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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 613 KB, 631x619, etrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14879327 No.14879327 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the chag is finished, what are you going to make with your etrog? I was thinking about making some jelly.

>> No.14879479

Jews? On my 4chan?

>> No.14879486



>> No.14879714

More likely than you think.
Click here for a free* Jew check.

>> No.14879846

As a kid I always wondered what they tasted like. But then again I was a fat kid.

>> No.14880498

What's this?

>> No.14880724


>> No.14880728

They are a little sweet, and make great jellies or alcoholic drinks.

>> No.14880784


Oh vey

>> No.14881246

You might learn some good recipes.

>> No.14881269

for crazy chassidim it is waaaay more about having the perfect shaped lemon thatn to have a huge one lol

>> No.14881283

It's not a lemon. It's an etrog. Hassidim also believe that if the wife bites the pitum (tip) off then she will have a boy in the next year. It's considered a segula.

>> No.14881287

lol, hassidim always crack me up
biting the chupchic of a fucking fruit for a boy
riding for a grill

worse than frenkim in believing such shit sometimes

>> No.14881296

>lol, hassidim always crack me up
Try having about half of your family in that lifestyle (Breslov, so at least they're the chill hassidim).

I grew up dati but am more aligned with masorti in my beliefs, but that side of the family never fails to disappoint with things at times.

>> No.14881307

What's wrong?

>> No.14881404

Mine always come out burnt

>> No.14881405

na na nachman? or not the crazy ones
yeah, lucky not to be gur or satmer, otherwise if you touch your bulbul... gotta get that hormone therapy lol

the only good thing about (being) litaim is that they dropped a lot of that shit the hassidim do.
still way too crazy
being hiloni I am quite surprised the family doesnt completely ignore me

>> No.14881453
File: 462 KB, 806x355, go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>na na nachman? or not the crazy ones
The younger are closer to the na nach way, and the older are closer to the traditional breslov way.
>yeah, lucky not to be gur or satmer, otherwise if you touch your bulbul... gotta get that hormone therapy lol
Yeah those groups have special underwear for tikkun habrit. It's just crazy, honestly.
>the only good thing about (being) litaim is that they dropped a lot of that shit the hassidim do.
yeah but the litvaks have their own brand of crazy. Reminds me of a joke:
Q: What's a litvak's favorite day of the year?
A: Tisha B'Av
>being hiloni I am quite surprised the family doesnt completely ignore me
Tell them you're interesting in a chabadnik and watch how fast things change. A cousin of mine went OTD, and they stayed in contact with her and never treated her different. She went to NYC for grad school and started attending functions at Chabad and dating a guy she met there. The response was honestly insane: "Better to marry a reform goy than a chabadnik."
All in all, like I said, the whole thing with them always makes me laugh.

>> No.14881501

Last place I would have expected this lol

>> No.14881551
File: 2.07 MB, 3582x2025, rate_pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my esrog /ck/

>> No.14881565

That’s what we call Jewish humor. You don’t have to understand it ’cause the words sound funny. Meshuggeneh! Hilarious!

>> No.14881645

is it etrog or esrog, yall got me confuged

>> No.14881647

Chabad - the people that are closest to judaism while not being jews.
And funnily enough here in Germany everything orthodox (and they really love to avoid calling chabad dosim/haredim/ultraorthodox) chabad seems to be the only institution being trusted with anything religious.
Never understood the intrajewish beef and hate, especially litaim vs hassidim vs mizrachim

Just dont behave like an ars or chachach.

But then as long as I am not forced to eat gefilte fish idgaf lol

>> No.14881658

Just want to add it is 100% homegrown with no pesticides. The local rabbi inspected all four of our trees before giving the okay. We donated the esrogim to the shul to help those struggling financially. It's finally the first year (after about three years of growing) that we could use them.

Same-same. In hebrew there are two different pronunciations: Ivrit vs Ivris. It depends on one's background/mesorah.

>> No.14881677

Gooks and Chinks hang around Jews...who'd have thunk they wouldn't be here grifting?

>> No.14881732

My god literally what the fuck are you people even saying

>> No.14881749

>hating on gefilte-fish
Come on man. Not cool. Gefilte fish is a great snack

>> No.14881756

>Chabad - the people that are closest to judaism while not being jews.
kek you really want to trigger them? Just say "the VERY DEAD Rebbe." It pisses them off to no end.
>Never understood the intrajewish beef and hate, especially litaim vs hassidim vs mizrachim
Hassidim have introduced too many humrot (חומרות) that they profess as halacha. Moreover there are definitely some aspects of mesorah that they profess to be codified in the shulchan aruch (hint:they're not) and you get this interfaction beef between them all. One small example is kosher meat. In the US all kosher meat _needs_ to be glatt kosher (חומרות) or else many will consider treyf. The OU has caved to the demands of hassidim on this and thus almost anyone that can "halachically" shect an animal is a chabadnik.

Moreover you have restaurant kashrus issues, where a restaurant may have upwards of a minyan of inspectors. Then there are issues of "cooking" or "bug inspection." The entire thing is a complete racket.

