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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14883913 No.14883913 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people make zero effort to eat healthy? I cook my housemate healthy dinners at least five nights a week yet half the time he doesn't eat them or only eats the meat and leaves the vegetable portion of the meal because he's already eaten too much junkfood or crap like frozen pizzas/party pies during the day to have a normal appetite around dinner time. He complains how he's getting fat and depressed but I've seen him drink 2 litres of sprite, eat half a jar of nutella and a whole pack of oreos and order mcdonalds for a "snack" all within 24 hours.

>> No.14883937

Because quick, cheap, and easy food is more readily available, and hits that dopamine sweet spot. Why do you think obese people are they way they are? They're eating because it's the only thing that makes them feel good in life, even if they know it's slowly killing them.

>> No.14883939

Well look at mister better-than-you holier-than-thou lookit-me pussy puss-puss going on a little rant about his gay lover.

>> No.14883941

Tastes good, yo

>> No.14884018

Because it's tasty

>> No.14884027

>won't even eat your food
just stop cooking for him and wasting your time

>> No.14884034

fuck your housemate

>> No.14884045

t. Fatty
Because they are addicted to the lifestyle and the substances, even if they are aware of their situation they just can't stop, don't blame him that much(easier said than done i know) because the amount of shit food that is available in modern times is totally unnatural, you can't help him, only himself can

>> No.14884194
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nice blog gayboi

>> No.14884206


I would cook for that guy desu, I would clean his shirt and then invite him to bed to do some cuddling.

>> No.14884210

imagine being this pussywhipped by another dude ahahahahahaha

>> No.14884234

healthy food is yucky

>> No.14884272

1. everyone has a dopamine spiking vice in life they fall back on when they feel like shit
2a. that vice always perpetuates the status quo of feeling like shit, encouraging the individual to engage in it more, and making them feel justified in engaging in it
2b. the mind and body self regulate in this way, all people must know both strife and joy to maintain emotional balance, and if either are not derived from outer influences, they are caused from within. lack of want can induce depression. extreme pain can inflict joy.
3. when people engage in these cycles they don't expect positive change, they want to worsen the issue until it fucking kills them or causes a greater health problem so they're finally free from the cycle.
drug addiction
sex addiction
people can't change until prompted to change or given something more interesting to do. he's going to eat himself to obesity and will only stop when his doctor says his leg may have to be amputated. or he'll stop when he's forced to do something important, like a super high level job, having to pay child support, getting drafted for war, etc. or he'll find a new addiction to replace his old one with.
nobody has a say in this
we are fleshly automation and choice only comes into play when our stupid circuits see a reason to choose

>> No.14884459

Because eating healthy isn't as fun as eating half of a large pizza from Domino's.

>> No.14884477

What is "eating healthy"?

For example, I was not raised to be repulsed by vegetables, beans, fruits, etc?
What someone else might think is "he's eating healthy" is just normal eating.

People don't generally put much thought into how their diets are structured. They eat what they're used to in the proportions they're used to.

>> No.14884490
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>2 litres of sprite
That alone is what's making him fat.

>> No.14884697

>I cook my housemate healthy dinners at least five nights a week
Stop trying then faggot he's clearly not interested

>> No.14884767

Right? He's clearly trying to suck this fat fuck's cock or something. Whiny little bitch.

>> No.14884921

maybe... now stick with me here.

Maybe... your food is shit, and taste crappy and no matter how "healthy" it is people would prefer that food taste good. most "healthy" food does not.

>> No.14885764

Yeah you should just take a fat shit in his food and see if he notices.

>> No.14885811

what if I’m a great cook that makes really fatty food