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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14892645 No.14892645 [Reply] [Original]

Egg McMuffin or Sausage McMuffin?

No other answers are accepted. Violate this rule and you die.

>> No.14892648

Big Mac

>> No.14892650

You die.

>> No.14892652

That's the plan

>> No.14892654

>everything is going to be just fine.

>> No.14892657 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 209x289, Fear Grimace Mk23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Violate this rule and you die
This is a terroristic threat and will be treated like one.

>> No.14892675

Bacon McDuffin

>> No.14892680

Which one is which?

>> No.14892684

Damn both looks like shit but sausage I guess at least looks more fresh than that "ham"

>> No.14892693

Only a fucking retard would think that the egg McMuffin is superior to the sausage McMuffin with egg.

>> No.14892711

Fuck you, I want a McGriddle

>> No.14892714

You die.

>> No.14892726

Honestly, whenever I get a sausie mcmuffie with eggie I start to feel a bit sick towards the end. I think it's just too rich or something. With the eggie mcmuffie I'm ok, though.

>> No.14892746

Fucking kek

McMuffie? Haha

Hey I'm going to go get McDonald's right now anyone want anything? I was going to use DoorDash but they wanted $20 for a couple sandwiches Fuck that.

>> No.14892755

>No egg or sausage visible
What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.14892760

I don't want a McMuffin, MOM, I want a Bacon Egg and Cheese McGriddle! God, you're such a bitch!

>> No.14892780
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Can it be both?

>> No.14892788

Double sausage and egg I'd the only choice. Need to get those greasy proteins

>> No.14892813


>> No.14892814 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 512x365, mcmuffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went for a hike to get out of the house last week, when I was coming home I stopped at maccas for lunch and a coffee. I usually hate drive throughs but I needed to get home was running a bit late. The girl on the intercom thing sounded distracted, and when I went got to the window she had an unsettled look on her face and just asked me to pull up to the waiting bay. Annoyed it would take so long, I looked back at the restaurant in the mirror and movement caught my eye. I turned around in my seat and peered through the restaurant windows. Inside was probably a couple of hundred pidgins. A couple of employees were running around trying to 'shoo' the pidgins like kids do with seagulls, but obviously they couldn't escape. I decided I didn't want to wait or eat pidgin food. I've never had a McMuffin,

>> No.14892832
File: 57 KB, 590x590, 0ffbratchetwhoadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sausage Biscuit w Cheese, fuck the puckegg. gimme yellow soft egg

>> No.14892833
File: 446 KB, 512x365, mcmuffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14892645 (OP)
I went for a hike to get out of the house last week, when I was coming home I stopped at maccas for lunch and a coffee. I usually hate drive throughs but I needed to get home and was running a bit late. The girl on the intercom thing sounded distracted. When I got to the window she had an unsettled look on her face and just asked me to pull up to the waiting bay. Annoyed it would take so long, I looked back at the restaurant in the mirror and movement caught my eye. I turned around in my seat and peered through the restaurant windows. Inside was probably a couple of hundred pigeons, like the common city pigeons. An employee was running around trying to 'shoo' the pigeons like kids do with seagulls, but obviously they couldn't escape. I decided I didn't want to wait or eat pigeon food. I've never had a McMuffin,

>> No.14892848

But the "puckegg" is a real egg that is cracked and cooked onsite. The "yellow soft egg" is a factory-made product that comes in plastic bags. (This is actually true, confirmed by McD's employees multiple times.)

>> No.14892916

egg mcmuffin and add a sosig patty.

>> No.14892928

You have masturbated too much and turned yourself blind.

>> No.14892940

This, but no cheese.

>> No.14892966

Egg McMuffin
>best flavor
>but biting through the "ham" has the textural appeal of biting through someone's skin

Bacon McMuffin
>bacon shatters like glass upon contact with teeth
>6 grams of irradiated Chernobyl bacon equivalent to $0.02

Sausage McMuffin
>McD's sausage is the greasiest substance known to man so you can feel your arteries straining
>texture is like a sponge dipped into a vat of motor oil

Why does McDonalds suck so much dick when it comes to breakfast meats? Why the FUCK do I have to pay full price if I just want cheese and egg? Fuck off dude.

>> No.14893078

What's the tip that my wife will surely appreciate tonight? I'm scared to click the link, but it looks like tickling her sides.

>> No.14893091

What's in a bacon mcduffin, besides bacon, obviously? Because I feel like I could eat several at the moment based on name alone.

>> No.14893100
File: 81 KB, 1200x900, 433895_tabitharwheeler_99fef910-b0bc-470e-96b1-ccda89a55a04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sausage and Egg Mcgriddle for me

>> No.14893147

Neither, I go to a local hole in the wall Mexican joint and they give me a $5 breakfast burrito the size of a newborn that's just crammed with sausage, ham, potato, egg, and cheese.

>> No.14893150

I just ate an egg mcmuffin so the answer is clear

>> No.14893506

The ham one, always.

>> No.14893881

You die.

