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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14886892 No.14886892 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that the food in Italy is actually mediocre?

>> No.14886914

I have only been to Rome, but I found all of the food outside of the gelato and coffee quite mediocre at best. Nothing I couldn't get better elsewhere.

>> No.14886922

based retard

>> No.14886930

Based globetrotting roastie putting the ities on notice.

>> No.14886932

yeah if you go there expecting to eat like you do at the olive garden its gonna be mediocre

>> No.14886933

Who would of thought a country filled with snobs that can't take criticism would end up making bland mediocre food that other cultures would improve upon.

>> No.14886973

No. The food in Italy is great.

>> No.14886991
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, olive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I honestly would expect this to be so true

>> No.14886999
File: 508 KB, 2048x1536, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and no
that is just traditional food
to my taste it was not full of flavor and somehow plain

>> No.14887001

You know I don't love Olive Garden but this was actually fucking delicious

>> No.14887013

Yes. Italian food is like the BMW 300 Series of cuisine, it's perfectly fine and decent but its also babby's first foray into cooking-tier.

At least it isn't as bad as British or Scandi food though.

>> No.14887065

Just like everywhere else, there are great restaurants with talented cooks that make amazing food, and then there's the other 95%. Cities like Rome and Venice are rife with tourist traps and ripp-offs. And despite what Italians love to pretend, the average italian is clueless about food and cooking, just like everywhere else. So if you go to Italy for food, plan your trip the same way you would if you went for culture. Don't just show up to any random place and expect quality. Also be aware that Italians resent everyone because they are no longer a major nation and they know it, so expect rude and unfriendly service always.

>> No.14887100

Rome is one big tourist trap. The hotspots have restaurants run by pajeets that sell meme foods for clueless chinks. You can get better food in other cities for not even half the price.

>> No.14887164

if you go to eat in tourist traps you will get screwed 99% of the times.

>> No.14887171

I haven't traveled there yet, but I hear that the food in touristy areas like Rome is poor and not representative of the rest of the country.

>> No.14887394

I never had a bad meal there, but when I was in the bowels of Rome, Milan and Florence, I made sure I didn't overhear North American accents before I got food anywhere.

A lot of the food was very simple, and kind of limited from being mindblowing in the same way that German pilsners are (simplicity and familiarity), but I enjoyed all of it.

>> No.14887413

italy may have invented the 'za, but 'tle 'sars perfected it. for a mere $5, discerning patrons can acquire a delicious, nutritious 'ot' n 'eady pie for enjoyment on the go or with your loved ones
'tle 'sars: they have the 'za that makes you go "ahhh!"

>> No.14887483

When I was in Italy the nice restaurant I went to was great, pretty cheap but as good as really nice places in dc. But everything else was kinda bad, like they microwaved pizza bad. Austria, Germany, and Belgium had better food overall, way better gelato to. I'm absolutely convinced Italians have no right to criticize other food when they eat shit worse than fucking dennys.

>> No.14887509

Didn't have a bad meal there.. In fact, I only had good meals. Some of the best I ever had actually. Where the fuck did you go to have bad food? You would have to be an utterly clueless tourist to get baited into a bad restaurant. Bad restaurants for tourists exist in every country in the world.

Also, in regards to that pic, first off - look who posted that and consider what platform it was posted on - it may as well be disregarded. However, within Italy, Venice is not known for its food, and is by no means a good standard to judge the country by. Who gets ice cream in Venice? At least head to the actual local areas where people live and get some Cicchetti and regional wine.

>> No.14887513 [DELETED] 
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why are they everywhere ?

>> No.14887535

Because there are literally billions of them. At least the Anglos keep their numbers down by getting killed off as they invaded everything.

>> No.14887563

Depends on your palate. If you're used to Americanized Italian food, yes, you'll find authentic Italian food rather bland. I'd also say it depends on where you go. If you're just sticking to tourist areas, you won't get the best foods.

>> No.14887667

The way I see it, it boils down to people going to fancy Italian restaurants at home, and while abroad, they go to cheap food stalls.

>> No.14887723

Yeah, I was expecting the food to be among the best Italian I ever had, I dined in numerous places from Vatican restaurants to some of the recommended places in Venice, and they were all quite "meh". Not the best, but not bad, just "meh". Best Italian restaurant I ever been to was in London, worse was in Berlin.

>> No.14888143

I went in not knowing they had that promo going and forced my gf to wait for me to finish gorging myself on stuffed pasta for like 90 minutes, totally worth it. OG isn't "authentic" or whatever but I can't complain about stuffed pasta swimming in melted cheese.

>> No.14888146


>be amerilard
>grow up on steady diet of corn syrup making everything taste disgustingly sweet
>try real food
>where's muh estrogen infused corn syrup gmo casserole at?

>> No.14888152

wtf is up with that bitch's nail

>> No.14888155

Why does she describe the food as shocking? And why does that mean bad to her? I guess shockingly bad could be a way to describe it, but as I read the first half of her blurb I thought she was describing it as shockingly good.

