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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14907220 No.14907220 [Reply] [Original]

Fatfuck here from that thread I made last night. D-did I do better tonight, /ck/? I rubbed the chicken in olive oil and threw butter in the skillet as well, also I didn't use any fancy rubbing, just Tony's, salt, and pepper.

For those wondering I'm trying to do keto, but a lot of anons were mean to me last night. Said my portions were too big and I used too many vegetables and not enough meat.

>> No.14907239
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I think this looks great, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't take anons seriously.
I would've used more seasonings cause I'm a spice/herb whore like that. My mix would've been rosemary, salt, pepper, parsley, maybe a little sage too.

>> No.14907247

Thanks for the kind words. I do have some spices, but didn't want to get too crazy with it since I'm not use to cooking meat. I pretty much am starting to slow and experimenting. I have some oregano, thyme, rosemary, etc.

>> No.14907281

Those are some great first starts. Thyme and rosemary are similar but still different in smell and taste, so if you season with them it's best to not mix the two. Oh, and rosemary can be a little overpowering if you use too much, so just be careful.
Experimentation is great, don't be afraid to make mistakes either, it's how you'll improve.
Try to add onion powder, garlic powder, and smoked paprika into your spice arsenal. Sometimes you want onion or garlic flavors without wanting to cut an onion, or peel garlic. Paprika is nice cause it adds color and a particular "heat", but it's not spicy! Good for those who are sensitive to spicy foods but like a smokey flavor.

>> No.14907338

I'm not into keto but I'll say you're of to a great start. A general rule of thumb for oil, less is more, it's always easier to add some oil than to subtract it when you're cooking. Also whe' you buy fatty things like cheese or butter or cream, stay clear from the 0%,most of the time they up the sugar part of it, so taking full fat is better

>> No.14907341

Looks really good for a beginner. Nice sear on the chicken. The sprouts look a bit overcooked, but not too bad. My tip for cooking cruciferous greens (e.g. Sprouts, broccoli) is to cook them at a high temperature for only long enough for them to become tender. You're looking for a vibrant green colour. This is mainly for steaming or boiling, but you can also saute with some olive oil, or oven roast them, but that's more time and effort.

>> No.14907349

Looks fine

>> No.14907352

Next time flatten it, season with salt and pepper, dust it in flour, then fry in butter and oil, then squeeze some lemon juice on it, sprinkle some parsley, then melt some butter in your pan and pour it on the chicken. This is proper cooking, never use all these spices mentioned above

>> No.14907374


Yeahhhh, I usually do that with my vegetables, but I'm still new to it. I just put some olive oil in the pan and throw the vegetables in, also I cover them with a lid and add some water to the pan after a bit.

>A general rule of thumb for oil, less is more.

Yeah I'm learning that the hard way. Most recipes or cooks say to use a tablespoon of olive oil. I try to measure it out, though sometimes I can tell I poured way too much oil into the pan, and sometimes it looks like not enough.

>> No.14907549

To saute vegetables, you need to stir nearly constantly

>> No.14907570

You idiot I told you to watch Dr Berg and how to do Keto in a healthier manner. More veggies is EXACTLY what you needed.

>> No.14907569

Ah, really? I'll try that next time.

>> No.14907578

But all the mean people on /fit/ and /ck/ told me I had too much for vegetables :/

>> No.14907594

Those guys know nothing. They'll eat so much meat their kidneys will get damaged.

Trust me if you're going down this path watch Dr Berg. The chicken is fine just add more variety of veggies. Aim for at least 5 servings of vegetables throughout the day.

>> No.14907606


Start here then you can watch a part 2 that will be suggested.

>> No.14907615

Keto sucks, too much proteine not enough fiber. You will be stuck shitting for hours. Just control your portions with a regular balanced diet and you will be just fine. Hot tip, drinking a bunch of ice water with meals will reduce the need to eat as much, plus since your body expends energy to warm itself, it's technically negative calories.

>> No.14907616



Part 2 right here tells you what to eat part 1 explains what's the background of keto.

>> No.14907619

But /ck/ and /fit/ are sister boards. Why are you talking so badly about them.

>> No.14907639

>too much proteine not enough fiber. You will be stuck shitting for hours

Keto cured my constipation, zero fiber intake.


>> No.14907649

Based. Fibre is actually a scam.