You die,

>> No.14895202

> The "yellow soft egg" is a factory-made product that comes in plastic bags.
It's still just egg, just not fresh and likely full of preservatives.

>> No.14895211


>> No.14895228

this thread is fucking killing me. love you, OP. also I used to cum at the thought of the 2 for 4 Sausage Egg Muffin deal; not sure if that is still an offer anymore but I don't really eat out these days anyhow.

>> No.14895381
File: 215 KB, 1161x886, mcdonalds breakfast wrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakfast wrap

>> No.14895390

Egg Mcmuffin
Love ham and egg breakfast sandwiches, where fast food sausage just always tastes cheap and I can't do it

>> No.14895471

biting into a delicious egg mcmuffin is my first mcdonalds memory so thats what i always get

>> No.14897028

Both dubs on the McGriddle. We have a winner. Also guys, don't forget to get it with the "round egg"... perfection.

>> No.14897046 [DELETED] 

You die.

>> No.14897048

I'll gladly die to call you a retarded faggot nigger. Those shitty "muffins" taste and have the exact texture of cardboard. The real question is, mcchicken biscuit, or bacon egg and cheese biscuit?

>> No.14897097

Everybody dies. Sausage.

>> No.14897178
File: 147 KB, 594x594, mcdonalds-chicken-mcmuffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken mcmuffin > everything else

>> No.14897790
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based eggmcmuffin

have fun shitting your brains out after 2 hours of eating a sausage mcfailure

>> No.14897906

McGriddle every single time
I die, you die, we all die.

And I’m gonna shove that maple syrup covered sausage down my throat

>> No.14897938

For me, it's the McCock

>> No.14898549
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, main (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Scrambled Egg Burger

>> No.14898572

There are four mcshill threads in the catalog already

Fat people should learn to cook

>> No.14898575

Sausage McMuffin

>> No.14898591

/ck/ is and always has been a food board. Fuck off, newfag board tourist.

>> No.14898645

You die.

>> No.14899380

My tip. She'll love it.

>> No.14899389

I get the sausage mcmuffin WITHOUT egg because its only a dollar. if you get ANY other choice it's 3 dollars. other than maybe the plain sausage biscuit but i'm not a freak and would never eat that nightmare

>> No.14899396

Sausage McMuffin but I make it at home with real cheese.

>> No.14899397

damn young whippersnappers and their newfangled mcmuffinchicken

>> No.14899403

Do non-Americans really

>> No.14899497

I make them at home, buy the breakfast sausage patties, thick slices of cheddar, eggs, and an english muffin. I vastly prefer the biscuit to an english muffin, but I can't find anywhere to buy them and I currently don't have anything to bake with

>> No.14899512
File: 704 KB, 953x882, gNK8OE9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if you can find these where you live, but they come frozen, you just pop them in the oven for like 25 minutes and they're ready, not bad at all for what they are either, I use them for exactly what you're describing

>> No.14899521

can't take all the salt. it's just too much.

but given a choice between the two, the sausage mcmuffin.

>> No.14899522

Is this in fucking Canada or somewhere?

>> No.14899523

neither are pictured, because that's a sausage egg and cheese muffin and a ham egg and cheese muffin. the regular ones don't come with that much stuff

>> No.14899536

do they really put ketchup on it?

>> No.14899543

you don't have them in the US?? Up here if the place sells coffee, they also sell these breakfast sandwichs

>> No.14899547

Having briefly worked at a mcdonalds as a teenager, The sausage is shit because it's 65% meat 35% fat, but they never change the grill temp or times, so you're sticking it in for the same amount of time as the burgers, meaning all the fat renders out and leaves it dry and spongy

>> No.14899564

Yes, or brown sauce in the UK if you ask for it. I don't know if you Murricans have brown sauce but it's a more tangy tomato sauce, but tastes a lot different to ketchup. I'd recommend getting some if you've never had it. HP's a good one. It goes well with breakfast meats and even stuff you wouldn't expect like beef stew

>> No.14899570

we don't have any brown sauce other than HP but that's really all you need

>> No.14899572

one of my scottish friends introduced me to brown sauce and we just ate ham on toast with it

>> No.14899578

That's the one, though some store brand ones are pretty good too

That's pretty good, it makes beans on toast better too.

>> No.14899582
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 20317832003_lrg_1_@1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking online, they sell the dough, not the finished product

>> No.14899630

+1 upboat.

>> No.14899660

For me,

>> No.14899764

I agree, egg McMuffins are like 7/10 at best and sausage McMuffins are at least an 8

>> No.14899766

Sausage McGriddle

>> No.14899787

Sausage McMuffin of course.

>> No.14899794

do it pete
I'm ready

>> No.14900088

One of these straight after a night shift was fucking godly

>> No.14900126

It's spray dried egg, literally just had water removed.

Look up "spray drying" and stop the whole "omg they put evil yoga mat chemicals in my egg it's SYNTHETIC food, tastes like polystyrene block copolymers" retardation

>> No.14900200

The sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle or bacon egg and cheese mcmuffin also sausage egg and cheese biscuit