>> No.14888164


Just look at her nails, those alone tell you she's been on a diet of cum and self induced vomit since she turned 12

>> No.14888168

The word as commonly used has negative connotations when there is no modifier. You will find shockingly bad as a secondary definition in the dictionary.

>> No.14888178

Everything in Venice is shit and costs too much. They fucking glorify that a cappuccino in piazza san marco costs $40. Fuck those pasta niggers

>> No.14888181

Kinda how it works. If you grow up with an abundance of sugar (glucose, fructose, "sugar free" sugar alcohols that give you the shits), salt, MSG and every agricultural convenience possible, you get used to your food being sweeter, and saltier, your giant tomatoes tasting a certain way, your meat being soft and lean. When you grow up on fresh and tinned romas grown in the same soil your great grandfather tilled, leaving the youngest animals to grow to full size before cooking everything with whatever's in the pantry because it's a long walk into town, you get used to really simple meals that taste like the semi-sour tomato and muscular meat that's in them.

>> No.14888559

>'za, but 'tle 'sars

Did you fall on your head as baby and your parents scooped some dirt back in instead of brain

>> No.14888573

it's true that this vapid reality tv bint's opinion on food is worthless

>> No.14888584

you should have visited france

>> No.14888593

I really hate OP for spreading her content, but the entire point of her post was it's a shitpost.

>> No.14888595

If you are used to sugary fatty and shitty processed food that Americans have an acquired taste for yeah you will find Italy food lame, you prrbably will find most Mediterranean cousine lame as well, but actually you are the lame fatass.

>> No.14888600

I live in alabama and we have like a dozen greek restaurants in my city.

>> No.14888616

I'm not surprised that a life choke-full of starbucks frappuccinos makes one unable to appreciate when food aren't 75% sugar.
Subtlety is a thing not everyone can appreciate.

>> No.14888639

You mean Americanized Greek food?

>> No.14888643

Food in Florence and Sicily was great.

>> No.14888651

no we have a big military base and tons of contractors so it's a heavily international city for its size. we have halal grocery stores, a bunch of asian grocery stores, and we even have a dedicated ramen shop. I don't know how you can americanize food like stuffed grape leaves.

>> No.14888659

> I don't know how you can americanize food like stuffed grape leaves.
you can start by deep frying it, or coating it in a mayo-based sauce, or putting a lot of butter on it. or all 3!

>> No.14888660

It is never worth it to order pasta from a restaurant. I can always make it better, and cheaper at home

>> No.14888661

>'tle 'sars
Chipotle Tsars??

>> No.14888662

Greek cuisine is pretty simple. The only way of Americans fucking it up i can think of, is replacing pork and lamb with beef and chicken all the time.

>> No.14888663

what the fuck dude sure throw some 73/27 in it while we're at it

>> No.14888720

Easy just add more fats or sugars or both.

>> No.14888728

I bet you remind everyone of this fact every time eating pasta in a restaurant is brought up, while simultaneously wondering why people don't like talking to you.

>> No.14888750

>I don't know how you can americanize food like stuffed grape leaves.

i take it youve never watched ramsays kitchen nightmares USA?

>> No.14888758

very bored of phone conversations with the girl i'm seeing

>> No.14888801

women are hobbiless cretins that feed on attention and drama, what did you expect?

>> No.14888819

Italian food is so bad that they have to pass legislation to ban Chinese and Kabobs from certain tourist areas because they outsell the local italian garbage.

>> No.14888823
File: 138 KB, 1019x919, fast food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno which one. here's one of the fast food places near me. they have a drive thru

>> No.14888828

>Italian food is so bad that they have to pass legislation to ban Chinese and Kabobs from certain tourist areas because they outsell the local italian garbage.
wtf is this true?


>> No.14888831

It's why I prefer traveling to Spain rather than Italy. In Italy you constantly feel like you're being fleeced.

>> No.14888852
File: 391 KB, 1357x962, greek menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt even use greek names
doesnt even deserve to be called greek food when its probably made by americans who larp as greeks, look at pic related

>> No.14888893


They don't even pronounce it right

>> No.14888898

when you have delusions of grandeur, any foreign food can be mediocre or downright atrocious
this is why i expect nothing because then i'm not let down by any bad experience

>> No.14888917

city is an entire tourist trap. it's beautiful but if you're eating at any place that even has a fucking sign in the front, you fucked up.
locals don't want tourists fucking up their spots.