>> No.14907836
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keep it up OP
you will be great chef

>> No.14907844

It's RAW

>> No.14907846

the chicken looks perfect, your brussels sprouts look over cooked. You did good otherwise. I would eat it.

>> No.14907868
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I'm sorry you have already been memed.

>> No.14907903

you did better tonight than last night, but--
>I rubbed the chicken in olive oil and threw butter in the skillet as well,
are you wondering why you are fat?
anyway, hey, keep it up. people are rooting for you

>> No.14907917

Maybe I don't understand keto or fats correctly, but isn't olive oil and butter healthy? At least in terms of a keto diet? Or am I not understanding that correctly?

>> No.14907946

keto's negatively influenced you but i dont think youre stupid for it or anything. you should have a moderation of all things--carbs, fats, sugars, etc. go overboard on fats, get fat. go overboard on carbs, get fat, and etc. you can ignore this next part if you want but i think sodium is the only thing you can have whatever much of

>> No.14907963

Were the sprouts frozen or fresh? Yours looks like the steamed frozen ones, and thats how they usually come out. I like doing them fresh, tossed in oil and pepper and roasted for about 35 minutes at 400F, shaking the pan every 10 minutes or so. theyre crisp on the outside but moist inside.

>> No.14907969

So your advice boils down to basically "All things in moderation."

I mean, that's all well and good but I wouldn't advise a fat person trying to lose weight to go out and eat pancakes or McDonalds once a week as a "treat". I feel like cheat days just causes fat people to relapse. You need to go cold turkey or ween yourself off of it gradually. Now, if you're not really fat and can afford to eat fast food and junk food without worrying about weight gain or your weight in general, than more power to you.

They were frozen and I cooked them on the skillet, not in the oven. I was just being cheap and didn't spring for fresh ones.

>> No.14907976


Fats are healthy in moderation but you should only be using one at a time depending on your preferences. Like, when I bake or sear chicken, I prefer olive oil but when I make eggs, I prefer butter, coconut oil for indian and thai, etc.

>> No.14907982

yeah, i didnt really talk about cheat days though did i. don't put words in my mouth. i was 210 pounds in march and am 160 now, and i did it by eating in moderation, adhering to the usda dietary limits--under 60g of fat a day, 200g of carbs, and 35g of sugar.

i still got to eat cake and ice cream and whatever else the fuck i wanted, but it meant i had to plan around it for the rest of my day. i lost 50 pounds and i wasnt miserable for any of it

>> No.14907988

And that's fine. It worked for you. Doesn't mean it'll work for me or anyone else, and it also doesn't mean that others will stick with it. There are TONS of diets. Not everyone has to do it the way you did it.

>> No.14908002

i think eating things you like but in smaller quantities is a lot easier than just cutting out an entire food, personally.

>> No.14908012

>What is self control/willpower

Not everyone has it, but apparently you were able to do it. Lots of people can't be asked to "moderate" their sugar content or carb content. A lot of people will go out and eat a shit ton of pasta or fast food or baked goods like ice cream, cookies, and cake. Sometimes it's better for people to cut out a bunch of foods for the sake of not being tempted.

>> No.14908021

That looks like a perfectly fine weeknight dinner, especially if you were able to cook the chicken breast all the way through (I usually misjudge it myself). Like others have said, brussels sprouts are better when sautéed or oven roasted but it's a good start.

>> No.14908036

well, okay. i guess i cant really argue with that since my attempts at weight loss were unsuccessful until a doctor scared me into doing something.

>> No.14908041

Was that chicken breast cooked all the way through? Next time, cut it in half or pound it out. Gotta be safe

>> No.14908068

I'm not him, but I completely disagree with you. I'd rather be full on quality foods that are good for me, and expand my palate, instead of having a slice of cake, slice of pizza, and going to bed hungry. Proud of your success, but this sounds like a quick path to overeating for someone where the feeling of being hungry is way more overwhelming than missing certain flavors.

>dust it in flour
That would destroy keto.

OP, I'm going to tell you, on keto, it seems like you might be starting off too strict depending on what your weight is, or you're looking to do. This chicken and veggies thing is definitely going to be low cal, but the point of doing keto is making it a lot more fun to eat for people who have eating issues. This is the kind of meal you'd make if you were weight training.