Don't even get me going on "glatt kosher chicken" or how apparently the rabbinute hechsher is treyf. It's all politics with a heaping dose of nonsense.

>> No.14881765

98% of/pol/ is jews.

>> No.14881767

>Gefilte fish is a great snack
How much sugar do you regularly consume?
Chraime /ck/ rise up!

>> No.14881768

Never liked it.
For sweets ashkenazi cuisine, for hearty dishes mizrachi, but not the other way around. (mazebreit is ok, too)
Am not a big fan of jewish melting pot cuisine in general though.

>> No.14881774

>for hearty dishes mizrachi
hamin >>>>>>>>>>> cholent

>> No.14881793

I admit Chariime is superior, but why not have both?

>> No.14881810

>I admit Chariime is superior, but why not have both?
If it is real gefilte fish (i.e. the fish is stuffed back into its skin) and not too sweet, then okay. But the jarred and loaf stuff is a complete monstrosity!

>> No.14881911

I'm a Jew but I don't get to control the world and have infinite wealth and shit. This sucks!

>> No.14881921

that's a big olive.

>> No.14881923

typical lying jew

>> No.14881937


>> No.14881996

Just join Hollywood and say you’re a jew. Instant success

>> No.14882199

>>>/pol/ There is much more to our culture than that.

>> No.14883277
File: 75 KB, 513x598, theGoyimDontEvenKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're everywhere! We even have secret symbols on most of your food you buy from the grocery store.

>> No.14883772
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, GefilteFishSandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gefilte fish is a great snack
It's good in a sandwich between two challah slices! pic related.

>> No.14884897


>wandering jew has 0 cultural heritage that isn't stolen
all so called jewish recipes stolen from others
co-opted and essence and soul replaced by mah kosher memes

so no thanks

>> No.14884930
File: 6 KB, 160x141, F76CB9C3-3CC2-40BD-994C-C8B2F4959251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14884967

wouldnt it work as a candied fruit? after all, its a citron, thats found in candy fruit used in fruitcake. one with citron only might be really nice, with the sharp lemony flavor.

>> No.14885536

That toasted Challah looks smexy

>> No.14885838

like drinking infant blood?

>> No.14885938 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 579x479, 1594605812956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIPAC is a hostile foreign agency undermining the sovereignty of America.

Google the kalergi plan and the lavon affair.

>> No.14886140

I wish I could gas this thread

>> No.14886150

For jew

>> No.14886164

>sperging out about some Swedish literal who opinion

>> No.14886169
File: 80 KB, 1000x562, smugger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14886178

Seriously, this secret club bullshit is half of why everyone hates them

>> No.14886183

Jews are natural hypocrites

>> No.14886357

>oh noooo I can't understand that language reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.14886454

Nothing stopping you from looking up the meaning of the words you don't know.
Have a corned beef sandwich with some potato salad and relax, anon.

>> No.14886459

>gets kicked out of over a hundred countries
>develops an autistic pidgin language comprised of every language they had to learn

>> No.14886583 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 703x720, 1602318126554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you believe the ADL? The nerve of that nasty Zionist greenblat threatening the whole country because they didn't want circumcision in their country.

News flash, it ISN'T YOUR COUNTRY. This is why antisemitism exists. Your behaviour.

>> No.14886589 [DELETED] 

>hey look at that minority! Sure would be a heck of a scapegoat if the peoples goes unhappy, we could even seize their possessions lol

>> No.14886734 [DELETED] 

Neither is it solely yours!

>> No.14886736 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 0EB674E8-9D97-4011-B1BD-BEB529573327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14886746 [DELETED] 

>it's afraid

>> No.14887014 [DELETED] 
File: 570 KB, 1173x1162, 1594597981666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14887020

Wait people eat etrog?

>> No.14887027

I'm reform jewish and I have really no idea either.

Ultra orthodox jews are insular and bigoted and believe gentiles are unclean to interact with socially and they try to basically create social worlds entirely consisting of other jews founded by dead charismatic rabbis from Europe. They don't participate in the secular legal system much and gay people are oppressed and sexual misconduct is ignored/covered up.

i mean they all worship dead rabbis.

religion is lying to people to brainwash them. I look forward to when we can move past it.

>> No.14887028 [DELETED] 

Israel isn't solely for the Jews either. It will be shared with native Palestinian people.

>> No.14887045

Yes, but usually in a jelly or alcoholic beverage. You just need to trust that the grower didn't spray a lot of pesticide on them.

>> No.14887586


>> No.14887607 [DELETED] 

>white ppl screech at jews for bladdifying them while screeching at jews to bladda

>> No.14888575 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 785x1000, 25b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-my possesions!

>> No.14888903 [DELETED] 

t.immediately assmad Judajin
k lol

>> No.14889087

Its yudayajin, tomodachi.

>> No.14889378

jewish jobs program

>> No.14889557

What are you two trying to say?

>> No.14890193


>> No.14890415 [DELETED] 

Because their messiah the rebbe was a charlatan

>> No.14890452 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 491x315, 1601016872614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kikes

>> No.14890621

Like blood ?