>> No.14888919
File: 149 KB, 563x1000, venice pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they're a fast food joint with 82 locations according to wikipedia. I'm sure teenagers work there. it's about as americanized as it gets and to me it just looks like a limited menu

we've got a greek owned pizza place here that is pretty americanized actually. shitty picture but you'll get the idea

>> No.14888942

Ive never met anyone who larped as a Greek, theres tons of them in America that own small restaurants with menus exactly like the one u posted and the other guys. Yours is just clearly a bigger menu and I didnt even see lamb gyros so its fucked

>> No.14888950

Amerifat food is filled with sugar , fats ,spices and carbs, Once they eat a normal, well balanced euro dish they will bitch it didnt taste like that caloric bomb filled with fat and MSG they ate at (((Luigi))) or ((( Pierre))) back in the states.
The Americuck bread is so sweet it;s legally cake in Europe.No wonder that euro ice cream was bland when you usually drink 2000 calories Frappucinos- Diabetes from Starbucks

>> No.14888957

Dude greeks are 100% one of the biggest larpers ever. here in jersey there are a lot of "greek diners" or people who claim greek heritage but its very watered down.
I mean they are around sure but most are watered.

>> No.14889015


>> No.14889019


>> No.14889027

I know this is a meme about how bad olive garden is and I've only ever been once but the idea of stuffed pasta isn't absurd, it's the basis of ravioli

>> No.14889029

Where's the ramen shop? I'm a newfag who just got a job here.

>> No.14889034

She's a brit, She's from love island. According to my mother she went out with some manner of lovable retard and I assume can now lead the next 10 years of her life plugging shit on instagram before going on celebrity big brother and saying something racist

>> No.14889039

>Italian coffee
Lol no.

>> No.14889052

No because I dont eat at Italian restaurants.

>> No.14889057

I'm no expert, what's the sort of touristy food you get in italy? I mean the sort of thing you can eat standing up and looking at a fountain or some other touristy nonsense. I can't think of much that you could do that with, save for garlic bread or a slice of pizza.

>> No.14889089

If you go to a place like Venice where at any one time tourists outnumber actual residents there are going to be a lot of places that are total tourist traps. Italy is also a large country, there are going to be shit places in any large country. There are also going to be great places. Part of your job when traveling is to not be the tourist sucker that eats at the shit ones and is fleeced of your bucks by the locals.

Does it come with your insane gun culture that you are also so easily triggered?

>> No.14889097

shitty gelatto and icecream. They buy garbage mass produced stuff and claim it's "artisan made" while charging your ass for it.

>> No.14889101
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they're newfags too. just opened 9 months ago. it's at the stovehouse. I really hate the raw osb and corrugated cardboard look they went with. yoshi sushi fusion is supposed to have good ramen too

>> No.14889104
File: 32 KB, 450x338, KRNEDM2DM5BMNNO3RBSNHEQC5M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant corrugated steel
watch who you're triggering there bub

>> No.14889204


Imagine someone from Alabama thinking they know literally anything about good food. My sides are in orbit.

>> No.14889222


>> No.14889289

Mediocrity has been Italy's national motto since 1994

>> No.14889318


>soda machine


>kids and white women

Looked at their site and wasn't surprised. Doesn't attempt to specialize on one bowl but gives you a choice from the same exact fucking menu list every ramen place in America has and serves every bowl with the same generic noodles.

>> No.14889324

auburn is like 9% asian

>> No.14889700

Some degenerate whore then? Shocking that she has horrible taste.

>> No.14890135

Basically yes. I think she also does snapchat and youtube videos. At least I heard someone mention her and youtube at work

>> No.14890164

Tourist cities always have mediocre food except for a few restaurants

>> No.14890222

I lived in Italy for three years. It really depends on where you're at. In general it's best place ever to get sandwiches. I know that's sounds weird, but there a lot of little sandwich shops and I had some of the best food ever at them. I also had a lot of great seafood and I don't even like seafood much, but I lived in the south on the coast so that was kind of their specialty. Of course, they do pasta dishes the best. Look for small family restaurants. The meme that pizza in Italy sucks is sort of true. I ate pizza all over the country and only had a few where I would say it was good. They suck at making pizza

>> No.14890357

>would of

>> No.14891484

because all the restaurants in Venice are owned by Chinese

>> No.14891602

I could tell she's a whore from her pic, the gaudy tasteless rings and the tan.

>> No.14891885

same in paris i hear.

>> No.14891897

Yeah, who cares. You go there for the artifacts, not the food. Maybe you might go to Sardinia for the cheese.

>> No.14891935

I went to Italy and I thought the food was great but I went with my mom who lived there for a couple years so she knew which places were good and which were shitty tourist traps

>> No.14892036

>Go on holiday to Zakynthos
>All the restaurants are pretty great, except the one that added a bunch of service charges and extras like an absolute conman
How he was still going is beyond me because my Dad outright refused to pay those charges because they were not advertised or mentioned in the menu at all. My dad got his way after a lot of cursing, but we definitely never went back there to eat.
Oh I remember this one restaurant in particular though. The man running it was pretty much doing most of it himself. Really nice fellow who loved a chat and he would cook the nicest Lamb Kleftiko in foil in a stone oven.
Time would just melt away as he told stories, made jokes, and let that food cook properly.
The Greeks do love a good meal. And whilst it might not be the healthiest food going its usually pretty damn tasty.

>> No.14892170

I had better Italian food in Japan, and better food overall.

Their pizza also sucks dick, and I went to non-touristy cities like Prato.