Don't be afraid to do a real keto/atkins/whatever and eat more cheese, bacon, eggs, the kind of fun stuff, until you lose weight, and save these bland dinners as something to adjust to as you get used to getting off keto.

>> No.14908090

keto does nothing and carbs aren't the problem

eat less fatso and give up meat

>> No.14908108

>T. vegancuck
>Give up meat

Kek, alright.

>> No.14908133

this thread is full of fucking retards

it is fine to use olive oil and butter
there is something like 100 calories in a tablespoon of oil; as a man trying to lose weight you should eat no less than 1500 calories per day
fat and meat are essential and will help you feel satiated, carbs are filler calories, vegetables are mostly pointless

try to find things to occupy yourself other than eating, it is a habit that must be broken, not something a 'diet' magically fixes

t. have lost 100+ lbs

>> No.14908145

>instead of having a slice of cake, slice of pizza, and going to bed hungry.
but i never did that? if i wanted a pizza, i ordered a thin crust, light cheese, with vegetables and mushrooms. if i wanted a slice of cake, it was small but enough to satiate a sugar craving while i still ate turkey and potatoes and other tasty things throughout the day. this is silly--i was never hungry at the end of the day

>> No.14908165

You're saying you're trying to do keto but that meal is not keto at all. That's a regular low calorie diet meal.

I can't think of a single keto recipe I've seen that calls for a fucking pan fried chicken breast and brussel sprout. The first link when you google keto is high fat in the 70-80% of your intake. What the fuck man

>> No.14908189

I guess it all depends on what calorie deficit you're trying to be under, but that pizza doesn't really seem like a replacement for a real pizza craving, and frankly, so many people are so addicted to sugar that just one tiny slice of cake is going to spark that desire to binge on more.

As someone who has lost a lot of weight before, it wasn't until I changed the types of foods I was eating. Staying low on calories and avoiding temptation was super easy when I didn't have to worry about being hungry.

>> No.14908194

This right here. Shit's not keto at all. I'm sure it wouldn't ruin a keto diet, but it's not the goal.

>> No.14908201

well, like i said earlier, my doctor scared me into changing my diet so that certainly helped my willpower. the thing was, by making it a pure numbers game, i was able to stop myself from gorging. i used to eat two lavacakes in one go, but after looking at the sugar and fats content per cake, i couldnt logically bring myself to eat two in one day

>> No.14908299

i am not fat and basically eat taytos

>> No.14908306

Counting calories was how I went about it too. No fear involved, but pure vanity, haha.

>> No.14909326


>> No.14909500

Portion still twice as big as it needs to be, tubby

>> No.14909511

just dilute my digestive enzymes senpai, wouldn't want to derive any bioavailable nutrients from my food, would I?

>> No.14909525

i wanna cook chicken too
do i need to use an oven?

>> No.14909549

>they were mean
We were honest. I stand by what I said. If you lose 100lbs but go back to eating a mountain of regular food all the time once you complete your keto diet you will likely gain. Try eating smaller and smaller portions slowly. Like chew each bite 20 seconds. You’d be surprised how much you overeat because you eat too fast for your stomach to give you the feedback that you’re full. Large plates and bowls naturally lead you to over eat. Right now you’re chomping very low calorie food so it isn’t a huge issue and you will lose weight but if you don’t break that habit of eating huge portions it will bit you in the ass long run.

>> No.14909603

Chicken breasts need to be brined overnight so they don’t taste like ass.

>> No.14909876

Can't believe it took so long before someone says this. You need to eat more fat for the keto diet to work.

If you covered your meal is sauce béarnaise it would been good.

>> No.14910297

They're moderately healthy but it is still unnecessary to use both in a dish. They don't have complementary flavours either. Stick to olive oil for baking and searing (easier to pour/marinade and doesn't burn), butter for sauteing or to season.

>> No.14911669

Looks great, but skip the olive oil and just use butter next time.

>> No.14911675

Also use a little bit of nutmeg.

>> No.14911685

>portions to big
I'm not a fatfag so I've never had to diet, but isn't the whole point of meme diets like Atkins/keto that you can eat plenty of food X and just stay away from food Y and you'll do fine? If you're already restricting how much you are eating why not just, you know, eat less of what you enjoy in the first place. Seems dumb to follow all these diet rules 'oh and then also eat less food'. Like yeah no shit eat less food gain less weight, what's the point of the meme rules then?

