drinks. i'd probably end u p getting the shits tho

>> No.14913784

I could probably do it but I would feel terrible for the rest of the day.

>> No.14913794

You'd practically have to finish it in five minutes. If you take too long, you'll hurl.

>> No.14913803

yeah i was gonna say i wouldn't want to do it over a "session" of eating, i'd just pound it down like a goddamn animal and not enjoy the experience as opposed to just sitting down and eatin' a burg or four

>> No.14913926


That's three blowjobs. Wouldn't even take me 90 minutes. Tastes better, too.

>> No.14913955

I'm not even fat, but those are the small thin patties. It's really not a hard challenge. That amount of meat is probably like two or three double quarter pounders? I just to eat two double quarter pounder burgers at a time in high school.

>> No.14914011

>Fair small amount of Mcdonalds for an average size person
Jesus Christ Robert. Does he think an average person is fat as fuck as him?

>> No.14914296

Just calculated the calories.. its like 4680 without the drinks.

Could probably do it but wouldnt be enjoying myself half way through

>> No.14914302

There's a dozen fucking speed eaters that have done it all in ten minutes.

>> No.14914324

>$1166.66 for a blowjob

what saudi princes are you sucking off

>> No.14914371
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i can eat a whole pizza by myself but just 8 nuggets make me feel uncomfortably full

>> No.14914377

>Get paid for dozens of hours of work
>for eating the equivalent of what I'd eat at a family feast in one sitting.
Eh, I see no reason why I wouldn't try
I'd probably even go for the drinks if it's low calorie stuff like unsweet tea.

>> No.14914385

I don't think you belong on a food board. Up your game and come back later.

>> No.14914389

that’s because nuggets are fucked

>> No.14914404

I weigh 135 pounds and could down that easily. I regularly spend 16+ dollars when I go to maccas or wendys.

>> No.14914437

>20 nuggets
>2 medium fries
>4 mcdoubles w/ cheese on a bigmac bun
What is this amateur hour?

>> No.14914478


I'm 6'5" 235lbs and athletic (boxing trainer) and I would absolutely struggle to eat more than 1 order of nuggets, 1 side of fries, 1 burger and 1 drink. maybe a side or 2 of sauce.

I guess they don't call him movie blob for nothing.

>> No.14914508

I could do it easy but the salt would probably kill me

>> No.14914530

Kind of a light dinner, but sure I would go hungry for $3500

>> No.14914736

Surely. He's right, McD's only looks good and substantial in marketing media. What they serve you are burgers so thin you have to lift the buns to see if there's any actual meat in there under the cheese. And that's for the McDouble. The real challenge is the drinks but without it, its the nuggets which isnt really pleasant but certainly doable. McD;s fries are never a trial to get down

>> No.14914762

I think I would try to speed eat it as fast as I could, maybe going for the burgers and nuggets and finishing them all within the first 30-45 minutes. And then trying to gather yourself and finish the remaining fries and drinks within the last 45 minutes.

>> No.14914791
File: 364 KB, 457x708, 1581775518996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, 90 minutes is a long time and that's what makes this doable.
I could finish the food and one drink in probably about 20-30min at a leisurely pace then I'd just wait and let my stomach settle before chugging the remaining drinks in the last few minutes.
Also nothing in the original tweet said you can't vomit it up after time is up.

>> No.14914829

if i did a few shots beforehand i might be able to, but i would feel horrible and probably purge afterwards. i cant eat more than a large fry and a burger while sober but being drunk helps

>> No.14914866

I could absolutely force myself to eat that (without the drinks) but if I did I would feel like shit, be in pain, and probably eat nothing for at least the majority of the next day, if at all.

>> No.14914937

He’s the world’s greatest literary genius, a high-level full-stack developer, a connoisseur of fine movies and television and a man irresistible to women.
Then the bedside alarm goes off and he’s a sad fat virgin who just lost another job and is relying on a rapidly shrinking pool of patreon donators to keep up with the rent on his cramped, shitty apartment full of cheap Chinese made vidya merchandise that he paid for with craploads of money he couldn’t afford.