>> No.14892191

vapid whore

>> No.14892207

Depends on place. Non tourist bistecca alla fiorentina is very good, sandwiches can be mediocre.

>> No.14892229


It's almost like Italian cuisine was highly regional

>> No.14892359

There's good food in Italy but if you're in Rome or Chinque Terre or Florence most places are tourist traps and most people in the hospitality industry are shit and will direct you to a trap if you ask them. Guineas like to pull the whole "we put water and bread on your table at the restaurant without you asking but if you eat/drink it we charge you 5 euro each" thing. If you get out into the countryside you can find some really nice places and there's probably great places to eat in the big cities, they're just harder to find than other places in Euroland.
Had a much better time eating and drinking literally everywhere else in Yurop. I think if I went back and just stuck to going to old hill forts and shit I'd have a better time but why go to Italy when you could go to Spain or Croatia much cheaper and have better food and friendlier people?

>> No.14892369

I think some food cultures just "get" the sandwich and some don't. Maybe it's because sandwiches aren't /med/ but you go to Spain and pop into a corner store and grab a bocadillo it's generally pretty good, you go to France and grab a jambon-beurre or a tuna sandwich and it's usually good, but Italy a sandwich is usually a miss or something like that heinous webm with the porchetta and french fries.

>> No.14892372

I like the pasta there, but my wife is super picky so she doesnt eat sauces with meat or pasta without sauce (like buttered noodles or carbonara or anything like that)
basically if the pasta doesnt taste like olive garden its trash.

>> No.14892383

It depends where you go, like most places. My in-laws are from countryside around Corleone so there's essentially zero tourist traps. If I were to go to Taormina or even just an hour north to the coast then I'm going to struggle to find something that's decent value without knowing a local, not even mentioning Rome/Venice. Generally, the food is much better than here in the UK if I'm comparing the average restaurant in Sicily or Bologna or wherever. The very top tier food is too chef-dependent to be comparable and shit food is shit food everywhere. Sicilians love nothing more than a plate of fried anything and fries with red wine mixed with Coke or Fanta. Italian cuisine gets venerated a lot but there's a fair amount of truth to it.

>> No.14892417

>red wine and coke
Man I was in Croatia for a wedding and everyone was drinking red wine and coke (called "bambus") and I was super confused but it's actually pretty good.

>> No.14892601

First off, the dumb bitch doesn't know that Italy and its culinary culture isn't monolithic, but some regions have it better than others and Veneto is one of those regions where wine is great but food is just decent. Secondly the dumb bitch went to Venice, the worst possible tourist trap for dumb tourists in all of tourist traps, and there are zero chances she went on any good place (they exist, I know some, but you're not likely to find them if you're a dumb bitch) and ordered good food.

>> No.14892712

If you are concerned about the color of your ice cream pick another flavour? What a dumb bitch.

>> No.14892937
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My brother's wife is Italian, so he has plenty of in-laws over seas who we always look to for recommendations. Maybe I'm just spoiled living my whole life around NY and NJ, but I truly have really had nothing special across Italy. Even the religious cult that surrounds pizza from Napoli could not convince me it was much better than the hundreds of Neopolitan style pizzas with imported san marzano tomatoes I've had in my life 20 miles or less from my house. The ingredients are usually very fresh, but after 6 years in the States, even my brother's wife has confessed that the Italian food over here just tastes better. I'd go as far as to say that Italy has had the worst food I've ever tasted in Europe, beaten only by Denmark, but I could be biased by novelty.

>Also be aware that Italians resent everyone because they are no longer a major nation and they know it, so expect rude and unfriendly service always.

Tell me about it. The amount of glares I'd get, even from other restaurant patrons just for speaking English at my table. This isn't even getting into how filthy and dilapidated a city like Rome is.

>> No.14892988


Holy dago cope.

>> No.14893464

I don't know anything about Italy but the only redeeming quality of their food is "muh history and tradition". Every culinary food they ever developed or created was vastly improved upon by Americans.

>> No.14893467

Olive Garden isn't bad, but if you're a food snob you'll hate it. You just have to go in with the expectation that you're ordering mediocre Italian-style food and you'll be satisfied every time.

>> No.14894196

no one "glorifies it" beside those who sell it

>> No.14894212

garlic bread is not italian food

>> No.14894221


gelato is ice cream what are you on about?

>> No.14894240

>not getting drunk on negroni then hopping around tiny shops eating various cicchetti then drinking wine outside with old venitians all night
Doing it wrong

>> No.14894248

>getting drunk on negroni
That's a good type of drunk first thing I order on a cocktail bar

>> No.14894268
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I went to venice and had at least 2 a day. I can dump pics of food from my trip of anyone cares. I went alone, didn't speak italian but think I got some good food.

>> No.14894269

This. Tourist traps in Italy tend to have subpar food compared to more local-oriented areas.

>> No.14894274

Some decent pizza (sorry about the pic) and belini drink that seemed premade. Super sweet.

>> No.14894281

Forgot the pic. It was bad anyway. Another negroni from a fast-casual bakery type place.

