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File: 298 KB, 1080x800, reducetarian_definition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14906154 No.14906154 [Reply] [Original]

Reducetarian is the patrician's diet choice.
You help save the planet, and you lighten the load on your wallet.
What's the downsides? None!
You feel better, you save money, and you save the planet.

Give it a chance, will ya?

>> No.14906170

why do we need a word for every little thing? pretty soon we'll be alphabetizing diets just like we do with fetishes, aka LGBTQ2IPAA+

>> No.14906176

Helps convey information in a quick and concise way.
Much easier to say "I am a reducetarian" than to say "I eat less red meat, poultry, sea food, dairy and eggs because I want to help the planet and I am better than you "

>> No.14906187

when you have to define your special little term to everyone you speak to it doesn't save time.

>> No.14906195

How about you impale yourself on a wooden spike?

It’ll...uh...save the planet.

>> No.14906200

It'll become as well known as pescitarian, vegetarian and vegan soon enough. It's the obvious choice of diet because it requires the least amount of change for people.

>> No.14906222

Labeling is for simps and baizuos. If you want to eat less animal meat then do it and keep it to yourself

>> No.14906234

Well it's easy to spread an idea if it had a well defined name.
A local restaurant just introduced a reducetarian menu for people on this restricted diet.

>> No.14906239

>k-keep it to yourself
The rallying cry of the virgin social isolate.

>> No.14906261

>At most a few hundred million people would do this
>This just gives billions of Chinese, Africans and Indians longer to destroy the planet as they completely indulge while you minimize and restrain yourself like the bitch you are so they can have more for longer as they will never convert or reduce their consumption for any reason other than immediate impending doom that will directly kill them within a year
If you want to save the world then either annihilate those groups or bring them to heel and force them to reduce their consumption. The West isn’t the problem when it comes to environmental destruction, uncontrolled growth and consumption. Anyone who tries to tackle the issue by going after the West is either a coward, a retard or just virtue signaling.

>> No.14906267

Indians are almost all vegetarian.

>> No.14906273

>annihilate nuclear powers
Why do morons push these non-starter ideas?

>> No.14906278

>You feel better
That's assuming you were overeating before, though that's a safe bet since most people are overweight. In general you should eat just enough for optimal health, whatever that may be for the individual. Expecting people to cut back and sacrifice their health is unrealistic but just not overeating would do a lot of good for most people.

>> No.14906282

that's fucking retarded. a special menu for people who flat out don't/can't eat certain ingredients makes sense. a special menu for people who prefer to eat less of it is absolutely braindead.

>> No.14906287

It’s not pushing anything. It’s pointing out that those are your options and if the ones presented aren’t feasible then your goal is obviously doomed to fail.

>> No.14906293

synonymous with tranny

>> No.14906296

But how does he get out of there? Really though only about a quarter of them are. The rest is just vegan and vegetarian rhetoric.

>> No.14906301

I was kinda thinking and doing it, but you make me want to consoom some beef. Preferably shipped from overseas. Thanks for turning me back to the straight and narrow.

>> No.14906311

Cont. (... I'm telling you to fuck off. Discreetly.)

>> No.14906331

They start eating meat when they come to the west to take jobs .
They freakin work at McDonald’s selling you beef, cows are their sacred animal
Shows u how much they actually care

>> No.14906354

It's a green alternative to their normal menu. It sounds like it's been pretty popular

>> No.14906361

You can spend your money and health how you see fit. I'm just offering an alternative.

>> No.14906387

I was on a vegetarian diet for about 4 years, felt really good and healthy. Last year i added fish back in just to have more options and honestly its great. The pescatarian diet is healthy and fairly sustainable when you choose your fish wisely. Mammal and bird meat is completely unnecessary and the fake meats like beyond burger really tick those bbq cravings.

>> No.14906395

>You feel better
You can't prove this.

>> No.14906399

So, like a freegan?

>> No.14906417
File: 132 KB, 1148x1137, 1552356874655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't prove this.

>> No.14906431

I rarely eat any meat because it doesn't make sense to.
I eat fish on a rare occasion, but other than that meat is a waste of money. I can buy so many more vegetables for the same amount I would pay for a piece of steak.
It's not necessary to anyone's diet.
Will I eat red meat when I'm out with friends or at a party? Sure. But I don't buy it.

>> No.14906447

>You help save the planet, and you lighten the load on your wallet.
absolute retard.
Why is it you subhumans never have any idea of what you're talking about?

>> No.14906454

> less meat
Sure, to save money.
> eggs and milk
Why? They are cheap as fuck and amazingly healthy.

