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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14903801 No.14903801 [Reply] [Original]

So im come from /fit/ and i eat 6-14 eggs per day.

Mainly in form of scrambled eggs because it's the easiest and fastest to eat

How do i make it actually taste like something? i'm getting so sick of it.

What i currently do is just... well scramble them in a pan and add salt afterwards

>> No.14903811

You dont use enough butter and youre over cooking them to a dry bland state since youre a lazy piece of shit. You could always add spices/condiments to jazz it tup. Infuse some harissa in the butter before adding the eggs, add soy sauce, add fresh herbs like chives after.

>> No.14903813

Add msg.

>> No.14903815

a dab of butter in the pan will add some flavor, but not sure how that works with your diet
hot sauce and/or salsa are good toppings
black pepper is nice
some pickled jalapenos on the side are especially tasty
that's all i got for you, bro

>> No.14903819

you can cut up fresh herbs, like chives or tarragon and put them in the eggs while they cook. Spinach is good too as it wilts/cooks fast as you are cooking the eggs. Fat is flavor too, so depending on what you scramble your eggs in would also enhance them. Unrefined coconut oil would impart a coconutty flavor, bacon grease would make them smokier.

>> No.14903823

A hint of curry powder (Keen’s) works well. Throw in cubed Spam or frozen vegetables (corn, peas, carrots)

>> No.14903824

>he doesn't boof raw eggs for the extra nutrients

>> No.14903842


>> No.14903849


>> No.14903857

Salsa tastes pretty good with eggs. Broccoli and onion goes well with eggs too if you cook them until they're soft first. It takes more time but I've switched to only cooking a maximum of two eggs in the pan at a time, more than that and it starts messing up the texture because it has to stay in the pan longer since it gets thicker. If you don't mind the bit of extra time then try only adding a thinner layer of egg and cooking that before removing it to a plate and starting another batch.

You might just get sick of it no matter what if you're eating 6-14 eggs per day though. I was trying to just have 4 with breakfast every day and started to hate it. You could try switching it up or cutting the portion with Greek yogurt, cheese, and cheap fish or meat to at least get some more variety. But your body is pretty good at telling you what you should be eating as long as you stay on a healthy balanced diet so you shouldn't have to feel like you're forcing yourself to eat something for optimal health.

>> No.14903859

3rd heart attack when

>> No.14903873

>Summary Eggs consistently raise HDL cholesterol. For 70% of people, there is no increase in total or LDL cholesterol.
>HDL helps rid your body of excess cholesterol so it's less likely to end up in your arteries. LDL is called “bad cholesterol” because it takes cholesterol to your arteries, where it may collect in artery walls. Too much cholesterol in your arteries may lead to a buildup of plaque known as atherosclerosis.

I just kinda like standardizing my food intake. makes it easier to track. Eggs are easier than most foods to eat alot of (i need ~4.000kcal/day) and come with tons of micro nutrient benefits. I just need a way to make some foods more palatable. Chicken, fish and rice for example i find easy to make tasty enough, just eggs im struggling with

>> No.14903976

You need some saturated fat for that test.

>> No.14904644

red chili sauce, pretty easy to make yourself

>> No.14904668

stop overcooking them.
use a bit of butter.
i quite like slicing up a load of tomatoes, chives and grating some smoked cheddar and kind of dropping the lot on top. if you're too lazy for that then just use chives.

>> No.14904701

Why not just use some hot sauce, or tony chachere seasoning?

>> No.14905376

Add a tablespoon of milk

>> No.14905388


>> No.14905418

I like chives in eggs. There's just enough flavor to give it something more without over powering the others.

>> No.14905430

OP, give us more to work with here. You eat an insane amount of cholesterol, I mean, eggs and what else? What veggies do you love most? What carbs are you allowing yourself to eat?

>> No.14905454

Lmao he still thinks dietary cholesterol matters. Do you even listen to joe rogan gramdpa?

>> No.14905488

If you can afford the calories in a crust, you can make a couple quiches ahead of time and freeze them. Much easier to spruce up.

>> No.14905493

lmao he still thinks you can consume huge amounts of dietary cholesterol with no consequences

>> No.14905514

Lmao you can they proved it and the demonization of fat was sugar industry propeganda. Cholesterol is a testosterone precursor bro. This dude afraid to eat liver.

>> No.14905541

try making some huevos rancheros, dont have a recipe but you can probably find plenty of decent ones on the internet. refried beans alongside work perfectly.

>> No.14905552

I use butter and grate in some parmesan cheese. The fresh stuff not the powder kind. It's worth it believe me. Then I'll add some chives or thin cut green onions. Pepper to taste.
Should make for very tasty scrambled eggs.

>> No.14905651

>used to eat eggs maybe once or twice a month
>start to really get into them and now go through 2 dozen a week minimum
>get blood work done at yearly physical
>cholesterol dropped 30 points from last year

only other dietary change was less carbs because of the eggs filling me up enough to not want stuff like hash browns or a 2nd piece of toast. unless it's for personal taste preference, egg whites ain't worth it especially when a dozen eggs regularly goes on sale for 69 cents at the store

>> No.14905849

>he doesn't know

>> No.14905858

just up your dosage dude

>> No.14905866

Still waiting for an answer.