>> No.14894288
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wow i'm retarded

>> No.14894289

>go to japan
>buy sushi at convenience store
>i thought japan was supposed to have good sushi

>> No.14894297
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canoli, smushed in its bag but delicious

>> No.14894306
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great dinner. aperol spritz. pasta with anchovies and cinnamon. i've been looking for this recipe and can't find it but it was so filling annd hearty and savory.
i'd never had aperol before this trip so i bought a bottle from a supermarket and drank it in one evening in my hotel watching italian tv. bad hangover.

>> No.14894317
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some sort of confection with pistachio.

>> No.14894335
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Big trendy gelato place. It was good, pricey though.

>> No.14894342
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negroni + ciccetti

>> No.14894350
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italian "pizza"

>> No.14894411
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more negroni and ciccetti

>> No.14894447


You Italied good. Not like those american looser in pilgrimage to "taste the italian pizza" and see the same combo venice/milan/naples in 5 days

Hope you enjoyed italy, ate and hd fun

>> No.14894466

Go pluck your chin hairs, Carlotta.

>> No.14894472
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Cope harder mario you fucking faggot

>> No.14894482

lemme guess, she went to the restaurants recommended in travel guides instead of asking people?

damn bubba gump shrimp isn't very good at all! this trip to NYC was a total waste!

>> No.14894486
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thanks man. i had a great time, beautiful city. i'd love to return to italy.

mushroom risotto i got and some time. pretty drunk at this point.

>> No.14894495

yes and no. Some countries are just better at certain foods, and others are worse. I lived in Spain and while I enjoyed their cuisine I came to resent it at the end of my stay. A lot of the fancier dishes they would try would be boring.

But the simple stuff...absolutely divine. You cannot get better ham anywhere on earth than in Spain. Same goes for olives as far as I'm concerned. Honestly the more I think about it Spanish food was actually really good outside of their sandwiches

>> No.14894504
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little place that i liked

>> No.14894512
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such a comfy city late night until you get lost

>> No.14894517


Also, given that they are still fairly traditional and were religious til recently, I'd be willing to venture that restaurants in general were just never very popular in Italy, especially since it was basically a third world country up until the 1920s and then the postwar years. I just don't think a lot of Italians ever had the disposable income to regularly eat out.

That being said, I would not for a moment doubt that families and Italian grandmas make some of the best food anywhere on earth. The secret in Italy is probably to try to make friends and get invited for dinner somewhere

>> No.14894522
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fish market. protip: don't go when you're very hungover.

>> No.14894526

To be fair travel guides used to be professionally written in order to give you the "best" or "Most authentic" experience and were successful in doing so in the 90s 2000s, at least in my experience, at the very least. They have gone to shit lately together with all other forms of journalism for some reason... and i really am puzzdle why. Even if it's partisan politics you would think travel magazines would be immune to it.

>> No.14894528
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>> No.14894537

Maybe she should have visited Kenya or Nigeria to feel more at home.

>> No.14894548
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fucked up the focus but this was a random place off the busy path and i wanted lunch so i went in not speaking any italian other than grazie mille". This sandwich is (I think) thin sliced beef, broccoli and melted cheese (maybe mozzarella). Great lunch.

>> No.14894560
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Negroni, Polenta, cooked sweet onions and anchovies and raisins served cold. Sounds gross but it was very satisfying. If anyone knows the name of this, please tell me.

>> No.14894570
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>> No.14894574

well its simple
>good local place
>gets written about
>tourists start flooding it
>big new market
>restaurant starts catering to tourists more
>locals are sick of being around tourists and find a new place
>nothing left buy tourists
and boom, now your restaurant is tgi fridays, I hope you're happy with yourself

that's why luckily japan can refuse service and put signs on the door that say japanese only. And god forbid the globalists succeed in taking that right away from them

>> No.14894579
File: 1.17 MB, 958x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

squid ink pasta with squid

>> No.14894587

Go to tourist place, eat tourist food, get tourist diarrhea, get tourist disappointed.

>> No.14894590
File: 1.05 MB, 731x975, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally tiramisu (i have 2 pics)

>> No.14894601
File: 1.87 MB, 731x975, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i nearly CHOKED on this shit. still pretty good.
Venice is amazing, almost alien just because of the layout. too bad it's teeming with chinks and russians and half-submerged.

>> No.14894616

Damn that looks good, polenta is always good you have to be a special kind of stupid to fuck it up

>> No.14894619

Gee billy two pics???

>> No.14894628

It's so funny to see a tiramisu in such a little cup, my uncle do it for Christmas and special days but make a good batch of it

>> No.14894631

This is making me sad, I always dreamed of traveling to Italy but now it seems like every corner of the world is buttfucked.