I get most of my calories from rice, beans, eggs, milk and oats. But I don’t need a gay ass fucking -tarian label for anything I do and if you do you’re a gimp.

>> No.14906477

What's wrong with that statement? Meat costs money and is hard on the environment. Eating less will naturally cost you less and impact the environment less.

I think your way is still doing good. I drink milk and eat dairy products too. I guess I'm not a perfect reducetarian

>> No.14906488

I know. I'm still discreetly telling you to fuck off. I hate manipulators.

>> No.14906494

>this amount of projection

>> No.14906529

>I can buy so many more vegetables for the same amount I would pay for a piece of steak.
Vegetables don't provide nearly the same amount or quality of protein. Steak is more expensive but there are vegetables that cost more than cheaper meats like pork and chicken.

>> No.14906552

>less meat
sure, makes sense
>less dairy and eggs
bullshit. Not only can you ethically source dairy and eggs, you MASSIVELY restrict your diet by removing them
>but anon it just says less, not none
yeah fuck you, you know exactly why they were included you smug vegan fuck

>> No.14906602

>An ideology created by someone for the express purpose of ending factory farming is not consistent and does not hold up to scrutiny
Color me surprised. Its the problem with things like this. The goal is to end factory farming. But you aren't going to sell 99% of people on harming themselves for the sake of animals. Most vegans wouldn't even be vegan if they didn't get a sense of moral superiority from it.

So the problem becomes how can you justify an ideology that has literally no basis other than ending factory farming? You lie and you keep lying and you lie your fucking ass off and just keep making claims because you have the moral high ground in your mind which means its okay for you to lie and deceive. Its the same issue basically every ideology based diet has and unlike typical religions they don't have arbitrary rules set by their god which they can point back to and say that is why they do it without having to justify or make up bullshit as to why its the best and you should do it when the goal and origin has nothing to do with any of the points its claiming.

>It's healthy!
>It's saving the environment!
>Non-Vegan foods are bad for you!
>You will feel so much better!

>> No.14906615

I don't have meat on Fridays. :^)

>> No.14906619

The countries that pollute the most are Western though.

>> No.14906626

oh. I do this already. I eat less of them, but I don't cut them out completely. I will usually just eat meat or animal byproducts twice a week.

>> No.14906630

>The goal is to end factory farming
What's wrong with this?
Ending subsidized meat, dairy and eggs so that burgers don't cost an unrealistic $2 from McDonalds?
Ending the soy and corn feed subsidizes so that a majority of America's un-self-sustaining farm crop doesn't go directly to feed animals for meat?
Sure sounds nice.

>> No.14906968

Isn't this basically just "moderation"? Should be something you try to apply to other aspects of your life as well. Though indulging can be good too as long as it's done as a rare treat and not an everyday thing.

>> No.14906986

Basically, yeah.

>> No.14907019
File: 29 KB, 491x655, 20200914_152406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just buy a whole cow once a year? Then you eat meat every day and only one cow had to die for you! Bonus if it's pasture raised/grass finished.
But idk being a faggot and assigning a label to your diet as if your non food consumption habits are not seriously problematic is not going to fix anything. Grow your own food, slave.
My meat isn't subsidized.

>> No.14907023



>> No.14907037

So we agree completely then? Buying a whole cow once a year, pasture/grass raised. Growing your own food. It's all reducing your impact on the environment. Adding a label just helps people understand and align with ideas.

>> No.14907061

Make your argument as to why it’s nice and a good thing without any moralization. Provide practical reasons that the average person can get behind and support and will not be to their detriment or cause them suffering. Explain the economic benefit for taking these actions.

>> No.14907102

No because I also extend to not going to supermarkets, leaving the city, no fake meat. The original post only talks about reducing animal products. When we should be reducing consumption of imports (I've quit coffee, chocolate, tea, and sugar, something not mentioned), processed food (meat renders tons of fat so no need for imported and highly processed plant oils).

Any faggot who is stupid enough to affiliate themselves with a label is exactly what the system wants so they can pander to and ultimately manipulate them. No isms for me thank you.

>> No.14907121

>I have to share every aspect of my life with the people around me!!!
The rallying cry of the truly socially isolated virgin and 35 year old, single, unmarried, childless wine lady alike.

>> No.14907138

Those are fair points too, and probably should be included in the reducetarian ideals. People should all around consume less, eat whole, local/endemic foods.