>> No.14905870

Dietary cholesterol has close to zero effect on actual cholesterol levels in your blood. Your body is very good at regulating the amount of cholesterol in your blood. If it doesn't need the dietary cholesterol, you'll just poop it out. Over 90% of dietary ch. isn't even absorbed, its excreted.
Coronary disease is a disease of many factors, a main one being inflammation caused by eating processed shit and sugar constantly, not dietary fat.
How do you think people ate before they were able to extract soybean oil? Retard.

>> No.14905881

Three ideas: shakshuka, frittata, pickled eggs. They all taste considerably different from scrambled eggs, for some variety.

Also remember you can step up your game with some spices and herbs. For scrambled eggs I'd recommend black pepper, cumin, and red pepper, but it's up to your tastes, plenty people like chives instead.

>> No.14905890

>Coronary disease is a disease of many factors, a main one being inflammation caused by eating processed shit and sugar constantly, not dietary fat.
Obesity is probably the biggest factor, it basically raises your risk of almost every disease and health problem.

>> No.14905897

Half-scrambled eggs with lots of butter
add salt and fresh cracked black pepper
Your favorite hot sauce (I love Tapatio on eggs)
and a nice hot tortilla to go with it
This is my go-to egg breakfast

>> No.14905902


>> No.14906496

no, i just never thought of using it to cook. I've always used cooking oil

>> No.14906508

well, i mean im open to adding pretty much whatever. I need alot of calories which leaves me open to most suggestions.

Carbs? all of em' lol. I eat mostly rice because it's easy to eat alot of. not sure how that's relevant to making eggs taste better...

>> No.14906514

calories are not a concern

>> No.14906519

This might be one of the best suggestions so far, and seems easy enough for a retard like me

>> No.14906532

yeah, i dont get people who throw away the yolk. Altough buying a jug of egg whites and using it to subsidize some of your eggs with can be good on a fat loss phase because you shift the protein to fat ratio

>> No.14906546

I'll have to google those ideas, but yeah

summary of what i've learned so far: More spices and herbs(specifically pepper and chivez has come up alot), use butter instead of cooking oil, maybe add milk (and?)/or grade some cheese onto it

>> No.14906556

Yeah i'm not worried about my hearth. Just by the fact im not fat(by a long shot) im probaly better of than the vast majority of people. My family also has little to no history of hearth disease

>> No.14906607

shove it in ur posse

>> No.14906902

Wtf have you never tried a french omelette? Butter and eggs are meant to be together.

>> No.14906922

make some eggs meurette bro it's fantastic

>> No.14906930

Never overcook eggs, and no, there is nothing wrong with leaving them runny, it's not poison

>> No.14906938
File: 133 KB, 600x1024, 42DEB970-CA2C-4705-B9E4-1842BEC8AEAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s real

>> No.14906946

Menemen, a Turkish scrambled egg dish. Original recipe calls for fresh tomatoes and green peppers finely sliced / grated, but you can use tinned tomatoes with green salsa or just some sliced jalapenos if you're a lazy cunt. You could even add some diced ham into it or fry up some chopped sausage before you put the veg & egg in. Ottoman cuisine is the best.

>> No.14906960

>easiest and fastest to eat
hard boiled eggs would like to have a word with you, get a cheapo hard boiled egg maker and make big batches of them, peel and eat when you're ready. yes, hard boiled eggs are easy to make traditionally, but a machine to do it for $15 or whatever makes it totally braindead. also hard boiled eggs are best because portable. i grab two on my way out the door every morning.

>> No.14906984

Oh also egg fried rice. Just boil a bunch of rice and keep in a tupperware in the fridge, it's meant to be at least a day old and dried up. Get some MSG, soy sauce, spices, sesame oil and you'll be good to go, can also throw in lots of ingredients like veg (frozen for ease, it's as good as fresh in most cases) or things like frozen shrimp. Get some lao gan ma if you can.

>> No.14907008
File: 46 KB, 500x327, no-one-eats-eggs-like-gaston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Gaston poster

>> No.14907016

Fucking what

>> No.14907260

op this is the video you need, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONYflj0I2QI

throw some scallions and meat in there and its pretty damn good and amazing texture

>> No.14907772


>> No.14908292

>He doesn't know that raw eggs have less nutrients and protein than a cooked egg

>> No.14908340

salt them before you cook them and let them sit for 10 minutes, they will darken considerably and this does wonders for the texture. throw in black pepper and whatever herbs you want before they go into the pan, if you're near a trader joes they sell something called 21 seasoning salute that is awesome in scrambled eggs.

also dont be afraid to branch out, the protein chef has some great pickled egg recipes and look at frank prisinzano's crispy egg method on his instagram page.

>> No.14908362

Eat egg salad sandwiches.

Experiment with different styles of cooking such as:
Learn how to properly poach an egg, not coddle.
Make fried or basted eggs.
Even just try experimenting with spices. Cumin guess really well with eggs. So does chili oil or hot sauce.

>> No.14909452
File: 9 KB, 214x235, 79326626_434525137493821_7904186897906270208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and no, i've never made an omelette
top kek, love that meme. but no,l i eat alot besides the eggs
Oh this sounds good. noted
i can shovel down 3 eggs worth of scrambled eggs with a spoon in the time it takes to eat a hard boiled egg, and feel less inclined to throw up afterwards
>pic related

>> No.14910243

How hard can it be to slice onions, red pepper tomatoes and give it some herbs enjoy!
For variation i could think of veggies like broccoli tastes really good if you fry a bit and then add the egg

>> No.14910969
File: 242 KB, 970x2048, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green onions, franks red hot, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper