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[ERROR] No.14878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are Luke Cage or Iron Fist worth watching?

I enjoyed Daredevil S1. I even enjoyed Daredevil S2, mainly for Punisher really. I really struggled to get through JJ, the writing felt noticeably worse. However I did enjoy Kilgrave and Luke, which is why I'm considering watching his show, but I've heard mostly mediocre-to-bad reviews.

>> No.14879

Luke Cage is good if you like DD. Iron Fist is worth watching too but not as good as Luke or DD.

>> No.14880

luke cage is great, but iron fist is cringy as hell

>> No.14881

Iron Fist is the weakest of the Defenders series, bar none. Watch with caution; the action can be lackluster and the dialogue can be cringe-inducing

>> No.14882

Luke Cage is really good but kinda fizzles out a bit towards the end.
Iron Fist is a waste of time.

>> No.14883

i enjoyed Luke Cage and it wasn't bad.

Iron fist is the weakest one of the bunch but not terrible as some would say.

its adequate.

>> No.14884

Luke Cage as a whole is too caught up in its own black hugbox message to treat any other aspects of the show with much care. The series is mostly concerned with the black struggle. Fight choreography is nonexistent. Luke just tosses niggas around like nothing. Just like the fights, Luke himself is also incredibly boring. He really only speaks when he has a soapbox to stand on.

>> No.14885

Yes, they're both decent, just watch out for Clair. Personally, I liked Iron Fist better.

>> No.14886

No, JJ is a good indicator of how none Daredevil Netflix shows go.

Personally, I think Luke Cage is the weakest series.

>> No.14887

Including Iron Fist in that ranking?

>> No.14888


>> No.14889

Fair enough but you might have an acquired brain injury.

>> No.14890

Luke Cage is fucking awesome, save for the second half. I'll spare you the spoilers, OP.

Iron Fist is like watching paint dry, I wouldn't even bother.

>> No.14891
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Can we really even call Luke Cage a human/superhero? He is the textbook definition of a no good thug. He escaped from prison. He beats on cops. And he is very very ugly. So so ugly. Like James Brown. Anti cop bullshit shoe horned in at the very end because of trayvonlives matters I guess. Certain Jewish people/producers may have played into that but people are called /pol/ and racis and are banned when they point this shit out. Luke Cage looks like someone I would see on tv if riots happened in LA. I'm liberal and black btw.

>> No.14892

No and no, imo. Most /co/ lurkers would be able to write a better show.
Even if you like it, you won't miss anything in term of novelty of interesting stuff.
The best thing is to watch the fights on youtube (and even then it's a bit of waste of time).
Just hope for the defenders, anon.

>> No.14893

Luke Cage is boring as fuck but the villain of the first half is pretty fun
If you like literally the blackest niggest characters that have ever been in a tv show you might enjoy it, but Luke himself is really dull as a character

>> No.14894

Cage fights are fucking nothing
They're all just 'Luke walks forward and throws a dude every now and again' up until the final poorly choreographed fist fight against Father Chucklefuck

>> No.14895

>Most /co/ lurkers would be able to write a better show.
It doesn't matter how bad they were, you're severely overestimating /co/

>> No.14896

Luke Cage was on its way to being a great show, but fucks it all up halfway through with an attempt to shake things up. Easily the worst Marvel Netflix show thanks to that.

Iron Fist isn't great, but watchable and more consistent.

>> No.14897

if you cant find anything else to watch on netflix, luke cage is worth watching. iron fist, too

if you could tolerate jj for the few parts of it you liked then im sure you can find something to like about lc or if

>> No.14898

Both are worth watching - they're not as good as Daredevil though.

Why do people dislike Iron Fist so much?
No, it's not great, but it's on about the same level as Luke Cage. LC had better atmosphere, while IF was pretty bland. On the other hand, IF had some nice villains, while LC's villains were dull as hell.
People seem to lash out at Iron Fist because it's not as good as Daredevil or Jessica Jones, but it's not *that* bad.

>> No.14899

is cottonmouth the best defenders villain?

I think he is.

>> No.14900

They're okay, Luke Cage gets incredibly stupid in the last 4 or 5 episodes. Iron Fist is like a blander version of Daredevil. It's not terrible but the lead actor kind of ruins everything.

>> No.14901

>Are Luke Cage or Iron Fist worth watching?

Iron Fist is worth watching to piss off the SJWs.
Also better ratings will help it get renewed quicker which will get to them even more.

>> No.14902

I went in with zero expectations on iron fist and enjoyed it
so I'll hazard a guess that it didn't live up to their expectations

>> No.14903

Well, was.

>> No.14904

apparently it has some of the best rating out of the four series

>> No.14905

Lol no

Iron Fist is the best one
Daredevil was boring as fuck besides like four fight scenes and two monologues
JJ was cringey as fuck and Luke Cage is slow as paint drying

>> No.14906
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>> No.14907

Iron Fist was awful.

>> No.14908

>Iron Fist was awful.

SJW tears make it worthwhile.

>> No.14909

Kill me but I can't find a single decent thing about Luke Cage, besides music. It always half-asses.

Cottonmouth? Killed half-way through for his slut sister and Luke's retard brother to take stage.

They never even bothered with explaining Scarfe's motivation. What the fuck was he doing and why. They only explained why he's bitter, then realized they were making him almost kind of likable and haphazardly decided to make him corrupt. Why is he corrupt? H-his family was killed and...?

>> No.14910

Luke Cage is actually my favourite of the Netflix series, which is surprising because it was the one I was most sceptical about
Iron fist is OK

>> No.14911

Cottonmouth was pretty whiny besides that one cool Biggie scene too

why is it all the Netflix leads lack personality?

>> No.14912

I thought it was way better than JJ (then again, I struggle to name one thing about that series that I like, so take it with a grain of salt) but not as good as DDs1.
Kind of on par with DDs2. Promising beginning, shits the bed near the end.

>> No.14913

Kingpin may be better when he properly develops, but yes. So far Cottonmouth is the only one who I wanted to see the more of.

That's a problem with all Netflix villains to be honest.

>> No.14914

Luke Cage is the slowest, most boring show in existence.

>> No.14915

I struggle to understand the criticism over Iron Fist being "slow". Did we see Luke Cage? where was the narrative momentum. Iron Fist was well more consistently paced than LC.

>> No.14916

>while LC's villains were dull as hell.
Holy shit how could you not like Cottonmouth?

>> No.14917

>On the other hand, IF had some nice villains
Iron Fist villains were all shit.
>inb4 muh Drunken Master
Overrated to hell and back although he's much better than any other villain. Only remembered by the virtue of having slightly more charisma than Finn Jones and looking better on screen which isn't even an accomplishment.