The benefit to taking these actions would immediately be felt in the wallets of people. Meat doesn't have to be a daily staple in meals like it currently is for a lot of people.
I would say health benefits too but I don't think most people actively care about their health. Mainly money.

>> No.14907177

>The benefit to taking these actions would immediately be felt in the wallets of people.
How? The issue you have is partially that meat, soy and corn are subsidized goods. This implies that customers are able to afford these goods at a price that is effectively lower than true market value. By the same complaint you imply that vegetables and other non-corn/non-soy plant based foods are not subsidized, meaning consumers are paying what the market will bear.

How is paying market value for a less nutritionally dense and incomplete food item more economical than paying less then market value for a nutrionally dense and complete food item?

>> No.14907216

Furthermore if your issue is that fruits and vegetables "aren't subsidized" over corn/soy do you also want to end wheat subsidies?

>> No.14907226

Even with the subsidies meat is more expensive than vegetables, beans, lentils, rice, etc. You're able to get more nutritionally complete food for less than the cost of meat.
No matter how you slice it, reducing your intake of meat will save you money.

>> No.14907269
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do understand that if most people are going to eat local food, then there are going to be tons of animal products included, right?

Like, lets say, for example, you live in a place that doesn't have a year round growing season? What are you going to eat in the winter?
Even during the growing season you will still also have tons of meat. Animals are incredible beings, many of who produce tons of food. I mean, a full grown cow can easily feed a man for a year, even if he didn't eat anything else. So that cow is still going to be around come the growing season.

Even with growing food (which I do, as shown in pic related) each crop only produces so many calories. A radish is like nothing and takes up a ton of space considering how little calories it makes. It actually makes more sense to grow radish on pasture and let animals eat the greens of them and when you rotate the pasture you eat the tuber. The most space efficient crop is potatoes, and even then it takes a while to grow and is still lacking.

If you really want to push this reducitarian agenda you should start with our legal system. It is incredibly difficult for people to independently sell meat. So maybe make that easier so small scale ag can be more realistic as a profitable solution to the masses.

>> No.14907289


Seems like another thinly veiled vegan crusade thread.

>> No.14907293

>You're able to get more nutritionally complete food for less than the cost of meat.
You can find meat for $1 or $2 per pound which also provides more calories than a pound of vegetables which can sometimes be the same price. For optimal health there are also some things that are just harder to get from plant foods like protein and iron.

There's no point in just telling anyone who eats meat to cut back because not all of them are eating too much of it and telling people to degrade their health for the sake of the environment or their wallet is odd and uncaring. You should be focusing on the people who are like "I need meat with every meal and need a pound of steak for dinner even though I'm obese".

>> No.14907313

>People only care about saving money
>The joy and the pleasure of eating meat along nutrients are not valuable to them
>Making meat more expensive will benefit them as they will eat less of it which is for some reason a better outcome as you have made saving money BUT ONLY IN REGARDS TO ANIMAL PRODUCTS the most important thing but ignore the fact people would rather have access to lower quality meat that is cheap than no access or very costly access to better quality quality meat

You are either being dishonest as you know you can’t come up with a reasonable argument since the core of every argument you make is “eat less animal products” without ever giving a reason as to why that is good. Or you are moron who doesn’t understand he is just making the same ideological argument over and over and doesn’t seem to understand his views aren’t objectively correct and therefore cannot effectively argue for his beliefs.

>> No.14907342

Whatever reduces impact is best. Currently reducing meat would have the greatest impact with our current system.

I agree with changing the legal system. I ascribe to many libertarian views, and government intervention between the interaction of two citizens should be minimal. Including taking money from them to support a broken system like the large farm industry.

>> No.14907359

>Not stuffing your fat fucking face every day until you get the meat sweats is considered so unusual it needed its own dietary classification

Whoo boy

>> No.14907372

Peak Americanism. People itt will defend eating copious amounts of meat to no end just so they fee okay for not eating vegetables.

>> No.14907391

There is literally nothing wrong with eating whatever you want so long as you don’t eat over your TDEE. This bullshit idea you should limit your meat intake if your aren’t overeating is pure vegan bullshit.

>> No.14907392

What would have the greatest impact is increasing number of local producers. Only 1 percent of americans are farmers, do you not see anything wrong with that?

>> No.14907409

You realize this isn’t actually about the impact right? It’s merely the excuse he is using for his actual agenda which is of course the minimization and then removal of animal products from the human diet. He doesn’t want more local producers despite what lies he may spew. He wants it all gone.