>> No.14894647
File: 1.23 MB, 731x975, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine this will all be over in 1-1.5 years. And by "all be over" I mean total reversal. Even if additional old people and cancer patients die from it, the world is realizing they can't shut down forever.

this is a cappuccino in Venice

>> No.14894649

You made what you want with your trips, if you go to a shitty place (full on turist over priced or boring) or have a shit trip is all on you. You can have a great time but you shouldn't listen to what others says if you didn't do it

>> No.14894660

No it isn't true at all. Italy probably has the best food quality on earth along with France. The issue is that retarded people go to tourist traps and then bitch about shitty food. its like going to new york and eating at the restaurants with flashing lights in times square and then another time going to las vegas and doing the same thing on the strip and saying American food is mediocre.

>> No.14894668

Oh you're referring to tourism/tourist traps? I'm the guy who dumped the venice pics. Here's what I do:
-Go alone, unless you've met your soul mate travel alone so you can make your own itinerary with 0 compromises .
-Find out what neighborhoods you're interested in way in advance so you don't have to necessarily pick out every coffee shop/bar you'll go to but you'll know the area you will find cool stuff in
-Plan time to get lost/do nothing
-Go to tourist traps to look but not spend money
-Follow students/young people to find good cheap local spots. Near a university? There must be dive bars around or at least cheap diners with good specials that won't fuck you with tourist trap fees.

>> No.14894674

I dated a girl from rural washington who thought going to NYC and eating at the time's square olive garden was some height of dining. sad.

>> No.14894690

>This is making me sad, I always dreamed of traveling to Italy but now it seems like every corner of the world is buttfucked.
Those cities have always been like that probably even in antiquity. Places that draw huge swatches of people from all over obviously are going to have a ton of shitty bait places everywhere. I have driven all over Italy and it is fucking awesome. You just need to not be a fucking retard about where you go. If you are right next to some giant tourist attraction or some super famous town square you probably shouldn't sit down at a restaurant right there. The entire country is dotted with beautiful towns and parks. There is good food everywhere especially in smaller places.

>> No.14894706
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many of the best dishes I've ever had were there. And I've been there for like 3 weeks.

>> No.14894711

are those dumplings

>> No.14894717


>> No.14894756

penguin eggs

>> No.14894787

One in six Americans fall ill every year from the food they eat (according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). But of course feel free to lecture everyone else, America is the greatest country on earth isn't it? Here some estrogen, your 6yo son needs a new vagina. Woops you're sharting oil from your butt, here some more medicine.

>> No.14894806


>> No.14895286

Holy based, getting your moneys worth

>> No.14895763
File: 43 KB, 550x412, osteria-ca-d-oro-la-vedova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pasta with anchovies and cinnamon
Did it have onions? There is a recipe called "bigoi in salsa" which is basically spaghetti with a sauce made of onions and anchovies, and it's a typical venetian dish. Never heard of the cinnamon on top though.
They're not anchovies, they're sardines. The name of that dish is "sarde in saor" and it should also contain pine nuts. The peculiarly of that dish is that it's prepared with vinegar and it (should be) left macerate for a couple of days.
Hope you tried the pasta with squid cooked with its own ink (not just the pasta, I mean the whole dish is covered in a sauce made with the ink). The whole dish looks absolutely disgusting, as it's slimy and pitch black, but tastes great. Pic related.

Anyway glad you enjoyed the city. If you ever come back remember to try the gianduiotto at Gelateria da Nico at Zattere, and to try spritz with Select, which IMHO is way better than Aperol and it's also typical of Venice. Also, one little secret: if you ever happen to be in Venice at the right time of the year, in a restaurant that has them, and those are two big ifs, try the fried "moeche" (remember, e in Italian is always pronounced as the e in "empty"): they're little crabs that are fished right when they're changing shell so they're without it, they get fried and you eat then whole. They're very expensive though, as you can imagine.
t. Venetian

>> No.14895784


>> No.14895935

What do you mean when you say "the food"?
Restaurants in tourist traps?

>> No.14895950

The amount of triggered guineas in this thread is unreal

>> No.14895977

Like all international food,

America makes it better.

>> No.14896313


Orange spray tan, has a dior ring.
I bet this bitch drives a BMW convertible or a miata, and has a chihuahua that she carries in her purse.

>> No.14896319

How do you guys find where thee locals eat?

I just get on grindr and hangout with a local fellow homosexual.

>> No.14896336

Not him but whew i remember rocket city.

>> No.14896391


>> No.14896542

thought that was bread in a cone

>> No.14896562

>"sugar free" sugar alcohols that give you the shits

>> No.14896569

This looks like something served in a cafeteria

>> No.14896620

Hahaha I'm used to the diaspora acting like this, but it is good to know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

>> No.14896639

No, this bitch is just too oblivious to tell the difference between authentic al dente pasta with local natural ingredients and overboiled American sloppa loaded with sugar and fake cheese

>> No.14896663

she probably spent the entire vacation falling for shitty tourist traps too

>> No.14896903

Very plain-looking pizza. Also it is criminal to leave trips unacknowledged for this long.

>> No.14897026

god I'm so glad people are pushing back against italian cuisine.

shit should get the french treatment and be shut down as the overrated shit it is. pave the way for spanish cuisine and all the asians.

