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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14904893 No.14904893 [Reply] [Original]

wat vitamins does /ck/ take?

me, I take my vitamins in droplets form, because fuck gagging on pills is why.

>> No.14904959

Biotin for my hair, otherwise I just eat a balanced diet and go for a jog 6 days a week weather permitting, never had any issues with deficiencies according to my bloodwork.

>> No.14904986

Vit D because I work indoors all day and live pretty far north. Everything else I get through diet.

>> No.14904992

I eat fruits and veggies.

>> No.14905008

I take my vitamins in vegetable and fruit form.

>> No.14905281
File: 2.46 MB, 2048x2048, Physicians_Choice_60_Billion_Probiotic_60_Billion_CFUs_10_Clinically_Proven_Strains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take one of these every morning

>> No.14905333

You can also eat, you know, butter etc for D too, that's how that works for northerners.

>> No.14905933

B12 since I’m missing a chunk of my lower intestine and folic acid to stave off my constant nausea

>> No.14906076

I was a massive taker of sulbutiamine for a while and swore by it.
But I can't find anywhere reliable to buy it cheap these days.
Anyone know a place?

>> No.14906112

How do they fit 60 billion pills in one standard sized container?

>> No.14906124



>> No.14906214

Men’s Daily Multivitamins. Thank you for reminding me to take them today, OP!

>> No.14906225

Try fursultiamine instead. Available as alinamin-f from takeda pharmaceutical on eBay from Japan or allithiamine from ecological formulas in burgerland.

>> No.14906237

5htp is a bad idea
Serotonin is the biggest meme ever
Read ray peat’s articles on it
Serotonin is basically the beta docility neurotic aggression neurotransmitter that causes ibs-d . The reason ssris work for depression if at all probably has little to do with serotonin

>> No.14906248

>thinks SSRIs work anything like amino acid precursors
>parrots a blog
Pseud spotted.

>> No.14906268

fish oil
multivitamin or B group vitamin
a cocktail of nootropics for brain functions

>> No.14906277

That’s total projections m8
You’re essentially taking s reddit position
Ray peat is hated by plebs
That’s the last I’ll say on it to you because it’s not my job to right your preconceived wrongs

>> No.14906283

how important is D? i take multivitamins but i rarely get to leave the house for much

>> No.14906305

Echinacea, b12, and cider vinegar. Also considering Omega-3 because I don't eat much fish. Is it worth it?

>> No.14906312

No, (((fish oil))) is a jewish scam
Literally just eat a can of salmon a week if you think you need it (hint u don’t, the studies on fish oil are jewish scams)

>> No.14906329

ive read a couple articles saying omega-3 capsules dont do much for you. try to buy fish if you can

>> No.14906338

My tastebuds have been ruined by poor diet and I can't stand oily fish flavor as a result.

>> No.14906341

Activated almonds are the only supplement you need

>> No.14906358

As long as you don’t eat PUFA oils you really don’t need a fish oil supplement.

>> No.14906402

Vit C
Vit D3
Whey protein

It's a wonder that I don't rattle when I walk

>> No.14906696

i dont take any supplements anon.

>> No.14906714

Thanks for your contribution to the thread.

>> No.14906759

20mg of melatonin before bed so I can dream of my ex before I awake to the pain that is life

>> No.14907298

Not vitamins, but I take fiber with breakfast; zinc, biotin, l-arginine, l-lysine and biotin with dinner; and melatonin and magnesium right before bed.

>> No.14908004

Vit D, magnesium and fish oil.

>> No.14908011

thats high

>> No.14908080

k chud

>> No.14908217

they're very small

>> No.14908224

very important, i think D2 is better for you then D3 or vice versa

>> No.14908240

you body can only use like 1mg and the rest just passes through you. You're just wasting money and potentially forming a dependency

>> No.14908243
File: 45 KB, 562x434, 1561557581644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back tranny

>> No.14908986

For you

>> No.14908996

You on the left

>> No.14909002

You seriously still choke on pills as an adult? God you are such a pussy. Do you have the guts to tell your pharmacist that to his face? Lmao.

>> No.14909006

Multi, Vitamin D, Zinc, Salmon oil, Kelp, Ginger root. Works for me.

>> No.14909010


which nootropics, bro?

>> No.14909812

Vitamin K2 is one of the most underrated vitamins to supplement.

>> No.14909882

Vitamin D because I live in scotland and a cranberry supplement because I'm prone to UTIs

>> No.14909898

Flintstone gummys

>> No.14909906

I know it's a joke but it's impressive that 60 billion bacteria can fit in a single pill

Another fun fact is that the human body has way more bacterial cells than human cells in it

>> No.14909915

If you take both SSRIs and like a handful of 5htp it feels like an incredibly shittty version of MDMA

Like you can actually feel your mouth trying to smile for some reason

>> No.14910071

>swore by it
what was its effect on you?

>> No.14910081

you're a grown man now and can put your mind over your body. you can eat canned sardeens or salmon once or twice a week and you'll get used to it quickly. taste is a thing where your body follows your mind