>> No.14907412

Most Americans overeat anon, that’s why you’re 80% obese

>> No.14907418

I’d prefer local producers. Daily meat meme should die with the boomers though

>> No.14907439

It’s in the high 40s last time I checked. However people don’t get fat off of meat. They get fat off of sugar and empty calories like alcohol, chocolate, Starbucks and blooming onions. If diets were 90% meat obesity wouldn’t be an issue as meat is satiating.

>> No.14907463

The best way to be 'reducatarian' is to shoot yourself in the head. Second best is to forgo kids and pets. I don't have the constitution for the first but I bet I'm more 'reducatarian' than most of the idiots pushing this shit.

>> No.14907470

Mediterranean is the patrician's diet choice. It's the true Roman diet for true Romans.

>> No.14907476

Based king diet

>> No.14907590

Including bread from the guild of millers...true Roman bread for true Romans.

>> No.14907602

Eggs fish and chicken are cheap as fuck, theres no reason for me to cut down on healthy lean portions high in protein.

>> No.14907605

>You help save the planet, and you lighten the load on your wallet.
What if I want to doom the world and have more money than I know what to do with?

>> No.14907609
File: 260 KB, 1536x906, grain vs meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:/ Daily meat isn't a boomer meme. wtf do you think primitive people would eat every day after a successful hunt? What do you think nomadic peoples eat? What about people who live in climates not conducive to any crops?

It was eat meat or die, usually. Maybe meat wasn't a daily thing but if you could get meat that's what you would eat. Either that or you eat your eggs or dairy or blood.

Meat as a rare treat is an oppressed peasant meme. You are being used by the global elite. They poo poo on the common man for eating a burger while they fly around on private jets, yachts, have 10 mansions, wear all their clothes once, and oppress the shit out of everyone and everything with their financial investments. They want you to eat livestock feed because in their eyes, you are livestock.

>> No.14907621

Cheese and eggs where the reason I didn't went vegans.

Eggs is used in a lot of dishes and the replacements are just shitty still desu. It just an unique and really versatile ingredient really hard to imitate.

And cheese just because it's fucking cheese.

I did have a hard time putting cured meats and delis aside, but I have managed to resist my temptations there. Just because they are big source of cancer.

>> No.14907633

I'll eat whatever I want, dumb vegan subhuman.

>> No.14907656
File: 91 KB, 1024x998, 1597607258256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ACKSHULLY the WHO's research on meat and cancer doesn't really prove much.
They claim processed meat is bad and thats their best bet, the problem is there are a million ways to cure and process meats, and for their (rather cruel) rat and mice tests they would feed them copious amounts of poorly stored cheap shit deli meat and nothing else. You probably don't eat the equivalent of 10% of your bodyweight in deli meats every day. And you probably also weren't injected with known carcinogens prior to doing so either.

Anyways less than half of these poor rodents got colorectal cancer anyways, despite the odds being highly stacked against them. Idk why the fuck they published the conclusions they did. Probably because they were paid big money by the 7th day adventist psychos at Kellogg's.

>> No.14907677

There are vegans and subhumans
We don't need more words

>> No.14907732

Good deli meat is expensive though. I will bet my life the cheap stuff is full of shit that isn't healthy at all.

>> No.14907757

I'm trying to eat less meat honestly.
Used to eat meat every day of the week but now I want to limit it to 4 days, 2 days seafood and 1 day only dairy.
Has anyone done this?

>> No.14907780

I'm trying to keep two days meat, usually weekends.

>> No.14907788

Yeah, I just started liking cheese and eggs more which I generally eat some of every day. Twice a week max I'll just eat as much meat as I want with dinner which ends up being 8-12 oz. But I still end up going weeks without any meat because I just don't crave it. Seems better to only eat meat when your body really needs what it provides rather than treating it like any other typical food to be eaten at any time.

>> No.14907814

That's a bit more primal if you think of it, like hunters gatherers didn't always had a sucesfull hunt so preparing hunting meat was a whole thing.

>> No.14908158

I don't actively try to limit meat but between a combination of laziness where I don't feel like going to the store and a desire to eat everything in my fridge before it goes bad I don't eat that much meat. I usually cook one or two big things a week with a pound of meat in it, and eat them for dinner and lunch until it's gone. If pork shoulder or beef roasts are cheap I'll buy one of those but otherwise the only meat I eat is an occasional sausage or deli meat.

I have no interest in EVER giving up cheese or eggs.

>> No.14909827

Same. I usually eat it when I crave it

>> No.14910737

Pretty based but vegan is better (even if technically impossible aim to never eat meat products, I think I've only slipped up less than 10 times these last 5 or so years I've been vegan)