>> No.14897125


do your homework. stumble into some tourist trap next to the trevi fountain and you'll be served noodles with mayonnaise made by a Moldovan slave.

>> No.14897147

americans don't like italian food bc our pallets have been destroyed by the addictive doses of simple sugars pumped into all our food.
more a theme park than a city at this point

>> No.14897176

Why are half the posts in a thread about Italian food about American food?

>> No.14897210

Fund it.

>> No.14897438

they fucked it up big time

>> No.14897448

Venice is just the same, it's just an adult playground where you are fed what you think Venice is supposed to be
Overall, a pretty disappointing experience and I'm italian

>> No.14897704

you are a faggot

>> No.14897711

I like to masturbate with rocks in my ass.

>> No.14897721

That's genius

>> No.14897794

but she has a point. My anecdotal experience with italy is that the smaller towns up north. Have a selection basic dishes per day. Only having a handfull makes it that they are polished. While when i went to Venice, Firenze and Rome. I noticed how small kinda out of town places still had a large menu. Making every dish half assed. Had a similar experience in Portugal and Spain.

>> No.14897820

Italiano here. Most tourist trap stuff is over hyped. The vast selection of wine, cheese, and regional sausages is God tier.

>> No.14897844
File: 95 KB, 741x835, Wood Magazine - Sept 2017 issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milan literally has a fcuking restaurant outside the central train station, with a cringe sign that says 'chicken ravioli'. Not ravioli di pollo or something similar in Italian, but English. Quite cringe, but I'm sure they sell a lot, because the monthly lease must be insane.

>> No.14897893

>trusting the opinions of anonymous people on an indonesian cartoon forum

>> No.14897926

I suspect that the anglo race has defective tastebuds.

>> No.14897985


Implying amerisharts will do look for anything but fettuccine alfredo and pizza

>> No.14898009

>that hand
absolutely livelaughlove tier

>> No.14898202

italy may have invented the pizza, but little caesars perfected it. for a mere $5, discerning patrons can acquire a delicious, nutritious hot' n ready pie for enjoyment on the go or with your loved ones
little caesars: they have the pizza that makes you go "ew gross cunt what is this garbage?"

>> No.14898234

Italy makes the best food in the world.

>> No.14898238

France would like a word with you

>> No.14898364

france makes no food, it's just a meme

>> No.14898376

D-do they still offer this promo? I might fast for a day then eat there

>> No.14898379

Fuck subtlety bro. If it isn't murdered in spices it may as well be canned.

>> No.14898384

You probably also don't know that baby carrots are milled from normal carrots.

>> No.14898395

Imagine traveling to a place just to eat pasta

>> No.14898548
File: 17 KB, 523x314, seekay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your bro anon.
Spices are essential but I will say the exact opposite ; if you're drowning the thing in spices, you may as well use low quality canned food since you won't taste a thing.

>> No.14898574

Venice Rome etc is going to have shit tier tourist traps. You need to find the off the beaten path places

Ironically though you can probably get food comparable to the best Italian food in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn or the suburbs of Jersey.

>> No.14898654

>tourists ever believing that restaurants in the tourist tours are good local food

>> No.14898659

American flavored melting cheese and sweetened ground beef

>> No.14898662
File: 201 KB, 1500x1125, view-tower-bologna-hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find very sad that nobody mentioned the Italian capital of food in this thread: Bologna. It's impossible to have a bad meal there.

>> No.14898705

retarded nigger/globalhomo roastie

>> No.14898722

it's very likely you'll get aids due to sky hi faggot rate

>> No.14898732

Bologna is full of communist scum and in my opinion is not even a part of italy anymore.

>> No.14898748

kill yourselves causefaggots

>> No.14898856

They are right, Bologna is full young communist of the worst kind.

The food is top tier, too bad the young generation is too busy integrating black cocks in their women instead of preserving their tradition

I hate that soy place

>> No.14899020


Implying there's a single bolognese in Bologna anymore. The young folks you're talking about are terroni larping as radicals. They don't matter in the culinary tradition.

>> No.14899253

god i miss gelato

>> No.14899422

Yes there are a lot, you are not talking about milano.

The terroni comes for studying and then most of them leave

>> No.14899498

Jesus fuck who puts all these shit in gyros? In every gyros place here you will only get French fries, your gyros, tomatoes, onions, mustard and ketchup, and tzatziki (optional). And all that wrapped in a pita. Fucking americans

>> No.14899581 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14899719

No its very good, its only shit in tourist areas. I will say though, pizzas are mediocre. They are good compared to pizzas in other countries, but I guess I am simply not a 'za person.

>> No.14899754

Flyover country detected

>> No.14899763
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1600063603302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely fucking hate that this made me laugh. Fuck this stupid goddamn board and the 'chup and for me and all the dumb ass jokes that have turned my brain into fuckin spaghetti poo poo mashed turds fuck you all.

>> No.14899836

France has the most diverse cuisine out there and perfected many techniques. Italian food is boring and needs no skills at all.