>> No.14890650

>wouldnt it work as a candied fruit? after all, its a citron, thats found in candy fruit used in fruitcake. one with citron only might be really nice, with the sharp lemony flavor.
that's one of the traditional ways to consume it, candied or jellied or made into liquor. it's supposed to be good for childbirth

>> No.14890679

How do I best blend the blood of virgin goyim into my matzah? Every time I try it doesn't quite work. Oy vey, i'm afraid these filthy chattel goyim will realize what's happening if I abduct too many of their first borns.

>> No.14890759 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 1920x1280, F738FEDA-0208-49CE-A745-3E228BE5F639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14890837

>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
Can't fool me, chaim

>> No.14891148

Anyone else looking forward to Hanukah?
I miss playing with matchsticks and candles, while eating some tasty fried donuts and enjoying the start of the rainy season.

>> No.14891155 [DELETED] 


>> No.14891188

its hard to make good donuts, im working on it but i havent mastered them

you have to use the blood only of unbaptized virgin goyish kids or it wont taste right

>> No.14891226

Making Sufganiot doesn't seem too hard to me, all you need is a non-shitty mixer.
Well you've got plenty of time to get them right.

>> No.14891236

jewish wine, manachevitz or however the fuck you spell it, is unironically delicious

>> No.14891246
File: 42 KB, 550x429, 025f30a2759ff914cf91dfd501e75045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck is this?

>> No.14891297

Tefilin, is some weird shit orthodox Jews do to pray because a prayer says "bind them as a sign upon your hands, let them be a symbol before your eyes"

>> No.14891336

I haven't gotten great results, they taste ok but they aren't fluffy and light how I would want them

>> No.14891993

I just hope COVID goes away, so we can finally have our community back. I miss going to shul, and seeing everyone.

>> No.14892008

>a prayer
That is THE PRAYER of our faith: the Shema.

>Tefilin, is some weird shit orthodox Jews do
Nothing weird about tefillin. I like to start my day with some S&M (shacharit and mitzvot).

>> No.14892012

>what the heck is this?
my etrog

>> No.14892054

Can I apply for a tax free Jewish loan if my father was Jewish but my mother was an Irish shiksa? I don't want to pay goyim rates.

I live in Australia.

>> No.14892061

I got a rainbow mezuzah (I'm a gay Jew) and put it on the wrong side of my door (accidentally). My mom asked me to put one up.

>> No.14892079

>I got a rainbow mezuzah
I think you mean mezuzah case. The actual scroll inside is the mezuzah.
>I'm a gay Jew
>My mom asked me to put one up.
You have a good mom! It's important to have a mezuzah.

>> No.14892092

yes sorry the case has a rainbow colored glass design

I'm not religious I believe religion is an oppressive human construct that causes immense pain for gay people and that all religious works are written entirely by humans and have no more power than any other words

I'm openly gay and I've heard stories about other gay Jews who married other men and their families didn't show up to the wedding. I think religion is mostly toxic but I like the food and singing. I know all this is lost on you because you are totally brainwashed but its worth saying nonetheless.

I guess if I could have found a mezuzah with a rainbow colored scroll or lettering inside that would have been nice as well but I will take what i can get.

>> No.14892102

>I know all this is lost on you because you are totally brainwashed but its worth saying nonetheless.
Why would you think that? I grew up in an Orthodox home, but now practice Conservative Judaism. It's not my place to judge a fellow Jew. We all have our own path. I hope yours is a happy and fulfilling one.

>> No.14892138

>My mom asked me to put one up
Go hug your mom, anon. Wish mine was that good to me. Don't get me wrong, she did the best she could do during shit like bemuzzah and chavzeh but so I still love her.

There was always some confusion when we got Meshidvah (היי אמנה) around late spring/early summer but we usually brushed it off lol. Gebbeh/Tel'chaim and mestizim (or bad'zimah if you're like me) Just last year we went out and ran around NYC for a day and she didn't complain a single time. Could've sworn hisbillah was anytime but cha'irme zeldeh lol.

>> No.14892158

You are enabling a religion that is openly hostile to gays so you are my enemy. "conservative" is a euphemism for that gays are something you won't tolerate.

I have no fucking idea what any of that means. Stop harassing gay people.

>> No.14892171

>You are enabling a religion that is openly hostile to gays so you are my enemy. "conservative" is a euphemism for that gays are something you won't tolerate.
Conservative/Masorti Judaism does not discriminate against gays at all.

>> No.14892208

>it's a /pol/pet didn't study his Judaism before making b8 posts episode

>> No.14892217

Does anyone know if milah done by laser is a thing?
I know that I'd still need to be bleeded by a Rabbi during conversion, but I want as unbotched bris as possible because I like having a healthy penor.

>> No.14892240

More than likely you'll be sent to a doctor to have it done in the office. Then once it is healed your rabbi will poke it with a pin to draw a drop of blood. It's way safer that way for a grown man. Shlomi the mohel is not going to snip you like he would an infant.

>> No.14892721


>> No.14893405

>Does anyone know if milah done by laser is a thing?
Ask your rabbi.

>> No.14895402

My son didn't walk until a year after his bris.