>> No.14911711

>it is still unnecessary to use both in a dish. They don't have complementary flavours either.
I disagree. A mixture of them is great for flavour. Depends on mood though, sometimes I might feel for just one, sometimes a mix, sometimes even a mix of olive oil, butter and animal fat like lard, goose fat or duck fat.

>> No.14911737

Whoever that faggot is 1. Doesn't know shit about keto, 2. Assumes the fuck is eating 3 squares a day or some shit which is incredibly dumb.

>> No.14911750

The keto diet stuff is extremely bad for your long term health.
Ditch that and just learn about portion control.

>> No.14911760

what's wrong with keto? I wouldn't do it myself because inducing ketosis is kind of dumb for healthy people, but once you're obese then you should try pretty much anything, surely

>> No.14911798

imagine listening to 4chan for health advice

>> No.14911808
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>The keto diet stuff is extremely bad for your long term health.

>> No.14911903

was one of the people who was "mean" to you because I told you that you were wrong. The meals youve been eating are actually fine for weight loss but your not following a keto diet and I dont see why its so important to you to say that you are. You literally said eating alot of fat was retarded in your last post, stop calling it keto and continue to eat less ya stupid fat shit.

>> No.14911904


>> No.14911939

unless you want kidney stones get off of keto

>> No.14911968

Try butterflying the breast and then cooking it for a shorter time on higher heat to get a better sear. Also those 'sprouts look boiled. Cook them in a hot cast iron until they get a nice char.

>> No.14911979

Looks fine. Unlike most fat fu/ck/s here, at least you're trying and it looks like you're not totally incompetent.

Tip - brussels taste way better when they get a little browned - either go for high heat sear, or roast in a hot oven(like 475-500 convection).

>> No.14911992

make stir fry with chicken, pork, or shrimp and veggies
i lost about 100lbs over a year and it's almost impossible to gain weight while eating stir fry

>> No.14912013

Chicken looks great but the sprouts dont look very appetizing, unless you prefer your vegetables mushy af. I'd recommend steaming or roasting those.

>> No.14912023

Brussels sprouts are not keto. They have lots of carbs.

>> No.14912025

imagine listening to /fit/

>> No.14912068

imagine not being able to follow the basic instructions of a meme diet

>> No.14912644

>Depending on what you are mixing them with, they have about 7-8 grams of carbs per 1 cup of sprouts.
>1 CUP worth

Brussel sprouts are totally keto friendly? Are you retarded? I don't think half of the people in this thread know what keto is or what they're talking about.

>> No.14913329

It's better, I'm glad you're trying to eat better. Here's how I would eat the same:

I would just use thinner pieces of chicken, and I like Salt, Pepper, Thyme and lemon juice (zest too if you're cool).

Brussel sprouts are best roasted. 20 minutes at 400. I use salt pepper and a small amount of lemon juice / zest, maybe some fine diced garlic

If you like sweet potatoes, reduce the chicken portion, add a sweet potato and feel the nutrients flow

>> No.14913602

they're like 2% sugar and the rest is fibre, as far as I know fibre doesn't interfere with ketosis

>> No.14913668

Portions are a meme unless you're eating something you shouldn't be eating a shit ton of to begin with (sugars/refined carbs).

>> No.14914103

The point is if he gets used to or in this case continues to be used to these enormous portions. Once he stoping dieting he is going to be eating that amount of higher calorie foods. Leading to over eating and probably eventually gaining much if not all of it back. Eat to lose weight both during the diet and after. You don’t need to gorge yourself every single meal even if you’ll lose weight.

>> No.14915621

Keto is a meme. Just eat more veggies anon, and you'll lose weight. Cutting out dairy can help immensely if you don't give in or use cop outs like non-dairy subs.

>> No.14915982

As someone who lost 100lbs in a few months himself a few years back, its probably best you drop keto. It is extremely hard to maintain. I'd reccomend you just follow CICO or just outright fast, do not try to go for the middle ground with keto. It's possible you succeed but it is extremely easy to fuck up this diet and when you do you will feel miserable.

>> No.14916105

This is more of a /fit/ question. This board is mostly instant noodle/McDonald's eaters that don't know what keto is.