>> No.14899899

>France has the most diverse cuisine out there

Yeah France is full of niggers and French natives love them, we got it, no need to remind us every 5 minute.

>> No.14900050

Italy has the most diverse cuisine out there, france can only wish.
There are places where people even speaks different languages every 100km and less

>> No.14900263

>it's only bad at that places you go, everywhere else it's the best
Look at all these mad wops coping about their only claim to fame being outed as sub par

>> No.14900331

> their only claim to fame
> what is history
> what is music
> what is art in general

You are confusing Italy with USA, where the only claim to fame is the primate in school mass shootings

>> No.14900340

>what is cinema
>what is radio
>what is television
>what is 90% of modern music
Whoops, you did it again.

>> No.14900344

>There are places where people even speaks different languages every 100km and less
>being proud of rednecks

>> No.14900373

whoa.... pasta....... what an amazing cuisine.....

>> No.14900421

>what is cinema
Lumiere, France

>what is radio
Marconi, Italy

>what is television
debatable, but first experiment of transmission of static image are by Andrea Bonora, Italy
Then in contemporary based on Bonora works we have Pourtugal, Italy, Usa

>what is 90% of modern music

There are a lot of dishes exported that are not pasta
> tiramisu
> cannoli
> cassata
> pistacchio
> mozzarella
> pecorino
> prosciutto
> coppa
> wines
> espresso

etcetera. I don't care make a full list, but you get how mongoloid are you for thinking that

>> No.14900436

No, I mean content that people actually like. Were you previously saying Italy INVENTED history, music and art? Because that's pretty dumb.

>> No.14900459

>go to Bari
>eat at trattorias run by grandmas
>develop understanding of why Italians are so attached to their grannies

>> No.14900464

You are retarded if you think that people in other county don't listen to music in their language because you are american and listen to american singer.

Man, you are more retatded than japanese

>> No.14900644

Basically, this. Traditional food is bad food. It comes from a time when people didn't have enough and they had to eat what they could get. If you're interested in the history of a place, eat its food. If you want a good meal - eat american. We take traditional food and make it modern and good. It's that simple. The worst new york slice is going to be better than the best traditional pizza you'll find in italy.

>> No.14900658

in other words americans are used to good food and italians have stockholm syndrome

>> No.14900738

You meant Florence and Tuscany.

>> No.14900839

I love when someone make a reddit
-teir post like this, based on false premises because he don't actually know what he's talking about and then waste a wall of text to say some bullshit because of those premises.

>> No.14900849

again all words no substance, just like french food

>> No.14900862

Do you actually believe this shit?

>> No.14900870

>tradition al food is bad food
YES! this! so much this! i cant eat anything but arabic-nubian-vietnamese-australian infusion cuisine!!!!

>> No.14900876
File: 82 KB, 1080x1012, screaming soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo, you can't bully mama's food!!!

>> No.14900941

>spicy pimiento cheese
>grated sharp cheddar, mayo, jalapenos, diced roasted red peppers and a hint of Tabasco
Ah yes I remember being a young boy growing up in Thessaloniki and my grandmother Althaea would always make her traditional spicy pimiento cheese recipe for me.

>> No.14900953

I expect nothing and am still disappointed constantly.
Also those digits are pretty disappointing.

>> No.14901584

he pulled out a soyjak, we did it bros

>> No.14901897

I've been to Como and thought the food was great.

>> No.14901990

Waiters in Italy will either treat you like you're their long lost brother in order to squeeze as much money as possible out of you, or they will treat you will an indifference bordering on contempt.

Food is expensive if you're going to have antipasti, pasta, and a prima platti, seldom will you leave with a tab under 35 euros. And you can't really just have a prima platti because it's not enough food. And they charge you extra for stuff on the side like potatoes or spinach. And for the bread that goes with the meal, which is usually bread sticks in plastic packages. And additional fees for coperto.

Food is for the most part very basic and unexciting, but good for what it is; I never had outright bad food in Italy.

Espressos are spectacular and gelatto is great. These are the two things I genuinely miss about Italy, you don't find espressos like that outside Italy.

>> No.14902280

>Waiters in Italy will either treat you like you're their long lost brother in order to squeeze as much money as possible out of you
We don't have tip in italy so your point is moot. They get paid the same if you like them or not

>Food is expensive
It depends on what city you are, what you eat and what kind of restaurant you eat in.
There's no way to generalize this concept
A pizza with "da Michele", claimed the best pizzeria in Naples, is 4/5 euros (5 USD). Same with "Sorbillo"

If you think food is expensive you al.ost surely ate in tourist traps and in the city centre of a expensive city like Milan

>> No.14902359


>> No.14903174


>> No.14903455

It's Amore anon.

>> No.14903458

Getting wasted with Nane and Bepi is a life experience

>> No.14903772

shes just showing off her Dior ring. ignore her.

>> No.14903870

What are some good places to eat in Venice? Last time I went there I didn't have anything, and I'm planning to go there again with my gf next year whenever the rona stops.